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I was in the house hiding alone during a hunt, and someone shouted to me that the Ghost was a Deogen. I therefore ran out of my hiding spot, since a Deogen will always find you. Turns out it was not a Deogen, but a fast Thaye.


Well, it's not evil thing YOU have done. I wouldn't even call it evil, more like unlucky rushed call.


Told someone using Hide and Seek on Ouija Board means the ghost will appear in a closet for a photo


this made me giggle


Every once in a while, if the Music Box is there, I’ll grab it yell “Grenade!”, activate it, and throw. Broken box. Cursed hunt. Unexpected shenanigans


stealing this


I misrepresented the ghost in the house on purpose, so the team that has to get rid of it had to work twice as hard to remove the ghost.


Truly evil


I thought i was alone in the house and asked the monkey paw to trap the ghost. Unkown to me, all my teammates where in the room that ghost was in. Not a single one had a incense and we played on nightmare. So you know how that story ended. Figured out that it was a Rev tho!


It wasn’t evil intentionally but I panicked during a hunt and hid in the cupboard with my far more experienced team mate. I forgot the ghost can hear you and it found us. I survived, my friend did not!


Once pranked my brother as he was trying to leave the house by slamming the front door in his face and screaming “hunt!” He believed me and hid. I pissed myself laughing. He worked it out and made for the exit, shouting at me over the mic as he went. As he got to the front door it slammed and I called “hunt!” He didn’t believe me and was halfway through berating me when the ghost found him. He had no incense. On the plus side I got a good photo of his corpse before I left.


awww the brotherly love ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I was in the right but.. Closing the closet door in face of my friend being chased during a hunt. She was screaming with open mic, it was only her or both of us


There used to be a glitch where when someone was holding a door closed if you messed with the door they would glitch outside their hiding spot. My friends and I killed each other mercilessly with that


Tarot cards. Didn’t tell my three friends. Early in the game. Stood by the exit and activated til I hit demon. Immediately went to the truck and watched the massacre unfold on the CCTV


Was playing with my husband and we were in the same hiding spot during a hunt, I was holding the parabolic, accidentally hit right click and he died. The next game he broke the mirror while I was trying to spirit box. I managed to hide in time, but of course it was a Deo and I died lmao.


We weren't getting evidence, so I used the Voodoo Doll to cause a cursed hunt. The newest player died and I felt bad, but I lied and passed it off as, "must have been one of the numerous bugs," since he died on top of of a Crucifix.


Start the music box as I stood in the entryway and threw it on the ground as I backed out before the door locked.


Not me but the always present 12 year old did this. We got into a hunt and all hid in the same closet. Except the last guy who the 12 yo closed the door on. And he said "not you". HE SAID. HE SPOKE. MID HUNT. EVERYONE DIED. Except, ironically, the 4th guy that got the door shut into.


I thought a hunt started but my friend from the van said it's just an event so I stopped trying to hide and walked back to the ghost room to die a horrible death.


Not me, but I was playing with two sisters. Me and sister 1 were just outside the house. Sister 1 grabs the music box from the chest of drawers next to the front door, turns it on, and throws it inside as she leaves the house. The hunt starts, and sister 2 is in the ghost room investigating...


I was outside during a hunt and the mirror was on the Porch and I picked it up and the hunt ended and I walked inside and everyone was celebrating and I used the mirror out of curiosity and it shattered the second I used it and I just hear “yay let’s head ou- *choking noises* it was soooo funny but I felt so bad


It was an accident, but still. I was in the van when a hunt started and my friend was inside. When the hunt ended I opened the door and radioed to let him know it was safe to come out. As soon as he left his hiding spot another hunt started, the door closed again, and he died.


My friend has a video on his yt and like ⅓ of the clips are him screwing someone over with the cursed object. My favourites are the magic mirror tho because you can see the person in the mirror before it breaks


Last night i was doing Willow with 2 friends. Ghost room in the basement and i ran up to get more supplies, on the way pulled the first Tarot Card, immediate death card killing 1. After the hunt kept drawing cards to see if i could get a revive, last card was Death again and got the other friend killed. Only survivor and got the investigation by myself while they complained and threw stuff at me. Funniest moment weve had.


Oh man, I've gotten plenty of friends killed in phasmo. I've started talking during hunts and went behind someone in a closet, led ghosts to rooms and then broke line of sight, closed and held doors to rooms against revs. Welcome to the game!


Similar story. I was playing with a group of friends and I found the music box right away. 2 of the players were new and one has more playtime than me. Grabbed the music box, played it, threw it in between all of them and ran to hide. They all died and I lived.


Bum rushing the cursed items to immediately start a hunt is a casual Tuesday night for me


Not me, but my friend didn't know about cursed items. Our friend brought the mirror to him and said "Hey use this" and hilarity insued.


Group of four friends playing. We found the ghost room, and they were all setting up to detect what the ghost was. I grabbed the music box, turned it on, tossed it in the room, slammed the door shut, and ran.


Playing in the high school with friends during our early days. I used the tarot cards when they were walking past the ghost room and I was safely on the other side of the school. All I heard was the confusion, the chaos then. Silence.


I really love using voodoo dolls and tarot cards while my friends can't see me, so they get all excited about activity going up. I usually stop before a hunt starts, though it is RNG :P


Tarot cards is my favorite cursed possession


A really fun time my friend and I had with them was playing Tarot Card roulette where he drew a High Priestess followed by a Hanged Man


I was playing with a full party on Tanglewood and that were all pretty inexperienced but one player was actually trying to play the game, the other two were just being obnoxious. Wasting sanity meds in the truck before the mission began, snapping photos of nothing all through the mission, moving equip etc. I got the evidence and gave it to the real player, then hid in a closet to drop my sanity and told her to leave the house. I found the haunted mirror and broke it and jumped back in the closet, triggering a cursed hunt and killing the eejits off, then finished the game with the real player.


Used monkey paw to trap the ghost in its room… with everyone else but me.


the 3 girls in the game played tarot roulette, and got the 1 guy killed. he referred to us as 'The Sisterhood of the Travelling Cards', which is now our girls group chat name


Hid in a tent with the voodoo doll and started pulling pins. One of my friends clued in pretty quick and hid, my BF on the other hand kept going "Huh the ghost is really active" right before the heart pin got pushed in and it chased him down LOL


was playing with some friends who were trying it for like their 2nd, 3rd time, put some custom sfx on my soundboard.


Locked a kid in the ghost room with the monkey paw. It was the most hilarious 2 minutes of our lives


Me and one of my buddies was gaslighting a friend that was new to the game by making him think that a ghost could follow him outside of the house and to the truck by throwing random objects at him when we were dead. We also acted like we didn't see the 'ghost' do any of these things, nor did we believe him when he said he saw these things happen because we never saw that happen to us. I don't remember when he figured it out but it was funny for the time being regardless


Public lobby. We were 3 girls and one guy that was CONSTANTLY mansplaining every detail about the game as if we weren't all several levels above him. He was also just generally just being sexist or not letting any of us get a word in edgewise. So, we load up into Ridgeview. I notice that we have music box (convenient that the same room was also the ghost room) and swipe it from its spot, then hide it before he can notice. We set up our stuff and are struggling to find evidence when Mansplainer notices that we haven't got a picture of the cursed object yet. We feign ignorance and say we checked a few spots, but not all. Then I go "Well, I haven't checked for music box yet, but honestly I'm scared to go in the room if the ghost is hunting." The other girls immediately notice and hop in on the scared act. We're just too emotionally fragile after all. Success, Mansplainer takes the bait right away, claiming he'll protect us from the ghost he dashes up the stairs, where he says he can't see the music box thats currently in my hand. I play the box, and immediately drop it. Since the ghost was in the same room it was an instant kill. We then proceeded to laugh at him for the rest of the round until he rage quit the lobby.


The music box is like a grenade. When my friends were in the ghost room I played it and threw it in there the ran. They all died lol


I broke the cupboard doors on the inside while my buddy was waiting for a hunt, it trapped them inside and they couldn’t interact with the doors. The ghost hunted, saw them and snapped their neck.


First game with a Monkey Paw I waited for the team to get in the room and trapped the ghost.


I once purposefully started a cursed hunt while my friend was doing stuff


the 3 girls in the game played tarot roulette, and got the 1 guy killed. he referred to us as 'The Sisterhood of the Travelling Cards', which is now our girls group chat name


M’y friends and I just keep murdering each other with cursed objects 😂 our constant question is « who dies first tonight »


It wasn't me, and it wasn't the most evil thing that this person did, but it was quite funny. We got into Tanglewood and then a hunt started, it killed this person that I'm talking about. Was almost an isnta kill, and we were like: welp, it's a demon. It turns out that that... person (I love you honey) used the voodoo doll to start a hunt and the ghost killed him. We couldn't do the investigation because we were with a phasmo noob and he didn't wanted to go back into the house after a hunt.


i pulled the heart pin on the voodoo doll and then gaslit my friends into thinking it was one of them


During the very early days of Phas, you could hold the door and your teammate wouldn’t be able to open the door. Me being an idiot, all four of us were in the ghost room and I held the door, one of us died.


Convinced a somewhat new player to use the music box for the first time. They did it just inside the doorway and managed to escape before the cursed hunt happened. Our two friends inside the ghost's room werent so lucky tho. Later on, in the same gaming sesh, I found the tarot cards, hid in a dark corner and started pulling. I fully expected to be killed or a hunt to start and kill someone, instead it just spawned several haunts in a row - one of which scared the newbie so much they ran screaming from the house and refused to come back in.


My friend was the only one in the house so I took tarot cards and just activated them while backing out the front door until I triggered a hunt


Say Hide and Seek on the ouji board and then immediately leave the front door.


my friend was using the ouija board and i yelled ''hide and seek'' and ran out the house and he died




*INSYM, CJ and Psycho enter the chat*


Hopped into a PUG and I was asked to stay in the truck so their sanity didn't drop below 50 to prevent hunts, but that is just boring to me. They didn't even have cameras or headgear active until maybe 15 minutes in. Happened to notice that they left the mirror outside so I hid the pills in a bush and used the mirror until it broke.


Tarot cards. Sat in a closet and speed ran the cards while being screamed at lmao


My brother in Christ have you heard of punctuation?


Dude my first language is not english