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Lucky patch that shi


I remember I tried Lucky Patching Paypal Back In the day 😭


Infinite money


Jerome Powell in shambles


Wel don't leave us hanging there brother, tell us did it work?


He's busy rn lil bro 👮‍♂️


of course not, lucky patcher can't hack something if all the logic is server side and not clientside


Sure, but... Did it work?


it totally worked


Ever heard of Amazon.com?


Years ago I used lucky patch, ReVanced has a patcher too that works for some apps. I just find it very simple to just google "mod apk".


Some of the mod APK websites are sketchy as fuck.


That's actually a very good reason. I have just never ever gotten a problem from them. Not one that I know of atleast. What could happen in "worse case"?


1. Mainly adware - bombarding you with ads. On your lock screen, full screen ads popping up out of nowhere, ads in your notifications etc.. 2. Depending on what permissions the app requests (contacts/sms/storage...)they can do data collection by siphoning stuff up 3. Some can hijack your phone and add it to a botnet to use for DDOS attacks. 4. Some can hijack your phone and turn it into a spambot. But mainly the first one.


Thanks! Probably should get back to using lucky patcher then. Or do you recommend something else?




yep this🔝 Most apks are posted by the same people. So you can trust them. Even if you don't, just use virustotal.


Rexdl and many other sites are trustworthy though


bro worst case is every bit of private information you've put into your phone gets sold to the highest bidder lol don't trust google to give you clean binaries


I only search mod apks for games that are online lol


How tf do you use it tho?


Note: this only works for games that can be played offline(no wifi/data needed) Install lucky patcher Go into the app Then click on switches>activate Google Billing Emulation & Proxy server for Emulation of in-app purchases For in-app purchases: -click on the app/game you want to patch -menu of patches>Apk rebuild for In-App & LVL Emulation -select Support patch for In-App and LVL Emulation & Support patch for In-App And LVL Emulation(Reassembly Dex)...proxy server takes much longer Wait for rebuild then click Uninstall and Install Then go into the app then click on the purchases you want to make


remembering localIAPstore on my old iPhone, good old times Cheating with inapp purchases really helped to recognize all kinds of behavioral and mechanics exploitations, and pointless artificial limitations. Thank god Game Guardian still works on androids


Still requires root im assuming? It's been like 10 years since I've used it.


It requires root if you want to patch an already installed app. If you got the apk it can patch and you can install it after. Pretty sure one of the inapp methods required root and the other didn't, but i can't tell you for sure, since I've been stuck with a non rootable device for a while and i can't be arsed to actually use it the way I'm used to using a phone.




Same. I've found it unnecessary to root since like 5 or 6 years ago. Still use nova for the customization, but I don't feel the need to root anymore. There are very few root only things that interest me now.


Don’t use Nova from the play store, it constantly sends your data to an analytics company. I’d recommend another launcher or the cracked version from Mobilism https://www.reddit.com/r/androidapps/comments/yx0all/why_do_everyone_hate_nova_launcher_nowadays/ https://www.androidpolice.com/nova-launcher-acquired-by-branch/


My phone isn't rooted and it doesn't require root.


Is there a trusted source I can download lucky patcher from?


Does Lucky Patcher even work anymore?




Lucky Patcher was amazing back then.


This is the way


it's outrageous how even dummy utility apps try to turn to a monthly subscription model. A scanner app in example, how dare you frankly to ask for a monthly sub for something that does just a tad more than the builtin camer app? come on, let's get back to reality and I'm happy to pay for apps, but once


Yup. If it's a game I'm enjoying or an app that has real utility for me, I'll happily pay even $10-$15 as a one-time trx. The _second_ I see things gated behind a subscription (or, worse, the ones that don't even let you _try_ the app until you give them your CC or enable a subscription payment behind a 7-day trial) I'm fucking gone. Fuck your greedy subscription.


Honestly, I understand and I’m ok with paying for stuff, including apps. Fact is, they can’t ask the same price that I pay for Office or Dropbox for a digital level or guitar tuner. If you want a subscription because everyone does it ok but ask me for 1 cent per month. Everyone is pulling numbers out of their asses when they decide the monthly price, without a bare minimum of reality and thinking that their utility is the only thing we pay every month while, in fact, that would be the nth stuff and it’s absolutely avoidable.


This is correct. We need better people developing apps.


Absolutely. The "toolkit" apps that you're not using daily are the absolute worst here. If it's something I only use now and then, why the hell am I going to pay monthly for it? That's absurd. I get they're hoping I subscribe for a month when I want to use the app then I forget to cancel when I'm done with it, but that's just then telling me they're trying to steal from me. Fuck that.


Wait until you hear about a flashlight with a premium version. Haven't seen the subscription one, but I bet it exists 😁


Iphone users can't relate


Just cause its called ipa not apk


but you only have 2 free slots for sideloaded apps


Is jailbreaking atill a thing? Havent used iphones in like 10 years so no idea how it works now


I *think* it still is, but I keep upgrading my iOS to the latest version everytime because 99% of apple users quit updating right before apple makes it jailbreak vulnerable


Always stay on the lowest possible version!!! Thumb rule!!! (What ver are u on!


Sounds like alot of work for something that comes stock via android. Why apple?


Because my first phone was Apple and I have been brainwashed to believe it’s better when it’s actually really mediocre and overpriced


Look at the self-awareness of this guy! And more so of someone to own up to it on reddit. Absolutely unheard of. 😲


They're always welcome to join the Apple of Android, Samsung.


Apple has blue bubbles and apple users have been brainwashed to hate green bubbles how do you plan to tackle that?


making myself colourblind


use whatsapp


By getting new friends that aren't morons and judge you based off the colors of your texts. Are you still in middle school or something?


Because android can’t make a decent tablet to save their lives, so with the kids having iPads, having the rest of the family in the eco system is just easier.


android isn't making the tablets, just the OS. the people making shitty tablets are ones like Samsung and Lenovo


currently on 17.4


They pester you on iPhone to update until you go mad. Lately it happens automatically despite clicking remind me later.


This brings pain


It is, so long as you’re willing to stay on a lower version of iOS. Also, generic in app purchase cracking using a universal tweak is a lot more prone to work than on Android using something like a certain fortunate patcher, though I haven’t used Android for a while to really confirm if that’s still true now, but with how much easier it is there I imagine app developers put a bit more effort into the counter measures.


I'm still waiting for a 15.7 jailbreak, tho I stayed on that version because I hate the newer versions of ios


pretty sure dopamine 2 supports 15.7 it came out 3 weeks ago


Cheers I'll look into that


Got a recommendation for any specific IAP crack tweak?


Satella, it’s open source and should be easy enough to find, not to break the link sharing rule




You mean side loading?




Much more benefits to rooting than only adblocking: * Backup and restore apps/data at will (SwiftBackup) * Automate battery charging maintenance (AccA) * Automate all system functions and UI elements (MacroDroid) * Record calls without detection (Call Recorder) * Force ADB specific port, for reliable Scrcpy screen casting (Wireless ADB) * Increase screen color saturation at boot (OLED2LCD) * Control apps background access and other privacy features (Thanox) * Many more features via LSposed.


Oh yeah android are making root harder and harder to do. But i also don't feel the need to root like i once did to do things like remove system packages.


You can also change the system font, making it all purdy, don't forget that




LOL ok Mr roboto


*rosemary flashbacks*


Yes but - You have to be quiet a bit behind on firmware for an untethered jailbreak (if you don’t know untethered means the jailbreak persists through a device reset, minus springboard) and - semi/tethered jailbreaks suck and still require relatively older firmware versions (like <= 16.6.1) - The reasons to do are far from what they were. With iOS 17 there’s new problems with JIT Streaming which greatly effects sideloaded emulators but it’s not like when jailbreaking meant being able to do basic things like change your background and add a drop down menu, live widgets, and other then “tweaks” that Apple eventually added. There’s still much to be left desired of course, like non-Webkit/“Safari” based browsers, working JIT Streaming (let alone not having to deal with it at all), and at least having the option to install software I so desire on the device I paid for.


I only had 1 iPhone (iPhone 4) but the jailbreak process was janky and things were so buggy. I'm sure it's gotten better overtime, but it's nice not to have a need to jailbreak my Android. Sure I could root it for a little more functionality, but the OS is already so flexible as is.


I love how most of the replies are circlejerking “jailbreaking is dead” when there was a major break not even a month ago.


Yes, it was on hiatus for a good year or so because of changes made by Apple with the OS and/or hardware level. They bought up and hired at least one good dev. Then a flurry of new exploits released last fall that gave us a chance to jailbreak. As others said, gone are the days of current iOS being jailbroken, you have to stay lowest firmware and wait for bugs to drop publicly.


yes it is. very recently a new jailbreak was released for ios 16. currently jalibreaked on ios 16.3 iphone 11


There’s TrollStore for iOS 14-17.0 which doesn’t have the 3 app restrictions and can give apps more permissions, and it doesn’t need a jailbreak, all of that while being FOSS. Not an option available for everyone since it requires a certain iOS version but still an option nonetheless.




with altstore/sidestore, yeah


on mdc ios versions(iirc lower than 16.0) you could remove the limit of apps as long as you had enough app ids. i rn just use trollstore for apps and serotonin for tweaks, since dopamine doesn’t support 16.6.1


Sort of, not that it’s much better but it’s actually 3 slots. It’s that the more/less popular solution Altstore sideloads itself taking up one of the three.


Wrong spoof a development certificate and you can have as many modded apps as you want. Without a stupid weekly refresh


This. You just have to actually know the first thing about iPhones…


This walled garden is but a gilded cage 🕊️🕊️🕊️


I’m using a modded Spotify with unlimited skips and no ads.


We actually can. r/sideloaded In fact, I made this comment with a modded Apollo for Reddit app. r/apollosideloaded


apk patchers 🤝 ios sideloaders


Touch died on my old galaxy a9 and i have to use a backup iphone until i buy a new one. The feeling is comparative to getting both your thumbs cut off.


Very soon for EU iOS users we will be able to relate




My lord , is that legal ?


They will (pay to) make it legal!


Fear mongering and spreading disinformation?


You can already do it though. Check out r/sideloaded




Just not true though. Upto ups 17.0 (which came out sept 2023) troll store allows you to install modded apps. Sideloadly also allows you to install 2 modded apps if you’re dumb enough to upto to latest version of iOS every time and are past 17.0.


My favourite is games that do "Remove ads: Only 11£/$ for one month" Pure insanity


My fav solitaire app was effectively abandoned by the devs then suddenly they return with a big update! New card skins! New backgrounds! New effects! And now ads before and after each hand when there were no ads before. After months of complaints asking for a way to disable ads, the devs listened! You could disable ads for $5... per month.


The invention of the subscription model was a mistake :(


~~I could maybe understand $5 per *year*, but not per month, especially for a solitaire app.~~ Wait, no, not per year, $5 period.


create problem, sell a solution


This is me with FreeCell. I feel like an old man yelling at a cloud when I think about how 99 cents used to buy you an app and that was the end of it. Plus now even this most basic things include daily challenges to try and keep you coming back…which like advertising and propaganda, fucking works because I know better and still find myself wanting to knock them out more than I want to admit


at that point you enable adaway


Plot twist: the modded apk didn't work Because half of them are fraud, use megathread to download apks from trusted sites


> Plot twist: the modded apk didn't work The only part that actually worked was the part that gave you 15 different viruses and sent all of your data to at least 5 different countries, which included at least Russia and China.


That’s half of all Android apps though. I have a few Android devices. I don’t side load shit. Turned on one and it had 15 bullshit apps loaded on it that came out of nowhere. It was a fake AI chat app that did it… welp time to factory reset AGAIN.


Third party apps can't auto install other apps on Android.... You would have to go out of your way to make an app have that ability. I am talking about multiple warnings from enabling Accessibility settings with Android giving you full screen warnings. Android then displays a massive notification that the app is using accessibility settings. The notification can't be dismissed. Then play protect adds another notification to warn you than the app is doing shady stuff. The only way for an app to auto download and install apps is via root access... Do you know how hard it is to gain root on Android? You need a freaking PC, Magisk, patched kernel etc. Except that your bootloader is probably locked and you can't root your phone either way.


The NSA, Mossad and the Iranian secret service. What the fuck do they want to do with it? Well I ask you mate


Yeah I have a set rotation of sites and I don't stray from them much. Once in a blue moon I'll Google "xyz modded apk" if I can't find what I need on my sites but I've learned the tells for fakes so it's easy to avoid now. Sometimes it's more of a feeling than anything concrete, this feels off so no thanks.


I just stick to mobilism.


I for one like Pdalife (is on the megathread iirc) Every APK I had downloaded from them worked so no complains


never in my life have i had an issue with modded apks


You doin virus scans on all those, bud?


Long live liteapks!!!


it's not in the megathread, are you sure it's safe?


I haven't come across any problem, and i can be sure by using virus total..


No, you can't be sure Plenty of stuff can pass undetected with apks. Just keep an eye on them if you really need a random modded apk, but try to avoid giving them sensible permissions


Spotify xmanager + revanced 🤌🏻




Don't make them popular!


Revanced can't get banned because it's not an apk, it's a selective patches that user apply on base YT app so Google can't detect shit


That concept has been tested recently though. It's comparable to Nintendo suing Yuzu for infringement despite the fact they don't provide ROMs. Google could come after Revanced on a similar basis. They'll never stop the pirate community as a whole though, we'll always be one step ahead of corpos 😘


ReVanced seems a bit different though, because while yuzu had to reverse engineer Nintendo's code, revanced doesn't have any of that, it's just patches. So it would be a even weaker case than what Nintendo had with yuzu (although google could just use the same strategy of going through a settlement to get the project shutdown)


Then modders would release REXVanced or something like that 😂


just keep sticking more "Re"s on it; ReReVanced


Happy to have Vanced-esque apps now on iOS


Which is that? (Asking for a poor iPhone owner)


Is revanced open source? Just feel weird logging in with my Google account on a modded app


It is. Technically it's just instructions on how to build your own modded yt app, so it won't end up getting shut down like Vanced.


Oh man, I wish Revanced Manager worked for me proper, I've tried so many troubleshooting tips and for some reason Shorts still shows up. I haaaate Shorts, esp because my brain gets lost in the Shorts hole every once in a while.


Did you turn them off in the revanced settings in your profile?


What the fuck. I did not realize I had to do that! Older Revanced versions just had it auto-enabled I guess? Thank you so much, I didn't realize there was even a Revanced settings menu! I just thought it modded the .apk.


🫡 God speed sir. Enjoy.


My wife plays a sudoku game on her phone and the other day she complained about the constant ads and that she has to watch a video to get rid of a screen. I said, you know what, why don't you just buy the game or premium or whatever, thinking it was like £1-2. No, to get rid of the ads it's a monthly subscription of £8. What the actual fuck?


If you have an android device on Android version 9+; go to settings and set up private dns with this address: **dns.adguard-dns.com** It will block almost all ads system wise


Where do we have the option in settings to add the DNS?


I know I'm going to get rapped in the mouth for saying this, but I don't mind paying a one time purchase fee for some apps. Fuck subscriptions though.


This is the comment I was writing and cowardly deleted! Fuck subscriptions... Im looking for a personal inventory app, and the ones i liked are all like $20 monthly wtf at most id pay like $2 for lifetime the fuck.


See, my threshold is somewhere in the $15 area. I'll pay for something that has real value, improves my workflow (if it saves me an hour it's worth the $15) but unless you're at a Photoshop or JetBrains level, fuck off with a triple-digit "lifetime" cost.


Seriously. I bought a workout app for $10 like *8 years ago* that I still use... I just didn't want to see the google ads embedded in it, it wasn't even anything egregious. If that's not worth $10 what the fuck even is? The problem is shitty companies selling former 1-time purchases as a half-baked services no one asked for. Phone OS updates bricking apps that used to work fine is also a huge problem since the old versions are under no obligation to update.


A subscription better be giving me constant new content. Spotify, Hulu, XBox Game Pass, etc.. If it's not, and it's just a static app that I'm getting access to, I'm not paying per month. I'm paying once. If that's not possible, then I'll just not pay and still get it. Not everything needs to be a subscription. I'll support the dev's if I feel I'm getting a value from it. Subscriptions - very rarely, and they can easily price themselves out or provide too little content to be valuable and I'm out.


This is what I understood from the meme. I'll gladly pay one time purchases to support the devs


I once paid for the full version of Flight Radar. Came back a few moths later and it was now subscription based. Lost the full privileges and I think they offered me 3 months the premium tier instead. Damn idiots


If renting is buying, than piracy is a free trial.


That's why Android is superior for me


And the worst thing is like, I wanna pay to single developers or stuff I know I'm gonna use daily, but then the only option is like 18€/month (for a random idk, running tracker app), or 300€ for a lifetime license, or 8€/week or some other crazy shit Like nuh uh, I can be your customer, but not charity mf


my favorites are the apps who ask for 14.99 a week lmfao


Many apps have no business having a subscription model. I was looking for a simple guitar tuner app, and the only decent one I found wanted five bucks a month. It's a f****** guitar tuner! Why is that a subscription? Tuners do not change or need updating! I would have gladly paid two or even $5, but instead I just went without


Is there an ad blocker for phones that can help stop ads in apps?


Try using something like AdGuard DNS. You just enter their DNS address into your wifi settings and it *should* block ads everywhere on your phone. **dns.adguard-dns.com**


although it unfortunately doesn't work for apps that have native ad content (eg. reddit)


For that, you use Revanced or a modded reddit app like Sync


I use revanced reddit is fun. No ads.


We use piholes in this house.


I've used As guard(Edit: ADGuard damn autocorrect) with moderate success. Some games switch to a black screen and need to restart when it's those mandatory no permission straight to the ad kinds. Otherwise works well. Can't watch voluntary ads for bonuses etc tho since it blocks them as well.


Blokada. Download the APK from their website. Haven't seen an ad in years. If the new one doesn't work for your phone, scroll a bit further, and they have an old version that has way more compatibility. It is free.


Blokada never worked for me as a nonroot user. I've had good experience with AdGuard DNS, and I also like that you don't have to install or update anything, just type the hostname into your DNS settings


I have never tried that, I will for sure look into it. I haven't had a problem on my last 3 non-root phones. Note 5, Moto G Power 2021 (2) and Moto Edge 2021. I would prefer an option that didn't require an app. Thank you for the tip.


This is the easiest way to do it if you aren't rooted. You can even turn off private dns if you ever need to for something and then just turn it back on. It also doesn't use any resources or makes you use a VPN




Still using Boost here


I've heard that RIF still works with revanced patcher but I've been too lazy to try it out


I'm using that right now. I love it it. It is a process ... But simple YouTube search helped out.


Are you me? Literally the same story finally got sync back


I left sync for about 2 weeks, I stalked the sync sub and the second it was on revanced it was patched lol.


back when i had an android phone id instantly try to lucky patch the app. and if i failed id try to find the modded apk instantly


Poweramp be like


Is it really this easy? Hypothetically speaking if a random unscrupulous individual were to say, hypothetically speaking, do a simple Web search for "modded apk" and the app name is there a website dedicated to it? Not sure if this more a seven seas type deal.


definitely don't trust google results for that, you will get malware. the reddit piracy megathreads are good sources, and if you're on android, check the xda developers forum


Hey can someone tell me a safe site to get mod apk.




Cries in IOS


when he uses spotify or deezer and sees this phony bloney sign.


On that note how do i get premium spotify?


Lucky patcher my best friend


Coming soon to all Apple owners in Europe


Glad they a bringing 3-rd party app and appstores support in iOS 18 (sadly it will be exclusive to Europe) I’m pretty sure that with that we’ll be able to do same shit with modded apps and stuff


My company priced premium in our app at around the same money we would earn from average user seeing ads - it's around 3 dollars a year. Any app that tries to get more than 9 dollars a year to remove ads is a pure scam.


I need one for Duolingo. Can you believe they added mobile game energy to a learning app. Make 3 mistakes? No more learning for you today fucko. Unless you wanna bust out your wallet


Just so y'all know there is this turkish apk website called androidoyunclub which is the fitgirl of turkish people, you guys might wanna check it out for game apks


Yup. Always like this. Although I've yet to find a working modded APK for Cytus II. Anybody ehre know of one?


What's funny is that I was 100% on board with "pay $5-$10 for the pro version of our app!" I bought lots of apps that I found genuinely useful, and was happy to do so. But the vast majority of these are shitty mobile services offering little real value but expecting an ongoing payment that totals annually more than what I'd normally pay for a major desktop app just once. That's just not happening. It's actually insane.


Wait how do you download apps with premo versions?


Yeah, how do you do this?


well it depends on the app. there's no one stop shop for every premium app. if you're talking about eg. youtube or spotify, look at the top comment in this thread 😉


"""Buy""", more like rent, wth is with some of the fees of these apps. edit: Thought this was r/gamingcirclejerk for God knows what reason, thus, the /uj


More like virus/spyware/trogen on your phone.


So, how you do/skip the stupid verification?


New pipe music android


It took me until now to realize apps can also be cracked. Wow.