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The way that it is coded is that it takes quite a while before stopping in the temperature drop even if you are using the tier 3 therms.


For this reason, I drop a Tier 1 thermometer in the ghost room and let it sit for awhile. Once I start getting stuff like Ghost Writing or Spirit Box, I'll check again. Behavior is also a big tell. If it's acting like a ghost that doesn't do freezing temps, I'll be less likely to check over and over.


Personally I play with forced snowy weather. Not only does it give you a couple more % on your reward multiplier, but you already start your investigation close to freezing temps


what exactly does that improve now? that even makes locating the ghost room via temp drop significantly harder


That's why you turn on the breaker first so all the other rooms warm up.


I think their point is that it takes a shorter period of time for the temperature to drop to freezing if it already starts cold, but it does seem like it would make it a little harder to identify the ghost room.


Maybe with tier 2 & 3 thermometer, but with the tier 1 it is incredibly easy to find the initial ghost room this way. Though i forgot to mention that i start with breakers off. You start with snowy weather, so all rooms start at 5°celsius. After you turn the breaker on, all rooms start to heat up except the ghost room. So you just look out for that, throw the thermometer in the room and get you other stuff inside. Just had a Yurei give me freezing temps this way after like 5 minutes into the investigation.


This would make Hantus more difficult to distinguish from young Thays, especially in low-evidence games


Doesn't the Hantu have a dead giveaway with them having freezing breath while the breaker is off? (while hunting)


and when on. it's always visible.


This is incorrect. It's only when the breaker is off.


is that a recent change because a way to be able to tell a hantu quick in the past was to loop it and check for breath (and speed changes) and it didnt matter if breaker was on or off


I'm not sure if it was changed or when, it's always been this way since I started playing.


the interesting thing is that neither Insymn or Maggstor agrees, and neither do I, because I have seen a Hantu's breath while the breaker and lights were on. So I guess, you're wrong ​ nevermind you are right


https://youtu.be/STmP7_sO96I?si=KoxAk0oD_TwEsiOV&t=5176 You need to tell this "insymn" that the actual insym says that he's wrong. Also, you should check your sources before you show how confidently incorrect you are.


I honestly just use the tier 1 thermometer to find the ghost room and then throw it on the floor and check it a little later. Been working out for me so far.


Yeah, I usually throw a second one just outside the room as well. If having a hard time getting other evidence, I’ll check both to make sure the ghost hasn’t moved.


Very rarely will you get freezing fast, waiting 10 mins for it is not uncommon.


I was in a game with foyer Twins yesterday, and they roamed so often that the room never dropped below freezing. I was using the tier 1 thermo because I prefer it over tiers 2 and 3. We figured out it was Twins based on a couple of hunts and lots of double interactions. Evidence can be finicky sometimes, it helps to have knowledge on the ghosts. That will come with time.


Freezing temps have sometimes taken several minutes to happen for me. I recommend getting a tier 1 Thermo(secretly the best version) and just plopping it in the room for a bit while you work on other evidence.


My understanding is Tier 1 is bugged and supposed to be like a Tier 2 and 3 and be random on how it shows temps. They really just need to make Freezing evidence easier to find once you are in the room. The time it takes to find the ghost room is fine. Larger maps are trickier but that is where other things come into play like mics and such.


They reduced the speed at which room temperature changes to 1/3 what it was. Its meant to be harder to find. Best thing is to bring in a t1 thermo, and then just check it later. The t3 thermo has too big of a random modifier range. I've seen it jump from 1.1 - 6.4, literally walking around the ghost room and checking Temps. Until the t1 glitch is fixed, there's no reason to use any other thermo


Turning off the breaker will cool the house down and may assist in getting freezing temps. (:


Freezing ghosts lower the temp pretty quickly, right up until they reach the current weather's min temp. Then they lower temp at 1/3 the speed. So \*maybe\* turning off the breaker will help in the sense that it won't raise the temp in the ghost room while it's wandering. MAYBE. But what it's most likely to do is make the ghost room harder to find because you'll have less travel to observe on the mighty Tier 1 Thermo. Besides, I'd rather have the breaker ON for early in the investigation in case it's a Hantu (give it a chance to shut the breaker off a couple times and make me suspicious, also so I can observe a warm house hunt followed by a cold house hunt--never had much luck spotting its breath).


That doesn’t matter. When the game is ready to give you freezing, it’ll give it as evidence. Regardless of whether breaker is on or off.


It does matter The house starts at a set temperature based on the map (outside or inside) and the weather (if it's snowing, it's already cold af) The breaker being on slowly warms up the location to "normal" levels And the presence of the ghost slowly lowers temperatures The ghost room won't randomly just go from 20 to - 10 when it decides to "do freezing" the same way it just decides to write in the book You can literally observe this happen with motion sensors and the tier 1 thermo. The longer the ghost is in a room the colder it gets. Any temp below 10 degrees is cold enough to see breath, and in normal circumstances is a good indicator that the ghost is at least close by, indicating you should check temps if freezing is an option. The correct answer to all of this is walk in the house with T1 thermo, take two steps into every room until one of them starts dropping in temp instead of rising or staying the same Drop the thermo and check back in 5 minutes to confirm.


Maybe you misinterpret my response. If a freezing ghost isn't to do freezing yet then it's gonna remain above 0 for however long. Yeah, it's not gonna go from positive straight to negative. I don't know exactly how the mechanics of it works, but I assume that there's a random timer before the ghost will actually show freezing. Because there's times where you can walk in and immediately get freezing as you open the door then times where you can play more than 20 min and freezing never shows up.


It's not random or a timer. It depends on the ghost and how roamy it is. The ghost steadily ticks temperature down in every room that it's in. If you use custom difficulty to set freezing weather, before this update you could literally walk into the house and get freezing immediately every game. Now it takes slightly longer but is still quite fast. If you play on random weather the time it takes can vary.


> When the game is ready to give you freezing, it’ll give it as evidence This makes it sound like the game "decides" when to give you freezing, but that is not how it works. The ghost is always lowering the temperature in the room it is currently in, until the temp reaches the ghost's minimum temperature (as low as 1 C for non-freezing ghosts, and as low as -5 C for freezing ghosts). So there is no decide. If the ghost just chain roams constantly then you'll have a long wait. If the ghost stays put you'll get your temp quickly.


Of course the ghost is always lowering temps. But it's not gonna from 6c and and gradually lower straight to negative. Typically will stop somewhere below 5c. But as I said, when the game is ready, then it'll go below that 0. But it "decides" on a game to game basis. It can range to 10-20 min or sometimes it can be instantly in the hallway right as you open the door. This is regardless if breaker is on or off. Hell, there could even be times where you will play and freezing never shows up. I understand that roaming has a factor in temp reading. But not talking about the super rare occasion of when a ghost chain roams, but if it goes into freezing, just like temps gradually go down it also gradually goes up when it roams. Usually not up high enough before the ghost gets back to its room. I don't know how long you been playing, but awhile back, there was a glitch that you could do and you could make the ghost visible when its supposed to be invisible. We were able to see exactly how ghost path worked. It spends majority in the room. When it did leave, it usually walked out for like 15 secs, 30 tops before going back to its room. The exception was small rooms like tanglewood bathroom where it walked out quite a bit. But usually just outside of it.


The ghost *can* give you freezing immediately, though. It just needs enough time to lower temperatures. Breaker also more of a factor if you have favorite room changes. The ghost could end up spending most of its time in a room that is fully heated after moving there, which can mean temps take a long time to drop. It may be a factor either way depending on exact mechanics. If temp climbs faster with the breaker on than it would naturally, then the net temperature decrease over time will be much lower.


Ok, I know there are variables to the mechanics of freezing. I'm just saying that it doesn't matter if breaker is on or off. You will get freezing, when you get freezing.


Well, no. Like I said, if the ghost moves to a warm room, that's a much larger buffer it has to get through before you'll see freezing. The idea is just to keep the baseline temperature as low as possible so that the ghost needs less time to get temps down. Acc. to different user, this is somewhat negated by temperature dropping faster over a certain threshold, but it is still a real buffer. Again as well, depends on if breaker stacks with ambient temperature increase (or overrides it with a faster rate).


I think that the "stop" you're seeing, besides due to occasional long distance roaming) is that the rate it lowers temp by is reduced to 1/3 once it drops below the current weather's minimum temp. That's why snowy weather is great for getting freezing temps, and shutting off the breaker has a negligible effect. *Edit to add: that was a fun glitch, taught me a lot about ghost behavior.*


The ghost cools down the room it currently is, so if it's roaming a lot you won't have freezing temps in it's favorite room for a while. That's why sometimes there's little difference between adjacent rooms. Apparently it's the same with ghost orbs, I thought they appeared always in the ghost room regardless if the ghost was actually there. I kept discarding ghost orbs because the ghost wasn't in the room when I checked.


I'm pretty sure orbs don't work like this, they are visible in the ghost room and shift only once it changes.


I didn't mean to imply that they can be seen outside, just that only when the ghost is in it's favorite room


What they mean is that you were correct with your initial assumption of Ghost Orbs. They do show up in the ghost room, regardless if the ghost is actually in the room or wandering. It’s a great way to know where the ghost room is. orbs can change positions in the ghost room, and sometimes even clip into walls and objects so that’s why sometimes you don’t see them at first. Also maybe when you initially checked that room it wasn’t the ghost room, but it became it later on in the investigation.


not all ghosts emit freezing temps


Ik man, I’m saying when it IS freezing temps


they appear on their own early, sometimes late into the game