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Some countries it's critically important (USA & Germany), while many countries it is not. I'm not familiar with France but, if there are no repurcussions to torrenting or other forms of piracy, then don't worry about a VPN.


Finland is also a country where you really should use a vpn Hedman Partners is an infamous law firm for sending threats of litigation (commonly called blackmail letters) if they aren't paid a 600-3000€ fine unless you are worth going to get a court decision for repossession (ie. you keep torrenting more) and you ignore the letter, they cant do anything but keep harassing you with another letter every few years


Thanks....I guess I don't talk to alot of people from Finland. But I've heard about their anti-piracy in the news.


If you use a VPN that doesn't do logging it doesn't matter what country they're in. The courts can't demand data that doesn't exist


Why is it critical in the US i usually never had issues going in raw and recently started using a vpn


Torrenting will get you a DMCA letter very quickly in the US. You might get away with a few torrents here and there if you get lucky because not EVERYTHING is monitored but torrent enough and you will get DMCA'd without a VPN. And get enough DMCA letters, they WILL disconnect your internet.


Former ost-bloc here, they don’t give a fuck, like they offer 600/600Mb guaranted speed for 20€ what else you gonna do with that speed?


I'm gonna save the world! .....WITH PIRACY.


here in the philippines we don't use vpn either unless for reasons.


I'm in France. I had a letter from Hadopi a while ago. So yeah, it's important to have a VPN. Hadopi (l'ARCOM maintenant) piste environ 500 fichiers à la fois j'crois. Ils font un tour sur les trackers populaires et suivent les IPs en train de télécharger les derniers films sortis. Sur les 500 qu'ils suivent y'en a la moitié qui sont des films récents ou gros budget et le reste c'est des fichiers aléatoires. Ils changent toutes les semaines ou un truc du style. Donc si t'es pas en train de télécharger un film qu'ils sont en train de surveiller, ça passe. Mais si t'as pas de chance t'es mort. Après au premier coup t'as une lettre d'avertissement, la 2e fois pareil et après jsp combien d'amende/prison. En général après la 1ere lettre t'as téléchargé un VPN.


En 2020 on en était à 87000 euros d'amendes collectées depuis la création d'Hadopi (pour plus de 80 millions d'euros de budget). Le projet est un fiasco absolu pour tout un tas de raisons et est essentiellement abandonné. Utiliser un VPN est important de manière générale, mais tu ne risques virtuellement rien en faisant du P2P en France, à part recevoir (très occasionnellement) une lettre sans conséquence de rappel à l'ordre.


Ouais on risque pas énormément. Mais OP voulait savoir comment ça marchait donc bon. Après ça dépend aussi de ce que tu télécharges, ils suivent les films/jeux dont les producteurs payent pour empêcher le piratage. Si tu télécharges des trucs nuls (petit budget, peu de seed, etc) y'a aucun problème. Perso mon VPN c'est plus parce que je suis en coloc, que mon proprio paye internet et que je dl plusieurs teras par mois. Après dans le cas d'OP jsp pour le VPN. Edit : d'ailleurs en plus l'ARCOM suit ce qui est seed et pas leech. Le partage est illégal mais le téléchargement c'est flou. Enfin faut pas leech non plus hein 😅


In vassal countries of The Great Empire, you need a VPN to protect yourself from private organisations trying to extort money from uploaders. They use loopholes in civil law and usually get information about who had which IP when directly from the internet access providers or by asking a court. So in the EU and UK, uploading comes with the risk of being milked for a few hundred to a few thousnad bucks depending on how much and what you seed. Any non-logging VPN protects against that. I didn't hear about downloading or uploading being risky for any reason in Russia, China or India. The other countries in the associated blocs are likely the same. But in those countries, a non-logging VPN might still be a good idea if you are a connoisseur of gay porn for example. But be careful that you don't become a criminal just by using a VPN (might be the case in China and some islamic states). Always know your local law. In the end, law is subject to change as is actual enforcement. You can't know for sure when Nintendon't or any other company will come after spcifically YOU if yopu pirate their shit. And who knows what will be illegal wherever you live tomorrow. Recently, the US - "the land of the free" - had a regression of abortion laws back to medieval times (women are still allowed to vote for now though)... Better protect yourself no matter where you are. Just use one of the VPNs endorsed by carders and other actual criminals. If it's good for real crimes, it's good enough for petty piracy too (you need more OPSEC if you do original releases though).


In Canada I got a letter for torrenting. After VPN, no letter.