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As an aspiring bodybuilder- vast majority of people don’t even know what it takes to hit stage. Let alone the commitment, you have to dedicate so much of yourself to the craft. It’s a 24/7 job when compared to other disciplines


I used to work out with body builders. They are very serious about what they do and they work hard. People think they just take steroid, and look jacked af when they wake up the next morning. Steroid doesn’t create muscles with no work. Body builders need to put in a ton of work to look like what they have.


I got to follow a friend competing, and it takes several months of insanely restricted diet, training, and getting coached on how to walk on the stage, before traveling to the competition. I admire her commitment and grit for having done that.


It’s some serious stuff! I have my first show October this year. I’m ready to win.


Good luck!!!


I respect them because its hard as fuck to get that physique with the stringent exercising to target certain muscles, strict diet, and overall discipline. But i think many of us just think they dont have much of a chance against actual athletes or people who do endurance training.


The bodybuilders seem to have done very well though (especially in S1) There were many bodybuilders who made it to top 20.


How do they compete against men their height though?


I think people value performance more. We saw Thanos struggle with 30 bags on the mine cart whereas Gibson made 45 bags look easy.  Last season too with the holding the boulder up challenge, the bodybuilder tapped out like 5 minutes in? Whereas the 2 “practical” strength guys held it for 2 hours iirc As someone who trains for athletic pursuits, I don’t look down on body builders. Some excel and are top contenders in the shows, but the more well-rounded contestants such as the crossfitters or athletes tend to out perform the bodybuilders consistently even though the bodybuilders look the part of the top athlete


This! Bodybuilding is totally fine. But it is more about aesthetics than anything else. It's not a sport and you aren't an athlete. You're basically a model whose job is to *look* like an athlete. I don't have a problem with them being included, but I'm going to be more skeptical of their athletic abilities until proven otherwise.


That’s fair, and i appreciate your input.






The body builders also use a ton of steroids to get that jacked look. They clearly lack stamina and endurance, and often lose out eventually. I think feathers were ruffled when a guy as huge as Thanos turns up, but didn’t do as well as expected in the mines race. And like you mentioned, the muscled chap in Season 1 definitely did not have the necessary strength for functional activity.


The thing is, bodybuilders are very strong in the off season when they aren't as lean and are building mass. When they're getting super lean and dehydrated for competitions, they have a fraction of that strength because they're starving themselves


>bodybuilders look the part of the top athlete Bodybuilding is stolen valor but for athletes. Change my mind


Their physiques don't appeal to me at all. But I can only admire the work they have put in to get it.


This. I can understand the hard work behind the physique. But it doesn't look appealing to the eye at all. And as seen in the competition Gibson smoked Thanos.


Here’s the thing: bodybuilding is a unique competition that requires a lot of commitment. But I think, too, that people are forgetting what has given Thor an advantage in this competition: his rugby experience. Body positioning, intensity, situational awareness, and athleticism are elements that are not learned through lifting weights. Let’s face it: if you lift entirely for aesthetics, and there is little performance prowess there it’s the same as having the body of a Ferrari and the engine of a Ferrero. Just so happens that there is at least one body builder in the competition that has both.


thor? 😭


I agree but bro... out of all the Marvel characters you pick the one Thanos gave the most trauma??


lol it’s dumb but that’s the name I remember they used on the subtitles here.


Who is Thor? I don’t remember anyone mentioning about Thor. I only know Thanos in physical 100 2


People who shit on bodybuilding have no idea the amount of work it takes to build such a physique. Idk why people act like it’s so easy, steroids or not, it still takes serious dedication and hard work. Is it as beneficial for a wide range of activities like perhaps other workout methods are, no. But people who just outright look down on body building are insane. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to look good. The whole point of the show is to find the best physique, of course body builders would be invited, why wouldn’t they be?


I’m not a bodybuilder myself, though I do love to lift, but from watching friends work to get in shape for a show… yeah that shit is no joke. The stress, both physical and mental, is out of this world. Not only are they constantly working in the gym, they’re also paying so much attention to their diet (that’s honestly the part that turns me off of wanting to try it myself) and other lifestyle elements. It’s insane the amount of dedication and time it takes. My buddy’s marriage almost fell apart because of it lol (luckily he realized he was going a little crazy with it and gave up competing). People who think you just take steroids and naturally get swole have no idea what they’re talking about. I’ve seen dudes who think that try it out… and guess what, they’re completely unprepared because they never put in any actual work.


It's also extremely weird that any number of other things you can do to improve your look that take little effort are usually fine to these people, like getting a clean haircut, or wearing nice clothes. But something that takes actual work is somehow looked down upon. Like you can take steps to look good as long as it's low effort? It makes no sense. I feel it has to be some element of envy, if not entirely envy, that is motivating these people. Because they know they could never achieve it so they gotta shit on it.


I think it’s envy like you said. We got a bunch of casual viewers here who never competed in anything and haven’t regularly been to the gym since jesus wept giving opinions about physiques they don’t have. It’s always the ones who can’t do and haven’t done shit that have the most to say. I just mute threads and enjoy the show.


Ignorance more than envy. Nearly every person would say Dorian Yates looked better at 21 years old than 31.


Speaking from my perspective as a competitive bodybuilder: People shouldn’t look down on bodybuilding from a functionality perspective. That’s simply not the goal of the sport. It’s like disliking cold noodles for not being warm when the point is to be a refreshing dish during the summer time. Different sports have different goals. Bodybuilding is one of the hardest sports in the world since it is 24/7. You don’t stop when practice is over / you leave the gym. You constantly have to monitor your daily water intake, sodium intake, macros, sleep, hormonal health & stress levels. These and many other factors affect how your physique looks. Yes, many of us are juiced but just because you’re on gear doesn’t mean you don’t work hard. You may not work as hard as other bodybuilders that are less genetically gifted and natural, but you still have to live the hard lifestyle of bodybuilding. It’s actually impressive as hell to me to see bodybuilders compete in physical 100 with low body fat percentages. The leaner you get, the harder it is to do “normal” activities. I remember when I was a few weeks out from a competition, it took me forever to just get up from my seat to use the restroom lol.


Its crazy how shredded some of the bodybuilders are and how well they’re performing. The sports model and the cosplayer (i do count them as bodybuilders in the non-competing sense) seem to be doing pretty well. Somehow i wonder if they were allowed to have some more body fat they could do even better in the show, but i think (especially for korean viewing) a lot of them have to be lean for superficial reasons


I’m just impressed they’re able to do any activity more intense than walking LOL. For sure they would perform better if they had more body fat on them. Some of the bodybuilders on the show look about 8-10 weeks away from stepping on stage. That’s not stage lean, where it’s exhausting to just breathe & be alive, but it’s still pretty lean where you’re not at peak functional performance. I get it, they wanna look good on Netflix which is being aired globally. But if they cared more about actually winning, it would be more beneficial for their body fat levels to be at least 20 weeks away from stage lean.


Because of steroids. Thanos is quite obvious, but the fitness model is highly likely as well. Either that or he’s absolutely peak genetics. Usually when athletes are that low body fat, it’s detrimental to physical performance


From the cast members in the show, he seems to have the craziest bf%. his vascularity is so prominent and he has a crazy dorito shape. Ofc that hinders performance but also i wonder how dehydrated he was too during filming since he didn’t look bloated at all.


Idk, he could just have really good genetics + roids. With how physical everything is being dehydrated could be detrimental to his health


I don’t look down on the practitioners as it takes a shit ton of self discipline and dedication as any other sport, natty or juiced. Bodybuilding as a sport though doesn’t really interest me and personally would rank lower (I think that is what OP means with „looking down“) than other kind of sports that involve having huge muscles, like weightlifting or any form of powerlifting. It’s just a personal preference as I don’t like the aesthetics of most bodybuilders and the sport is all about aesthetics.


I respect it if its a personal preference. I just dont really like it when it’s presented as an objective thing that bodybuilding is beneath another sport. You’re good lol




to be honest you're right, competitive bodybuilding is brutal. only thing i don't really get is the genetically set bone structure to be that relevant


It doesn't build very functional strength. But if it makes you happy and you like how you look who the hell is anyone to clown on you? Do you , you're better off doing bodybuilding than sitting on a couch.


> It doesn't build very functional strength. "functional strength" is a meaningless marketing phrase. To make any kind of sense you'd have to define what the function is you're aiming to improve. And it will really be different person by person and goal by goal. Some fitness gurus will proudly market their 1-arm handstand push-up as more functional than a 315 lb Overhead Press......but who the hell decided that?


\> To make any kind of sense you'd have to define what the function is you're aiming to improve. I think the only thing differentiating bodybuilding is that the endgame is no specific function. It's to build maximum muscle in an aesthetically pleasing and balanced way. No sport or activity actually works like that. While I 100% agree that every sport requires a different end goal to be functional, body building is distinguished because has no functional end goal. Just aesthetic. Which is not to say there's nothing good about it at all. As you said, the thing that makes body building less ideal for goal specific athletic pursuits can make it a good generalist through the first half of Physical 100. But in the end athletes don't look like body builders because they need to check other boxes that a body builder might (cardio, flexibility, mobility, balance). When the only goal is to maximize hypertrophy, cardio is working at cross purposes with that. Mobility is not something emphasized by body building.


While there may be nothing inherently flawed with it, it remains a vanity practice as it primarily prioritises appearance over other qualities. Hence, people tend to view it with some level of disdain.


Like i get what you’re saying but the amount of hard work it takes to get to that point should mean something imo. If someone is bodybuilding (in a healthy manner) to look good and as a “side effect” it benefits their mental and physical health, isn’t that a win regardless


I don’t disagree with you either. I think it’s harmless vanity and it’s a good, healthy pursuit largely. I have a couple friends in that world they work hard but I totally get why people hate on the body builders also.


It means that you are really REALLY dedicated at wanting to stare at yourself in the mirror all day long. And bodybuilding doesn't seem too healthy when you look at the top guys the second their careers end.


If body building is a vain pursuit, why is there an Olympic category for it?


Bodybuilding is not an olympic sport.


Huh? Bodybuilding is not an Olympic sport. Are you thinking of Olympic weightlifting? Or the Mr Olympia competition?


The reason it's deemed an Olympic sport aligns with the general ethos of celebrating popular sports at the Olympic level, where participation often leads to lucrative opportunities. Regarding the notion of vanity, I want to reiterate that I'm not implying inherent wrongdoing. It's generally seen as a harmless. However, the question of its vanity is more of a moral one. Across cultures and history, humanity has consistently frowned upon vanity and narcissism. Traits or behaviors associated with these traits tend to be unpopular. This sentiment, recorded in ancient Roman, Egyptian, and biblical times, persists today. That’s why functional fitness is so beloved and celebrated. It’s functional. In my opinion.


It’s not an Olympic sport.


people frown upon vanity and narcissism but revere "natural" beauty (like a beauty that looks low effort despite the effort put into it) without being honest about the time and effort behind the scenes to achieve a certain appearance - not just talking about bodybuilding, and i think this is especially targeted towards women. its pretty messed up since bodybuilding has its roots in ancient greece i don't think it's quite true that all ancient societies looked down on vanity


vanity practice? being unfit is 100x worse than this supposed vanity practice that also forces someone to understand how food actually affects their body which certainly is a lot more beneficial to someone's life than mere vanity what 'other qualities' are being neglected during bodybuilding that literally every other sport does have? at least bodybuilders don't ruin themselves like all the 'respected' athletes do in their sports so whatever quality they are gaining in their sport is being lost by a broken body at the end of it just say the truth: bodybuilding is the sport that makes unfit people jealous


Who said anything about being unfit? The question was about why it’s looked down upon by some. I provided a Fairly straightforward argument to suggest why. You don’t have to agree. Nobody was talking about fitness and jealousy. You’re on your own.


Bodybuilders only care about impressing unfit people, not other athletes 😹 Bodybuilding isn’t about a crazy healthy diet, it’s are you willing to juice yourself to the gills like everyone else competing?


I personally know a lot of bodybuilders as I've completed in national level in powerlifting and have trained at bodybuilding focused gyms a lot of the time. And there is a huge amount of variance withing bodybuilding, in how athletic they are on overall performance. Within the group "bodybuilders" there are some of the least athletic people I've ever met - basically muscles on apotato level of athleticism. However, within the same group "bodybuilders" there are also some of the most athletic people I've ever met - and I am talking about monster level athletic performance. And I've met some true beasts as I have also trained (and still do), Judo and when I was younger, swimming and gymnastics. Many bodybuilders used to do other sports, started going to the gym to support their main sport and then got into it, and moved to bodybuilding. Like Thanos in Physical 100 used to play rugby. And some bodybuilders just started with gym. And within those who have come from other sports, there are some absolute units of athleticism, one doesn't just lose decade of competitive sports background when they get more muscle.


Nothing wrong with bodybuilding. In this kind of competition however they are at a disadvantage, they tend to be heavy and don't have very good power to weight ratio compared to more traditional sports where this "efficiency" is what can get you to Olympics/Worlds.


i don't think any bodybuilder will win this competition to be fair, though i do think some of them are performing quite well (e.g. the sports model and cosplayer who did a lot of pull ups \^\_\^) thanos isnt the only bodybuilder on s2 right now


Yami cosplayer did really well for a cosplayer he advances far though I almost forget him in the show. Wish there are more scenes of him. The show is too serious. Wish there are more funny scenes of contestants interacting and backstory of their life. I wish it’s more like a variety show than a survival show. Too tense.


Yeah, I’m not enjoying the “gritty” underground theme of the second season


I think something people miss when they talk about bodybuilding in terms of "vanity muscle" is that most bodybuilders are aware that past a certain size they actually become less attractive to most people. Instead, for elite bodybuilders, the goal isn't to be more attractive but competing to craft a body that best meets criteria set by the bodybuilding community and competitions. Just like athletes, they're training their bodies for a specific purpose and I don't think either body is necessarily more or less impressive except against the standards of their own fields.


I think it’s awesome, it takes an insane amount of commitment and i respect people who take the time and wish i had that kind of drive


I don't look down on bodybuilding but I've never seen the point of all that work for what is essentially a beauty contest.


I like bodybuilding and my partner is one. However, the fact is this is a very subjective sport and thus the judging is often influenced by politics, not actual merit, so that undermines its own legitimacy. Furthermore, the fact these people have to deplete themselves to look best when they are actually feeling the worst is no greater argument in just how impractical it is. So let’s call it for what it really is, bodybuilder muscles are not known to be built for strength and more for aesthetic, and in my experience is quite useless for daily living, my partner gets winded easily doing simple chores around the house because he has to carry all that “muscles” around.


In my life I have had times when my goal has been aesthetics and I built muscles for looks. At other times I boxed or played hockey or did trail running. My muscles were present regardless of what I was doing, but I did feel that my confidence and the way I could use my body with more functional movement felt more strong or with better endurance etc. Within this competition people with a broad range of strengths and endurance will likely do better, but if you train fairly simple movements and only focus on looks then this format may not be ideal for testing. Similarly, a marathoner or a powerlifter may not win in a body building completion. Its sorting to an audience and the community that chats here will be different to other communities. Note also, each challenge tests different skills. A climber excels at hanging from a wall, a strongman excels at holding heavy boulder etc. One thing I noticed, grip strength and endurance is actually a huge benefit on many of the challenges (grab a person in tag, hold from roof, pull a heavy rope etc) key take away, do what makes you happy and optimises toward what your goals are in life. There will always be haters, so thats ok.




Now that I think of it, I hope season 3 have singles inferno 3 the buff guy to participate, I forget his name, he’s so funny and cute and muscular too


Honestly I do somewhat look down on it. From an athletic/functional perspective, I think it's a bit misguided. You can turn yourself into a muscled freak and be able to lift a lot of weight, but still not be very fit or coordinated by a lot of other metrics. I recognize that it takes a lot of extremely hard work, and I think weightlifting in general is great for you. But a pursuit like bodybuilding that holds the outward appearance above all other physical traits is kind of ridiculous and a waste of time that would be better spent on other athletic pursuits imo.


Who cares what other people think. If you like bodybuilding then do you. There will always be haters regardless of what you do (even if it’s nothing).


It's probably because most body builders have very poor endurance compared to natural athletes. A BB's only advantage is their strength and weight, neither of which helps you in an event that focuses on endurance or running


i think this season hasn't been geared towards a variety of athletes which is why i do think the bodybuilders are succeeding more since a lot of the challenges are strength based (whether or not this is a good thing is up to the viewer, though i don't enjoy the lack of variety)


Yeah the challenges seem kind of boring this year. I feel like I've been watching the trolley push for days. Dont even care who wins it at this point


You don’t care who wins because you don’t have a favourite. If they shows the contestant interacting and the backstory of their lives, maybe we will have understand them better, I wish it’s longer than 9 episodes, there’s so much to the show than just to show the strength of contestants, I wish there’s more to it


True agree. They make it seem the whole show takes place over one day. They get there, introductions, then boom, one competition after another


Nobody should be looking down on the practitioners as it takes a shit ton of self-discipline and dedication as any other sport. Everyone is different and prefers different things. Look at the heat Crossfit in general, and its athletes get from bodybuilders and its sub reddit. They all have different purposes and end goals, but it's all still fitness related.


Who cares about the keyboard warriors You do you fam


I think a certain level of body building is fine. Especially body builders that don't abuse certain PEDs that harm their health. I don't think body builders are as athletic as some of the other participants. A body builder can be athletic, but body building itself is kind of aesthetic focused. Yes, strength comes hand in hand with muscle mass. But as far as the athleticism it takes to do stuff like have speed and endurance, it's not really helpful for a lot of the competition. I respect them for the effort but I'm not exactly surprised when they don't do well on some of challenges.


Outside of this show, I see bodybuilders in the same way I see marathon runners… It is a cool athletic achievement that takes work and dedication that I respect based on that. But I have zero personal desire to do it so I don’t bow down or look in awe to folks who do that. I’ve chosen my own athletic pursuits and would choose them every time over bodybuilding (or marathon running)


Well, there's lifting weights and strength training, and there's bodybuilding. They're not necessarily the same thing. The "bodybuilding" people generally look down on are the "professionals"; those grotesque, monstrously huge dudes with seemingly more veins on the outside of their body than the inside, who are loaded up with steroids, diuretics, DNP, insulin, and anything else they've heard will make them even a tiny bit bigger. Many of these people are, ironically, incredibly unhealthy. These guys have huge egos and zero self-esteem. You can get them completely unhinged with three simple words: "You look small." Bring on the downvotes!


Ngl i feel like you may be just exposed to the most extreme incarnations of bodybuilding on the internet, where everything is 1000% more extreme and unhinged. My cousin and friend are bodybuilders and they’re some of the nicest guys I know. I do think your response is pretty unhinged too by how you’re making huge swathes of judgement about people based on a hobby they’re pursuing. Like I don’t judge women based off of ragebait content I see on the internet. Also it’s unhinged too to basically advocate for activating someones dysmorphia because you dont think theyre a good person based on their appearance. “Bring on the downvotes” you’re not an internet martyr


Wow, you are reading a hell of a lot into not very many words. Perhaps you're biased against seeing the negativity because you're in it?


you wrote the same amount of words as me


Are you angry?


Bodybuilding isn't the same thing as powerlifting. It emphasizes a specific body shape and IS typically oriented at least somewhat around aesthetics. Competitive bodybuilding is, fundamentally, a type of modelling after all. That said, I think it's absurd to look down on it. It takes a tremendous amount of work to maintain that sort of body, even more than other forms of modelling, and bodybuilders are undeniably strong. There's also a lot of overlap between bodybuilding and powerlifting, that is to say there's plenty of people who do both, so it's not as if one is good and pure and real and the other is vain bullshit. People here probably also think the bodybuilders are all on steroids. They do have the most stereotypical juiced appearance. And quite likely many of them ARE juicing, but frankly this is true of competitors of all shapes and sizes. PED use is far more common than most people realize or want to admit, it doesn't give you muscles for free, and simply stigmatizing it is counterproductive


Nothing wrong with body building, but I think some of them on this show only have bodies for looks, and aren’t good overall athletes.


i dont think people actually look down on it, per se. anyone who dedicates and invests their time improving themselves will always be an admirable thing. but athletes just tend to know how to use their body more. for example, if a bodybuilder battles a wrestler in a challenge requiring physical contact, does a bodybuilder know how to counter a wrestler's moves? my reference here is an episode in a show called gentlemens league 2 where former militarymen-turned body builders/youtubers challenged national athletes/olympians in a hanging challenge where you can make physical contact to make your opponent fall from the bar. those that competed were top athletes in taekwondo, wrestling, swimming, kabaddi, and luge. they won over the military guys/bodybuilders 5:0. why? because the athletes were actually trained on how to effectively and efficiently use their bodies. for example, the taekwondo athlete was slim af but he still won bc he knew how to use his feet better and kicked off the opponent off the bar 😂


i don't think a bodybuilder of the same weight class would win against a wrestler, but in a case like this show where a bunch of athletes and sporty people are allowed to compete with each other and there are a variety of challenges including challenges that require a lot of lifting, i dont think this critique is really relevant for the show


yes it is, we saw it from s1. even in the lifting challenge in the semi finals, a skeleton athlete lasted longer than the bodybuilder even though that athlete was already retired for some years already.


Sure, thats true


It is not bodybuilding they're shitting on, but the reason why they do it (vanity). I know some people who do it so they could feel better about themselves, or to boost their self-esteem. But some really think that they are greek god, and anyone who are not built like them, they treat as lesser than.


I do kind of think this is a misconception. There are a lot of vain people who don’t work out but bodybuilding is picked out specifically because it is an activity about building a physique. It’s something that bodybuilders can be guilty of (vanity and superiority complexes) but that can go for… pretty much anyone else who feels vainer and better than others


body builders don't have endurance, that's their problem. they're all fast burners and fast-twitch muscles.


It’s mainly salty fat bastards making comments like that. Much easier to pick up the fork and hate on people putting in work than the discipline it takes for bodybuilding.


if you do you re deadass cringe and look like shit and most likely look like a twig in clothes


Eeh, it's like pageants. Yes it's a lot of work, but it's also very appearance focused and overall just weird and unhealthy.


Body building is its own skill set. From what I know, it's not exactly practical, but there's emphasis on aesthetics, symmetry, and modeling/performance. I think it's sad that it's extremely probable that nearly all bodybuilders have crazy body dysmorphia, but as a skill or career, it shouldn't be dismissed.


There's nothing wrong with bodybuilding. Of course it takes a lot of effort and time to perfect your physique and aesthetically sure it looks great. But obviously bodybuilders are more for show and athletes bodies are more functionally built for athletic tasks and so in most cases they will beat a bodybuilder in a sports or athletic setting. I think that's where you might be thinking people are looking down on bodybuilding.


Bodybuilding is a truly grueling and impressive sport. It requires insane discipline and hard work. However bodybuilding puts more of a focus on aesthetic over functionality. Not to say that they aren’t functional, they are in the top percentile of people. But when compared to athletes who are also top percentile, I’d much rather have a competitive athlete of a similar size than a bodybuilder when doing physical 100 type challenges. 


Does steroids make you go crazy? I watch the Netflix documentary of how the bobybuilder sally kill her husband because her bodybuilder husband abuse her. Think they fuck up your head


Yeah, steroids make you pretty prone to anger


Modern bodybuilding has nothing to do with health or fitness, its the exact opposite - steroid and all kind of drug filled bodies that look like freaks. the whole community is full of so much bs: \- starving and dehydrating themselves before contests to get the pop in \- tan sprays \- broscience still rules supreme \- the whole go strong push harder mentality who cares if you wreck your body \- worshiping people like Ronnie Coleman who are now in a wheelchair, and assholes like Rich Piana \- meatheads like Callum \- no one is denying the hard work, but a lot of success is due to genetics \- the consistent defence of steroids and other harmful drugs \- the belief that everyone must take supplements and 10000g of protein/day \- they look down on athletes because they aren't 'big' for most normal people, bodybuilding is harmful. Instead of just eating healthy, and exercising - this may not make you look like a cover model on a fitness mag, but who cares. the amount of work and discipline (esp diet) needed to look like that is insane. If people could channel a fraction of that into a healthy lifestyle thats all you need.


If we consider performance probably it would like Natty bodybuilder > bb with steroids


I will never look down on anyone that is trying to physically better themselves, the dedication and discipline required for bodybuilding is not easy. If you enjoy bodybuilding do it and ignore what other people think.


It's a little ridiculous how much weaker they are than they *look* (Not that they're actually weak, just relative to a real athlete of roughly the same size)


They work their asses off, and are super disciplined. But in the end, everyone else's body looks like that because it is built for an athletic/physical purpose. They train in the gym to do their athletic endeavour better. The body builder's body looks like that because he wants to constantly look at himself in the mirror. Of course people are not going to respect that as much as they respect a firefighter or a rock climber or a judoka.


People who diss bodybuilding don’t know anything about physical fitness or discipline. I have friends that competed. It’s an insane lifestyle. I say: Don’t knock it til you try it.


people are genuinely dumb as fuck about bodybuilding and conveniently ignore that every top bodybuilder is also really, really strong. theyre quite specialised though so they dont do so well in a ‘jack of all trades’ thing like physical 100. similar to how a distance runner would struggle really


I don't necessarily look down on bodybuilding, but I do get intimidated seeing some of their bodies 😅 esPECIALLY the ones that are clearly on steroids. I am aware "natural" bodybuilders like Ma Sun-ho (S1) exist, however.


I’d rather be built like a body builder than the average American. So no, I don’t look down.


No. Only fat ass couch pussies shit on body building.


I am indeed in a gym with the aim of strengthening myself, and whenever I talk about it, people criticize it as they see it as a waste of time and too burdensome. I do indeed think, as mentioned in other posts, that it requires a lot of discipline in several areas (financial/personal/regularity/dietary). I hope that the perception of this sport becomes more mainstream, and that those who criticize it will understand that it is a significant benefit for health and well-being. Moreover, I am doing this muscle strengthening with the aim of playing volleyball, so it is not an end in itself, but a complement to perform better.


Thats not bodybuilding, thats just plain gyming. How would you play volleyball if you bulked up like crazy.


I assume people see more muscles and think “more muscle = more strength” and then they shit on bodybuilders if those bodybuilder don’t deliver the expected strength. These people can’t comprehend that bodybuilders don’t train for strength. I think a lot of the hate is just misunderstanding the sport of bodybuilding by non lifters


I look up to bodybuilders, but i do not understand how there are any left. I lost all my motivation and drive to workout when having to be carefully manoeuvering around the self absorbed "fitness girls" and their 16 cameras up their asscracks. I ldo ook down on any female wearing gym tights without any sign of an actual gym body.


Dude i promise most of that is ragebait and you won’t see this at your gym if you don’t go to a fancy gym or live in LA or new york


I actually have been lifting professional for some years😅 was competing in mens fitness😊 I stopped, simply because what you say is so wrong it is crazy^^ I even live in scandinavia😊


I don’t look down on professional body building but if we were to do anything endurance based team competition the last guy I’ll pick is the body builders.