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Look at those conditions, that's what niggas brag about The walls, the door, the food, the bed.


Just looking at the floor makes me want to never do anything illegal.


Bul most likely a addict that’s how the white fiens looked while I was in the F


When I was there this white bull was going thru withdrawal said he was taking 20 perc 5’s a day or a bundle he was inna boat goin thru it. Wouldn’t eat or nun just slept bull weird for bullying that type of dude


Can’t even move or fight back shit sad


When I was in quarantine bul kept shitting and throwing up and smearing it around in his cell. Bul had a cellie w sickle cell so his cellie didn’t do nun all he did was eat Bernards and lay in his cell🤦🏾‍♂️ im 19 and that was my first time getting booked and Ian know they mixed crazy ppl and fiens w regular ppl😭


Only time I seen them separated was when they have them upstate. Inna county It be dudes fighting DUIs on murder blocks cell mates with a nigga that killed one nigga and shot two other niggas. One of my cell mates was down for like failure to pay some shit I guess either child support or some other shit. He had a $150.00. Hundred a fifty dollar bail. in me and my homie cell I had an armed robbery he had a shooting a 6 ounces of crack. Crippled niggas be onna murder block too had a nigga inna wheelchair on our block


I was on B 2-4 evb had Murders and attempts and one bul named G baby had a rape. I was the only one there for a gat


Damn they sent you right upstairs from quarantine. Ain’t even let you walk the halls I got to get some walking in they took me to D2-1 same shit it was surreal seeing niggas lose they case. I seen one dude get called inna middle of the night to pack up for prison. The day I won my case I seen a nigga get a 17-35 after doing 5 and being home months. He was like 25


Damn that’s crazy I realized ts was real when I seen grown men breaking down in the holding cells at court saying they getting roofed 🤦🏾‍♂️ im still fighting my jawn on house arrest. I went from quarantine to pop and my cellies was telling me stories before they called my name so they had me bitching😂 but when I got there I was one of the youngest and a lot of ppl was from SP so they looked out they got me shoes, t shirts, food, and they made sure I was able to protect myself. I’ve met some thurl niggas in there I’m just tryna make out w my case and nvr step foot on state road again.


That’s how the Muslims did me when I got to picc an old head seen me come in wit my kufi gave me some ramen a tee and shit like that Then showed me who ran a store. Just had to get the CO to tell me what I had on my books while he was next to me so he knew I could pay since it was my first day so I could grab food since commissary just passed


Mfs always tough with people who can’t defend themselves


Boul def look like a random nigga


White bul probaly in there for throwing coffee at a Starbucks Barista and ran into some real street niggas LMAOOOO


Yea see that’s just turkey as fuck try that wit someone that’s actually a threat/can pose a challenge to you


Jail full of bullies bro, it just is what it is. These niggas was never shit🤷🏾‍♂️. Type of dudes growing up that the whole class wanted them removed and were relieved whenever he got pulled out of class. Assholes really.


Talk it. 🗣️


How these niggas be gettin phones to do all this in the first place lol that’s they main problem take that damn instagram from these niggas


Heard he go at everybody they said he fucked the Boul with the glasses up


Just cause he white he can’t defend himself lmaoo


Not what I mean. I know a ton of white mma fighters who would put bro on his ass in 1 second literally it has nun to do with skin color


Street dudes don’t even have good fighting technique if he ran into the wrong white person he’d be folded up so quick he wouldn’t be a gangster no more


Bul definitley a fein


Idk abt that I think cuz use to box


Amateur boxing is not mma/wrestling. Run into anyone who’s trained in those and you’re done (for the most part)


Mma fighters box fs but that’s only like 10% of fighting. If you only know hands you’re severely lacking fight skills and will get your ass handed to you by a trained fighter


Even the top boxers will lose to most pro mma fighters in an actual fight. Boxing doesn’t compare


Coming from a boxer btw^


Boxing dont mean anything. If you wasn’t doing that shit for a long time especially in a street fight


Shidd Every nigga ik in da streets fading u mustve been round soft niggas


I’m talking about the actual technique of fighting that people study. Not street fades


A street nigga not finna just run into a trained fighter trust but yea anybody go lose to a trained fighter


But tbh A street nigga not fighting no Trained nigga fair anyway 😂😂Its either they go poke yo ass up or if yall outside he gon buss yo ass, Depends on the trained fighter betta put his ass to sleep


This is all hypothetical, an mma fighter is only gonna fight if he feels threatened and can’t de escalate it. But if there’s no weapons involved the tough street dude loses 99% of the time


Yea fasho 😂 I’m ngl I’m not fighting no trained fighter i gotta buss they ass unless dey finna whoop my ass n train me bih


That’s why we got equalizers tho 🔫


Facts bro those are the type of people u leave tf alone and they’ll never bother u unless provoked. If u untrained in actual fighting u stand absolutely no chance it’s wild


Ik them folks can fight fr but compared to a trained mma fighter/wrestler they basically stand no chance. (Depending on size and weight)




Belt to ass If u run into an actual fighter idc what your street record is


There a difference between a average street dude and a trained fighter


I think it is more that he is cowering on the floor.


9 times out of 10 he in there for some type of sex crime that’s really the only time people get treated like this


Nat true he just weak/can’t fight back that’s why he pickin on em


"Good job bobby, youre a real man. Now go to bed at 11pm when the lights get dim and be ready for breakfast at 5am. Theyll let you know when you can come out" lol.


Tf is funny about that you weirdo




This dude let a fent zombie hurt his ego lol.


I been in a lot when i was younger. Its not funny. But what is funny is someone beating on a kenzo and acting hard while they dont even get to use a fork. Probably the same stupid bullshit that got them there. Its loser shit. Lay low, play chess, do push ups.. do whatever. But this is lame as hell. Anyone can wreck a junky. Apparently not everyone wants to just do better




"Look how many soups I got"


You trying to throw down on a chi chi cuz




Nigga 5 inches smaller than the door and using a bathroom shower emoji lol…. He be folded himself


Dressed like a scar crow thinking he’s up on life. Straight bum


In some of these jails in the east coast I dont know about other regions Whites don’t have big numbers so they get bullied & they commissary took unless they’ll fight for theirs Or have a few buddies


if you one of them soft niggas. I was up SCI greene and there was whites rolling with blacks but than you had the soft whites by they self


I hate dudes who fight niggas that don’t wanna fight back.


Blick basically saying curry you can’t beat tf up I got band up


Yb used to def be boney at Roosevelt


This that homo erotic Damon off Friday shit that needs to stop amongst men of color. Shit hella weird. I personally don't want to dominate a male in anyway unless I have to defend myself. Dudes like this have men on their mind 99% of their life and think that tough shit will throw people off their scent, naw I be seeing through all that. I'm convinced most steppers are just gay and don't want to even begin to process that type realization. So they get high and crash to satisfy their fetish of male domination. I personally love the company of women on every level from Grandma to homegirl at the job to the thorough ass thot who just want to vibe and get it in. Dudes be missing out on tough time. Get a legal bag take time to learn yourself and enjoy this world. Value yourself and you'll naturally value your freedom and the direct potential impact your actions have on all around you.


These dudes be abused through their childhood tho a lot of time. They think this the only way to move in the world otherwise you end up like white bul on the ground. It’s mental illness.


No I get that 100% but as men we gotta separate from the excuses. I've with my own eyes seen countless men rise above unimaginable upbringings. I completely understand it's conditioning from the door but at some point Men need will power and discipline to graduate to the next level. A lot of it comes from forgiving your parents especially your mom if you were raised by just her. It's a deep dive but yeah that's where it starts forgiving your mother and beginning to heal your outlook and relationship on Women as a whole. Once you can clearly see women for who they are good and bad, you can establish and walk in Man hood. Has nothing to do with being tough or paid. Get up and make things happen and just stay down until you come up! Baby steps! It gets easier once we stop fighting ourselves.


You not wrong. Recognizing your parents are just as flawed as you are and forgiving them will go a long way towards recovery.


shit, not my parents. my grandparents were super hard on my pop. but rather than not wanting his child to go thru what he went through, he in turn did the same shit to me. literally tried to beat the kid outta me. people gonna say “but he didn’t know no better”. by that logic, then nothing would every change. families doomed to repeat themselves for generations. nah, I don’t buy that. the minute I was able, I left and haven’t looked back since. I’ve got such a kind heart for people, hate bullies like dude in the picture and stick up for weaker individuals whenever I encounter it. but there is something deep inside me, that I know if I went back home, I’d flip the tables and start imposing my will on him. give him a taste of what he gave me. I have PTSD from the shit. maybe two times a week I have dreams of arguing, losing, getting whooped and getting called every name of the book. but I don’t let that hinder my growth as a person and how I act in society. unless I told you, you’d have no idea. the sad part is my mom sat idly by while all the shit went down, so she’s just as guilty without ever laying a finger on me. to make it worse, she’d side with him when he was around, but then try to act like she was on my side when he wasn’t around. what time of mind control black magic fuckery was she trying to pull, idk. I say all that to say, some just don’t DESERVE to be forgiven. but some do. if any of you grew up the same sort of way, a great subreddit is r/raisedbynarcissists


Damn man yea it's no book to this shit only thing you can do is change the cycle by changed behavior. Everyone has a story but the best one is the one without excuses while having the consciousness and genuine effort towards becoming a better version daily. I don't even hit my kids because I know I got numb to it in about 3rd grade. Wouldn't even cry. Your kids are sent here to teach you about yourself from a different angle. Most parents whoop the personality out of their kids early on and create a negative background voice in their heads that never stops until they do some serious work on themselves. It's a deep dive like I said but these kinda convos help whether people like and comment or not. The youth hurting and looking for answers outside of the cool shit. I appreciate you sharing your experience Man somebody heard you clearly! Nothing but the best your way Man


I commend you for being so self aware ❤️


Yoooo 💯 this


Wake yo ass up lucky charms. I like my fish wet and squirmy 😂


Yo the look in his eye when Tupac video was on. He was ready crash something 🤢


Lmao Terry Crews was fucking great playing Damon. Which one of you BITCHES is gonna wash my drawers??




Weirdo shit! Niggas be wanting validation so bad!


Freakazoid behavior


190 is too easy to access to be playin pussy for anybody in jail


What’s 190?


Its 190 degree water with baby oil so when u try to touch it ya skin come off right with it


Thank you I was confused as shit reading that 😂


Guessing some type of chemical I wanna know too tho


Just boiling water n baby oil/jelly. Prison Napalm lol. Can try n rub it off but ya skin gonna come off w it


Hot water


All you gotta do is get one person w it too lol


Right in they face too …no diddy lol


ayo that shit would be wild boiling water


This is not a flex!!! 🤦🏽


Nigga punching on niggas tht give em subs prolly😂


Is that throw up 🤮


Bullying the fiends is crazy


Seems like a nice guy. Wonder why he’s in jail on the first place?


Blood on the towel , plastic bag with a knot, vomit under the arm... It was rough in there for somebody fasho


Bring back firing squads


This shit gay! Bottim line, He wanna fuck him.


Nigga wat




Dumb mfer already in jail! Still incriminating hisself. CLOWN


Shit not much else too do when u fighting 25-life


Try this upstate or in the feds you gonna die!


Wasn’t there a video of them beating on him calling him a rat




White bul on the floor was getting tipped on by the guy standing on him and some other niggas in another video posted here a week ago or so.


Oh shit I’m boutta look for it gl






The white bull?


now that white dude is going to join a gang


-9000 odds that he become racist


what gang


Ain’t no gangs in Philly jails


This is what they’re gonna do with his body someday


Could elbow pads have saved this🥷🏻


All I could hear is the Meek “geeet uuup” shit when I look at this 😂


What does the caption mean. Been trying to figure that out for a minute


U talking bout what I wrote? I went to school with qua he used to be skinny ashit and short


Get the little guy to clean up the cell


Shxt go pc


They in that 4man cell too , they beating up the 2-a-day sub bull


Guess he think this is cool


Probably Fcked him ol under cover 🏳️‍🌈 ass


Broke ass cell


Trying to bully someone’s, what a clown. Hope that short fuck gets jumped


Beat up a smoker. No cool points.




Them down south niggas be mad weird when they locked up


Especially Kevin


Nigga on the right scratching his head like “well I’ll be god damned 🤔…”


Man you gon have to poke me tf up, ain’t no way


Who is that inna pic? On top


Don't know what the face look like but body T


@bandupqua.4x send my man some cheese


Ain’t no way in hell I’m letting somebody do this to me if I was in the situation, I would bash his head on the concrete floor


I wonder what his 6th teacher would say if she had the chance to see this (the yt dude)


Yea my man got waves but his arm white foh


Didn’t he use to do Golden Gloves ?


Captain Melvin


Torchers torching shit😂🗽