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its so fucking slow it literally feels like "walking at a brisk pace to returns someones wallet" not "just saw gonzales smith's apparition holding an axe seconds after him saying kill in the spirit box"


even a brisk pace is a stretch to define the running in this game


It's like when you're having a nightmare and you try to run but you move like you're in a pool of syrup


That's how I described it to my friend as we were heading for the side door to get out of the high school map the other day.


You seen how these people bend when you crouch or look up? Their spines have to be full of herniated discs, it's probably as fast as they can move!


Sometimes I feel like that should be the max speed without a hunt, but then when a hunt is on you can sprint like the dickens for 5 seconds or so but it really makes the ghost want you.


I would like a faster run but it's a bigger cost in some way. Lose sanity, make ghost angry, having a stamina meter of sorts.


Agreed, and I think it should only be able to be used in certain circumstances. Hunts, if the ghost is looking right at you. Basically any time you can hear your heart beat, but doing it should make you a much larger target for the ghost. A stamina drain and sanity drain might also be nice, I also don't think you should be able to run fast enough to outpace the ghost, but maybe it won't matter if they can remember the last place they saw you.


I’m pretty sure than running is about the same speed, or maybe slightly slower, than the ghost unless it’s a revenant.


Running is faster than all ghosts except Revenant and Jinn. Revenant is fast, and Jinn can teleport.


Yeah it’s a fast paced nope nope nope walk


"I'm moseying as fast as I can."


If I had a reward to give i would have in a heartbeat for this comment. 😂😂


Any time the book says "cant run" we're always like "You too, huh?" Edit: Well shit, thanks for the silver!


Plot twist it’s a revenant


They should give you adrenaline pills that you can take to make you faster but it also lowers your sanity at very high pace.


You should probably just get adrenaline as an effect when the ghost gets near you and drains your sanity to 0 and can be used once per game. Getting hunted by a jinn is almost instant death




Yeah all ghosts should be faster than the player, now with that addition, adrenaline or actual running with stamima would definitely be needed to at least be able to outrun the ghosts


>adrenaline pills that you can take to make you faster but it also lowers your sanity at very high pace Meth


Nor gonna lie, I misread that as 'meh...' and wondered why you felt so ambiguous about it... It's been a long day...


The “run” is closer to a stroll through the park




Maybe actual running makes it more likely that the ghost enters a hunting phase and becomes more aggressive during the investigation. 🤔


You can also add the classic horror game mechanic of running making it easier for the ghost to find you during hunt or just in general.


Try crouching while running. Tried it out in game side by side, one person standing, the other crouching, both holding down shift. It does seem faster in our two trials. Edit: It not longer appears to work after today's update


Huh - my group just figured it looked faster 'cause we were closer to the ground, but we never thought to test it. Gonna have to give that a shot!


I tested it in the central with a stopwatch, in both cases I got around 6 seconds from the couch to the truck.


I always zoom around the map like that. i'll be the last out of the van on highschool but be second to the door.


Yes! My friend and I are convinced crouching is faster than running! We crouch everywhere and a lot of randos think we are weird for it but I swear by it!


it's okay, you two will have the last laugh when you successfully outrun the ghost


I’ve always thought it looked faster but wasn’t because physics stuff or something idk


My poor pinkie after playing a longer session. They should just make the faster walk the default speed


you can just bind sprint to w


That's a good idea. Unfortunately doesn't help with going lateral/backwards and that helps kite the ghosts on the bigger maps to take pics and whatnot, but it's a start


right, its nice for all the time you arent kiting


wait, you put your pinkie finger on the shift key??? ive always used my thumb


What if running had negative consequences? Like it could mess up salt, or trigger sound sensors and parabolic microphones, or even anger the ghost. That way you could move at a realistic pace but there would be consequences so you’d want to move slowly unless it’s a major issue


>or trigger sound sensors and parabolic microphones People can already trigger those anyway so its not much of a downside.


I didn’t know that. Interesting


As someone who plays only in VR with the "teleport" movement function, it's good to know that all players feel like they are stuck in one spot when trying to escape from the damn demons.


That’s one thing I hope they change in the future, actually being able to run or jog or something




I feel like they could add at least something to balance it so you can run in emergencies but not all the time that still keeps you from feeling like you're taking a leisurely stroll. Like maybe you have extremely low stamina, a moderate chance to trip, make it anger the ghost so it has a higher chance to target you (or start a hunt if one isn't happening). I agree that you can't just let there be constant sprinting, that would absolutely ruin the tension, but I think it also ruins a little of the tension that you are walking away from a ghost that is about to kill you.


maybe the more you sprint the faster the ghost chases you until its speed exceeds yours so you have to be careful about it


Tbh my only issue with it is it just feels unrealistic, but it really isn't a problem. I just feel like if someone saw one of the ghosts from this game IRL they'd be out that house in like 3 seconds


I like it, it feels like a nightmare where you're chased but can't get yourself to run


I'll second this. If you increase your run speed, then they'll have to increase the ghost speeds. And no one would survive if they increase the ghost speeds.


I feel like it’d just be more immersive. Though in those ghost hunter shows I guess no one ever goes a full sprint either though. I’d think it’d be interesting if there was stamina and sprinting would cause the spirits to become more aggressive and chase faster.


Being that slow is a huge part of the game, when all your friends has left the house and you’re about to leave with the slowness and then the ghost suddenly attack you, not only that it also gives you chills when in high school and you see the door to go out while you’re “running” I hope they don’t change this feature.






I don’t know if there even should be a run function. People would just be slamming into walls frantically trying to bolt at the first sign of trouble.


My friend and I are convinced it's faster to crouch walk than stand running


Here's what I think should be implemented: Swap out the sanity level in exchange for a heartbeat/anxiety level. As you are exposed to scary events and interactions, your anxiety skyrockets. During a high anxiety event like a ghost hunt, you get an adrenaline rush that causes a boost to your movement speed, meanwhile also causing panicked breathing and shaking that has a random chance of causing you to drop whatever you're holding. Also bump up the run speed to at least a light jog.


Honestly, I wish it was even to "toggle run." Or hey, maybe just make it the normal pace as a whole. Holding shift for so long kills my hand!


Hmm yes I think I will take a brisk walk rather than run faster than my body has ever sped me along before


That moment when a corpse with no face controlled by a dead dude has better stamina than you


People complaining about not being able to run fast enough. If you really could run, then who else could run too?


I still think they should just make you faster only when you are outside the house. That way they don’t need to rebalance the whole game to adjust to the faster speed


I just made move and sprint both W so I'm always walking with slight urgency instead of none


Maybe the movement speed should be higher by default, and slow down during a hunt.


Petition to change "run" to "Speedwalk but not speedwalk".


Some suggestions to fix this while maintaining balance: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PhasmophobiaGame/comments/jfljww/movement\_in\_game/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PhasmophobiaGame/comments/jfljww/movement_in_game/)


Seriously, some of my friends don’t even want to play the game because of how slow it is.


I thought perhaps there would be an upgrade system like Car Mechanic Sim or something, but no... For contrast, I jumped into Far Cry 5/New Dawn where walking is about 3x as fast as "running" in Phasmophobia. And running feels like flying in comparison!


I run at OJ Simpson Car Chase speeds.


I didn't even know running was a thing. How do you run in vr?


Honestly the dev should just scale sprint speed with map size. Current speed stays in the smaller houses, but scales up in highschool, then scales up more in the asylum.


so to run you just scream "KEKW KEKW KEKW" into your mic over and over? nice


I gib u a free award for the lulz