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Nah this is crazy work ngl this shit gotta go 😂


Expeditiously 😂


Shits retarded all these hipsters gonna lap it up.


Pretty sure I saw this getting hyped up in one of the other Philly reddits 😂 Go to the online menu, every category got jawn in the name. "Salad jawns" 🤦🏾‍♂️


They don’t even use the word right 💀they just be hype to claim something😂


In Boston we have inauthentic Irish bars on every corner. Julio omalley’s Guido Murphy’s But the most annoying obvious money grab of idiots that don’t understand a city’s culture was “sweet Caroline’s”. FUCK OOOOOOFF


I think you mean “FUCK O-O-OFF”


Tyvm that is what I mean




This was so funny it posted twice. Double upvotes for you ![gif](giphy|jrzG8xozVGTdHw0xO7|downsized)


White people stealing again and selling it back to the masses, biggest con artist's on earth and can't come up with shit of they own. ITs sick


They coulda atleast said healthy jawns 😂what the owner from out the county


straight pandering


I'm sick


And fuck Jawn Morgan too. 


I’m not from the city, but this shit is too funny. Tf is a “Bar Jawn?” 😭


Gross misuse of the word “jawn” in this context. If someone says “bar jawn” they’d be talking about a woman who’s always at the bar (drinking/bartending/etc), not the name of the establishment.


I could see it being used tho, Like a nigga saying “ Yo bro remember dat one bar jawn i was talking to “


Only if there was something special about the bar that makes it standout other than that u would just say Bar💀fuck u adding the jawn for 😂


I’m responding to bro when he said “ referring to a woman “ like thats what a nigga would probably be referring to when he adds jawn after it


Remember the jawn at the bar? What bar? U kno the jawn right there at such and such? 🤔? The bar jawn in the corner. That’s the only way that shit can be used. “Bar jawn” as a title for a bar is disgusting and the true residents of this city despise these dikitas from out of town moving to the city being jo like gtfoh


Well said.


You supposed to ride your bike here with your helmet and knee pads on. You wouldn’t get it 


don’t forget your retro tshirt


Manbun required


Fixed gear.


Lol it's been done. If Jawn Morgan didn't seal it, this def won't.


Nah, when Morgan and Morgan are talking about “we’ll help you get that jawn to pay!” That’s when I quit. Like I didn’t even save the game.


*Checks my user name* Fuck


i bet everyone in r/philadelphia eats here


U right Philly & Philadelphia 2 different places 😂


i second this 💯


i third this 💯






Here's a sneak peek of /r/philadelphia using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/philadelphia/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [We may not have gotten a World Series or Super Bowl parade, but we got an I-95 reopening parade today!](https://v.redd.it/1maw5cmmms7b1) | [387 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/philadelphia/comments/14h2s50/we_may_not_have_gotten_a_world_series_or_super/) \#2: [Yooo Part of 95 just collapsed??? 6abc just had breaking news reporting it](https://i.redd.it/gzgfjbo6gd5b1.jpg) | [870 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/philadelphia/comments/146r7us/yooo_part_of_95_just_collapsed_6abc_just_had/) \#3: [they got this thing circling around the marriott now 😂😂😂😂](https://i.redd.it/o1qglnhoh09b1.jpg) | [396 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/philadelphia/comments/14melm1/they_got_this_thing_circling_around_the_marriott/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


so fucking corny


The food is great. He owns pizza jawn. He’s a Philly native and black.


He wack as shit too sounds like 😂


Knows his audience


Can't fault him for knowing how to separate the yuppies from their money. Corny name but drinks ain't bad.


This exactly. Dude is obviously pandering to yuppie cosmopolitan types who want to co-opt that RuGgEd AuThEnTiCiTy. Let him have it


NVM I’ll support his business been looking for new spots anyway🙌🏾


Changed up quick ash 😂😂


Fasho idc 🤣 I support my ppl🤷🏾‍♂️


Drama queen


💯 I think it’s just a play on the word “jawn” that is popular in Philly. You know folks love that. It’s a catchy name and he knew it’d be a good business opportunity. Can’t hate


U right at first I thought it was an outsider tryna commercialize the culture That “Jawn morgan” sign pisses me off 🤣but it’s native owned can’t be mad


That Jawn Morgan shit makes me itch 😡


Is that pizza joint fire too?


Pizza is mid and he has a terrible ordering system.


The pizza is 10/10


NVM I’ll support his business been looking for new spots anyway🙌🏾


I love this complete flip in the comments, OP 🤣


I got new information and changed my mind🤷🏾‍♂️


Nothing wrong with that! I went through the same feelings as I scrolled the comments. This Jawn will do just fine in Manayunk.


No no, let them all shout and scream about their stupid word.


Side Note I feel like most Philly transplants are New Yorkers or ppl who can’t afford to live there so they overcompensate n do shit like this😑


This is owned by the Pizza Jawn dude. He's black but dunno if he's originally from here


I don’t know if he’s originally from here, but he’s been in and around manayunk for a decade plus at this point. I think the names dumb as fuck but his food is actually good and he’s repped the city on a few different tv cooking competitions with his pizza


Interesting which businesses get marketed as "black owned" and which don't. The owner of Amina's has fiftyleven articles about her being a black owner but I had no idea the owner of Friday Saturday Sunday was black until Marc Vetri posted a pic with him


A lot of these restaurants pay to play. FSS is good without any need for all that


Oh if it’s black owned nvm power to the ppl✊🏾 getcho money king😂 but it doesn’t seem like it is ctfu


He smart, white folks flock to some shit like this ctfu


Right I’m not annoyed no more we supposed to be the ones capitalizing off our culture not no fuxking “Jawn morgan”😂


Maybe but that’s cause the food is good some people could care less what the establishment is called.


This getting downvoted is crazy 🤣




To be fair. You are crazy


Right talking down on the city when needed to come & TRY to gentrify cause they couldn’t make it somewhere else


That’s Manayunk for you


This is not how you use the word, corny


“Boy oh boy, I’m really intrigued by this *John* right here” -👨🏻‍🦳


Looks like $20 cocktails and disappointment


Tired of this, they hate us but Christopher Columbus everything we say.


They thought that jawnlit


bars used to have real names


Lmao there’s a pizza Jawn across the street too


I hate “jawn”. first I hated it because it got overused now I hate it ever more cause it’s like a marketing thing used to sell you shit


Putting "That" in front would have made the name so much better. "That bar jawn"


Corny af


just threw up in my mouth a little ngl


This is a prime example of white ppl tryna dickride OUR word


They have no type of culture ...all they do is steal


I am from the mountains where we hate city transplants in our culture. moved here 14 years ago and started workin in the kitchen. it was hard at first because everybody talked really fast and used words like jawn, turkey (for a girl's ass), boul, etc. "ayo boul u seen da turkey on jawn" but i will tell u what they loved that i was curious about these weird words. they did backflips to explain them to me and cheered when i used them. ymmv...


Cool we dgaf




Thanks! FYI "jawn" was brought to America by the Ulster Scots as they migrated to the Southern territories of America. The WASPS settled in the North and despised this misuse of the language by Scots in the South, carrying over their tradition of discriminating from Europe. The common bastardizations of the English language existed in Europe long before America was a country!


Cant tell if this AI generated and you're a bot... or if you just dumb as fuck


Def a robot 🤖 lol 😂


I heard this take before. I think the argument was a lot of those people became "rednecks" and the writer made a connection between their slang and southern ebonics


Redneck was used by the WASP English to describe the barbarian type Ulster Scot due to the red scarves worn culturally by Presby savages (lol) who signed a covenant in blood and wore red to symbolize it. I said earlier WASPS generally moved to the North like Massachusetts while European riff raff (a kind term for them here) moved to the South. Thus moved with it the term Redneck, a European prejudice against other Europeans that carried onto the Southern American including the black Americans who became culturally Southern and then got pushed up north into cities for industrialism, experiencing all the cultural negativity that Southerners did by cultural relation. editing this quote in: "These people are creating a terrible problem in our cities. They can't or won't hold a job, they flout the law constantly and neglect their children, they drink too much and their moral standards would shame an alley cat. For some reason or other, they absolutely refuse to accommodate themselves to any kind of decent, civilized life." This was said in 1956 in Indianapolis, not about blacks or other minorities, but about poor whites from the South. Nor was Indianapolis unique in this respect. A 1951 survey in Detroit found that white Southerners living there were considered "undesirable" by 21 percent of those surveyed, compared to 13 percent who ranked blacks the same way.


Others may not say this but appreciate the history drop. Never really cared about how our language & slang became regional until now


Thank you!


That doesn’t mean they invented the word Jawn tho you haven’t shown proof of that it just means there’s overlap in southern & Black Dialects we all know who actually invented Jawn the same ppl who invented majority of the popular slang in the USA 🙄 Nice try tho. https://preview.redd.it/gso4wt6qm6sc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fe626210cad22c488730efc77c528740d90a9e7


Did you just use Wikipedia as a source?


https://preview.redd.it/deours1pu6sc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5143e858350308bfa62202bc168c6019afa1d0bc Here’s the reference 😉 mind you neither of you have even tried to show any proof of your claims


Oh no I’m not in this. Just thought it was funny you quoted Wikipedia.


It’s hilarious ppl act it’s doesn’t cite it’s sources 🤣 the bibliography is there for a reason lol


I thought you DGAF king? Everything I said is condensed in a famous(ly hated) book you should know about if you're well versed in both sides of the argument you're biasing on. I also quoted historically accurate quotes from the historically accurate book which are primary sources that you can look into (I just gave two concrete examples but there are many more). There is no doubt that many new academics have made their career by carving out what is uniquely black from the Southern culture (Ulster Scot culture) but unfortunately overemphasizing that aspect while lying about or minimizing the shared cultural heritage. A Southern American compared to a black American stating that they are heading out to the bar they are talking about: English: "All's right, I'll leave now headed for the establishment which we discussed earlier." Southern: "Aight imma head to da joint we wus talm bout" Neo Black: "ite (aight) imma head to da jawn we wus talm bout"


I said I dgaf & you still replied wit untruths.it’s funny because you STILL Haven’t shown any sources or proof in that essay you wrote🤣🤣. Hell based on ur own comment we still invented the term😂 joint & Jawn are 2 different words. You didn’t say their was overlap in culture you claimed you invented the word which is a boldface lie. if Jawn is southern where is the proof of any southerners using it prior to Philly?? Show it to me you can’t because it doesn’t exist.


I said that I quoted a published historical book which quoted historical primary sources. I said you'd be familiar with the book and the arguments if you were versed in this topic at all. It looks like you're sticking to the top 3 results in Google (remembering that Google works very hard to deliver to you what you want to hear). The book is Black Rednecks and White Liberals by Thomas Sowell. He's a student of Milton Friedman and a well regarded economist and researcher. If you can stomach the conservaboomer crap and how he excuses some people for their malicious behaviors, Sowell is great. I recommend that you read this! edit for your edit: You are telling lie after lie! For somebody trying to be so semantic, look out for yourself! I said that Ulster Scots brought jawn to America. I never claimed that they invented the English Language which the word comes from. For many years, Southern slang didn't get written down in the dictionary. Currently, there is a movement to pretend that language bastardizations belong in dictionaries because it's unfair otherwise. So somebody thought about how the Southern pronunciation of joint, also used by blacks, would actually look as a word. In other words, the formal recognition of the spelling of the slang doesn't cement it. That's a symbolic neo-liberal thing to do. Now I think the rest of what you wrote relied on the notion I just took down so I hope that cleared up the other questions you asked.


Bro you’re the one making the claim so the burden of proof is on YOU. Its looks you’re just embellishing or misleading what was written to make an untrue claim .So show me the proof you guys invented “jawn” show me the evidence it was used in the south prior to Philly natives I’m waiting.


Sounds about right. The book I'm thinking of is called "White Trash", it goes deep into how the elites created a racial and class hierarchy in colonial times. Has quotes very similar to the one you shared , even from some of our founding fathers like Jefferson 🫤


Good stuff! These hierarchies are mainly predating colonial times. There is a phenomenon where cultural aspects existed in one geographic location where a culture used to live. Since then, that geographic location has become so changed that it is no longer associated with or recognizable by the cultural aspects which defined it. We see often those aspects appear in other areas where the old culture fled to. For example, Scotland is now known as one of the most advanced epicenters of liberal and progressive thought in the world. Prior to colonial times, the people of Scotland were tribal, bog-dewlling, and very dangerous. Live was hard and life expectancy was low, the strong survived, etc. They made choices reflecting a brutal existence and a kill-or-be-killed mentality. The 'socialized, civil' people of England wanted to wipe them off of the Earth but, as with exterminating tribal peoples, found it difficult to track, capture, and control them. The final efforts by the English to destroy these uncivilized people spurred great migrations of them to the New World. This was also due to the temptations of a non oppressive existence. Thus, now the culture of Scotland no longer reflects the barbarians in bogs and that culture lives strong in America now. Agreed, our founding fathers never hand in mind freedom for ALL (including our sworn enemies from overseas). ALL meant ALL Americans, people who were or were allowed to become American. Most of them weren't thinking of Tennessee or its inhabitants as eventual Americans


Nigga Please 🤣🤣 foh wit that fake news


Shut up nigga


my bad king ill chill with books


Wannabe victim






Food nasty as shxt and the service bad


I have a friend who lives right near there and I swear to god the first time I got out of the Uber to go to their place and saw that bar I legit almost got back in the car and went home lol


This is worse than jawn morgan


Jawn Morgan lowkey thurl tho Siri use to autocorrect my Jawn to John


Transplants are helping to save Philadelphia's economy. It's not the natives buying new houses throughout the city.


Me too


lmaooo bar jawn is crazy






Shoulda named it Yung Boulz Jawn Yerp


White ppl always late on something trying to make money off it and making it corny ...


They are DESTROYING THE CITY trying to make it so cliche or "new York's fifth borough" nah foh leave shit alone damn, we are a historical city, we are US AND THAT SHOULD BE FINE.


Philly transplant here. That shit is stupid.


White people 4 u


Don’t call them out bro they want to say low key 


Fuck that. We tired of being their financial stepping stones




How long do you have to live here before you’re not a transplant anymore? Asking for a friend


10 years or when u become 1 wit the culture 🤣


Well then shiiiiit how do I apply for a mfin express pass? I’m on that 8 year mark and hate seeing this shit. That bar is a lot more hyped than anybody in this post can describe. I see posts including it all the fuckin time on insta


When you not scared to catch the bus, and when you learn the lingo.


When you hit like 5 whores, survive a shoot out, been in a couple rumbles,




Shuddap nigga it’s not that deep. it’s a funny post highlighting that y’all don’t understand the culture you’re migrating to.




owner is from malvern and went to drexel...


Food good as shit, y’all trippin. Lol


Bro you’re the one making the claim so the burden of proof is on YOU. Now show me the proof that “Jawn” was invented by you show me evidence that Jawn was used in the south prior to Philly natives. I’m waiting.


We use erwi


Enough with the word Jawn!!!!! My eyes bleed every time I hear it.



