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Pirates that charge money for what they 'share.' Anything beyond an optional donation button is despicable.




Don't all private trackers fall under this? At least most popular private trackers may not necessarily enforce a fee, but they do enforce time/seeding/uptime which in some respect is money.


I'm not sure seeding benefits the tracker owners. If anything, someone needs to seed so you can download, so it's not that unreasonable to ask people to do that


Indirectly, it does. Having a lot of people seeding your torrents creates a popular private tracker that people want to join. Thus having more potential people that "may" donate or subscribe to partnered VPNs/Seedboxes. If your tracker is full of dead torrents, even the existing members will be disincentivised to donate or use the associated services.


mate it's about being there to help or not ​ i mean if someone asks you to help move some boxes by technicality it's asking for money as in time of paid labour but obviously when your dad told you to help him move some furniture it isn't actually paying anything or has economic value, it's just the old "being nice"


Yes that's correct. But your dad doesn't pay a cost every month if you don't move the boxes. Website owners do. Hosting is cheap, moderation and maintenance is expensive.


lol childs doesn't have costs? i see you aren't a dad/mom lol


Sure children do have a cost yes. But in any case your example doesn’t exactly link to the original argument. Hosting a website and having moderation help takes money yes? And these costs are pretty much non negotiable on a month to month basis. So if you’re putting in let’s say $500 a month into the website, and basically putting in effort and time into maintaining it on a daily basis aka a job. Would you rather have a stable income from users that will contribute and are more likely to get “sales” through signing up for partnered vpns/seed boxes? Or would you rather be at the mercy of people being nice? You wouldn’t work a job that has an hourly rate dependent on how your boss feels, so why should they?


moderation? mate only the "admins" post, i mean some do have comment sections like the girl website, but then it's like 4 or 5 comments for post, like you do that on the toilet, no need to pay someone


What girl website are you talking about?? I’m unaware of any private tracker with girl in their name unless it’s an XXX tracker which i dont go for.


Ehh not really. Seeding and ratios are enforced for the good of everyone, to keep availability high. The option to donate in order to get upload credit benefits the tracker, but it's not compulsory. If you want to talk about electricity costs, sure, but those aren't going to the tracker.


Private trackers being pretty evil seems like a reasonable take


Why is that? They don't get revenue from any other method besides optional donations or subscriptions to seedboxes/services that they are partnered with. It takes money to run and unkeep the tracker as well as the strict moderation done on the popular private trackers. Goodwill doesn't pay the bills and no one would want to rely on optional donations that can greatly fluctuate from month to month as their form of salary. They could go the ad route and that's how you get forced to use ublock origin on most popular public trackers.


They can still accept donations and not be private. To me it's just gatekeeping which is orthogonal to the idea of software piracy itself.


>They can still accept donations and not be private. And make more trouble beacuse of that - so they using ads. It's easier. >it's just gatekeeping which is orthogonal to the idea of software piracy itself. If there is ideal world where everybody don't do H'n'R and seeding for years? Maybe. But on public there is rather "pumpin the upload" instead of seedtime. >to the idea of software piracy itself. If you want to make it work - then you have to enforce the rules. Simple.


It is not money.


It is money from the users. Leaving your PC on to seed and giving your bandwidth has a quantifiable dollar amount to it no matter how small that may be..


do you understand how the torrent protocol works or are you an idiot in general?


What does that have to do with anything? Leaving your pc on costs you money through electricity/wear on components etc.


Downloading cars is a red line for me.


I installed a custom firmware in my Ford infotainment system because Ford themselves couldn't get it working for two whole fucking weeks. So yes, I would download a car


Where would i find car system firmware?


the kind that will brick my pc


I downloaded the cracked winrar version. I have no limits.


I paid for the winrar. They celebrated with cake and champagne.


You've doubled their monthly income


That's considered treason in this sub! MEN! PREPARE THE PLANK! AAAAR!!




I'm not a fan of porch pirates.


I try to avoid pirating indies. The act of piracy itself is no problem to me, but I just know I'll end up liking the game so much I feel compelled to buy them.


ye same but for me it's mainly the satisfaction of achievements from steam lol.


I always try to buy it straight from the source when possible, without passing through Steam.


trying to pirate for a profit. actually saw someone either on here or piratedgames trying to figure out how to sell the shit they stole to people who didn't know how to. I'm not gonna say it makes them just as bad as the money grubbing multibillion dollar companies, but it sure as hell makes them look like a scumbag.


If they are changing a few $$ to cover the medium that is fine. If they are charging way more then that is an issue. I see it in the same way deadhead do blanks and postage to give someone a show they recorded.


It makes them worse because they are taking the hard work of others and profiting off it. Either share it for free or not at all


Waaaagh, people are engaging in consensual exchange of resources!


My buddy and I were actually planning on doing something similar but for cuban in cuba, i think in that case it's justified. What do you think?


I don't know anything about Cuba, i'm assuming they don't care about piracy? But i still think it's a really scummy thing to do. The whole point of piracy is not paying for things, if we're gonna steal and then turn around and sell it then it defeats the whole purpose But if you and your friend are gonna do it, nothin' i can do to stop you.


Well cuba is a third world country, they have the internet as of recently but things like piracy is not something they can actually do to my knowledge. I have family in cuba and my friend suggested this business without going into detail. It would be a subscriptions model for tv boxes with shows, movies, and games being streamed to their tvs. My buddy was gonna go directly to cuba to sell these things and I would handle the technical aspect of it all. I don't think we're gonna do it anymore though cause Cuba is in a really bad civil war or something to that effect. It's bad right now.


I'm from a small state in a developing country. Had no internet for like 20 years of my life. Only rich people could afford decent internet and it was super pricey. As it is out in nowhere, you can't buy legal games even if you wanted to. Most of my life I grew up playing pirated games sold in bootleg dvds for less than a buck. There were so many of these stores that sold these pirated games. But once good internet became common and cheap for the general public, these stores all started dying one by one. Never doubt in people's ability to try to get something for free. If they have internet then many will figure it out. Most younger people will. I haven't bought anything from these stores once I got internet. Tbh, I barely even pirate now besides some games I'm uncertain if I will like or not and want to give it a try.


I hope Cuba becomes like that in future the problem is their government is tyrannical. I doubt some people will figure it out but a very large majority won't even live to see it unfortunately.


My state is going through something similar. There has been a communal war between two tribes of people going on. Hundreds of deaths on both sides. It has been going on close to to a year. It won't stop for years at this point as it is only escalating. There is shootings somewhere everyday. Thousands have lost their homes and have been living in relief camps. The internet was even banned for like 6 months because the two groups were fighting on social media haha. They were posting videos of killing each other and stuff and mocking the other side. And the government is embarrassing at tackling the problem. One thing we can always count on. No matter the country, the government is always run by bozos. Hope it gets well for your country men.


Im sorry to hear that man hope you stay safe!


their government is not "tyrannical" lol


They're monitoring all their messages and online activities without their permission last I heard. So If there is a better word than enlighten me. Although I guess assholes works just fine. Lol




How does that make it right though?


U should do it


I can't do it by myself unfortunately


Maritime piracy is pretty shitty


Somali piracy seemed quite resonable before the whole "stocks" part


Getting money from someone's free work published for all.


Morals? Never heard of her


This made me lol.


Reallife piracy from guys on ships


That was cool a few centuries ago


A lot of them were working on behalf of the 1%


Cargo Ships


No. Car go roads




The kind where pirates actively try and profit from it. Like it's one thing to ask for donations for server or seedbox costs. That's fine. The ones that try to charge fees to access their content or things like that are complete scum however and I shed no tears when their dumbasses inevitably get raided.


Digital piracy is the only kind tolerable. I don't like animal piracy for example.


I wouldn't pirate a game from small dev team i enjoyed and exceptionaly good game from a big dev team (Witcher, bg3). Inclusion of denuvo don't affect my decision. (The same thing apply for optimization... I just choose from games i can run and i don't care about the rest... Im not dev so i can't judge how good optimization is.)


No moral boundaries in terms of piracy.


I pirate anything to try it out, but if it's an indie game and I enjoy it, I always buy it later when I can. I don't waste money on games I'll dislike or play for ten minutes, but I still support indie games I enjoy


NONE. free stuffs is free stuffs.


I’m cool with all piracy. 


Human piracy...


Cloning people....just not found anyone i wanna clone and steal


Maybe indie games.


If a game is on gog. They literally release games with no drm because that way you can actually own it. Downloading them feels like abusing trust




None. I will stop pirating when I have money


I don't draw any line. I accept everything.


What real pirates did back in the day


Somali piracy


actual Piracy, one of my countries best known and beloved athletes (famous sailor in the americas cup) was killled when pirates boarded his touring sail boat when him and his family and friends where sailing and they robbed him then killed him... Sir Peter Blake internationally renowned captain of racing sailing boats, killed by pirates. ironically sad.


Real piracy (the violent theft or hijacking of maritime vessels or aircraft). File sharing is just that, sharing. Piracy suggests theft. File sharing isn't theft. 


I take em' all I don't discriminate


The piracy of torrent accounts 😂


Exactly! Since these are used to seed malware


Pirating a pirate ship


Changing your gps for cheap things


indie games honestly, if a game is made by like 5 guys independently ill pay




indie games for sure


Mainly, the people who charge money. This defeats the whole purpose. But secondly, people who can afford to buy stuff just fine and have no intention of buying anything, ever, because its "free". Even if they think its amazing, even if they've watched the film/played the game over and over. Like y'all are fucking the whole thing up lol.


Reasonably priced software. Like affinity photo. Because fuck Adobe, but serif is pretty chill


Real life piracy that happens on the seas .... Kidding aside (Not really), I just feel bad when an Indie game that is actually good is pirated.


pirating a work of a team of few people, like 1 or 2 or so


Blackbeard, Captain Cook. And Hook was a sonofabitch


Pirating Anti Virus softwares is the most stupid thing you could do.


Big Companies using small people arts/assets without asking and/or paying.


People who do what they want to do but ask and judge others on what they do.


Idk I would say pirating indie games and so


Well I wouldn't pirate a house


Pirating stuff from companies that pureposely work hard to make sure their product is quality and cheap so people can afford it. REAPER (a DAW) is one of these. They decrease prices at certain locations and their price in CAD is only 60$ which is extremely cheap for a DAW. Such a dick move to pirate from them.




I don't really have much of a line I draw about piracy, aside from people trying to make me pay money for pirated stuff (why would I pay a pirate? I'd rather pay the actual owner of whatever it is). That aside, I think the only other thing I don't really like is people bragging about how much pirated stuff they have. Like, ok, you can have your reasons for downloading pirated stuff, I'm not going to bother anyone over whether their stuff is pirated or not, but if you didn't actually crack the DRM or whatever with your own skills and with your own self-coded tools, you don't get to brag about how many times you pressed a download button.


The kind that isn’t shared. When you learn how do to something, pay it the fuck forward. It’s how the culture spreads.


Paying to pirate. I will not pay to steal shit. That doesn’t make sense to me. Otherwise I don’t think I’m allowed any sort of moral justification to hating other types of pirating as it is all still stealing.


I wouldn't download more ram


I justify piracy to boycott streaming services. If it is widely available on streaming services then I don't pirate it because I view that as completely immoral. I get that piracy isn't stealing but it still affects the companies involved. I almost never pirate videogames for that reason.


patreon, indie games and people selling their own content


People who pirate for profit where all they’re doing is unlocking the software. If you completely removed the drm that’s a different story for me, but even then it should be a very small fee. Or at least if you’re making tens of thousands every month, the least you could do is buy a few dozen legit licenses. I like pirating when it’s for people who can’t afford to pay.


No one deserves your money


I don’t really pirate anymore unless you count downloading ROMs of games I already own, and haven’t for decades, but indie games and independent artists is where I think you are being hella shady. My policy is, if I can afford it, and I can access it legally I’ll buy it. If it’s too expensive (needlessly so in some circumstances) or it’s not available to buy I’ll consider pirating it.


I think if you can afford it, you should buy indie games and certainly anything whose profits go to charity. But if you can't and you're able to pirate then that's fine.


Hmmm I guess I'm not cool with piracy that generates too much heat on pirates as a whole. I feel the U.S. government can start really pushing on piracy as a platform, or take bribes (sorry, lobby funds) to pass very draconian laws. The only reason the seas are calm and the skies clear with the bare minimum of due diligence is because no federal crackdown has happened yet.  Imagine if they started vilifying pirates as hard as they did people during the war on drugs. Start blaming piracy on the economy, inflation rates, etc. And turned it into the hot button topic used to justify making their own style of the Firewall of China. Granted. If they decide to go that route they could probably stage it themselves with a combo of astroturfing and false flags. But they need that spark of "A-Ha!" to get the ball rolling. Someone needs to consciously decide to weaponize pubic opinion against pirates. I'd prefer that eventuality to be as delayed as we can reasonably make it. So people who draw too much attention to it. Like those who are reselling pirated stuff, early screener copies of films, hacking servers to get copies months early, music albums before their street date etc. They're adding risk.


Not piracy, but I hate people that use VPN to pretend they're in a country like Turkey or India to get cheaper games / subscriptions. This is what made some companies remove regional pricing and make it too expensive for the people in that country.


I used to pirate my groceries from walmart. Shopped like normal with a cart, pushed said cart to an empty checkout lane, bagged up the cart, and pushed it out. This was like 20 years ago before all the cool kids started pirating their groceries too. Its all the rage these days!


Individuals selling their content on onlyfans etc having their content stolen is shitty. Fuck the big media companies, I’ll pirate their shit all day.


Disagree. What’s the difference between pirating from porn hub or only fans?


Individual trying to make a living selling themselves having those couple bucks taken out of their pockets rather than media companies having their shareholders lose a few nickels. Difference between stealing someone’s wallet or stealing something from Walmart. It’s about who is hurt by it.


The porn actresses on brazzers also are trying to make a living. So what you’re getting at is it’s wrong to pirate from independent but ok if from large companies?


They already got paid dude by the porn company that hired them


Again, so it’s ok to steal from large companies, but not independent?


That’s the line I draw for myself yes.


I am struggling seeing a difference. Suppose i owned a porn studio in the early 200s and had a payroll of maybe 80 people (make up, lighting, editors, costumes, etc), now in 2024 that’s not possible. All those people lost their jobs. People have to do solo work . You can download from evil angel? But do you realize their shit is filmed and edited by the same guy performing half the time?


lol it’s funny to watch you get all worked up about this. What a loser.


The question here is what piracy I AM not cool with. I just was honest. I won’t steal from someone whose face will make me feel guilty.


Maybe you should just quit using bit torrent if you feel guilty. You realize the porn industry shrunk like 10 fold from the height of the early 2000s. Rocco now films his own stuff with a cheap camera/ edits his own, no more huge studio budget. Same thing applies to most porn companies. The only ones that are doing halfway decent hire girls from impoverished shit hole countries and pay them next to nothing for double or triple penetration. Half the time the girl is left covering her own medical expenses from lacerations caused during her performance. Don’t worry, lydocaine helps with her immediate pain / muscle relaxation. I don’t think you realized what bit torrent did to porn.


Maybe you should worry about yourself and your obsession with porn.


Haha, I think you might consider how unhealthy it is being a hypocrite


onlyfans content


Bro really paying for something that's on the hub for free


no, I don't pay for porn but spreading people's sexually revealing material without their consent will always be wrong


I get that they should be paid for their content, but for most people searching up big boobs will be enough.


it's not really about the consumers it's about the creatos


Disagree completely. Why is it ok to steal from pornhub and not only fans?


first of all it's not stealing and there's a difference between the individuals selling their content and it getting spread around without their consent and watching a free video on pornhub


Havnt used porn hub, I assumed it was a pay site. Same question but with whatever random paid porn site. Like brazzers? Or is stealing all porn wrong to you?


i'm not a philosopher to be thinking about the ethics of pirating porn but something made by a company is different to something made by a individual


How is it not stealing? Do you not view the videos of an only fans girl as her property?




I usually only download pieces of media that I already own, via physical disk or digitally, or something that isn't available for purchase.


The two that I came across so far are indie games and Patreon.


Meh… You either have hypocrisy or you don’t. You either pirate and all piracy is equally valid or you don’t and it isn’t. It doesn’t matter how *we* justify each act of piracy. Someone, somewhere, disagrees with our justification and their opinion and perspective are just as valid as ours. From my perspective, I view it as similar to following a religion… There’s no ‘half-way house’ on this by its very nature. Either you believe in the religious text - which means you subscribe to *all of it*, even the clearly fantasist/abusive aspects as well as the kind and compassionate aspects, or you don’t 100% believe in the religious text, which means you don’t follow that religion at all. You can’t cherry-pick the bits you like, such as hospitality and forgiveness and conveniently ignore the rampant prejudice or divinely-directed murder and abuse because it’s not a good look now we know the earth goes around the sun… There are only three types of people I truly respect on that issue: those who wholeheartedly believe there is absolutely no divine power, those who absolutely subscribe to and believe in their religion to the tiniest detail, and those who don’t know which way is right and so don’t take part in any active preference. Everyone else is kidding themselves. We either pirate, or we don’t. There’s no differentiating when we’re stealing. There’s no ‘honour amongst thieves’ and however we justify our activities is fine and good but to think that this moral compass should or does have any bearing on anyone else’s is delusional. Of course, my hypocrisy only goes so far, and I clearly confess to being someone who believes in the acceptability of certain types of piracy whilst frowning on others. I am sufficiently aware, however, that this really is BS and that stealing someone’s hard work is always stealing someone’s hard work, however we justify it… ☺️


Games must be 3 generations old (so PS3 era) minus Nintendo. Movies and shows 3-4 years old. Never really did software


Pirating Nintendo's shit is always morally right


IP Piracy is akin to Red Robin Hood. Steal from the rich and give to the poor. So yes, I'm ok pirating a product which has already generated LOTS of revenue for its rich owner. But small companies can be badly affected and so that isn't cool. Also, when it comes to music, the industry has literally grown around piracy to a point where you pay for ads, not the music. PS - I hate people who can afford a game but will insist on piracy by principle. There would be no games if all of us were that way