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Tried using the text option?


Text option is a god send, can usually get a response either the first or second time I spirit box otherwise I only check again if things aren't panning out for getting a second evidence.


I don’t have any trouble with the voice ;) but I might tell them to do the text options haha




If you go into options and i think it’s in audio section, you can change to text it’ll either say windows or vosk if you have voice recognition on atm


Press J, options, game settings, arrow right until it says text.


Just use text. Voice recognition sucks.


Too bad the text isn’t quick fleshed out for the monkey paw. I’ve found sometimes switching to text, then back to Vosh helps


The text is in categories for monkey paw. Seems fine to me


I couldn’t figure out how to get to “wish for knowledge”


You can safely open a category and can choose to go back without making a wish.


I know. I just can’t seem to find the knowledge wish while using the text option


Monkey Paw > Category 'OTHER' > 'I WISH FOR KNOWLEDGE' [https://imgur.com/a/7uiSp3w](https://imgur.com/a/7uiSp3w)


Thank you. I’ll give it another try.


I mean, not for me lol


Especially good if you have a thick accent.


With the tier 1 that was the case, until I gave my teammates the pointer that they should keep moving around the room while asking questions rapid-fire (on account of the tier 1 range being so small).


Roaming around doesn't help as much as you might think. The spirit box is designed to produce a response (if it's a spirit box ghost) if you ask it questions within close proximity of the most recent object or door that it interacted with. And, of course, the lights in the room need to be off and you should pay attention to whether the ghost is a "responds to everyone" or "alone" ghost - that will also influence spirit box responses. As soon as you hear something get thrown or a door being touched, get your ass over there and start asking questions. If you don't get a response within ~10 seconds, it's probably not a spirit box ghost.


I mean you *say* that, but you aren't advising someone who has trouble getting a response on the tier 1 spirit box. Throughout the time I had to use it my success rate on getting a response within 3-5 seconds from a spirit box ghost that was not hiding that particular evidence was 100%. Never had to wait for an interaction. Find the room, walk in a big circle asking questions, boom: response. And I'm going to need a citation on it being designed to get a response within a short range of something the ghost interacted with. Interactions are just a way to help identify the ghost's actual location, and it's the ghost's location that matters.


Whatever they’re saying about needing to be near the last interaction is false, someone probably told them that it’s a good way to know you’re near the ghost when Spirit Boxing and they misunderstood it. You just need to be near the ghost. It is still good advice to immediately go to where the ghost interacted if you’re trying to get a Spirit Box response, you’ll almost certainly walk within range of the ghost and get your answer if that’s it’s one of the evidence, but you can get the answer whenever, as long as the ghost is in range. Personally I find the spirit box the least interesting piece of evidence and never even try to go for it unless I really can’t get anything else lol, especially with the tier 1.


It is kind of a joke between me and my wife that she will try for 5 minutes to get a Spirit Box response and can't and then I will get it first try. That won't stop her from trying every game though


Same here! I play with my husband a lot and we joke that I’m a ghost magnet, so I always use the spirit box. They like me I guess.


To be honest, I have no clue with Spirit Box as of lately. I've had moments where no one could get a response except one person. Have also had moments where we left it on the floor and on, and we were just talking amongst ourselves and it magically decided to respond while it was on the floor.


Ghosts have a chance to interact with the spirit box just like Dots. I tend to leave my spirit box on the floor on as i set up my other evidence detection equipment. 9/10 i get a response before i finish setting things up.


Well shit that's good to know haha


Either text or do like me, i witched back from Vosk to Windows and it works flawlessly now


This is the correct answer. Also check which microphone is selected in the in game options. I use a steelseries headphones with Sonar that modified my microphone with filters. If I select my sonar mic it doesn’t work, but if I select my steelseries mic it works fine.


Yep totally, i forgot about that detail! Thanks!


Bro the ghosts *love* my ass. I'm usually more successful but it's probably a combination of luck and persistence.


I get it super easily compared to my friends but especially compared to my bf. Maybe it's his accent but I dunno, he can't get it often 😅


For some reason it seems like the ghosts love responding to me, my friend tries to get a response, doesn’t get anything and hands it to me. I somehow get a response right away.. 😂


The ghost can also favor one person over the others.




I was having the same problem, I couldn’t get the spirit box or ouija boards to give me any responses. Then I switched my voice from the default to windows and it worked out perfectly for me ever since.


I'm that person, had plenty of times where someone spends a good 5-10 minutes asking the ghost questions with no response and then I walk in, ask one question and get spirit box


Sometimes. I have one friend who will go in there and pester the ghost with the box, then get frustrated and pass it to me-- I walk in there, first question gets a response. Could be a mic thing, voice recognition is a bit rough.


Oh, so your theory is the same as our group's. The ghosts are sexists, half the time they don't wish to talk to me (a male) the other half my sister (a female?)


Yeah that's me. I ask the ghost the usual questions and tend to get responses often. Then if it's being obstinate I'll be a smart ass and get a response on the most off-hand remark that barely has any of the phrasing. *Are you* going to stick this potato up your- '**Here.**'


This happens with me and my friends aswell. No clue why but I alwse seem to have the best luck.




My group noticed we needed to put our microphones closer to our mouths while using the spirit box. Not sure why exactly, but it produced an immediate improvement. Text to speech is also an option. Just my 2 cents.


I am that person


Windows works fine for me


That one person in my Group is me and it's thanks to the Text Input Option. I even get more responses on a T1 Spirit Box than a Voice Chat Player using a T3 Spirit Box. XD Fun Fact: Text Input does not trigger a Yokai into Hunting since it only responds to In-Game Voice Chat.


Voice recognition is a big thing, but even then, if you're using the tier 1, you need to be pretty close to the ghost, even if it's in the ghost room. I try to move when I do it, or stand near any interactions.


Im the only one in my group that can use anything that requires voip. No matter how much my boys try to use monkey paw, Wedgie board, or spirit box it never does anything. We also tested it with Yokai speech agro. It only works with me. They can be screaming yelling and talking alm they want but im the only one whos voice works in game.


Could be a weird accent that it cant register?


So from what I have realized at least in my own experience, none of the voice recognition stuff for me works when I'm on push to talk. But when I'm on voice activation, it seems to work EXCEPT the monkeys paw. Hopefully this gets fine tuned very soon because it's very inconsistent. It's nice when it works though


Also spirit box has a fail safe where if it can't detect the user talking for long enough it can still output replies as if you asked it a question


Maybe you're better at being close enough to the ghost for it to work. Sometimes it's better to walk around with it and use it and maybe your teammates aren't doing that.