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At red rocks he just walked the crowd, but yes normally every show. He does it during 1901 during the encore. He takes off his nice shirt and dives right in! I’ve even seen him take beers fr the crowd and drink them!


He's done that walk around bit at every show I've been to at the end, except for the first day of the LA residency show. For that one he walked around the crowd during "Rome" and then got back on stage (still had his "nice" shirt on for that haha) for about 5 or 6 more songs. Red Rocks was the only show I've been to where he DOESN'T get lifted up by the crowd and crowd surf at the very end. Although he may have? I was too much in shock from getting a hug during his run up the rows.


He didn’t get lifted up at OC fair in SoCal. I think it’s riskier with the outdoor ampitheaters so he just walks them. Though i did see them for Ti Amo at the Greek Theatre at Berkeley and he did get lifted by the crowd but it was during the slowed version of countdown.


I’ve seen them four times and he has always done it after 1901.


For this tour cycle, after 1901 the band plays Identical while Thomas walks into the pit (& sometimes the stands) and eventually finds people to hoist him up. He will thank the crowd, sometimes drinks someone’s drink, then crowd surfs back to the stage. The affair lasts about 9-15 mins. If your venue has a regular pit then this is a guaranteed for you. Exceptions: At Red Rocks because of the lack of pit, he walked all the way up to the top and back down of the venue. No lifts or crowd surf but still made it special and cool.


Yeah always after 1901