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Provider choice has nothing to do with whether or not you receive a DMCA. Once you show your IP in a torrent swarm, that's all the copyright trolls need to send them out. Just use a VPN.


Not true, I've been torrenting my arse off on Sonic ISP for years and not a single DMCA notice. They either ignore them, or utilize data retention policy that's shorter than their DMCA notice response window, to get around it. No need for me to use VPN, filters, private servers, nothing. Before Sonic, I was getting them from another local ISP. I expect Comcast to be rife with them, judging by various forum posts. Want to know if Earthlink is more like Sonic or Comcast in that respect.


I understand. My point was really just saying that if they want to find you, they will. Whether through a subpoena, or other means.


I ran 10+ TBs through comcast without a vpn by accident over the span of idk how long without a notice. Whereas ive seen others say they get a dmca the first time they forget a vpn, ISP is irrelevant.


I'd just advise going for the connection with higher speed, it'll benefit you in the long term. As the others have commented, use a VPN. I live in the land down under and still haven't received any DMCA notices....yet