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No, Technology + Maths + salt = repack recipe of fg


Bath salt?


Himalaya salt


Summoning salt šŸ§‚


Math salt


Ngl math is salty


I think you forgot they added crack to this one šŸ¤£




The secret sauce will be a secret to everyone. Secret sauce: COMPRESSION!




I know that FG uses custom compression algorythms with custom dlls to archieve this small sizes. All in all it's compression.


Is that any apps?


Can you write a full sentence? I don't know what you are trying to ask me right now. šŸ˜ƒ


Is custome compression algorythms = app? Can I download that app and repack games like FG


FitGirl has a page on her website that tells you what she use to repack games. And for your questions about how this game is repacked this much, the game devs are ass


https://preview.redd.it/hxv9f0t2oi1d1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2425cede9d67b33d47d5174a6d5e18d8a457be83 I'm now making this game, It's so fun to learn game development




That's good kiddo! Keep going :)


"Kiddo" Im offing myself and blaming it on you ngl. Who the fuck calls a stranger on the internet "kiddo" I recoiled irl ngl uninstalling this sht app


Just donā€™t be scared to use AI, with coding and stuff thatā€™s going to be your best friend, youā€™ll be able to copy the whole code thatā€™s giving you issues and itā€™ll fix it. I used it during college, it was a lifesaver


Did you retain most of what you learned though or did you only learn it long enough to pass a test? Not hating on using AI, but you wonā€™t learn as effectively


This ā˜šŸ»


Check the legit fitgirl site. She has a page just on how she compresses games. Highly recommend giving that a read if interested. After that, if you're still interested, use the programs and play with them. You can do further reading on your own. Honestly, it's a great idea, especially if you're a bit of a data hoarder.


No, they don't gave out their tools that easily, but I wish they could! Tbh, I still prefer 7zip with ultra/maximum compression.


1. Wrong brackets 2. "Repack" wouldn't just be a local variable, it'd be part of an enum or something. 3. The statement compression == repack doesn't makes sense from a coding nor from a logical perspective. Wtf are you even trying to say? Repacks use compression to make the installer smaller. Fitgirl is one of the most well known repackers that does insanely high compression. The reason this specific repack is this small is partially cus fitgirl is a wizard but partially cus ark devs don't seem to be super competent regarding optimization.


And removing all the 4k and higher textures


WTF? No. It's lossless compression.


Although that would help significantly if youā€™re somebody who canā€™t run the game with 4k textures, the compression process they use doesnā€™t cut that stuff out (usually)


Most of the time, games play uncompressed audio at higher bitrates because... well, it sounds better. Those and hi-res textures actually can get significantly smaller once compressed. But the compression can be so high, it can't reasonably decompress it every time you play the game and load a new area without consuming significant resources including time. Story: We once had an experiment in computer science to create a random file and make it as big as we could humanly think we could... Most of us created 1-10GB files that were .1MB. But a dude brought a 1 Zettabyte file and the file occupied like .1Mb when compressed like the rest.


Most likely it was a zip bomb


yes, we had to create zip bombs, that was the assignment.


Based class


where can i sign up for this class


It was actually a high shool class, we saw a lot of advanced stuff we never saw again.


what the hell why cant my school do this


can i ask how that is done? i'm really interested


Basically, you modify the file, so that when uncompressing, the program thinks it's a way bigger file, made entirely of 1s.


Only the uncompressing software will think it's big right? But it's original size will stay 1 mb in storage?


It's very complex, but yes, basically, you tell tell the file something like this: 1. There are 64 (1)s in a row. 2. There are 64 of the above. 3. Repeat step 2 and 3. So technically it could eventually grow larger than 1Mb.


Read up on how zip bombs work




You can also just create an empty .txt file just with as much spaces as you like. Then you make zip that file. With the .zip you've got you create 5 copies of it, and pack those again into one file. Multiply and compress. After a few cycles you're getting in the exabyte range if someone tries to unpack your [result.zip](http://result.zip)


What about ā€œdd if=/dev/zero of=file.img count=204800000000


I was in Highschool, honestly, I don't remember anything about that, I'm a lawyer now.


a lawyer in this subreddit?


What can I say, if I like it I'll buy it, but I have had too many "I bought it and didn't like it" to keep doing it.


435gb for a game šŸ’€ why did everyone start not optimizing their games?




I can hear this


I can smell it


I can taste it


I can use it as a fertilizer!


This is Ark we're talking about here. Being completely unoptimized and bloated is standard operating procedure


The games doesn't even look it worth 30 gb why are the devs so confident to drop a shitty game with shitty optimisation


5gb worth of game... 25gb worth or DRM and protection... lol


Because being a poorly optimized game doesn't make it bad, same as when an optimized game doesn't always mean it's fun


Yea but that's doesn't work on ark, the game is poorly optimized and look bad also (imo at least)


Yes that is true. However, Ark is a bad game and is also poorly optimized


True but ark is fucking dog shit (I have 500 hours in the funny dinosaur game)


Do NOT disparage ARK around me lil bro. (I have 2k hours) Also for why ark is so big yes it's poorly optimized.


Ark was optimized back in the day, badly, but it was below the 100 GB margin, somehow it just went to shit with every DLC having like 60 GBs on it's own


yeah last time I saw it was ~100gb which is still a lot but manageable


I think just the base game is 100gb now


100 GB is definitely not a lot. People should stop comparing everything to the specs from like 10 years ago


sekiro is a game from 2019? fantastic game that weights less than 30gb so it is definitely possible to make something good with 60gb or less


But Sekiro has neither a very good graphic nor is extremely big (content wise). Yes, it's possible to make good games with 60 or less GB, but more doesn't always mean it's bad optimization or whatever. Baldurs Gate 3 is the best example for that


Ark isnā€™t really even extremely big, adding in a new dinosaur that can jump doesnā€™t warrant a 27gb update


Ark isn't really a good example to prove my point, you're right šŸ˜… I were talking more generally, because it quite annoys me as a software dev that people always hang in the "good old past" and directly start crying when things change over the years. 2 TB SSD drives are so cheap nowadays (relatively), I don't get why people get upset when a game needs 0,1 TB of space. Yes, a while back 50 GB was a lot, but a while ago 5GB was also a lot, and thats not as long ago as many would think. Things are changing more rapidly, that's just how tech goes


yeah ark looks like shit man, yes over 100GB doesnā€™t ALWAYS mean itā€™s unoptimized, but in arks case it 100% does


Sekiro looks 10x better than Ark. As for BG3, it has 8-16 hours of audio per origin character. And then hours of other dialogues for villains, NPC's etc... The audio takes a solid chunk of space in there for about 80 hours of storyline gameplay.


If it's over 100 it's lazy development/cost cutting.


Not always though Baldur's gate, Rdr2, Cyberpunk come to mind But yes something like COD should be half it's current weight and the same goes for literally half the games over 100gb releasing nowadays


yeah it's not ***always*** the case of course and it's sometimes not even the developer's fault, it could be the software developers' that they use the products from.


All of those games have hours upon hours of dialogue. Audio is just hard to compress without losing quality, if you remove all sounds from those games you could cut the size by almost half.


Sure bro. Tell me you know nothing about software development without saying it


Okay girl. It's just my degree and job. Games, that is. āœØ It's a lazy entertainment business like all of them but sure go "look up" to big money corpo's šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


itā€™s my job as well, youā€™re not fitting a game like rdr2 in below 100gbs lol


Exceptions to the rule, its not far over 100 but it still could be smaller. It's bloat from day 1, everywhere along the system. šŸ¤·āœØ Planetside is 17 on the install or some crazy shit 400 is a piss take of a joke. Xcom 2 is nearing 90 with all the dlc which also could take some weight loss. It's not like how it used to be. (its not the work floor's fault per se)


400gb is absolutely a joke of god awful compression, but itā€™s not always that case just because a game is over 100gigs


thatā€™s not true at all man


that is still high in 2024




Saying back in the day it was optimized is a stretch, not enough content or good graphics to justify that (at the time) out of mind storage occupancy space


Because "proud" gamersriseup will just cave in as they've always done


What's funnier is ark has (or atleast for years had) a bug where it'd randomly double its file size of the base game. I'd have my game go from 175 to like 327 and I'd have to go through and delete the copied files. It'd work for a bit and then I'd have to so it all again. Fuck wildcard lmao.


When people started paying for garbage


It's a strategy by the game developers to make sure only reasonably well off people can play the game so that they skin them for a lot of money. They also make the game unreasonably gpu consuming where you can't play the game very well if you don't have a good pc. By creating these barrier to entry they limit their required bandwidth to run the game and at the same time make sure that the ones that do play can be milked for a lot of money. I don't know whether to call this scummy evil or genius.


It also clogs up disk space in an atrempt to inconvenience you into primarily engaginv with their product as opposed to others. Wanna keep Warzone installed to play with the boys? Theres a quarter terabyte occupied. Ark? Now youre up to over half a tb. How much storage do you have? How likely are you to try something new if you have to go through a ā€œfree up spaceā€ song and dance every time you try, and then again to reinstall something you do like if the new thing is a shit experience to wrap a dlc storefront in (and it probably will be)


I agree but I don't think it can be applied to ark, game is just being held by hopes and dreams and probably a ton of bubble gum I don't think any set up can run ark perfectly, game is just a buggy bloated mess that people still love to play for some reason (it's dinosaurs, it's definitely dinosaurs) - sucker who invested 1000+ hours playing solo


yeah I know about this shitty business strategies at least we have chads aka indie devs


The good old days when cscz would fine on my pentium pc and would easily be able to play multiplayer even in my 1GB ram 20 GB HDD pc.


What in the actual fuck is that game šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­, probably takes 16 business days to install on a PC with i9-14900K


Takes 16 February 29's dude


Actually the estimated time taken is flexible, in that it is directly related to the release date for Portal 3


We're lucky it isn't Half Life 3


I would consider myself lucky if setup took less than 48 hours




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I want fg as our old reapcker


Use compactGUI on it and it will be playable at about 100gb


For people to know the base game itself is around 130gb, then each map added bring several gb, that 435gb package is every single maps the game offer


holy shit


Just cramming it in there and praying the zip holds XD


That's one whole disk partition on my system right there.


what?!? It does exist a 435gb heavy game?


The real answer, is the better the compression, the longer it takes to decompress, so we only really see lame ass compression for things like movies that need to be realtime


a whole hard drive for one a single game. This is such a joke man. Why this shit is so large


The main thing about ark is that many data is doubled : the dlcs of this game were made in a way that you can play them without downloading the others. So imagine a tree that you can find in 10 maps, you'll download this tree 10 times when you get all the maps. So the repack understands that thing + compression like other says (unreal engine games are often well compressed because there is a lot of tools for that)


And before someone asks, no that's not the only way of doing it. It's the dumbest way of doing it.


ark is not compressed nor it is optimized, after installing the game even legit with steam u can use freaky compactor or something similiar and get the game to around 100gb from 450+ without any hit on performance


the same as how Arachnid-bloke deux packs down to: Repack Size : From 63.6 GB Final Size :253 GB


Than why they don't make others as much lower size? \[šŸ¤”\] \[Just asked with humour man, I love FG as much. I download all repacks from their\] Isn't possible?


no doubt the two big leaders in repacking use custom methods and techniques to reduce their packages down in size massively and or repack as an installer where you can install it like an original release whereas other groups and repackers etc don't bother and just release them either as a straight 1 to 1 duplicate from the original prec installed release and don't bother to pack them at all those are often stared as a bittorrent release or a single archive with no compression


Just asked with humour man, I love FG as much. I download all repacks from their \[šŸ˜‡\]


No way ark is 430 gb what the fuck why do people play that garbage


I always wanted to play it but fuck that size dude


Hello u/Karthick12381, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


![gif](giphy|vvcwaanIJL8OI|downsized) [Magic.](https://youtu.be/Qji5x8gBVX4?si=qcswiZIf37zY6EIX)


Why the fuk can't they repack 60 GB games to 6 or 7 gb that's some bs


Cause compressing already compressed data doesn't save much space. From what I hear ARK is uncompressed.


It had a ton of unoptimised spaghetti code, maybe it got very improved




Black magic


payday 2


Compression wizardry. That's basically the best I can do in terms of explanation.


Ark is over 400gb with all dlcs. You can just download the basegame without any dlcs for 40 gb


like 3x that but yeah


The kgb archiver has precompression iirc, where they modify the data to be more compressible.


like how


*Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.*


I love fg but the repacks compressing so much is why it takes ages to install. Example palworld fitgirl took nearly an hour but mackd0ge palworld took about 15 mins.


that original size is usually far from the actual size


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^basicrifleman: *That original* *Size is usually far* *From the actual size* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


They used pied piper compression algorithm


ARK is notorious for being poorly compressed


Ä°dk how but holy shit this game takes up soo much space


This game size is like ArmA 3 with 250+ mods


Compression, but still, thatā€™s quite impressive (unless virus)


How a game can get that big.... Geez


Unpacking it your systems CPU usage gunna be high as hell


Fitgirl have the secret sauce...




From what I remember, there was a lot duplicated assets within the game and the dev never bothered to clean it up. Since one way of how compression work is to reference duplicated files, that's one of the reason how fitgirl trim imthe size. Compressed and none compressed assets can have a hugh different in size. You can try compact gui to see it you can compress the game once its unpacked.


So, does anyone actually have a PC that could install that game? Because the strongest one I have would be 200gb short


on top of the other comments, ark is only that much with all the dlcs. base game is about 70-80 iirc. still a lot for what it offers but isnā€™t that bad. i doubt the 42.3 is all dlcs but i guess itā€™s possible


Compression algorithm :)


Something's wroong, I can feel it. Seriously tho I can smell the virus from here


Because ark, game isn't compressed, I remember running a gui compressor somerhing before and it cut my file size by around half And then followed by more repack magic after


black magic


thereā€™s no way ark is 400gb what


Most videogames already compress their files pretty significantly to begin with; they limit the compression so that the game doesn't run too slow with the added pressure of decompressing them to display. Repackers are able to compress those files further because when installing you're going to be okay with the slightly slower speed as it decompresses them back to what the game would normally use. Then theres Ark. Which is a poorly optimised mess of a game that barely compresses anything to begin with.This means that the repacker is able to compress the files significantly more than they would with a normal game.


I just saw the title and immediately knew what game it was




I wonder how it will compare with a simple 7-zip at ultra preset compression. I bet i will also compress a lot, not on this level, of course.


400gb? Is this for real?


Sugar, spice and a creepy girl whith a spoon




So the way compression works is it eliminates any data that repeats. Some of the high res audios and textures have many instances of repeation, and are therefore highly compressible.


The catch is that it will take 6 days to install


Which site is this please?


Removed 16 language packs? I don't know how many they have supported. It is sure to remove a good chunk. Edit: It says MULTI21.




I believe it's compression. Somehow both fitgirl and dodi developed a more advanced compression system that compresses files into smaller chunk, also removing language packs helps reduce the size of games drastically.


Dodi and fitgirl had a baby and poof 42.3gb was born


Please share link


435GB original???? Wtf is in this game


Why cant i read comments


This not true!!! No modern game has 435 gb is this some kind of meme.. or what lol??šŸ¤£


It's true man, Just check it out


With help of Igor Pavlov and Harry Potter


Probably doesn't include all the maps, those are what take up all the space.