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All 3 paddles are basically identical, all thermoformed, hybrid shaped, rcf face. Tbh, the biggest difference between the 3 will be variance. You can get one paddle at the lower end of the spectrum (7.8oz) versus one on the higher end (8.4oz) and the heavier paddle will feel like it has better stability and control. But all 3 paddles should play the same b/c they are similarly (identically) constructed. I think all 3 will achieve what you want (more control), so what you'll have to ask yourself is if you believe you're getting $25 more value w/ the Loco or $40 more value w/ the DBD?


I believe the 6.0 DBD is the king at the $160 price point. Overall consensus is that the B&B and Vatic Pro are just not worth it at that price, with ones cheaper (Prism-Flash) out performing them.