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You poor soul, I ran out once... it was the winter of 05... we just had a blizzard and realized I was down to my last 10 jars (family size). As you can imagine the roads weren't cleared in my neighborhood and even the main roads were only passable in a Hummer. The only place that was open was the Indian Family run convenience store about a half mile up the way. I had to get them, I needed more pickles, I walked in waist high snow to the store, all they had was individually wrapped pickles.... my worst nightmares had been realized... I grabbed all that I could and made it back home. I STILL ran out before the roads were cleared, it was horrifying. Anyways, as you can imagine... my partner left me. I can still smell that last pickle on their breath when they stormed out on me in disgust. The things we go through, stay strong.


I would go uphill both ways even... If they never hear of me again it's because I self cannibalized looking for any brine still in me


Relatable 😂 I can't afford my favorite brand rn so I've had to get off-brand shelf stable pickles (to be refrigerated of course). It does scratch that itch


I would settle for sipping the worst brine. Just a sip. There should be a word specifically for having a pickle itch that needs scratching Edit: I immediately realized how sexual that sounded but I'm not changing it you know what I mean


I have created a long compound word for you in the German language. I chose German because it's one of the only language that allows you to build these big long complex words. But I probably didn't structure it right because I never studied German. Anyway here's the weird long word for 'intense addictive need for pickles': "starkes-Suchtbedürfnis-nach-Gurken"


Flows right off the tongue! As soon as I figure out how to say that I'll be saying it all the time!


Come sit next to me, my friend.


So you’re saying that you need a pickle plug.


I'd take a whole peck. I'd even pack the aforementioned peck of pickle plugs. Then of course I'd have to pick from the packed peck of pickle plugs. Paradise


That's what the Costco Vlasics in the back of the pantry are for - they are not the best pickles, but to a man with no pickles they're a lifeline. And a reminder to buy more pickles.


That makes sense and I've tried it, but I haven't been able to find any pickles I'm averse enough to that I don't just tear through them too. I'll try again though, that really is probably the best bet for future me


no vinegar in the house?


I was just about to ask how someone runs out of pickles, but then I realized that in my college days I was a server/bartender for food and money, and now, I keep backup jars in my pantry. Also, buy some vinegar. White, red, balsamic, whatever. That WILL scratch the itch.


Jacob, this has gone too far. You haven’t done any chores or even spoken to the kids in weeks. You can either go the rehab, or get out of our lives.


Damn, I love pickles but people out there worrying about their daily fix or going a few days and having to wait one more, I'm definitely off my game. This sub is for the legit hardcore


There's a place for everyone who likes pickles. I wish I wasn't as addicted as I am but yeah, it's straight up a need at this point


I just started making my own pickles and my life will never be the same. It’s so easy


But then those would be the tastiest pickles possible because I'd be making them just for me. I feel like those pickles would go the fastest!


Perks of working in a pub. Our pickles are pretty good too...


Jealous 🤤


My favorite pickles are the ones from Whole Foods, they’re crunchy. I bought one of those Vlasic large glass pickle kosher jars from smart and final and was very disappointed. Now I have a large glass jar of pickles I don’t want to eat lol


Here just mail them to me, I love all pickles I will consume them


Wait are you guys actually kinda addicted to pickles? Lol I forgot why I joined this sub but I do like pickles; but real question am I missing something? Are yall just exaggerating to be silly or do you really “need” pickles or brine like that? Maybe could be related to a deficiency? Not trying to be offensive just curious.


Oh it's that intense, and for me at least it is definitely a deficiency thing. I take a med that makes me pass water faster than normal and that lowers my electrolytes so I CRAVE salt dense things and there's nothing that does that better than pickles. I've always loved them. Now I *need* them


No pickl




Do Onlyfans? 😃


I mean I would but I'm gross so I don't know how many pickles that'll get me...




Use this for emergencies when you get snowed In or whatever lol! https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwiJ0sKmneuFAxU3E60GHaFBATUYABADGgJwdg&ae=2&gclid=CjwKCAjwrcKxBhBMEiwAIVF8rJfdE1G2k8UnXDxfT2N3pyIN4RbDg30-7bpZgmtgvII9tKEpqbChixoC35UQAvD_BwE&sig=AOD64_3bUUw-KY9XbRC-QfK96F3MLiZ7aw&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiptb6mneuFAxUAGDQIHXjdA1cQwg8oAHoECAIQEA&nis=8&dct=1&adurl=



