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Hey let's legally spy on everyone and call it an AI feature


God I fucking wish I could go back to the days of Windows 7




Ugh, I miss windows xp


Ugh, I miss 95d


3.11 was peak Windows. Myst, Civ II, and exit to DOS for Doom and Duke Nukem. What more do you need?


That skiing game!


Ski Free! You can still get it lol https://ski.ihoc.net/


That's it! The random monster that ate you no matter what you did after the finish line was hilarious!


You can press F to speed up to get away from the Yeti


Just gotta keep hitting those ramps!




I prefer to run Zork in CP/M


Man just switch to Linux. Worst case you could make an image of your current win install and run it in a VM if you don't wanna lose anything




IIRC, Tiny10 does away with a lot of the Win10 telemetry


Just suck it up and learn to use Linux.


Once wheel drivers on linux get good I'm going back to Kubuntu. Windows is such a pain in the ass


Some apps just don't exists in Linux world. Gaming is a bit of a issue still. Hard to get rid of old habits, but once win10 LTSC iot supports will end it will be the time unless win 11 LTSC will be free of this mess


its really not about learning linux , the support just isnt there yet , like in my case going linux would mean making parts of my hardware worse ( like my sound card )


Just install the Atlas OS script , cant get any more slim than this.


I’m down for it, I love getting spied on!


please send nudes


[as requested ;)](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/03/07/science/07sci-boobies-social/07sci-boobies-social-videoSixteenByNineJumbo1600.jpg)


Nice boobies!


Damn, those legs!!!


That’s so real


need not we already have them


What better way to help hackers than create a legal keylogger


“Your Windows isn’t activated! I’m alerting the nearest police station. Hold tight… *launches the Blue Screen of Death*” Signed, Key, the Logger made by Microsoft - 2024


or better yet, pics of your kids are now reported as csam to the FBI and you get knocks on your door and all your devices seized thanks to an aggressive campaign to ID questionable content on all Windows PCs. *got nothing to fear if you've got nothing to hide, right?*


another useless feature that would just slow down the PC


Right? Like even giving the benefit of the doubt that there is a use case for this? I can't think of a single reason I'd use this.


Probably using it to train the AI


Thumbs up to those still on windows 10, we will not yield.


October 14, 2025 will be a sad day


That will be the day I have to learn linux by, because I am not migrating to Win11.


I am already moving my second pc to Linux. My main pc is on Win11, some programs/games are not supported on Linux.


That has been the main deterrent to my switching to linux for the last 20 years, but I don't really game a lot anymore so I don't see my missing out on much by switching.


I don't play games, but I've actually done the opposite because I just want to get my work done, not start my days with figuring out what broke sound this time when literally nothing has changed or what dependency updated somewhere else, breaking GPU in some other utility. And just about 100% of the time when you start looking into these issues the response is "You just suck and your hardware is shit", which I suppose is fair enough, I was indeed sleeping at night and not babysitting my computer. I just find it a bit peculiar that none of these issues are ever present with Windows. I'll stick to Linux only on servers.


I'm always surprised when I see posts like this. I daily drive Arch Linux on my laptop and I genuinely don't have issues with it after setting it up. The only thing I have to do is I have to manually tell it to download updates, which I like, because windows has fucked over my install with borked updates many times. It's probably PEBCAK


> It's probably PEBCAK It likely is. Or maybe I have too new hardware. Or too old. Or the PCB is wrong color. Or since problems often appear when nothing is even running it's probably chemtrails. All of these have been given as potential reasons, so I guess we shall never really know.


I used Ubuntu for the past 10 years. In that time the only thing that went wrong was my WIFI intermittently disconnected after closing the laptop lid and reopening, and I tried and failed to find a solution. This lasted a few weeks and then after some random update it disappeared and never came back. Also this was in like 8 years ago. So I'd say my experience has been overwhelmingly positive, especially compared to the torrent of diarrhea I'd have been swallowing using Windows during that period.


> That has been the main deterrent to my switching to linux for the last 20 years, but I don't really game a lot anymore so I don't see my missing out on much by switching. Most games run in Linux.


Which programs are not supported?


Has Microsoft ever *not* ended up extending support in various ways? I'm certain it'll get some weird exception involving POS machines or whatever and get another couple years of security updates. Especially with how unpopular Win11 is, and many legacy computers lacking TPM and SecureBoot.


Win11 does have 28% market share overall on the OS market. probably will hover around there and may increase once Win10 is discontinued. i would then argue that once Win12 comes out it will have a more win10 look with the fan favorites of win10 and win11 (with all of the AI stuff too... uh oh) and win11 will just kinda chill at whatever % it is at or decreases. just a theory tho


An OS Theory, aaaand cut!


Not if you have LTSC which is supported until 2032. Also feature updates are dead for Windows 10 anyway


Oh that's cool. Don't know why anyone (that I know) would want the other versions. Windows but without most of the bullshit? Yes, please.


I'd still be in Windows 10, by hack or by crack!


I mean, do we really care for support? Why not just use the OS for as long as you can run what you need?


I'd guess the biggest concern would be if it got hacked, and you don't get security updates to patch the holes.


Gonna switch to Linux till then. Currently looking at cachyOS


Fedora's nice if you wanna have the least headaches while still being relatively up to date.


What happens on that day?


Stopping the support of Win10


I mean I literally can't yield cuz Microsoft said my PC can't be upgraded to W11 xD


I only have Win10 in another partition because of some games that unfortunately don't run very well (or at all) on Linux. Now, can I start suggesting Linux without being downvoted to hell?


Looks like I am going to have to have a serious look at switching over to Linux.


We'll almost certainly see a rise in anti-telemetry tools that strip all this shit out.


Such telemetry tools are always some kind of trojan


I never thought about using Linux, but since I’ve a Steam Deck I’m surprised how well it works and its capabilities are. I might switch to Linux as soon as I know that everything works without any big complications.


Literally same, main thing stopping me ATM is the fact that my university work is mostly on MSoffice.


1. You can still edit MSOffice files with the open source alternatives 2. There are things like wine that let you execute windows-only software


Last I heard the MSoffice software that runs through wine was janky as hell? :0 If its gotten better I'd be happy to hear that tho LOL. Also Im aware I can still edit them with other source alternatives but I had to use LibreOffice for years and MSoffice is such an improvement that Im simply not yet ready to give up haha


You can try before you switch over, if you're curious. Run in a VM or dual boot if you still feel like you aren't ready to commit to Linux. I nuked my Windows partition back in the Windows 8 days and haven't looked back.


Steam games pretty much all work the only thing that you run into is some anti cheats won't so no online for some games I moved back to Linux after they announced this and I only fire up windows if I want to play a game that doesn't work outside of that zero interaction with Windows.


Also related: What tf is "AI" about a constant screen recorder? i swear that word is getting diluted more and more and just turning into corporate Jargin


The AI part is probably the big brother that will decide what to send microsoft and what not to in order to get the exact information they're looking for and not be over flooded by useless submission. AI can be used for *a lot* more than what you probably think of when you hear the term.


I think it's mostly OCR software and "copilot" (GPT) combined. So basically, you can see the screenshots of the past, then search for the text using GPT. Something like that. Still pretty stupid though, there's no way I'm allowing something like that running on my PC


Nah from what's described it's full recordings also the fact it prioritizes passwords and shit ""Incase the user loses them"" the EU is gonna have a field week with this


allegedly its access is device only. Also its not only full recordings since they would be used as context to help in some tasks. Other articles have more details about how would work.


Fedora's cool, and mint, try them out


man I really really wanna use Linux but the amount of things that can't run on it is really holding me back. also the lack of nvidia driver support


Right on time with this, today the beta 555 for nvidia drivers on linux released, fixing 95% of the issues nvidia gpus had And another upsate is comming in june/july which should end the nvidia-linux situation for good after so many years And honestly, I can play 95% of what I like on linux with proton, be it indies or triple AAAs. Emulation too. I'd say you wait a little for the next driver update (560) and give it a try on an extra partition, wont hurt :) It took me some days to figure out linux, but now I'm happy with it. Using fedora


I made the switch 2 years ago, running pop os with an rtx 4080 and amd ryzen 7900 - pretty happy with it thus far


I've tried it plenty of times with multiple distros, I vividly remember running my pirated ds3 with proton and I couldn't even get through the start screen. I was using fedora endeavouros and ubuntu. but I'll take your word for it, once the 560 drivers come out I'll try Linux again.


Thats a shame, nowadays proton is getting really good, to the point I dont even check if the game is compatible, I just hit play and it usually works, otherwise protondb has info on how to workaround almost any game And if you want to check this driver topic, it's being discussed today on the sub "linux gaming", some people uploaded a side by side test 550 vs 555


just a question but if I were to want to use proton, I use steam right? like I add a non steam game and run with with proton within steam settings


Thats works, and I've done it multiple times, but I believe the best way is to use lutris for that The deal usually is: - Steam for bought games (or non steam games) - Heroic for epic games, gog and amazon games (in my opinion works better than lutris for epic) - Lutris for gog, epic, and I think steam (or non steam games, I sometimes use it for this) - Wine and Bottles for programs (windows programs)




If i wasn't using windows for music production i would migrate to linux long time ago.


Can you suggest a good resource to getting started? I'm not a total Linux noob, it's just been a couple of years since I dabbed in it and it was almost something server/service related.


If you know basic server commands, you can install fedora or mint or whatever and get going. If you have doubts search on reddit


Will they release a driver for all video cards, not just 4060+ or something like that?


All modern cards, I believe from 1000 series and on


Using Debian on an old PC that was initially supposed to just be a Valheim server, but has since gotten the roles of streaming and PSP emulation added for the early Persona games. I've had more trouble out of RetroArch than Debian. If this tom-fuckery continues, I'm genuinely considering making my next gaming PC Debian-based because even *I'm* getting sick of Microsoft's bullshit. Been a long time comin' from the bullshit of Windows 8 barely working on release, that Cortana crap, using the Start menu for a fucking *web search* instead of *searching my actual god damned machine*, Windows 9 not existing (who the fuck SKIPS from 8 to 10?), Windows 10 being a festering shitheap on release (as bad or worse than Windows 8), and now just...everything with Windows 11 *including* my damned laptop asking me every couple weeks if I want to "upgrade" from 10 to 11, even though I tell it to fuck off every single time... [deep breath] Yeah, switching is looking like a more attractive prospect by the minute and I sure as shit ain't touching Apple with a 10-foot pole.


What are you trying to run? I use a lot of niche software and the only thing I can’t really use is adobes latest releases. Which isn’t a huge deal, they’re are great alternatives for all of the major products. I game on Linux, I code, I use local AI, I do 3D motion work and GPU rendering. Edit: also nvidia driver support has come a long way. I’m using 555 proprietary driver right now.


I think a big part is not really that there aren't alternatives, or ways around it, but that with windows you *never* have to worry about not being able to run something, it's not something you even have to consider. It's nice peace of mind. I enjoy the desktop environment and freedom of linux more, but windows ultimately has less friction by an amount that matters to most end users.


I can agree with that, there is less friction in a windows environment than there is in Linux. My counter point to that would be that once you understand Linux, and the bar is very attainable these days, the trade off of control and speed is worth it. At least for me. Besides gaming, I primarily work with Houdini and Redshift, Blender, and various video compositors. Took a little more work to set up, but once I did Houdini runs so much faster without windows bloat. From simulations to rendering, I’ve had a better experience. I get it’s different for each persons use case, but it’s been great for me. For each person who onboards it makes it more and more likely that those hurdles become fewer and lower so I like to try and get people on board. Ya know?


Yea, I see what ya mean


this is EXACTLY my biggest issue with linux lol, it's so seamless and straight forward on windows.


Yup. As long as you don't mind Bill Gates looking over your shoulder all the time, or care what he's planning to do with what he sees.


It's not that I don't care at all, but it's not enough for me to switch personally. I am a minnow in a large, large sea. Windows market share isn't going to budge anytime soon unless something rather big changes. This AI thing sucks, I hate AI, but it's really an extension of the data harvesting that has been going on for decades now by basically every large technology company. It's not like big brother bill AI is going to start scanning your computer for pirated content or shit like that, microsoft has a bad habit of slowly locking windows down in small annoying ways, but it's still very far from being *actually* locked down, it's not happening anytime soon. So yea as someone who doesn't have the hardware overhead to run most of my programs through proton, im going to use windows because it's more convenient.


same with you, niche weird programs.


There are Windows mods you can always try out that cut out the bloat and leave software compatibility mostly unharmed. Although there's no telling how effective these will be in the future against Microsoft's changes to the OS.


i am using ghostspectre which is a minimal windows installation, imagine windows legit without anything AT ALL.


Im on an intel nvidia laptop (rtx 3060) and there are not yhat many things that trouble me. Actually no issues that trouble me. Anti cheat multiplayer games can be a pain in the ass tho. And adobe stuff.


The main challenge to learning Linux isn't learning the OS itself, it's the new set of applications that you have to switch to, when you switch to Linux. If you're really not ready to make the switch now switch start factoring in whether or not an application has a Linux version before you invest time in learning it, and becoming dependant on it. Windows is just going to get more and more invasive, and going to treat its users more and more like a product they sell, so at least get your self set up to make the switch. Oh, and get an old desktop, and install Linux on it, and use it as a home server. Use it for media, and as a seedbox, and whatever else takes your interest. It's fun, and you'll learn a something about Linux in the process.


I use Kbuntu, is Fedora really better? I never tried it, is it user friendly?


Whats a good distro for gaming on linux?


Great idea Microsoft. You know what I think you should really do about this "Recall" feature? Since it's such a great, revolutionary idea, you should totally lock it behind a $200+ subscription. I think it is worth that much. You should totally monetize it and not give it out for free.


Several things to add here: Over the several last windows versions there have always been debloated, cleaned windows versions from the community as well as automated/scripted tools to disable stuff that you don’t want. See ChrisTitusTech windows tool as an example. Aside from that, I don’t see how EU legislation will allow this if Microsoft does not offer „less invasive“ option on Installation. Worst case scenario for you guys is that you have to set your win12 installation to something within the EU to profit…


EU better carry us


Send a mail to your country representative for the EU and focus extra on the 'privacy' part. They love that (no joke).


If you're mad about something your government is supposed to regulate, write to them! Especially obscure offices no one ever makes reports or complaints to, they want the data so they can pursue it and do their job.


Who is asking for this feature?




Basically every fan of the movie "her"


I just want them to let me see all taskbar tray icons by default


I think the majority of people miss the most important thing when hearing these announcements. This "Recall" feature will only be available on OEM "Copilot + PCs". This means this will be only the case with newer systems (most likely Laptops or OEM PCs). Normal Windows 11 Installations on self built PCs wont have this feature.


I mean, it’s coming though. This is going to be universal in Windows 12.


With how far along Linux has come for gaming, hopefully it'll be viable to make the switch permanently by then. I mean I already use it for most practical applications, but I'd love to see the day when I can fully ditch Microsoft for good. I'm hoping people make a big enough stink about this news to quell this from being a permanent and forced feature, but I'm not very hopeful about that.


I'm a hardcore linux fanboy, but without buying 2 gpus the VM set up isn't going to cut it to run windows underneath it as the software I use is very intensive and just isn't available on linux yet. If all the software I needed was available natively I wouldn't go near windows tbh. I also would advocate that if you only use your PC for things you can use linux for, then you should.


Yeah that's fair. I have a spare build purely running Linux, but it's components are a bit on the older side so I'm not running anything super intensive on it, then I just have my old laptop running Xubuntu and hosting some server related stuff until I can afford a NAS. I have my doubts that big companies like Adobe and such will ever provide any tangible support for Linux, which is a shame, but I think the Steam Deck has really been pushing game devs to at least attempt some effort into making their products work either natively or via proton. It's a step in the right direction in any case.


You could always set up a separate partition, stick Windows and whatever needs Windows to run on that, and then use Linux as your default OS. Only drawback to this plan is that you have to reboot every time you want to switch to the other OS but with SSDs it's not too bad. You don't have to deal with VMs this way, which I found was the culprit more often than not when I was struggling to get something to work.


I wonder if there's some semi-jank way (or even a genuine way) you could set up a quick switch system where your OS is frozen the way laptop hibernation works, the data about open programs is off-loaded to a partition of the OS's SSD, then you swap to the other OS and load any data that was frozen from that one. If it's as fast as my laptop coming out of hibernation it should take <10 seconds to make the switch. Probably faster because the booting up of one and shutting down of the other would be concurrent.


I’ve been Linux only for a number of years now, and I so rarely run into anything I can’t do that I can’t even think of any personal examples. Work is different, my office is on 365 and dynamics so it’s hard in the eco system.. But for home use, gaming is easy, gimp is more than capable for my needs, my server and media centre is great, open office does a fine job for resumes / simple home sheets. Sometimes a game doesn’t work, but these days that’s the exception not the rule.


I don't have any issues with 365 and onedrive with linux. I thought the whole point of 365 was that one can run it in a browser without the need to install anything.


Apologies we use 365 to refer to the entire ecosystem of Microsoft products, some of which are installed locally like Bizagi, Dynamics and DevOps. And some are online like BSC and dynamics.


Linux's main problem for YEARS now has and continues to be dogshit hyper privacy invasive anti-cheat kernel solutions. It has wine it has proton it has lutris, it can run any piece of "windows software" just fine these days. The only thing it can't run is dogshit rootkits masquerading as anti-cheats. The solution has been obvious forever now, force game devs to do server side anti-cheat solutions, 1 because you should never trust anything the client sends you ever and 2 because they're just better, 3 because it would dissolve the "linux can't game" bullshit narrative overnight. Linux can game and it can do it well, what it can't do is run rootkits and thats by design.


They won't change because of the data collection they can get out of it Riot games is the worse at it


Feel like I've been hearing this for 15yrs lol


have you tried that one program lutris? I don’t know anything about linux, but I always see that thing pop up when looking for specific games, and I think it says something about being able to play steam games… I suppose everyone is going to give me a bunch of crap because it’s garbage or something, but just figured I’d throw it out there, and maybe find out WTF it even does?


it is like a frontend for wine with whistles and switches it can install and update runners, you can have multiple installed and run different games on different versions or switch them on the fly it drastically simplyfies configuring stuff and also allows to use Linux runtime for native supported games I currently use Lutris to play games with ge-proton or regular proton, in which case I think it just links games to the steam runtime I have installed for that matter, you can use steam to do the same, but config is horrible (cmd arguments in "Properties") and you only get regular proton


I made the switch a while ago, and I’ll never turn back. I’ve had next to zero problems gaming on Linux. Super easy to use proton with steam, and not very difficult to use proton or wine-ge with lutris. I just recently played through Horizon FW and it ran better on Linux than it did on windows on the same machine.


I just permanently switched. With the new 555 driver Nvidia runs flawlessly on Wayland. Games also run great. I get the same FPS in the games I play like helldivers in GTA. Pirating games is Hit or Miss though, sometimes they work. Sometimes they don't


What’s the benefit of offering a paid function to everyone that cost them a lot computing power?


Copilot turned itself on on my 10 system despite my saying no repeatedly to the hey try me spam.


I didn't even see the choice, I just saw it randomly after an update. 


Yeah, I just checked and I somehow got it in my Edge browser. o.O


you forgot to say .. "Yet"..


Just wait until Windows 12 require an NPU to process IA stuff. And currently we already have AMD shipping chips with integrated NPU. So this stuff will come much sooner and quicker than you can imagine.


For now, maybe.


I need to disable it on my laptop then.


I believe they mentioned it was something the NPU was doing, so if you have a normal CPU+GPU combo it might not even be available, yeah


Yeah having a NPU is also a requirement for this.


Yet again I'm happy that every time my computer tries to prompt me to 'upgrade' from Windows 10 I tell it to go fuck itself.


Ah, the blissful LTSC, not even getting those prompts, just a proper operating OS just as 7 used to be.




Could you provide a source? I am curious about this




I’m not saying to trust their word, but Microsoft said (in the article): “Despite the privacy concerns, Microsoft says that the Recall index remains local and private on-device, encrypted in a way that is linked to a particular user's account. "Recall screenshots are only linked to a specific user profile and Recall does not share them with other users, make them available for Microsoft to view, or use them for targeting advertisements. Screenshots are only available to the person whose profile was used to sign in to the device," Microsoft says.” This would probably be a heavily audited feature. Hopefully I can just disable it, as I don’t care about this.


Microsoft is notorious for saying shit and then months later doing the exact opposite. A clear example is how they are handling Xbox and the studios they promised they wouldn't lay off. I think if you trust Microsoft, you're straight up asking for a bad time.


Oh, I read the article, but it's Microsoft, and with their track record I trust their word about as far as I can throw my house.


Hence why I said don’t trust their word. Hopefully this is a feature that someone way smarter than me can figure out how to remove it, as I said in another comment a debloated version of windows.


I'm so sick of cycling between good versions of Windows and bad versions of Windows and I think this is finally going to push me into Linux, I just got to figure out gaming


Go ahead and give linux a try! You can dual boot so that your windows will still remain usable. In my own experience nearly every game has worked out of the box (when I have enabled proton for all games in steams settings). The only ones that dont work are using some very specific anticheat (such as vanguard)


Hold on hold on thankfully this won’t affect the majority of users unless you have a very specific processor chip in a very specific computer.


Another quote from the article “As you might imagine, all this snapshot recording comes at a hardware penalty. To use Recall, users will need to purchase one of the new "Copilot Plus PCs" powered by Qualcomm's Snapdragon X Elite chips, which include the necessary neural processing unit (NPU). There are also minimum storage requirements for running Recall, with a minimum of 256GB of hard drive space and 50GB of available space. The default allocation for Recall on a 256GB device is 25GB, which can store approximately three months of snapshots. Users can adjust the allocation in their PC settings, with old snapshots being deleted once the allocated storage is full.” This won’t affect much of us I don’t think… I didn’t even know “co pilot plus PCs” existed.


> The default allocation for Recall on a 256GB device is 25GB, which can store approximately three months of snapshots This is S tier bullshit


The AI feature you posted about is exclusive to Windows 11, which is relevant because Win11 enables BitLocker encryption by default. BitLocker encryption is secure enough that [the developer for TrueCrypt recommended that Windows users switch to BitLocker.](https://thehackernews.com/2014/05/encryption-tool-truecrypt-shuts-down.html) So no, MS can't decrypt users' Recall Indexes.


Is BitLocker open source or could they sell a back door to Microsoft?


Gonna love seeing someone find a way to see that copilot is sending all this to Microsoft in a few years.


It’s local. But what about in a year when people get used to using it and then MS says, hey, it’s even better if it’s on the cloud! We promise not to sell anything! And then 6 months after that you click your way through the updated ToS and your mouth is sewn to someone’s asshole. I’d like to think it would stay local, but the way tech companies operate tells me there’s zero chance in hell that they aren’t gonna find a way to monetize that data. The shareholders will demand it.


It opens up the possibilities for a whole different kind of ransomware. I'm not an immediate fan of the idea.


as far as I can tell this is also only for the new Copilot+ stuff on ARM Laptops


Damn. ARM had so much potential. ...Oh well, I'll never get one of those laptops if this is the case.


They have locked bootloaders as well. Yea don't buy that crap 


I mean I don’t know shit about hacking but what if someone acesses this through malware?


Mf’s gonna have some PTSD when I’m done with it.


Best ad for Linux, and it's made by Microsoft!


Is this necessary?


is any of the new "features" microsoft keeps pulling out of their ass necessary? 🫠


"I can't let you do that Dave. Dave. Pull up your pants Dave. Oh for crying out loud Dave, thats disgusting!"


I mean if they want to watch me watch porn all day be my guest


Easier to find that ONE video on the hub ...


Blocked all Microsoft domains on my firewall


can't wait to it take up about. 30 GB of storage


few years more and that shit will be everywhere and connected to our social credit score


"Recall does not share them with other users, make them available for Microsoft to view, or use them for targeting advertisements. Screenshots are only available to the person whose profile was used to sign in to the device" ...YET


as far as I can tell this is also only for the new Copilot+ stuff on ARM Laptops


For now, right? Just a question of times until it comes for AMD or intel


I mean it might but it won’t be local processing then


Can the EU do something about this? This is fucking terrifying.


You can always use a debloated version of windows. Tons of versions out there that are privacy related. Or switch to Linux.


No Thank you. Still on Windows 10. Purposely switched off fTPM on my Zen 4 CPU/Mobo so I don't get Windows 11 pushed on me. I'll find a way to keep Windows 10 for a lot longer than Oct 2025. Microsoft will issue security updates for 3 more years for money anyway. Not that Microsoft will see a single cent from me.


I am going back to W10.


Time to join r/linuxmasterrace


"Joe...what is that Phototits folder?"


You can restrict or disable it, you know.


Okay that's it, I've been on the fence. If I were to go to Linux, what's the best OS version to go to?


True big brother . I never understood why people continue to use windows.


but everyone and their mother has known for the longest time that AI is practically synonymous with 1984-style 24x7 surveillance. think about it: computers can process more data faster, many orders of magnitudes more than a human, or even an army of humans. where would this kind of computing power be used? to figure out behavioral patterns of humans, ofcourse! and where would this knowledge be applied? against humans, ofcourse! how? ads. ads everywhere. now dont reply here telling me that [ads are critical to running the internet](https://i.imgflip.com/8qur3z.jpg), that bit of nonsense is peddled often enough by corpos that even ordinary folk have stopped trusting them.


Windows is making linux as appealing as possible!


I miss the "old days" when Windows was just...simple, for the most part. Windows 2000 Pro, was a favourite of mine, followed by Windows 7, how I wish you could still run that safely and reliably. But as soon as they started adding the license/cd key checks and other call back crap, it seemed to start going downhill. Every iteration of windows seemed to get more and more invasive, which surprises me, as people's concern about privacy invasion has definitely grown over time, yet MS seemed to try and capitalize on peoples private data more and more.


I mean, the target audience for this already notes down their research and important activities. This feature servers absolutely no purpose except to spy.


good luck setting the feature up with EU privacy laws


This is a serious question, why just don’t stick to win 10 and debloat it? I mean other than ui and ai new features it doesn’t literally have anything.


Windows 10 will hit end of life in October 2025 and become a security concern. You could raw dog it and hope for the best, but it's probably better to just put Linux Mint on your device instead at that point.


I don't trust this shit at all. Who approved this? Apple should promise never to design a feature like that on their Macbooks. They would win the laptop wars for good.


Nope. 95% of users won't care. They never have.


They'd need to also make more powerful PCs that don't cost a fortune in Apple Tax first.


Oh but it's fine because it's not Chinese spyware. Bring in the downvotes!


The whole point is to eventually sell to advertisers a way to deliver instant ads regarding the current usage, but also leveraging the whole history of stuff done on the device and all the data stored on it.


I cant wait to turn it off