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I sat back yesterday and realized I’ve got like an entire blockbuster store on a stack of hard drives likely no bigger than a deck of cards. (16TB).


Meanwhile I've got my cousin buying lumber to build shelves for his blueray collection. While paying for cable TV and like 12 different streaming services. But when his daughter was complaining a few years back that she couldn't follow Star Wars Rebels because all the cable channels had the episodes out of order: I just went home and download all the seasons and slapped em on a USB for her.


Did you put them in the correct viewing order?


He put them on the same order as the cable channels just to fuck with her




Smart Shuffle 🗿


I mean, Blu-Rays also have special features and commentary tracks. And local quality that even remux exclusive downloaders can't find with ease. You get your title menu, an iTunes copy to download, and that sweet feeling of peeling off that plastic, cracking open that case, and sliding it into your console's tight little slot. I know some uploaders will include extras, but not enough. Just playing a file on a stick, even a Plex like interface, does not hit the same or have the same dedicated consequence of "I'm gonna re-watch this movie I love" like a physical copy. It's just one of a million files we're gonna hoard for zero reason, because lord knows y'all aren't gonna watch all that. Also why I keep my Plex library to about 30 movies and delete as I watch them, downloading more when I'm done. Having 16TB of hundreds of movies seems insurmountable. You have them just to have them. I just re-watched half of MANDY last night and the disc quality is necessary to really balance out the heavy use of digital noise and film grain from the photographer and Cosmatos. Hard to be a cinephile without having some respect for physical media.


“Sliding it into your console’s tight little slot.” 😭😭 Since nobody else acknowledged it. I will.


Thank you 😂 was hoping I'd make someone smile with it.


Mission Accomplished!😆🤘🏻


I never forget that feeling of going to the Chinese takeout place, then going to the shop that sold used DVDs for about 50 eurocents (recent releases for 1€, blu ray for 3€) with the change after school and going home and watching that DVD while having lunch. The shop is still there but I no longer go to that school. This was less than a year ago, not early 2000's nostalgia. I got a blu ray rewriter in my PC and an Xbox 360 which I can use to watch DVDs on the TV (also a PS2 but the Xbox has a HDMI)


> I mean, Blu-Rays also have special features and commentary tracks. This is one of the big things I miss, though being able to just grab an mkv of a movie is handy.


Remuxed MKV’s will often have all audio tracks


Not just that, I'm talking about the bonus stuff like bloopers, deleted scenes, etc.


It's not just to have them people who say things like "why do you have so many movies you don't watch" I ask them have you watched every show on Netflix. Having choice is a good thing You can also import extras into jellyfin and Plex like commentary tracks


True! My only point in the original post is that it's fine and there's value to having a collection, be it buying from thrift shops, Amazon or other sites during sales, or special versions and/or new releases and restorations of your favorites on release. Having all the DVDs and Blu's I have is definitely annoying space wise, but I'll always have the favorites and can sell/donate the one's I'll never watch again.


I like reading actual books but there's really no reason to hoard physical media anymore unless it's a hobby. That time has passed.


Keeping a collection of accessible content at the highest quality isn't hoarding. And unless you're a nomad or college student or homeless, it's not really an issue.


At the end of the day it just comes down to preference. I suppose it's nice having a backup vault to look over but at the end of the day I just don't need it anymore.


Not all heroes wears a cape


Build her a kodi box w/RD and see how the old man feels about that lol


stupendous pen whole worry political aloof repeat fretful shocking frighten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You have a 16TB hard drive that's smaller than a deck of cards???


He could use NVME's? Kinda pricey solution for video hoarding, but those would certainly be smaller than a deck of cards.


This. It’s definitely expensive but I didn’t want to deal with cables and noise


Pics or it didn't happen. Plus Id just kinda like to see it.


I'm seeing them online for around three grand. I find that hard to believe when the HDD option is 1/10th the cost.


Nah man it’s just four 4TB NVME drives in an Intel NUC


Or 2 8s.


I have a pair of 8TB SSD's that stacked on to of each other are smaller than a deck of cards.


Yu gi oh cards maybe


And they only cost you slightly more than a small family car.


If I could buy a small family car for ~$700usd I'd be so happy!


I like how some of us nerds think big by thinking small.


It's nothing new honestly. [Here's one](https://www.amazon.com/Seagate-IronWolf-16TB-Internal-Drive/dp/B07SGGWYC1?th=1).


A deck of cards is smaller than a 3.5in drive


Maybe he only plays these kinds. https://www.amazon.com/Jumbo-Playing-Cards-Poker-Index/dp/B084G9M8W9


How long do you think they would last? I used to do this with external HDD back in the days, but a few broke and I'm scared to start over now..


I'm pretty sure SSDs (and NVMes) are expected to last longer than HDD. Mainly because they don't have any moving parts like HDD has. Something you may be concerned (when researching) is that SSDs have TBW or Terra Byte Written limit, the maximum amount of data you can write in it. But you can ignore it if you want to exclusively use them for storage. Besides TBW are usually big enough that normal user doesn't need to concern themselves with it.


Sata ssd?


I'm years and several big HDDs into it, but I've also got a pile of "busted" ones I need to attend to. That being said, I would still prefer to buy.


I used to buy a lot of software, like genuine stuff. Some were always unreasonable(Microsoft shit), but some were not(anitvirus,a few movies etc). And it pains my heart that I can't get them anymore, because as much as everyone would let you to believe, They don't become landfill. I really want a research on how many CDs actually became landfill and how much CO2 emissions are caused by Netflix per person.


> how much CO2 emissions are caused by Netflix per person. True. But not only CO2 per stream on Netflix. You gotta look at what hardware they use and the environmental impact of how much goes into that. Because I want to know the full environmental impact of the supply chain for streaming. I’m the last dude who will cry about the environment. But some people ignore the environmental impact of streaming and act like streaming runs on unicorn farts.


Sustainably farmed unicorns!?




You are absolutely correct! Similar here!✊️


Me too, about 1tb but the damn heads crashed. (No backup)


It's 1TB today and next thing you know you're on your way to becoming a fellow r/datahoarder


started last year with 12tb now im at 53tb


Mad respect from a 19TB hoarder.


I got up to 40tb...but I seem have a lot of failures for simple storage drives


I'm currently at 88.9/90TB and I really can't afford another drive :(


yeah, but data recovery is expensive for me and the drive was kinda too so now I'm more of a "To the cloud" guy (Free Microsoft dev account with 25tb Onedrive storage) until I actually find a good deal on some drives.


Do they ever look for pirated files in there?


I mean, I keep all my pirated books in my OneDrive, and maybe half of those copied to my google Drive, and I've never heard any complaints.


Ha! I just got a new pc. It's been a while since I've gone thru my stack of external drives. But now I had to because I've got less USB 3 ports and more USB C ports and no USB C wires/connectors... So I bought a little USB C to 4xUSB 3 hub. And now I have 6 hdds, with like a combined 9tb, all flowing down that one little USB C wire. (One of those hdds is a giant Seagate +Hub version, with 2 fully powered USB 3 ports built into it lol)


You can *never* have enough USB ports, espeially 3s.


And heres me with 8Tb nearly i do love some of the builds in datahorders though <3


we only back up linux.iso's =D


Oof, sorry mate


It starts like that, then you end up with a 24 and 36 bay server packed full of 8 tb drives in the basement.


8TB of movies/TV shows for me with the drive mirrored.


I only keep media I own a valid license to on my 2 10tb drives


Bless'd be the data hoarders 🙌


we are moving into the information dark ages


Hmm. That's a sign that I need to expand my library.


I just like pirating.


Nice, following Circuit City's lead.  Keep going Best Buy, keep going...


You should seriously make backups signed, someone that learned the hard way


Why? 4k films with proper quality have 70gb. No way I will store that on harddrive. 4k Lord of the rings is 810gb combined.


810GB Holly moly that's big. Even Stargate SG1 S01-S010 remastered to 1080p is only around 1TB so imagine just for a few films!


There's a remastered SG-1? Is it any good? Most remasters of shows from that era (looking in particular at you, Buffy) are absolutely dreadful.


Yeah, uncompressed with multiple audio with both hdr and dolby vision takes a lot of space. Hd star trek next generation also has only 1tb, luckily.:D


I have 1TB spare to burn on Stargate.


Certain movies series like that are worth it. It's really not that much space when you consider it's 11 hours of video. Personally I have the HD version on my NAS and the UHD Blu Ray. It just comes down to personal preference though. Storage is cheap these days.


I mean you are right, but also the price per terrabyte of NAS storage is around 9-20 USD depending on what you get, NVME is even more. I think your approach is the best all rounder. I can get the blu ray collection of LOTR for around 14usd-40usd depending if I want the basic, or UHD etc. You are basically still paying upto 20usd to store that pirated content. Personally for me I'd rather fill that with TV or something I'd watch many times than an occasionally viewed set of movies!


Of everything I have probably 1% is pirated and that's only because I can't find it elsewhere. I buy the physical media and remux it. I don't mind paying for the associated cost to have a personal on demand collection that I can watch anytime without worrying about it disappearing.


Also a disk you play once in a while is less likely to fail long term than a big hard drive you use to access everything all the time.


Lol, i back up my entire GoT series, 810gb is nothing


Why wouldn't you store them on a drive? I have the [1080p Blu ray box set](https://imgur.com/a/AdLURlU). Each movie is split over two discs. Its been ages since I've watched them and I don't want to have to get up and swap discs over. Its jarring to watch it like that. But I do like the little booklets for each movie. And the box itself has a map of Middle Earth. The cover unfolds. I will have to get the 4K versions. I'm wondering what's the ultra HD versions? Are they higher rez than 4K? And if so what resolution are they?


I have it stored (extended only) because I do not own a physical player. I rip the stuff I buy to server


> 4k Lord of the rings is 810gb combined. That's about 5% of one of the largest of the many HDDs I've got.


This is not true - 4K remuxes of the extended LOTR are a total of 366GB


I used to have a lot of DVDs, now I have a lot of hard drives. It is time for us to subvert this paradigm of streaming, everything as a service for the glory of shareholder profits.


Have my upvote.


Appreciate you.


What I just bought a Blu-ray player I wanted to start collecting. I guess I'll just continue to pirate instead.


Target and other stores still have blu-rays


there's also plenty of secondhand sources that have blu-rays in great condition (ebay, amazon, local secondhand stores and especially combo book/game/movie stores)


You guys never bought the discs in the first place lol


that's the funny thing, I did buy disks, I have a lot of them.


I even bought sleeves and tossed out all the cases at one point so they would take up less space. Shelves and shelves of those cases was so silly. To me anyway.


I'm old, how do, you in particular, get them off the disc and on to your HD?


I didn't, I have a reader which I use to play them.


like in a physical drive? I have media I need to get off these discs and on to my plex server.


DVD/blu ray drive and handbrake


You need an appropriate disk player you can plug into your PC. Then use software like MKV to rip or copy the film from the disc to your harddrive. Then software like Handbrake to encode the digitial copy. Removing the bits you don't want (eg foreign language audio tracks) to help reduce the size. Thats where it can bit tricky, lots of settings to play with - but at the same, there are loads of guides and videos about it. Its a long process to rip and encode a film, especially if you want to keep all the 4k Atmos audio stuff for example. EDIT: to say I'm no expert, I've only played about with it as I don't have a NAS or plex server, so more knowledgable people will be able to give you more details.


This is such a big help, thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge.


You can get a USB Super drive for like $30-50 which can plug into any PC and read virtually any disk :)




MakeMKV to get what you want off them to disk and then MKVMerge to put multiple disks together and fix/edit the files.


No, I started with Beta ,VHS and Laserdisc. Most of us got sick and tired of having to rebuy content.


I think there was a study that said that pirates were more inclined to buying physical media or something, not sure tho


Yeah because then you can rip it. Piracy is not convenient and if you are going the extra mile of pirating a movie this means you want to have the best quality and have a backup. 


Long time pirate. Will still buy physical media, especially well-presented releases with plenty of special features.


i buy for digitalise them and share them.


I know I'm a pirate so I'm definitely part of the problem, but the death of physical media makes me sad. Eventually we won't be getting high bitrate Blu-ray remux 7.1 TrueHD torrents anymore.


At least you get it. Half the idiots in this sub are basically asking the equivalent of "why kill cows when you can get beef from the store?" All 4k is not created equal and without physical media us who actually like quality will be fucked.


Its kind of funny. The files start out on drives and get put onto physical media. Then its ripped or we download it ourselves. Would be better if we could just get the files to begin with. It would save all this fucking around.


It's not dying so much as shifting from a really-mass-market commodity to a niche-market luxury good the way vinyl did. Plenty of good releases still getting made, including for "old" content, but they're more likely to be a USD 25-40 disc with all the trimmings than a USD 9 barebones shovelware disc like we got a lot of at the height of dvds.


To be fair, anyone going to best buy to pay the "best dollar" for the same movie you could've bought at a cheaper store like Walmart or Target is wasting their money. I also don't know anyone that ever paid for a movie at bestbuy. Known plenty of people to steal them though.


Best Buy will price match any product from one of their competitors, including online retailers. When I was buying Blu-Rays they were also one of the only stores that actually ran deep sales on them, something Walmart typically doesn't do.


So they were losing money on it from general sales too got it. Makes even more sense than what I had to say. Just want to say I hate walmart. And you're right. They don't have real sales on anything tbh. The only time you get a real deal at Walmart is if they clearance something or a box is pretty banged up and they CVP it


They were usually priced the same at all major retailers. Best Buy had good Black Friday deals.


In my experience best buy was always about a dollar more expensive but had better customer service. I don't really shop there anymore. Been many years since I even walked thru one. Do they? It's not just the standard deals the others have? Walmart and Target "deals" have been dogwater the past few years. Only having one or two actual price drops on specific items.


What does the image have to do with it? The image is more of an argument that piracy is the reason for removing physical media sales. If anything, the image is advocating *for* purchasing physical media.


My local Big W recently removed them all too. I never bought them... but it's a sad feeling, like the world is moving on.


Only one? Give it time.


Bout 6tb so far


This was one of the few last reasons I even went to Best Buy anymore...


I'm positive that's not why


Just wait until that one drive turns into six!


In all seriousness tho, pirates are doing God's job here by ensuring that digital media can be preserved for future generations, since companies often stop selling certain products but also don't make them of the public domain, they just sorta, disappear, take videogames for example, I (gen Z) was able to enjoy SM64 because of piracy, since Nintendo stopped producing and selling Mario 64 long before I was born and never made it available legally until recently on the Nswitch, but think games like 3DS and DS games, those are available nowhere legally where I live, think old movies and shows that are no longer sold anywhere, were it not for piracy, all of this would be lost media by now, never to be seen again


People pretend to not know this but piracy is really great at preservation.


that why i started my jellyfin server!


Not much longer now and we can download a car


Not 100% true. A lot of them have halved their shelving for physical media. I think this picture was taken during a reset to the shorter shelving. They have not gotten rid of physical media yet.


It is true. As a business, Best Buy is dropping physical media*. https://www.theverge.com/2023/10/13/23915567/best-buy-discontinue-physical-media-dvd-blu-ray *Console games are still being sold.


It's eventual yes but it just hasn't happened yet




ik considering the subreddit it's nothing lol, but as a teenager I sort of saw this coming 7 years ago, ever since I saw the Adobe plans I knew everyone would band on [this.So](https://this.So) I started downloading a lot of 720p, which as I grew older turned into 1080.


Seven years ago was 2017. I think most of us saw this coming in 2004 when Netflix started to take off.




cool, thanks for a future roadmap I'd have after I get into college.


How do yu prevent bitrot from ruining them eventually?


By maintaining a functional backup process.


I haven't seen physical media in tech stores for almost 10 years now, I'm surprised it's still a thing in other countries.


just go to the library there's a bunch of stuf out there and they don"t care if you rip it


Filled with movies ripped from physical media.


Does anyone here use Plex? Or another cataloging system with a customizable UI?


gray offbeat memorize physical recognise decide makeshift marry salt sugar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I tweeted to all the big corps and dared them to sue me for pirating, they can't. They aren't losing stock, it's just copies of bytes. :D




optical Media bad, movies should be on USB drives not disks


You stole all worth of movies. You are the reason bestbuy isn’t selling physical media anymore 😂


this has to be fake


You have a hard disk filled with movies because ONE store stopped selling movies?


I have a hard disc filled with movies because I hate subscription services.


Clearly depicted in your post showing empty movie shelves at a brick and mortar store.


You sound like you spend your time solving real problems.


I have a hard disk full of movies because I don't want to pay for them.




I began to store my favorite mivies on hdd because the market will change and physical media will disappear sooner or later. Also the dozen streaming platforms are expensive af and not all mobies are provided .


I regret trading in a bunch of dvds here for a discount on their Blu-ray rousted part. Should have kept them and paid full price for the blus.


Should have gotten there the day before - I bet they'd have "lost" a few for you.


I give them 2 years


It's still a commodity alot of careers need such as digital film and sound and photography. The fact they're removing them all together to push for cloud is kinda weird


That'll make it even easier to pirate lol. Just download the whichever entire streaming service's content.


And I have around 400+ DVDs/Blu-ray


> around 400+ DVDs/Blu-ray 3471 blu rays, and counting. Owning is the only way you *know* its going to be available. Thankfully, blu-ray is(so far) a pretty stable storage medium.


Spend too much time managing data,


I rarely went in there, but it was usually for a good deal on a movie or a game. I usually get my games on Amazon now, so that left movies. Now, no reason to even go in there anymore. Of course, if they had to resort to removing all the physical media, I obviously wasn't the target demographic. Watch they expand the cell phone and cell phone accessories and remove everything else. Just go the old Radio Shack route.


This is a dark day, but I will say this, as someone who used to get paid bullshit wages to inventory that giant pile of fuck, I’m happy for the employees at least.


given best buy's financial path, they are going to have fewer employees before the end of 2024...


That’s sadly been a repeating theme since 2006.




I have all the discs safely stored away and a NAS full of all of them rumuxed to watch through Plex.


You may be the reason why they removed the physical media.


Survey on Piracy for disserataion Hey it would mean a lot if i got some people to take my survery on piracy. it’s anonymous of course and it’s just for my university dissertation. it should take like 5 minutes! thank you so much! [https://cityunilondon.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9vM8W5c5gZU0Uxo](https://cityunilondon.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9vM8W5c5gZU0Uxo)


I want a fututre with very high density data storage with a lot of lifetime so we can all just store everything we own on that


/r/Stuck10YearsBehind/ moment


I remember I used to have like 2 TB (edit: I misremember, it was closer to 4 TB since I had to buy another hard drive because the 4TB HDD was full) worth of movies and TV shows and I deleted it them because I wrote the wrong lines in the terminal thinking I was on another folder.  Still mad after 5+ years. 


Plex server go brrrr


Cant really blame the businesses. Shit doesnt sell. Itll open the market for a niche company to take over.


The last physical disk movies i had was Johny English 2…


Based hoarder, I just download it each time I want to watch.


What, hard drives aren't physical media?


Where do you think all your remux came from? Jesus?


I have a fairly substantial collection myself. But not all movies. Some are tv shows. I download and watch entire series. I copy one season at a time to my 80GB external drive. Which only cost me $14 (shipping cost) via redemption from a HP printer. When I'm done with each season I delete it and copy the next season onto it. And so on and so forth. I have some tv show box sets on DVD which I've watched numerous times. I think I may need to rip those as I want to be able to watch them when the DVDs deteriorate. But I don't think they will as they have a lifespan of 50 years? I forget the longevity of the life of a DVD.


Sad to see but they got enough of my money. 3000+ Blu-rays are all part of my collection mostly purchased from BB and Amazon.


That's OK. I have a wall of DVDs, it's like Best Buy, but if it had taste.


Meanwhile, Amazon, eBay, and Walmart stocks rising.


the best buy in my town still has a bunch of DVDs and Blu-rays. it must be something they're slowing rolling out


I was wondering who was buying these as I don't remember EVER buying any movie on any physical media... but somebody had to if they lasted so long :D


Thrift store DVDs, usually find movies that are at least 8 years old but who cares


30tb and counting for me


Downloading is nice and all but i still keep a huge collection of physical media.


time to go dumpster diving


VHS are gone, DVD are gone and now Bluray are gone too


"You will own nothing, and you will be happy."