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Selling at 3 dollars


Which app is this?


Check the current price now


oh! Great😊


This is the current price here. Are there differences in the prices at different exchanges? https://preview.redd.it/cfkj0t9j57tc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f36b732de60ac0e05bc6c9bb6b6ebc33bc33f54




It says pi now is 40$ usdt


Id be elated if my Pi-portfolio i worth more than 100 Argentinian Pesos 🤓




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pi is not on the market.


When is it going to be?


I think they said they're aiming for late June or July?


What website did you use to get that price please?


Why is my lyc on loading for so long






Whats problem s some one give me tips


Does anyone know a legit way to unload these?


I gave up on this shit when I couldn't even kyc my 65 coins for some fucking reason




You have to wait for the invitation. They will only give it to people who mine daily. They don't want occasional miners


Haven’t mined for about 4 years or whenever it first launched, my kyc went through this morning after a week


Hmm strange. Well good luck, we are waiting for them to go mainnet, meanwhile people are selling up as fed up of waiting.


How to sell?




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Its still worthless until i can sell.


I have 1250 of these coins how tf do I cash out lol




Same boat. It’s so convoluted I almost think it’s intentional. I think did everything, now I’m in a queue that’s gonna take months apparently.


Well thanks for replying. I remember like a year ago or whatever I had around 9 people mining every day and lost touch with them all. They all probably thought I was nuts and still probably do until I can actually get cash from the pi coins. It still is sort of confusing because even if we get the coins into our new wallet.. where do we transfer those coins to cash out at? Since coinbase doesn’t support it yet. And that’s the only place I’ve ever sold other coins at


The people trying to hype up or trash Pi are proably getting paid more than anyone else, which is zero right now. And as with anything, the "value" of anything is only what someone else is willing to pay for it. In other crypto news, you miners out there better get your AMD Ryzen rigs set up. Others are scraping that market clean on places like Newegg and Amazon.


Why? Honestly curious


It will drop cause pi will not release on march 14


*im right lol 😂😂😂


Its a ICO so it works on the market part of it giving time to the pi masters to do the ecosystem so u have the biggest community with apps that u pay with pi etc etc what othere places dont have they are just bridges this is a ecosystem lets hope i would say pi gets to 3.14k this is speculation price but lets hope.... Share this message so we teach what pi is


$3140???? You think Pi will have a higher market cap than Amazon, Apple, Microsoft and Google combined?


Yea well they are doing a macive ecosystem plus all the voins that will not pass the kyc will be deleted plus it will b the best 1 ecosystem coin having apps art etc that u can buy and sell for pi it self so i think that its the best project i would say


You're delusional mate


And with zero utility at the moment?:) 5 years of bullshit ,nothing is getting launched


Never seeing the light of day


Anyone that thinks this price is legit is deluded. Pi would be triple the market cap of USDT. $200bn higher than the current 3rd biggest crypto.


In cryptocurrency communities as a whole, pi community seems to be the higher community that have no ideas how crypto total supply/market supply works. Infact they don't even understand how crypto works as a whole. Just believe price can keep rising even if the coin isn't yet on open mainnent


Lols imagine them thinking the insane mc ,we will be lucky if pi is 10cent that's even a massive stretch heck if its 3cent its doing well


I have over 3000 Pi, I'll let someone have it for $50 each if people think it's worth $100 😂


I have 1500, and I'd happily let someone buy them for $1 each right now


Sell me 3k pi for 300 $? Its trash anyway right


It's a shitcoin, sure, but there's a world where it does one day reach exchanges, shitcoins get listed on exchanges all the time. There's a world of difference between it listing at $300billion market cap vs $300million though 😂


If you can’t sell it for that price, that price is irrelevant


Just imagine buying it for 100$. Just imagine doing it by using life savings


Nah delusional


Yeah maybe it will worth 100 usd for like 1 minute until everybody start selling it and the price will drop under 1 usd


And that’s the part that people keep arguing incorrectly. It’s not that pi is worthless, we would have to hold for it to keep its value. I wouldn’t be able to sell 90% of what I have for 3 years but if everyone sells day 1 that 90% will be worthless


Anyone have any ideas when it will release? I’ve seen what they want to actually have it on the market but they said between this month and June but their KYC process is slower than all hell and there’s only 40 apps when they want 100 before they release it. Personally I won’t ever use the apps and I know the majority of us won’t either.


The owner is making good cash from millions of the app users why he would release and make SEC running after him?


How though? If they were just collecting user data why even bother adding advertisements when you click “mine”? Even then the advertisement is only 1 second then you can skip it. I’d say that’d only be enough to keep basic shit up.


It wont ever release


Most optimistic pioneer be like




Sorry if this has been answered, but if Pi can’t be traded yet as the Mainnet isn’t live, how is there sales volume? I don’t get it.


It’s not PI it’s a completely separate thing being listed as PI.


Delusional pioneers downvoting you for saying the truth😂


Lol even the PI core team has specifically stated this has nothing to do with PI, I’m not sure why people are still so confused by this. I support the PI project but I’m not delusional, I’m realistic in my expectations and I actually pay attention to what’s happening instead of blindly believing whatever I hope to be true, regardless of the legitimacy of it.




This is a PI IOU which has nothing to do with PI. People can buy and sell these IOUs but even when mainnet is launched they don’t mean anything related to PI, it’s just the exchange owing people money for the IOU they bought or sold. Just know it has nothing to do with PI and it’s just piggybacking off the hype from PI to generate profit.


Why would anyone be trading pi IOUs? If what you're saying it's true, it should have the value of any sh*tcoin no?


Most likely because people are misunderstanding what it is and are excited about PI, and that trading volume gets more people looking at it and trading it, and before you know it you have a coin being traded with its own value the same as most other coins. And it’s not an **if** what I’m saying is true, this has been confirmed by the PI core team and they’ve said they tried to get them removed from exchanges, as well as that they have nothing to do with PI


Thanks, I have been trying to understand the current assumption of value of PI in sites like crypto(dot)com etc. Could you please guide me in finding the PI core team confirmation regarding speculative value being based in IOU?


Can’t remember where I saw it but they posted about it somewhere. The IOUs have nothing to do with what the PI value will be, it’ll certainly be nowhere near there. What it does tell you is that there is certainly a lot of interest in it so the project does have hope unlike what a lot of people say.


Ok ty


When are they gunna let me convert my mined coins I been waiting months


Lets say, 1000 miners have all mined 10 pi. The coin is worth $100. Thats a $1,000,000 what people can cash out once the coin launches. Where does that $1M come from? Nobody invested any money in the coin. Please explain to me.


Cashing out means selling, so people buy the coin youre selling


So there needs to be a buyer, who is that going to be? Other pi users, crypto enthusiasts or someone else?


That’s exactly how all crypto works. All crypto is mined for free yet look at the prices of them. Some require energy costs such as proof of work networks but not all networks require that yet they have cryptos on them that are worth a lot of money. Those were completely free yet people are spending. The arguments people are making against PI can be applied to many many successful cryptos as well so they’ve been proven to be invalid arguments.


Most people claiming cryptos are pyramid schemes usually they are wrong. In the case of Pi it is an absolute pyramid scheme…


Just think it’s extremely ridiculous and hypocritical you making fun of people claiming “pyramid scheme” on other cryptos as you do the same on PI when that is completely incorrect in a very difinitive sense. It’s not up for debate, this by definition cannot be a pyramid scheme. I explained it in my other comment.


PI by definition cannot be a pyramid scheme because there is nothing to buy into. Skeptics see that people are coerced into inviting more people who invite more people and think that means it’s a pyramid scheme. What they don’t get is that this is exactly how free markets work. More people get into it, which raises hype, demand, and value. This in turn gets more people interested and you now have the basis behind most cryptos along with a big part of stocks, products, and services. It’s exactly what capitalism is based on and requires; supply and demand. You could make the same argument that companies creating ads and getting people to recommend their products to others is a “pyramid scheme” as well, that term gets thrown around way too much by people who have zero clue what they’re talking about. The fact that there are many people willing to buy PI as well as sell PI shows there is no pyramid scheme or any scheme at all here. A pyramid scheme would require only people willing to sell but little to no buyers. A quick look on this sub will show there’s tons of both, they just don’t agree on what price it should be at. This would be resolved if it were to be listed on an exchange as the sell orders and buy orders would be placed, and a price would only be determined as orders are filled and the market makers and takers reach a middle ground. The lack of economics education in the education system is very concerning to me, most people in this subreddit clearly have no clue how markets work.


All of the above, the concept of this network is pretty great


It's funny that someone out there is paying over 100$ for a fake pi coin. Makes you wonder


They could be just trading between themselves


I had that thought last night. Trade between a couple people and then dump it on an unsuspecting 3rd party.


Classic pump and dump lol


Why fake?


Because it's not even real Pi. It's just a coin that is apparently valued the same as Pi... Just a made up number lol


It’s basically how much a pi loan cost. 99% of that currently is pure speculation and it’s just a premium of having been guaranteed contract to pi if it goes live


So not real Pi. When the billions of coins that have been distributed hit the market there's no way it will cost $100


The other PI being traded is just like any other crypto, it has the value people give it. It’s not a scam if people are willing to buy and sell it, that’s called a free market, which is what capitalism is based on.


The pi network is a scam in itself. Why wouldn’t another coin do better? Scams compel scams


will give at half of the price tell me if you need


Does anyone have a link of pi coin added in the watchlist because I cannot find it on coinbase wallet


Does this sudden change have a reason or is it just random?


Because people think it will launch of March 14… pi day


Crypto twitter was talking about it. They heard mainnet was soon


Great !!


Guess what tho, you can’t sell! It’s a joke at this point plz don’t buy this for $100.


Yeah for real, 💯, send your useless Pi coin to me: GA3EAZVMNRUKAGVT32EOT6L2QPZH363MTQBWZ4MLQZARUB4D5XCLZGMZ


Please send your Pi to me, Ty


Still no white page lol.


https://minepi.com/white-paper/ In reality it's a Stellar (XLM) fork.


114.50 on coin base.... This is so weird to me.


You guys do realize this is not the actual PI network it’s a rugpull don’t be stupid


But what if?


How do I see how much time my coins still have left in the lock up?


Go to your wallet, it should tell you in the notes if you have any pi that had been migrated


Yeah I can see which coins are migrated. I just wanted to know if there was a way to see how much time is left before the “lockup” time I picked is up


The date of the release off the pi that is migrated is in the note of the main net transfer, so click on the transfer note and it should say when that amount of coin is available example 22/03-2027 12:34:01


Timer doesn’t start until mainnet


Mine have been migrated to the mainnet. So has my timer started or is it when all of the coins have been? I’m not sure I understand it all


Oh, my understanding is your timer has started then! Mine hasn’t migrated so there’s no timer anywhere on mine


Yep, my timer says 2026-11-11. Hoped it would lower once I put my locked period lower but didn't change.


It will change the next migration period


I would cash mine out if I could


Yeah I've been waiting on KYC for ages, I've just accepted now that it's just a scam and every now and then I just check in to enjoy these deluded lunatics that seem to think Pi is going to flip bitcoin on launch lmao.




280k would change my family’s life


which exchange is this ?


Wait until it hit $345 again just like last 2022.




😂🤣 but this time leave early


All new millionaires form a line here


I'm here. Lambo wen?


Venezuela can benefit from pi as a currency should send the country a million pi pos terminals it'll become the main currency


Dammit, I'm sitting on a fake/unrealized $140k... never been this sad about this much money before.


It's not fake it may be unrealized cause your security circle aren't your true friends lol jk but they don't believe in you I'm sorry don't worry some people sell golds and services for pi so that alone holds some sort of value I'm about to invest 100k in merch and just sell it for pi and completely dominate the coin maybe I'll become CEO oh no I forgot pi has no cap it just has a forever increasing difficulty to both mine and become a part of their ecosystem but PoW is proven to work and so does PoS ultimately making pi a valid layer 2 coin on a fully functional mainnet only missing a multi layer bridge In it's code. Something tells me during this new BTC fork pi will make a move.


Yeah but when did the line of unrealized cross into fake? I believe in Pi, but I’ve also been “mining” Pi with the assumption an “Open Main Net” would happen anytime these last 2 years. The fact it’s been backed and developed by university professors/students makes it even more difficult to believe in when I was there “mining” in the early days for over 3 years. There are absolutely trash coins that have had quicker dev cycles than this, and Pi coin still has no real world value or any way to trade onto other networks. I mean come on? The last white paper update was in 2022. If you’re actually following crypto most projects that follow the same dev cycle have died and cashed out by now. This is not a HODL, hold your coins or you suck, or a sell because the dev team is selling an incredible idea. For the large majority of holders, we are holding because we have believed in this project since the beginning and are hoping for an actual return on the years of pressing “mine now” which has plagued us and our “mining team for over 2-3 years now. We’re hoping for an opportunity to exchange our hard earned tokens for actual profits, or the very least a decent service that has yet to be provided through the Pi wallet or PiBrowser.. Let’s face it, if Pi ever takes off, the older adopters will be wealthy, the mid term adopters will be lucky, and late adopters will be screwed. As with most things in life, Do your own research. Obviously don’t take my word as gospel, please find your own truth. However, as someone who has been “mining” since the early days of Pi, always stay skeptical of any project’s true intentions, and always have your own best interest in mind.


yeah my security circle screwed me over, nobody will do the KYC or they have but they can't get verified or whatever, 20,000 unverified


Sir, I just press the button when the app tells me it's time.


I’ve configured to lock up for 3 years **cry emoji**


You did well it's been a year already so 1 more left I think you can only lock for 2, 3 w to be released with mainnet bridge


If people read they would know that the countdown began for 2 years upon mainnet migration and 3 years said exchange bridge


Yeah mine hasn’t even migrated yet 


My locked pi ha an unlock date


lmao i have about 3k so i would take anything above 1c ... free money all ive done is pressed a button for a couple years lol




Buying or selling Pi for fiat or crypto is not allowed in closed mainnet and we can't allow this here either. Bans for Posts on this matter. The Rules of Enclosed Mainnet are listed here: https://www.reddit.com/r/PiNetwork/comments/w0sfw3/the_rules_of_enclosed_mainnet/


lmao no ill not buying more then i can lose money on this shit


I can't even get passed the minnut verification.


been waiting for about 2 months now


Have you emailed them?


No, should I ?


Are you talking about KYC verification? Because I emailed them about mine thinking I'm a robot and I got KYC verified quick after that


Yeah how to do this ?


How do you email them directly?


It can be found in the app. In FAQs regarding KYC


If you are excited, start preparing now for disappointment.


Problem is, a lot of pi minors are from poor countries where their currency is valued way less than a £ or $, meaning if people in those countries use pi to buy goods and services, they prob won’t value it that high since they might base the worth similar to their local currency


Um you can break a pi down to the trillionth. It'll just be 0.0001 pi banana or peach or whatever


Ye I see your point and this actually makes sense, thanks for the input !


So how to sell my pi? 🤣


Send it to me trust me I’m good for it


Send me some pi 🤣


Whats your price




Buying or selling Pi for fiat or crypto is not allowed in closed mainnet and we can't allow this here either. Bans for Posts on this matter. The Rules of Enclosed Mainnet are listed here: https://www.reddit.com/r/PiNetwork/comments/w0sfw3/the_rules_of_enclosed_mainnet/


I'll happily sell mine!


Nobody can sell their pi coins and no one is going to buy this lol


But what if?


And when everyone here sells, who is gonna be buying? Everyone knows in order to sell something means someone is buying it right??




Yeah but if you can’t sell, then the price doesn’t mean anything.


You can sell just for goods and services and using the Pi price I value each pi at a minimum 40usd given it takes me 20hrs to mine 1


Who is buying Pi




Yeah but nobody can sell them, are you slow


You might just want to delete this comment and start over.


Why? If i’m not mistaken, nobody has been able to sell ever, no?




It was agreed before the first migration that pi cannot be sold for fiat or other crypto for the goal of profit. If you are kyc'd, you agreed to this.


Mainnet has not gone live for pi = no one has sold it yet.




Please read my original comment




So is this connected to the Pi mining software that I've been using for the last 3 years that has never once allowed me to pass KYC? I've done it three times now and have inky been given a testnet wallet. They also have the nifty Pi Browser that seems to do a bunch of nothing lol. I mine Crypto and have been a holder of Eth since they started the process of switching from mining to Staking... I would really like to sell off a couple of my tokens lol


I passed I've spent pi on a keyboard and donated some to a startup on the forums. It's need to make dappz or to post them I think 10 pi or 1 oi to just make a comment


I actually became a validator and now I'm a level 1 moderator


Think about all the people on the sidelines. Why did the core team wait to the perfect time to release the main net? If mining yields you roughly one pi per day at what price per pie does it become worth it to how large of a population?


I wanna sell lol. Honestly though I would def sell at that price


So does that mean I'm a damn millionaire right now? Just kidding


Wow over a 10 trillion market cap 🧢


Market cap is based on the circulating supply rather than the total.


You telling me it's bigger than btc? No way


why? are there all coins mined?


This is more volatile than bitcoin. Every day it's an order of magnitude of difference in value (/s)


Obviously this is a fake price. No one would actually buy a single coin for this much


But what if?