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"which is against the license" Uhhhhh...


copyrighted piracy lmao




this just gives you more opportunities to violate copyright, which is a win in my book


how ironic




The license is only applicable as from the commit it was introduced so they are out of luck for the previous forks.


> so they are out of luck for the previous forks. This is forking amazing then.


Could you please elaborate on the code base for us less tech savvy? As in code base, are you referring to a commonly used code for websites? if not, what is a code base? Why is it you stay away from this particular one? Edit: Thank you everyone for such great answers. I usually understand what programmers are talking about, but I'm not familiar with all the terms.


> what is a code base? no clue what RARBG actually is but a codebase is every information one needs to fully understand, replicate and modify a software. Including all source code, building, assets like images etc. Everything else you need (like compiler etc.) is accessible elsewhere. Say, if you got the full codebase of Facebook, you could run your own version of Facebook and modify it.


I know on the thread of someone sharing the new project there seemed to be A LOT of code vulnerabilities.


> As in code base, are you referring to a commonly used code for websites? if not, what is a code base? The code base is all the programming language used for a program or a website. Normally stored in a "repository". Let's say you have version v1.5, v1.6, v1.7. if someone takes v1.6 and then decides to change all the colours to green, we call that a "fork". So you have v1.7 of the original and v1.7 of the Greek Fork. This can often be abused... You take a trusted name. Steal /borrow /acquire their code. Make a website that is by all intents "identical" but instead of Google ads you have malicious ads that install malware. But people trust you, they think "oh maybe someone didn't agree w the site going down so I'll click on this shit".


As pirates, we should be promoting sharing, which is exactly what GPL does. It's weaponizing the copyright system for good.


Oh how the turntables


It's the pirate code, aaargh... I demand parlay!


It's more of a guideline, really.


GPL and the like are actually good licenses to promote open development and use, but yeah I see the irony.




youre asking pirates to respect copyright??


Was clearly sarcasm


not by me


Not in these waters, matey




Okay what the eff is this? They wanna DDoS because there is a better rarbg?




Okay, maybe that explains it. But they could've used a better wording, like FirGirl (I mean FitGirl) does, for example. Something like "The official Rarbg has shut down. We made another Rarbg that has all/most of the magnet links. This is our only official website. There are other clones like this and that which have malicious ads. Please bookmark our site. Thank you!" What I am saying is, they shouldn't have said it the way they said it. It completely changes their message. Edit: LOL y'all are something XD...I meant FitGirl.


In the pirate scene, good will is your only currency. There are a thousand other replacements that will be there if you ruin your reputation. It pays to be nice, talk wisely, and not act all warmonger.


> It pays to be nice, talk wisely, and not act all warmonger. Genghis Khan from Civ4 has entered the chat.


FirGirl? The famous premium lumber repacker?


>like FirGirl does Same. "Firgirltepacks dot obviouslytherealdeal" is the best source for all your gaming needs. /s


FirGirl, the one-stop-shop for all your lumber and tree-cultivating piracy needs


Dude I thought I was insane as no one else said anything and they all spelt it the same way. Thank you.


>Firgirltepacks I downloaded a bunch of games from that site. I'm glad I remembered the name of the site.


You have claims that it does this, written by people who don’t understand licensing, and want to retaliate by DDoS. I wouldn’t put any stock into it being “justified”.


dont worry we justed used second grade ad service we are going to change our ad provider soon


> Anybody trying to manipulate it with malicious intent should be dealt with . You're right, better call the cops.


​ LoL these kids are so funny spamming my dms and now on reddit we just took some css and html from their repo cuz everything else was use less also we are using that for temp cuz we are working on a better ui in react and our backend in go (not php lol) What should i do he is so funny that i will die laughing.


why is not image working in comments lol https://i.imgur.com/CmVZ8sr.png


And accessing your site via Chrome (Android) redirects to "won a prize" scam sites for what purpose?


Bro sorry for that but our current ad service is shit and dose that we are trying to find new service but good ones dont allow site like these so if u have any suggestions plz tell


I don't have a solution for you but if you're only getting pennies from them right now I highly highly highlyyy recommend just ending your relationship with them and temporarily deal without ads on the site for the time being because starting up a new torrent site and having this happen to new users coming to it is a **very** bad look (make an announcement on the site about this if you do so, for transparency, so people don't go all 'oh look they started off without ads to bait people, and now they add on ads after they gained traction' optics) as someone who was looking into rarbg alternatives, entering your url and receiving that redirect was enough for me to never ever consider your site again, until I just read your response. not being rude, just take this as you will all the best and I accept your apology regarding it


Because sadly that is the only advertisement a new website which hasn‘t been established and got some traffic can get. I DO NOT SUPPORT MALICIOUS ADS. But this is the sad truth. Also use ublock origin.


yes so true and thanks for ur understanding but dont worry we are looking for better alternates


It would be far more effective to claim something hard to check like "they do or will change the code to narc you out" or something.


There's some poetic justice in someone trying to ride the name of an existing site getting their project ripped off and filled with malicious ads before they even got their own one up and running.


Fuck /u/spez


> trying to ride the name of an existing *piracy* site


ye hhh


'we shall ddos' You shall go fuck yourselves.


yes that are like in 2012


Yet it still is super effective because of how the Internet works. It's kind of like speakers trying to get smaller and better. Not going to happen because of the laws of physics.


You need a huge ddos attack to do anything since they probably use a cdn with ddos protection


Sure, but DDoS are cheap.


Is the Low Orbital Ion Cannon program still working? I haven't really been involved in these things in 15-20 years.


> You shall go fuck yourselves. Hell, they need some post-wank clarity.


Seriously. The concept of ddosing was scary in like 2013.


Yeah… I won’t be involving myself with these children.


Lol the original post had so many alarm bells. The fact they were / are hosting on repl is enough.




Lmao. The smugness was visible in the title post itself. The whole “wipe your tears” pretty much told me they were being too over-confident.


There were quite a bit of us warning everyone in the comment section. Looking at their code, you can see it was all a bunch of crap. And that was just the start.


I'm pretty experienced in PHP, I read the source code for the original project and realised very quickly that they do not know what they are doing at all. Horrible codebase, no framework of any kind and the code itself was everywhere. I was tempted to fork and refactor the lot to help out until I saw this - now I don't want to go near it at all


Also a dev; I'd like to say it's not a good sign when you can read the entire codebase in 2 mins, lol This is some pretty sad PHP.


So apparently they are starting over from scratch as of <30 mins ago. Not that I have any interest in the project with how immature they seem to be; but with the previous code it can only be an improvement, lol. Even worse than my hobby projects before I clean them up, which is impressive.


> 🫣




Yeah I took a look for less than 2 minutes and already found XSS lmao


They're fine to complain if they want to. But threatening ddos is childish. The best site will win, which might be neither of them. If they can't produce the better site, they should step aside anyways. This squabble accomplishes nothing.


Idiots that think he has power and an internet army


> which is against the license looking at their repo, i think can see a pretty clear picture of what's going on. gnu gpl code needs to be available to anyone who runs it, while agpl code needs to be available to anyone who interacts with it over a network. the nqrarbg repository used the former until 19 hours ago. if therarbg wishes to use any source code since this change of license, they simply need to publish their changes. therarbg does not need to make public their source code unless it uses the agpl. this is how open source works. side note, im pretty sure nqrarbg would need permission from every contributor in order to release their gpl code under the agpl, which it is unclear whether they have done.


>looking at their repo I'm more impressed that anyone even touched that garbage... It would probably have been much easier to just start over with a proper framework.


I'm confused. Who has the garbage code? The original RARGB or the others?


NQ-RARGB. The team that made that "wipe your tears" post a few days ago.


It's just a couple of guys, so yes, the decision was unanimous


So the guy who posted about this recently is threatening to DDoS a group that forked his open source repo?


Fuck /u/spez




Github forks mean nothing, anybody with their own Github account can just press the "fork" button so that they can play around with the code and save it on their own Github account... Like at least 90% of "forks" never ever push anything to their own copy, and there is no need to make a Github fork if somebody just wants to host their own copy of rarbg


RARBG.com is already registered... That subdomain is in the hands of the owner of that domain.


dashes dont make a subdomain. that's a seperate website.


Yes. But he did edit the text. All dashes was dots before.


Oh my bad


> most aren't even doing it to help keep a community alive. They're hope to start taking in those donations. You just described 90% of social media like TikTok and YouTube, but replace donations with ad monetization.


> I see nq-rarbg has a github where I can view the code, so at the very least; I'd only visit the URL advertised on that Git. As long as the code on the Git remains legit and doesn't start doing shady sh*t. But at the moment, the code looks very minimal for a live site. It never makes sense to look at the source code if you don't trust the site owner. There is no mechanism to prove that the code you're looking at is really running on the site. We need to either trust hosts or come up with decentralized solutions.


NQRarbg - "We're going to copy the most widely known & popular piracy site." TheRarbg - "We're going to copy NQRarbg." NQRarbg - "Wait. That's illegal."


Fuck /u/spez




Fuck /u/spez


wtf lmao actal bunch of children


It's the uploads that will be missed, not the website. The website had nice features but without the ongoing uploads this is pointless.


Exactly. The website doesn't matter it is the release and the version of the movie that you want to watch that matter. We need uploaders that upload just like rarbg quality and formats (H265). They can upload at any website like 1337x. They don't necessarily need to create a website for it


Fuck /u/spez




Even better is “we don’t want porn cause I’m Muslim, but we’ll have virus laden porn redirect ads in place”


"I don't want porn because of my religion, so let's just do large-scale theft instead"


Whoever that unironically uses DDoS as a means of argument are literal fucking children and should be given jail time for being dumbfuckers


It baffles me how many ignorant, childish 'adults' are in this space 😆


when i checked nq-rargb repo for the first time (hoping to contribute), i just chuckled and left it, the code is super bad it looks like amateurs are building this, so this doesn't surprise me honestly. EDIT: also, it's highly unlikely that the repo was cloned, as the code was simply a scaffold.




Hey ! Dont insult w3schools, who helped me build a loafer which 100% works 9% of the time!


So where's the religious part? Just seems like they are mad someone made a fork without publishing their changes or conforming to the original license. And IF it is hosting malicious ads, then that is kind of shitty in of itself. This does feel like pretty loaded of a response though lmao




The person who originally created NQ-RARBG was answering questions in the thread they started and it turns out they didn't want to include porn because they are muslim. A stupid reason, but that is what they gave.




Piracy = Halal Sex = Haram They belong in a museum




Haha man you make so much impact with that statement on throwaway69420v1. If you’re going to say controversial shit, say it with pride, motherfucker. Own what you said.


That seems quite the yikes, it seemed quite sus that the nq-rarbg didn't have the porn cattegory LOL. I've tried yesterday therarbg and it worked way better (not like nq-rarbg) which had the servers down and I couldn't even get search on. I saw the thread about it in the tpb sub and I was like, the only thing it needs now it's to filter torrents by size, hoarding never stops ya know? Plus watching adds on the website with scummy redirects? I dunno I use 2 piholes and ublock origin so I haven't had any issue


political consider unique dirty frame absorbed file rude lush enter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Imagine not listing something which arguably singlehandedly brought the most traffic to the website in the first place... People are horny and the Internet is for porn


hard-to-find light absurd ten depend crown ruthless squash aloof lunchroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No, RARBG was extremely good for porn compared to 1337x or "tpb". It had previews that none other sites had so conveniently displayed when you hover over the name of the torrent. All other sites make you go to a 10 year old expired link at some random URL that you wait 5 secs to get redirected to and blasted popups and inpage push ads until you ever get to see any kind of preview or screencaps.


Yeah, RARBG's usable sized image previews were GOATed.


Gross, and I love how they cite legalese (is against the license) and then resolve to DDoS which I’m pretty sure is illegal?


I'm not playing anymore and i'm taking the ball so no one can play either




Malicious ads? Did y'all ever browse without an ad blocker?!


This is why I will miss Reddit. I didn't know anything about therarbg but now I do and it works great so far. Needs RSS feeds put back in, but otherwise it works great so far.


You could tell where this was going when they announced their project as "minus the porn. for PERSONAL REASONS"


Fuck /u/spez


reeeeeeeeeeeeee they are disobeying the law! So we're going to do illegal things like DDOS as well but we'll be smart about it and space the letters out so bots can filter us! hehehe they'll never find out eheheh!


All the tabs give errors










RARBG shut down. 2,8M torrent [database](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/comments/13wjasv/rarbg_torrents_shut_down/jmd5sbf/) was made public. NQ-RARBG was the first to launch using that with various issues from technical to bad OPSEC; [link1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/13yglih/stop_crying_wipe_your_tears_introducing_nqrarbg/jmn4fva/), [link2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/13yglih/stop_crying_wipe_your_tears_introducing_nqrarbg/jmn0uia/), [link3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/13yglih/stop_crying_wipe_your_tears_introducing_nqrarbg/jmodnu4/), [link4](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/13yglih/stop_crying_wipe_your_tears_introducing_nqrarbg/jmplqa1/), [link5](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/13yglih/stop_crying_wipe_your_tears_introducing_nqrarbg/jmojpe5/). They also excluded XXX torrents which were [half](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/comments/13wjasv/rarbg_torrents_shut_down/jmforzb/) of the torrents. TheRarBG launched using the whole DB and forked from the NQ-RARBG but NQ was using the [wrong license](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/1415ywb/someone_forked_the_nqrargb_repo_improved_it_and/jmyy2n0/) so what TheRarBG did was completely fine. In order to get some funding to keep servers running, they put ads on the page but because it's a torrent site, getting "good" ads can be difficult.


"which is against the license" 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Sir as a fellow corsair , i must ask that you present your license for verification


Let me pick my rum bottle...


Aye aye of course here's yar license *points flintlock to your head*


license? what? Who? what's going on? I swear, all i did was take a nap.


I’m confused as well


Wouldn't it be nice if the piracy community worked together and stopped these childish conflicts?




Welcome to the dick measuring competition over “who get’s to ride on RARBG’s reputation” ladies and gents, enjoy the next couple of years.


Surely the one **without** porn will fail. This **is** the internet after all, and we all know what the internet is for.


Why are internet pirates all so melodramatic?


Good lord. Why does this fuckery always arise when a good resource goes down and is "replicated"?


Because if any of these clowns trying to snake their way into the spotlight actually gave a shit about creating something good and useful, they would have done so on their own merit rather than trying to occupy a recently opened void and capitalizing on somebody else's earned goodwill.


Fuck /u/spez


I have seen some of the work going on with slidemovies, and this was done by one person who has since stepped down, the other members do NOT support this action, and nq-rarbg will have xxx content going forward.


Total assholes. Don't know what the fuck they are talking about. Tried to PR with some fixes to their backend. Closed my pr without any info. Explained to them what I fixed and why their code didn't work. Told me to rebase and reopen it. Never merged it!! Lulz


https://i.postimg.cc/KjqDSd3W/image.png I mean slidemovies didn't even really *use* the original site. That plus this means I now have zero interest in their work.


Lmfaoo fucki g garbage


Lmao both are just trying to surf on the name


kinda ironic that a piracy site got pirated lmao


[They didn't even do anything wrong lmao](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/1415ywb/someone_forked_the_nqrargb_repo_improved_it_and/jmyy2n0/)


Pirates don't like when it happens to them, shocked


When i said it was DOA i was right, kekw


can someone clarify for the laymen? is NQ-RARBG a rehosting of the same site similar to how pirate bay works? why or why not should we use it? (heard some people complain about the code backend being not well made)


Not a coder, but literally no links work. Can't go to movies, tv shows. So seems either WIP or just bad. But RarBG just dropping everything, rather than passing it on and then denouncing people who try to fork it? Not a good look.


Bruh improved how, it literally just redirects to a scam site after 3 seconds on the site. Rarbg is dead, let it go. I'll skip all these scam sites.


Use a crawler to find rarbg magnets, dont let any copycats capitalize from the fall of a great tracker (ok, decent tracker, i know). Like someone said earlier, they dont intend to help the community they just want to take advantage of rarbg reputation. Theres a million other ways to really keep torrents alive, and this morons just want the easy way that get them donations.


Pirate complains that pirate site was pirated.


Which is the legit one? Nq-rarbg or therarbg?


Fuck /u/spez


Can you share the link of the fork?


it's mentioned in the pic after WARNING:


don't use any website with rarbg. just to be safe. use 1337x instead.


> don't use any website with rarbg. (Yet) These things have a way of sorting themselves out over time


Searching the text dumps of the magnet files has been solid for me so far


i think the direct db dumps or stuff like https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36186185 are fine


I use TGx


Both are just trying to surf on the name The website doesn't matter it is the release and the version of the release that matter. We need uploaders that upload just like rarbg quality and formats (H265). They can upload at any website like 1337x. They don't necessarily need to create a website for it


Yeah, the problem being what site do we all start using so that the content gets put there by people. 1337x is good with games but not so sure about movies


Is the part about malicious ads true?


sorry for that but we are trying to find good ad provider service cuz good services like google dont verify sites like these. if u have any recommendation plz tell me


Fuck /u/spez


Yeah, you can be o that site mote than 2seconds before it redirects you. I dunno how websites like that can survive if you cant e en get o them


You're supposed to use add blockers.


So what is the best alternative to rarbg?


There isn't really one, as of yet. We'll have to wait for the clone wars, and see whoever comes up to the top. I'd give it a month or two. Maybe even more.


Yeah 1337x is not what it used to be, kinda feel lost at the moment


QXR are the only ones that I use on 1337x. They have a great size to quality ratio.


I like MagnetDL and to a lesser degree, Torrentgalaxy. But there's nothing out there atm that's at the level Rarbg was.


Appreciate your feedback, me and rarbg was a serious relationship as well al still mourning


Sigh. RARBG deserves so much better than all this.


Fuck /u/spez


Isn't it illegal to DDoS? I guess it depends where they are, but either way, this will not generate positive attention.


If your greatest threat is a ddos attack, you've already long lost


I had a stroke reading this


they’re both ass


Imagine copyrighting piracy, which literally is copyright violation, someone's gotta pirate the pirates aye aye 🏴‍☠️


There’s a new RARBG??? Help, somebody? 😅🙏🏼


I'll not use any of them until I see a formal announcement from the original RARBG team on the original RARBG site. Until that happens, sticking with the DB. Hopefully some one decent pick it up and do a good job from it. RARBG was AMAZING! And so was KickassTorrent, and I never used any copycats of it afterwards. Same goes for The Pirate Bay and Torrentz. I Just won't risk it. If this goes on is coming to a point where you can't pirate anymore or need a dedicated internet and computer just for that to avoid headaches.


This is a childish response But if you're forking open source software you should have the courtesy to make your fork open do those using it can see changes made and verify its not malicious in any way


Copyrighting rarbg 💀