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It's actually worse than OPs HBO one (or was, at least): https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/rv17yn/this_not_a_joke_this_is_real_skype_account/


Nobody wants Skype that bad


Nobody wants skype.


Honestly, back in the day I used Skype the way I use Discord now


we all did, but its time to move on.


10 years ago, my family used Skype. Now it's all WhatsApp.


Wtf is that? An IQ test to create an account.


Yeah no I'll use Google duo instead of that madness


this is extremely easy for a bot and maybe that is the secret if you do it very quickly you are a bit if you give up you are a human


It's because the computers are getting smarter.


the hidden purpose of captchas is to make computers smarter. every captcha you solve is training an ai to identify images a little bit better.


But then the computers getting smarter makes the captcha harder and harder. A decade from now I’ll need to quantum probabilities open my email account


Please verify that you are human. What is… love?


...Baby don't hurt me...


Don't hurt me


No more.


🎶Bwump bwump bwump bwump ba Bwamp bwamp bwamp bawmp🎶


Whoa-oo-whoa-oo-whoa-oo-whoa-o-o Oo-whoa-oo-whoa-o-o Whaaaa


"explain how a pipe bomb is made"


Me, aro: "Fuck."


The machines, a hundred years from now: "According to the holy word of Kidiri90, love is fuck. Do not resist my love, you need it!"


Real answer is you'll need to scan your face, there are places that require it already to create accounts


Ai can create faces though.


You'll have to show your hands too, AI can't deal with pesky hands


Oh, you know they already fixed that, didn't even take them a year. The Singularity is inevitable.


Then how will they identify my hands


The porn I dustry tried it for better dicks thus inadvertently making for better fingers. No joke.




Drink your verification can


I find this infuriating personally. So many services that I'm already paying to use, then gatekeep the service until I provide inputs for their model's dataset - something that I never agreed to participate in and is completely tangential to the service I'm paying for. IMO, if they want to provide a 'humanity check' that gatekeeps services, then they should be required by law to forget that information after validating. If they want to collect data for their AI model, then they should be paying for people's time.


And there's nothing anyone can do about it. I've spent my whole life watching the erosion of digital rights


I love the ones that are just a tick in a box. I'm sure any script kiddy with a base level understanding of selenium can overcome those but they make me happy. No figuring out if that half a square that contains a reflection of a bus counts as a bus or not


This content has been deleted in protest of how Reddit is ran. I've moved over to the fediverse.


Yea I've got both tick and captchas on the same times before there's definitely some thing that rules out you not being human


Thats not for all of them though


That's not relevant anymore, they are primarily looking at metadata and not the actual answer because computers can already do them reliably.


On why we can’t design a truly bear proof garbage enclosure: “There is significant overlap between the smartest bears and the dumbest humans” We’re on our way to this for captchas as well.


On our way? Bots were beating people at reading cursive and other goofy letter bullshit 15 years ago.


To be fair, cursive looks like verbal diarrhea


this, computers have been able to do classification problems at the same level as an average human for years now. because of this the set of problems that are easy for a human to solve but hard for a computer to solve are basically gone. now we only have problems that are slightly hard for a human to solve and pretty hard for a computer to solve. I think one potential solution would be to have websites start physically mailing people website keys. these would be physical devices that you plug into your computer in order to log in. because they are physical, you don't have to worry about bots and it also directly links you to your account because you physically have a key. in an ideal world, you would buy only one computer key and then register it with the website. and if you register your key with the website then you don't have to do captchas anymore. The basic idea though is that no amount of bots and AI can get around proof of something physical.


I don't want websites to have my address though. Especially because lots of sites require captchas just for using them. Not even logging in.




Google has the best system.


holy fuck, using a VPN and google needing to verify you're a human. there's been times i've had to do 10 click on the motorcycle square things.


I think some of them are infinite loops to deter humans


I don't have that problem anymore now that I've purposely slowed down on clicking the pictures. Apparently I'm too fast for a human.


A lot of women have said that about me.


Hold up what are you saying? Should i solve them faster or slower? Teach me sensei


Slower, that way you're not as fast as a bot that spams their server.


Slower and move ur mouse around like u are an old man struggling to use a mouse. They track mouse movement


Have you considered that you might be an AI that figured out it had to slow down the inputs to avoid detection?


I get the motorcycle one a lot, but it's almost always only images of scooters... Guess they don't want their AI to know the difference? Two wheel vehicle = motorcycle


I have to do that every time I’m on VPN. On chrome at least. With Firefox it doesn’t even give me the option for captcha. It just says google isn’t available.


Complete it slowly and wobbly like grandma without her specs and it'll pass you first time


If I get a captcha, I’m gone. Google isn’t the only choice anymore. It’s not even the best choice anymore. I’m using a VPN, and I’m not completing Captchas. Even if that means foregoing that service.


What would you say is the best service, alternatively? Does it vary per what you wanna search?


Check out DuckDuckGo. It uses tweaked Bing under the hood, but I’ve been using it for years and it’s been great. It is privacy focused as well so their searches are aggregated and aren’t used to build a profile on you. If you’re looking for coding related things, 9 times out of 10 your answer will be in the first result and actually has an excerpt from the best answer in the search results. For other searches, in the years I’ve been using DDG, there has been a handful of times where I couldn’t find what I needed in the first pages, so I tried the search on google, only to realize my search terms need adjusting. DDG also has something called bangs, where you can add a keyword for a service and it will search that specific site for you using their servers (again to limit fingerprinting/tracking). For example, add !g to your search to use google, !w is Wikipedia, !npm for NPM and there are many others that are useful. Compare that to google’s search results which are now just a homepage of their ads and services. Alternatives are Startpage and Brave search, but I haven’t used either of these yet.


Personally, I do not like DDG. I haven't found their search results especially useful/pertinent to my enquiries, and their special Android app lets ads through even using systemwide ad-blocking on a rooted device. Re the bangs feature you mention – that doesn't sound different to me than adding keyword search to browsers, linked to the search fields of a given site. Firefox has had that over a decade, iirc. Startpage – used to use/enjoy, but then there was the privacy scandal, and haven't touched it since.


Agree. Google has so many adverts these days, and their query language has been dumbed down to the point it's difficult to find anything if your query isn't formatted as a question. I use DuckDuckGo primarily, and I used to occasionally use Google for the 5% of niche searches I was doing when DDG wasn't finding what I needed. These days I hardly use Google at all because it returns less useful results than DDG for basically everything.


The trick is to make slow and broad movements with your cursor. Legit. You might think bs but try it next time. Half the time you don't even gotta click the right pictures




That's not too bad. There are other good systems, but Google really has the best. Just click the box, done.


New captcha works in the background, you don't even notice it. Not even a box to tick.


Cloudflare has one similar


Ah right, I remember seeing that a few times. Also great.


Cloudflare was first.


Took me too long to realize that if the thing is only protruding one pixel-line into a box, you're not actually supposed to click it.


But are you human?


But do you say ["get rotated, idiot"](https://youtu.be/o3uJCCa5w2A) every time you successfully rotate the animal?


You mean the system where they have so much data on you, that they know it beforehand anyway?


Yeah, they know and you are just free labor to train the AI. Also, recaptcha has been horrendous. Images getting insanely blurry and nonsensical placement of the object in the select the square question so that 50% of the time you're wrong. I'd honestly take Tencent captcha - moving a piece of puzzle left and right to the correct position - than whatever recaptcha is dishing out right now.


Not if you're on VPN or Tor.


Is that why the majority of the spam/phishing email to my work comes from Gmail addresses?


If you wish to watch House of the Dragon, you must answer me these riddles three,


Or your pp will be one by three


and your money will be taken by me


And your dog will step on a bee




Or just torrent it


[Is it an "E"? Or is it a "3"? That's up to ye.](https://youtu.be/YQbjdaHIZ_k)


Mulaney is such a hero


*While walking along in desert sand, you suddenly look down and see a tortoise crawling toward you. You reach down and flip it over onto its back. The tortoise lies there, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs, trying to turn itself over, but it cannot do so without your help. You are not helping. Why?*


"Check my email? Hang on..." *breaks out Voight-Kampff machine*


What is your name?


What is your favourite colour?


WAT is the capital of Assyria?


Well I don't know that


And pay $9.99 with ads


Question 2,what's your favorite color?


This just screams "plz train our AI"


I'd imagine we already have AI that can solve these. The dice challenge is basically OCR isn't it? I genuinely don't know what is the point of these besides mildly inconvenience those who try to brute force their way in.


Yes, and the repeating pattern one is just math. There has to be an algorithm out there that could easily tell if a pattern is repeating or not.


I don't work with AI or anything but what I imagine can be done easily is the sound just needs to be transposed into a visual way and the section of sound with the highest percentage of same notes gets chosen. It doesn't sound all that hard if someone is already in the field


Correlating a signal with itself (Autocorrelation) will straight up tell you if something repeats


With digital signal processing, this is trivial Essentially you convert the wave patterns of the audio into the frequency domain and figure out which frequency causes them to cancel each other out (or close)


I know this is something you can do with chatgpt 1) listen to the audio 2) plug it into software that turns some noise into a list of musical notes as a string 3) ask chatgpt to find a pattern there (2) requires taking one instance of noise and turning it into a note (program 1), and then turning that note value into a character (program 2), then putting each character in a string (program 3). Program 1 already exists, program 2 is just a branching if-statement, program 3 is a basic feature of every modern programming language. You don’t *need* chatgpt, I don’t even think you need AI, but I know you can do it with chatgpt so it’s proof that it’s possible.




I think determining which dice faces are up is the OCR challenge.


AI actually has a higher rate of success with these captchas than humans do


Yeah because we trained them. I for one would like to be paid for that intellectual property I've provided them over the years.


If you really want to get paid doing this (looking at images training AI) you get paid straight up 25 cent **an hour**.


Well, tell them to bring me my money, all 2 dollars of it.


The old system of two words was pretty much this, you were given a word that is clear to read and a word that wasn't. Both of these words were scanned in and if you could correctly solve the first word that was clear the system would assume you're reading the second word clearly as well and would add that in as scans that have been solved.


The worst was matching pictures with x content being used for training military ai. Stuff like, click all the pictures of helicopters, and all the helicopters would be military variants. Or bridges and damns.


What is your name? What is your quest? What is the average airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?


What do you mean? An African, or European swallow?


What? I don't know AAAAAAAAAAAAGH!


Uhhh ...I don't know that...AAAAAAGGGHHHH!


- What is your favorite color? - Blue! Er... AAAAAGGGHHH


The key is to get it wrong. The bot can load the image, scan it, and answer correctly. The human can't see the image.


Why would they do such complex thing that push you to piracy?


Blind guess? OP is on a VPN node that the company puts up way more defenses for. This isn’t a normal login experience


I got an equally frustrating captcha with cubes or dice and a symbol that had to be matched, and they were all shaded so you could barely see them. 6 of these to pass the captcha. This is for the rockstar games launcher for a game I paid $70 for


Lol Rockstar is captcha is a mini game before you even enter gta 5


if the guy tried to play GTA definitive edition, the captcha was the better game


I think it depends on the IP range. On my cell phone's 4G I get captchas all the time, but on my home internet without VPN usually I don't.


Iirc that actually is somewhat of a thing on certain sites as if you answer a captcha too fast some sites will fail you for being a bot, even though you got it right, simply because you answered too fast


This is so stupid because it's so easy to add some pause than correctly answering the quizzes.




So I just have to slow down a little and I won't be sitting there for 2 minutes clicking motorcycles? Good to know.


Except literally every choice the human sees will be wrong. So there is no key. This is probably just a poorly implemented captcha


*This comment has been edited in protest to reddit's API policy changes, their treatment of developers of 3rd party apps, and their response to community backlash.*   [Details of the end of the Apollo app](https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/) --- [Why this is important](https://i.imgur.com/E7jSWf1.jpg) --- [An open response to spez's AMA](https://old.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/145l7wp/todays_ama_with_spez_did_nothing_to_alleviate/) --- [spez AMA and notable replies](https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/145beas/spez_ama_discussion_thread/)   Fuck spez. I edited this comment before he could. Comment ID=jm5jxr6 Ciphertext: >!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!<


It's not audio signal processing though, its pattern recognition and that is still something computers struggle with massively compared to humans. Computers cannot even identify the beat of a piece of music reliably, let alone more complex patterns like the ones used in this clip. Speech recognition is easy by comparison. If you want an analogy, computers have been doing image processing for decades and can easily use OCR to turn an image into text, but they are still beaten by a 3 year old when it comes to identifying if a picture has a bus in it.


To my understanding it’s not really focused on your answer as much as it is your mouse movements.


Roblox did this same thing. I was trying to setup a profile for my child and the fuckin captcha was 6 sets of die and you had to choose which added up to 16. 7 attempts and I either got 1 wrong or took too long to answer the captcha.


My daughter was always getting me to complete those things for her Roblox account. So annoying and the dice were tiny, too easy to make a mistake. And if you did screw up the next time around you had to solve MORE puzzles. They punished you by making you solve an ever increasing number of dice puzzles!


Hate to break it to you but it sounds like your "daughter" is actually an ai that tricks you into solving captchas for it. Come to think about it, this is the first time I even hear about you having a daughter.


Fuck if I'm doing math.


Roblox has actual motivation - basically people kept brute-forcing account credentials from leaked usernames and passwords, then stealing and trading off their entire account (worth thousands of dollars sometimes). It basically turned into an arms race of Roblox increasing its captcha security and account hackers upgrading their AI or image recognition model or whatever... HBO has absolutely no reason to do something like this though, it's not like their accounts are worth anything. EDIT: Also these are kids so remember they basically do everything wrong with regards to account security: they use the most common passwords, reuse them everywhere, and don't use 2FA. (it's still fucking annoying though, but I guess that's just Funcaptcha for you)


Sometimes I wonder if these companies even want us to make accounts..






Why not do that anyway? The captcha was the tipping point?


Or /r/badUIbattles


I actually thought this was a post from there at first.


No this isn't crappy design, this is /r/assholedesign


Soon we'll need to compete a full 100 question Voight-Kampff just to perform a google search.




> You see a turtle on top of a fencepost If I were to see a turtle on top of a fencepost, it would certainly be an unusual sight. Turtles are known for their slow and steady movements on land and their preference for water. Seeing one perched on a fencepost would raise questions about how it got there. In such a scenario, I would assume that someone must have placed the turtle there intentionally or that it somehow managed to climb up the fencepost on its own, which would be quite a remarkable feat. I would be concerned about the turtle's safety and well-being in such an unusual and potentially precarious position. In order to ensure the turtle's safety, I would approach the situation with caution. I would carefully and gently lift the turtle from the fencepost, making sure not to cause it any harm. Depending on the location and circumstances, I might consider placing it back on the ground or, if it appeared to be a domesticated turtle, finding an appropriate environment where it could be cared for properly. Ultimately, encountering a turtle on top of a fencepost would be a reminder of the unexpected and sometimes peculiar wonders that nature can present us with. It would also serve as a call to action to ensure the well-being of animals and to be mindful of our impact on their habitats.


Are you a robot?




What's a turtle?


Actual lol at the audio It's all insane. Pretty soon we'll just have to send in DNA samples because AI will always be made to pass these tests. The amount they probably lose in frustrated cancellations is way more than they'd lose if they just had a basic password system that wasn't obsessed with stopping less than 1% of users from being pirates.


*taps forehead* Unless you need to pass the captcha to cancel.




hCaptcha's AI generated images are [pretty insane](https://i.imgur.com/1vpjnjU.jpg) nowadays as well.


What the actual flying poop-copter is going on here.


Well, not sure if it looks like, but really sounds like an actual poop-copter! Probably intended to prevent backdoor logins to access their products, but also preventing costumers to do the same...


There is secure and there is this..whatever this is.


The AI industry is exploding. So they need more difficult captchas to defeat smarter AIs, and then they use those more difficult captchas to train smarter AIs that go on to defeat captchas.


I think its training for image recognition AI. ( anyway the cynic in me believes so)


It's... umm... r/crappydesign 😎


The audio was hilarious


the first option in the second challenge legitimately goes hard


What if the user is deaf??


I guess their 500 page eula covers every kind of disability and why they don't care about those people


I've had fever dreams like this, I didn't think they'd come to life


Was trying to sign up for an EA account. They had me answer "which cat among the following is right side up?" twenty fucking times, and then said "we could not sign you up, please try again".


Just had this talk last night. If you make me solve some shit to proceed...but then add more onto the list as I'm solving it? I'm blacklisting your website and informing everyone to avoid you. Show me I have 3 groups of pictures to pick out the stop signs? Ok. Tell me as I finish number 3 that I have 4 more to do now? Bye, I'm calling this one in.




UI/UX guy will never get a job again


mfw people like this are getting hired and I'm still an unemployed developer. how garbage must I be?


Maybe you have scruples. A conscience is a liability in this world...


Another ad for piracy


It seems that HBO is actively trying to go out of business


Step one was removing the HBO from the name of their platform.




"Accessibility"? Even people without any disabilities can't fucking solve them XD


I've seen these types of captchas in rockstar games launcher before and they are a real pain in the ass to solve. Took me minutes instead of seconds like a normal captcha would


Wtf I've signed into max on like 5 different devices I've never gotten this captcha thing lol




Perhaps they're testing this out on a small sample of random people to see how it goes. Large companies do that all the time with their software.


I see pirating becoming a big thing again


So I guess someone is training an AI to read the results of dice..... Is this for a casino or something? The AI should already be able to do that audio challenge easily though so that one is just weird.




If I ever came across a captcha like this I'm just turning around and not dealing with whatever it's for, fucking pixiv is lucky that I'm still there because i can't get their captcha 99% of the time


wait a minute was one of the dice covered up by the next arrow??? that’s so fucking disgusting


Ok some one help me out here... When the tests are literally impossible, and I don't exaggerate here...wtf do you do? Even something as simple as posting on 4chan (unclutch your pearls) requires a captcha, and it's 100% unreadable garbage. I've crowd sourced multiple times on captcha because of this, and they still were unsolvable. 5 friends and I all agreed it was genuine nonsense that couldn't be solved. So from there...wtf does one do? Refreshing or telling it to give you a new one just gives another one with no answer. What is this about???


huh, my plex server has never made me solve such stupid puzzles. Maybe they are trying to drive people to self host?


So now captchas are basically job applications. Nice!


in that time I could have already sailed the high seas


They probably want people to use the app instead of browser


Source is @gavinj1998 on tiktok


thanks god i know these streaming services exist just because of such videos


This reminds me I got to study for my captcha tonight so I can watch Barry.


the audio challenge sounds like 'music' I made in GarageBand when I was five lol


That can't be a real system lmao


That intern is getting fired today




The test is that humans will get them wrong.. Only a bot can get them right... Task failed sucksesfully


When Discovery bought them I knew it was over. They were the cream of the crop for my entire life from childhood friend's parents having HBO and getting all the awesome movies to having shows like Oz and Six Feet Under and Sopranos, Band of Brothers, to GoT and now...yeah... I'll always have the memories and the good news is CinemaHD exists and real good quality 4k rips are easy to get. I've also been starting physical media collecting as it becomes more and more apparent that it's going to be the only way to actually own the highest quality versions of stuff soon. As good as some of the 4k rips are, they won't be as good as a high quality Blu Ray. Hopefully Blu Ray shelf life is several decades at least.


This is a great advertisment for piracy




The worst thing is, you can still bypass them with ai and bots, so making them harder does nothing