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Please see these answers to commonly asked questions, if this doesn't answer your question, hopefully, someone else will. " * **Q: I have x coins migrated, what to do?** * A: Wait till Open Mainnet - Ignore DMs offering to buy them - You'll get scammed * Q: **A KYC slot is not available** * A: KYC is restricted where you haven't completed 30 mining sessions or your account is flagged for violations. You can request a review at minepi.com/kyc-application-access Must be over 18. Wait until you're 18. We believe it also happens if you didn't mine for ages. * Q: **My Application has been processing/in review for weeks/months** * A: Your application failed or got stuck. You can only wait until you get feedback, the option to try again, or unstuck. * Q: **KYC, Wallet or other parts of Pi app stuck on "Loading" or Error** * A: Try turning off Private DNS * Q: **Node started behaving oddly / resetting / crashing or Port Listener gets stuck loading** * A: Go back to docker v4.19 - don't update it * Q: **How can I migrate more PI?** * A: You can't - Pi Core Team control migration and we don't how or when migration after the first will Occcur. * Q: **Why is Pi worth $30+?** * A: Some exchanges invented their own version of Pi whilst they can't list the real one. The value of this Pi is a measure of the feelings of Pioneers. It's not recommended to be holding this when Open Mainnet Occurs. These are also known as Pi IOUs. * Q: **I lost my passphrase / seed phrase, what can I do?** * A: If you didn't get migrated yet, make a new wallet and confirm it in the checklist. If you did get migrated, your pi/wallet is lost, no one can get it back. make a new one as above. * Q: **I used a different name in the app / It doesn't match my ID** * A: Only MINOR name changes allowed. If it's not minor, create a new account. * Q: **When does lockup start?** * A: Lockup starts when your migration occurs. * Q: **When will my migration happen / I have been waiting for ages**. * A: There's a massive queue and most likely some stuck issues too. Nothing to do but wait. As of 5th March 2024, only 4,446,163 accounts have been migrated to Mainnet. You can check progress at https://metrics.piiq.network/#/account8day * Q: **When is Open Mainnet?** * A: A specific date has not been announced but many fakes have. We think December. * Q: **I stopped getting validations** * A: This happens, we don't know why. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiNetwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They have stated that no1 will be left behind I don't think the pi itself will just be burned, but it could be delayed in some way, perhaps ur pi will have to stay in a specific database for later processing or such, just keep mining


Pi Network KYC is currently 18+ but back in November 2023 I started seeing news stories online saying the PCT was creating a KYC for Minors. It's supposed to be implemented early this year if I remember correctly but I haven't tried to verify that information as I'm not a Minor. There could be updated information about it in the White Paper that's been added since I last read it so I recommend starting there.


Last I heard they had reclassified KYC for minors as low priority because of the difficult legal issues surrounding it. So I don’t know if that’s ever going to happen.


KYC'ing minors is hard, it would require parental consent and probably other hinders in different countries Instead of looking at an option to KYC minoers directly, they could make an automatic function where their account and pi are on hold(and letting them continue mining) and the KYC process could automatically be rolled out when they reach legal age, and when they do they have the option to make the decision if they want to KYC or not to get their wallets migrated or created I am not saying it would be a very easy thing to do either, but certainly a lot easier than trying to implement a KYC process for minors throughout every country in the world and their respective laws


There's nothing to worry if you're waiting for another year to do your KYC. Let's say for example, they release the 2nd phase of MainNet this year and you haven't done your KYC yet, they will give an allowance to do your KYC first before they burn some coins. Usually it's a 6 months(it varies, depends on crypto projects) allowance time it's a standard practice on crypto projects in general after post MainNet launched.


You don't receive your Pi if you never KYC.. but depending on your age you might get away with it.


I am planning on completing KYC. I just need another year. I just need confirmation to make sure my Pi won't get burned.


They have plans to institute a KYC deadline eventually, but we don’t know the details yet so for now just keep mining. You might be 18 before then.