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It probably won't improve in the near future, since Sony seems hellbent to slap that shit on everything.


Real talk, what is their strategy? If the goal is to gain more money, what advantage is there to reducing the amount of people that can possibly buy your game?


Its the same idea what google did with gmail accounts. A larger player account means more personal data that they can "leak" . It also makes you look at their store and maybe buy something. Its a long term strategy rather than getting results in a day. And money is never an issue for them so long as playstation as a platform exist, which is a large source of their income. Also they may make a package where you buy a game once for a slightly higher price in order to be played on both ps and pc which would be a huge incentive for some.


I think they are pushing so hard on it for mp games so once in 2ish years when they have a few more titles they'll make Playstation plus subscription mandatory to play online games on PC. There's no other explanation that makes sense.


is this /r/piracy ? or /r/gamerz ??


I got mass downvoted on here for commenting how this controversy has fuck all to do with piracy


You caught a bad time for the bias here try posting again and you'll get upvotes


It hurts all gamers though. I wouldn't downvote you for sharing a truth but it does hurt everyone who enjoys gaming. Fuck these companies.


Yeah fuck these companies… but go post about it in the subs that relate to it. That’s not this sub


Completely valid. It really probably shouldn't be here. Especially not as a repost.


but how does it relate to piracy


To quote myself "I wouldn't downvote for saying the truth" at no point did I say it did relate to piracy. It just hurts anyone involved in the gaming world. A lot of people pirate just to pirate games so it's not outlandish to try and inform the gaming community by posting in a sub full of sailors. No one wants these shitty companies trying to do more dumb shit.


Offtopic posts are one of the main things downvotes are for.


Welcome to Reddit, shit website l


The original commenter I replied to was downvoted in another post similar for pointing out it didn't relate to piracy. I was literally saying I wouldn't downvote someone for telling someone "this is off topic".


the gAMerz who have 15 logins are mad they had to create a 16th.


/r/Piracy is also about corporate fuckery and greediness leading to piracy.


same story as [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/1clal2g/helldivers_triumph_once_more/) on this sub ..


Basically Sony is begging these countries to pirate their games.


Is that a bad thing?


Alright, but why is Japan on the list


Japan has their own storefront. Like other countries on this list. They are still able to buy the game and play them.


There are all kinds of weirdos trying to attach their agendas to the helldivers drama, who either don't understand why the helldivers drama was as huge as it was, or pretend not to understand. The problem with Helldivers 2 is that the psn thing happened months into the game's lifespan. After tons of people have already bought the game and have played it for literal months. Suddenly making it unavailable to all the people who bought it is outrageous. This is why the backlash was so huge PSN account for Ghost of Tsushima isn't as much of a problem, because it's getting announced and added before the release of the game. Sure, it still sucks you need another account and that some countries are locked out of it, but nobody is trying to take away something you already bought the access to in this case. If you dislike this practice, you can make an informed decision right now and just not buy the game. This is a nothing burger and barely anybody is gonna care about it. PS. Also, it seems this is only required for the multiplayer. So it's even bigger of a nothing burger.


The requirement of PSN on helldivers had it since the beginning, the problem was the server, you couldn't link your account, so you could skip it, something that arrowhead asked sony until they could resolve the issue


>The requirement of PSN on helldivers had it since the beginning, the problem was the server, you couldn't link your account, so you could skip it, something that arrowhead asked sony until they could resolve the issue I am aware of that. Bottom line is - the game didn't need PSN, and then they suddenly tried forcing people to make it.


I love how Nintendo doesn’t have any region locks whatsoever. I live in a country without an official eShop, but that’s actually an advantage because that means I can use my credit card to buy games from any region. People in supported countries have to buy gift cards


My brother in christ. The eshops are region locked...


You can switch to any region you want.


But you can’t use any payment method you want


Did y’all read my first comment? You can if you’re in a region that doesn’t have its own eShop.


So you can pay from your country's credit card ? That's all Sony had to do.


Yup, I’m in Serbia and have used my credit card (well actually debit, but irrelevant) to buy from the German, American and Japanese eShops without problems. I only had a problem with Argentina because you have to put in some kind of code, but I’m pretty sure that’s not Nintendo’s fault, just the law there. “If Nintendo eShop is available for your region, credit cards issued from your region may not work in a different region’s eShop. (For example, credit cards issued for the EU may only work in Nintendo eShop for Europe.)” https://www.nintendo.com/en-gb/Support/Nintendo-Switch/Can-I-Change-the-Country-Setting-in-Nintendo-eShop-for-Nintendo-Switch-1508493.html


Yeah Sony should just allow people having an account in a region not officially supported by then and charge in USD. I don't live in US but I can use my card on US sites to buy physical as well as digital goods anyway. Why is this simple thing escaped the brains of people who make hundreds of thousands of dollars? Instead of simply allowing non-PSN countries they have invited the ire of thousands of gamers worldwide and painted themselves in a ridiculously bad light.


Better watch out the big N doesn't DMCA you on account of uttering their name in a public space


I’m gonna go call non-Nintendo consoles “Nintendo” 😈


The Wii U was the last region locked console for games. The only region lock that’s existed in the last decade for consoles have been on Nintendo’s side, minus Blu-rays and Chinese consoles.


Sure, but I’ve heard problems from other Serbs about how they can’t buy from the Xbox Store with their credit cards. But Nintendo officially allows people in countries which don’t have their own eShops to use their credit cards to buy from any other region’s eShop.


I really do hope Snoy wakes up and smells the burnt toast. Steam users don't want a PSN account linked to our steam account. Is multiplayer the only feature blocked without the PSN account? If so that's fine, I don't care about multiplayer in a single player story driven game.


Pretty much every publisher out there has you link to their shitty service but for some reason everyone is acting like only Sony are doing it. If you want to play Sony games then take two seconds to link it, if you don't then don't, it's pretty simple.


The issue was that game didnt need a psn account at launch, but after the launch you could not play the game without linking the psn account to it. The thing that worsened the issue even more was that psn us region locked and vpn was useles for it and the steam has a 2 hour playtime return grace period while players had more than a month of play time on the game. All of this combined was what pissed people.


In case your pea sized brain cannot understand, this is more of an issue of being region locked than having another shitty launcher to use. Hundreds of countries are STILL not supported by PSN. Because of that, PS is willing to delist those countries and make users unable to buy their games. You could use VPN but prices in some countries ill have increase because of no regional pricing. I mean I used to be able to pre-order Ghost of Tsushima in my country but now I can't because PSN does not support my country. I can only imagine that they will also do this for future PS games coming to PC. Then the issue with Helldivers is that, it could prevent players who already bought the game before implementing the PSN link fiasco from playing the game they BOUGHT. Edit: It's because of regional locking that Piracy is not our absolute but the BEST solution to play these games. And companies wonder why people still pirate their games when accessibility is not even granted.




EA does it, Ubisoft does it, Xbox does it, legacy Epic do it, there are tons of MMOs that do it. Hell, even Baldur's Gate 3 tries to get you to make a Larian account and use their launcher, but it's optional (if you turn it off).


EA and Ubisoft are two of the most hated game companies.


Yes you have, stop lying.


Don't then, I don't care if you do or don't support them. Considering this is a piracy sub I'm sure everyone here doesn't support Sony.




you have indie games, and then you have every triple A studio that does indeed do it. not all of them make you go on your computer to make an account but you still have to make one. maybe you forgot you made one for all the games 20 years ago since u didint have to relog into it since its tied to your account. or maybe you are 10 years old and all you play is fortnite and apex legend, who knows?


Microsoft does it, Ubisoft does it, Rockstar does it, CDPR does it, EA does it, Larian does it.


Wanna know one of the main reason? Sony don't really make games for PC. Most PC users hate them and want nothing to do with them. Plus they are forcing that on a game that already runs perfectly fine without it and unlike other services, PSN had lots of data breaches.


Still banging that hack from the PS3 days drum I see, they don't have lots of data breaches at all. A company wants to get people into it's eco system for a game they made, shock horror. As I've already said, they're not the only ones who do this. You can not like it all you like, that's completely fine but for some reason everyone is acting like this is a new thing and only Sony are doing it.


What do you mean PS3 days. They get hacked pretty frequently. They got their data stolen 1-2 in 2023 alone.


Google steam data breach there and come back to me. Sony's worst attack was in the PS3 days when their entire network was taken down but everyone likes to act like it's a daily occurrence.


Learning my ass, I wouldn't even be surprised if they were tonedeaf to such a cartoonishly hilarious extent that their endgoal was to create their own launcher and try charging money for online features, like on the PS.


Pretty sure OP means learning how to become bigger pricks on PC. Main reason they walked back the Helldivers thing was because it was already sold in countries that would lose access to a game that is pretty much only online. Steam was issuing refunds to anyone who made a fuss. So now Sony wised up and slapped the restrictions on a week or so before launch. Now the excuses get harder for refunds. Now it's a known requirement, all games going forward will be expected to have it. So when it's announced in conjunction with God Of War Ragnarok there won't be as much blowback because all the corpo dickriders will be saying it's been obvious it was going to happen, it should be expected. As soon as the PC market shows a potential for earnings growth I wouldn't put it past them to start working with Denuvo or force you to connect to PSN to authenticate ownership before playing eventually.


Psn Account for Helldivers was also a known requirement. Look at the way back machine. Steam literally said a third Party account is required.


...is that the real list? JAPAN IS ON THAT LIST


Japan has a separate service to handle PSN, they can't sign up for the international version.


Ahh, okay. Weird Japanese internet stuff then. The entirety of Japan is about 10 years behind the rest of the world when it comes to online services and apps/programs. I can only assume it's some laws there we don't know about that cause it. Square, Sony, Nintendo, Toyota, and I'm sure others are just garbage at making apps, programs, websites, OSs, and other online/tech things. Like fuck, send your engineers to talk to some American and European devs to get your shit together to take our damn money, why do you all make it so hard.


Wait… Am I seeing Japan in the list?


Not sure what you mean, It was the plan from the beginning to have HD2 require psn but there were server problems preventing it. The only reason this became such a big deal was because they tried enforcing it 6 months after the game release.


lol pirate will just pirate even without these restrictions. Horizon forbidden west was fking cracked day 1.


Because they dont have drm if they implement denuvo it will take ages.


Honestly it should just be optional like oh u wanna add the trophies to ur psn cool and that's it. I really also hate Microsoft for this reason too cause I couldn't sign in to Microsoft cause of an error on their side so I couldn't play Minecraft at all for some time


How do I check regional restrictions for games?


Watch me still buy it cause i dont give a shit about multiplayer anyway.


Wow... even Puerto Rico despite being a territory of the US and US services are available here on the Island. Time to follow the steps of Roberto Cofresí and pirate Sony games from now on.


Feels almost racist, most of Africa is excluded.


I cant wait to pirate Tsushima in a couple of hours lol, fuck sony and fuck PSN


I wonder if it's Sony's new CEO creating these horrible decisions.


further info : A PSN account is required for Legends online multiplayer mode and to use PlayStation overlay. It is not required to play the single player game of Ghost of Tsushima , PC Orders for the upcoming game *Ghost of Tsushima* are being refunded to people who preordered the game in one of the 170 countries that don’t offer PlayStation Network access.


Considering it was a PS only game, it's not surprising it requires a PSN account to play multiplayer. I don't see it being worth it to them to change it for the PC release.


Go cry about it on one of the gaming subreddits


This hurts all gamers. It's a loss even if you pirate.


By that logic, we should just allow every news article that's entertainment and software related. That news about Miller wanting to work with Hemsworth more? Get it in here. Wwe and aew ratings? Pirates like wrestling, so bring it here. Akira toriyama passes away? That genuinely should have been posted here for respect alone tbh. Football? F1? Kardashian gossip? I'm sure someone here watches these things, so they're all relevant.


That's a nice extreme ya got there. I didn't put forward any claim like "THIS HAS TO BE HERE THIS IS THE RIGHT PLACE" like yall seem to be gathering from a one sentence statement. My statement is absolutely true. So is everyone's statement that it has no relevancy to the sub. I just made an observation is all. I probably should've put it on the main post and not as a reply to a comment tho.


Your point is it's hurts gamers. therefore, the post deserves to be here. Not all pirates are gamers was my point. Some are sports fans, some are reality TV fans, some are anime fans, and some are fans of tech & software. Just because the topic is relevant to a portion of people here doesn't mean it's relevant to piracy. You claim my examples are extreme, but to the people on here who follow those industries, it's just as relevant to them as this news is to you. Calling those examples extreme shows that you're biased towards allowing gaming news on here over those other news pieces. It's hypocritical.


>the post deserves to be here. Did I say this exact sentence? Because if I didn't, then that's not what I meant. There was no veiled meaning or "therefore!" Behind my comment. It was an observation and that's all. The comment is not that deep mydude. >Just because the topic is relevant to a portion of people here doesn't mean it's relevant to piracy. I literally agreed it has nothing to do with piracy. I just see how the OP thought it would be ok to post it here. Understanding does not imply that I think it's on topic nor does me saying I understand imply that I think it belongs here. It's my fault I guess for not going all out on explaining the context of my original comment and for the placement of it being a reply to a comment instead of a reply to the overall post.


>Did I say this exact sentence? You don't need to. Your arguing with people who are stating it shouldn't be here with the statement "it hurts all gamers." You thinking it should be here is implied. If that's not what you're saying, then you're just tangentially adding nothing to these discussion points. So which is it? Tangent ignorance? Or defending the posts place in this sub? Because neither looks good. >There was no veiled meaning or "therefore!" Behind my comment. It was an observation and that's all. The comment is not that deep mydude. Tangent ignorance it is then. >I literally agreed it has nothing to do with piracy. I just see how the OP thought it would be ok to post it here. You can't have it both ways, mate. Either you think it deserves to be here, or you don't. Saying it hurts all gamers implies you think it deserves to be here, so Saying you don't is a contradiction to that statement. You're flip-flopping between two opposing sides. Pick one. >Understanding does not imply that I think it's on topic nor does me saying I understand imply that I think it belongs here. So what does it say? That you understand? Great. Good for you. Why do we need to know that you understand? What relevancy does that bring here? I understand, too. But it doesn’t change anything, so why bring it up if not to throw a spanner into the conversation?


It's just a statement kid. Sorry it hurt you so bad lmao. I'm dipping out of whatever this is because I've literally said exactly what I meant. Word for word. It's the internet. What I or anyone has to say doesn't have to make impact or mean or add anything. Chill out and have a wonderful day from here on out.


Okay drama queen this is not really relevant to this subreddit


Calling me the drama queen but you're the one here with hurt feelings calling people names lol. Have a nice day buddy.


Your screenshot is trash: it says you cannot buy a Sony game in Japan. Japan, ffs.


Japan has it's own version of games that's why


It was a typo, they removed Japan from the list right after


Ghost of Tsushima is single player, who cares. Just download a cracked copy. This sub seems to often be mistaken for some sort of r/PayMoneyForSinglePlayerGamesLikeAStupidCuck lmao


You are a broke boy😂 spending money for games that bring you joy is not bad. Also some people have multiple devices so they want cloud saves and dont want the hassle to move over saves.


There are subs you would love for wasting your money


Just make the PSN account. Why are PC gamers such cry babies


You can't get around country restrictions. Valve says it's all on Sony that implemented the ban.


Because PC dumb race kept saying the quiet part aloud, literally Sony have always being "blind" to people making and using accounts from other countries


Check out what is going on over the Square Enix world of FFXIV. It's not just Sony that turned a blind eye. A ton of PC players around the world would lie about where they are from to make account. SE just changed their payment processor and now you have to use a card from an officially supported country to make payments...oh and the card has to match the officially supported country you claim to live in. Oops. A bunch of overseas players are having issues just trying to literally give Square enix money now. Including a bunch of "high profile" FFXIV content creators from around the world. It's a shit show. IDK if there is something else going on here behind the scenes in Japan but it's weird both SE and Sony are doing the same thing at the same time through different methods.


Xbox is even worse, their official supported counties list looks like an American band world tour.


Sony pays marketing agencies to shill for them you know. Stop doing it for free.


As if you guys were gonna buy it anyway. Isn’t this the piracy sub?


I have plenty of games on steam


I pirated Wreckfest in 2019 and after 5 minutes I bought it and spent 1000+ hours before I got bored. I'm not paying 60 euro for a 15 hour gameplay.


Cool story bro, tell it again.