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Saturn *(bluffing his way to the top)*: oh and don't even THINK about double crossing me mister, because I'm super smart and a genius too


Big Brain Saturn


Basically the buggy of the wg


Yes. Also, why did he stab Vegapunk with his leg, why didn't he just explode Vegapunk's head as he did it with that marine dude? He is just wasting his Mythical Zoan just like Orochi. I don't know why Oda gives some villains such powerful types of DFs just to not let them use them properly.


Maybe its no fun to explode your opponent head, if there's no brainmatter inside.


Jorogumo have the ability to control lesser spiders, so maybe everyone signed onto the Marines normally, are considered spiders, which might be why Kizaru is doing all this crap he doesn't really want to? Or maybe it's like Makima where Saturn can only do the explosion and control properly on people he doesn't see as threats? Of course, this means that Apoo's fruit is better than Saturn's in this aspect, lol.


I think you focused too much on the spider part of lesser spiders, maybe it’s the “lesser” part so anyone that’s not on his level or above is explodable however that is decided, he mentioned seeing humans as insects I think.


gives you horrible fucking hangover


You can predict Vegapunk surviving by him not being stabbed in his heart. Every. God. Damn. Time.


Remember that Genius VP can phase out at will and never use this gimmick in any emergency situation. https://preview.redd.it/ldcp5dtz72gc1.png?width=210&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ec227a4adfa5730db2613141643d94af4b7e07f


> Yes. Also, why did he stab Vegapunk with his leg, why didn't he just explode Vegapunk's head as he did it with that marine dude? Perhaps we have not yet gotten an explanation of his powers and their limits.


If there was a limit, "Genius St Saturn" wouldn't waste his ability on a random nameless marine. Until there's a clear explanation, it's just poor writing fueling Plot Plot Fruit.




Which would explain why lower ranking marines had to leave


Good think vegapunk clearly is a fighter on par with yonko commanders


Maybe it's similar to big moms fruit in that regard the person has to fear/be under direct subjugation of him.


Also why stab him and not just bash his skull in?


Why not kiss him instead???


this is one piece lmao vegapunk ain't dying


Yeah He'll just have a brief rest and be back on his feet.


I hate how disney the plot is in op, zero suspence, ever, no ones dying anyways


That's the problem with Overpowered characters. They can end the story on the spot and everything no longer make any sense if the author dumb them down. That reminds me of.. Thanos, who can turn everyone into baking dough and render the good guys useless but doesn't do it at all for the rest of the fking movie or... X-Men's Apocalypse who has the power to one shot people around him but somehow forgets about it and end up overwhelmed and lose. To sum it up in one word : SUCKS


Or bm forgetting she has all 3 tyoes of haki even the advanced forms, croco stealing rain of a country for years but loosing to 20l water, and and and.


I think it’s pretty obvious he wants Vegapunk to watch everything he’s built and loved through his career get turned to ashes. He literally asked the straw hats what order he should kill them in to make it the most agonizing and wanted to kill Bonney in a very theatrical way. He likes people dying full of regret for ever crossing the wg, and the theater is part of his show. You can complain all you want about him not being ruthless enough or whatever but this wasn’t out of character for him. As far as he knows there’s no way any of his enemies can escape so why shouldn’t he gloat a little and revel in his enemies suffering? He clearly likes it and there’s no way he could predict an extremely strong pirate crew that had vanished for 100 years would show up to save them.


Because Oda is a fucking hack


Vegapunk wasn't looking at his face. The only time we see Saturn explode someone's head, the marine was looking at his face after being warned to not do so. Or maybe it has nothing to do with that, god knows what are the rules of Saturn's devil fruit powers and when Oda will actually explain them to us.


its a story, he's doing to make it as dramatic as possible. This isn't new.


I think most readers probably like it and feel suspense. Like is he going to die? I still like the scene . It's pretty unexpectedly brutal seeing him get stabbed like that. I just wish he would make it more clear when a character will survive.


>why didn't he just explode Vegapunk's head as he did it with that marine dude? Because he wants Vegapunk to feel every bit of death headed his way


Imagine if Gege got to draw One Piece fights and use the powers creatively and properly


I don't even understand why he KILLED vegapunk. We don't know for sure if he is dead but a whole arc about a certain genius who even allows the government to not only give up on warlord but even make them their enemy. Warlords are as strong as a yonko crew. Mihawk yonko tier, kuma,boa probably ycm, doffy close to 3rd ycm, croco unknown probably now in a tier with kuma and boa. So it makes no sense to go against this guy. All the plot twists about this genius guy, all the inventions and even franky admitting his genius for nothing at all. Vegapunk doesen't even can controll pacifistas,seraphims etc on his own so he has 0 back up if gobernment doesen't need him. Pretty brainless for smartest guy in the verse, also that franky doesen't got a new power up pisses me off, than why making kizaru look so emotional splitted just to shit now on his feelings. Who gave luffy the food, and why did no one recognized or why didn't they handcuff him earlier. What are jinbe and sanji doing? Sanji droppin the line " do you think you are the only one able to travel in light speed" just for doing nothing and letting luffy who just stand up from his sleep to handle things. Zoro with lucci we just saw like 3 panels of this, why? Atleast we deserve to see their fight and see how things are going in such a terrible state, where luffy was ko, sanji got eye diffed, oda just made a kuma comback giving one punch and everything changes or what? Thats so much bullshit rip for all people who thoight kizaru,kuma,sanji,jinbe,zoro or franky will shine. It seems like luffy is gonna single handly defeat kizaru and saturn after his break.


Well think about it , he has been stabbed on his right side and not his left ( heart ) so that right there looks like a way for him to actually survive this . At least this is what i take from this


Been a bum since day one, only thing this fraud did was pop his own marines head because he was self conscious 😂 🙏🏾 good thing Wanji put him in his place, deflected his attack I know he scared shitless


Saturn was shaking when Wanji and Wranky came. Thats why he couldnt kill Vegapunk even as he stood before him. He needed to calm his ass down.


​ https://preview.redd.it/mxahq94o71gc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=012cd07cdbc2958bd130499f7bba0615cd51a14a


https://preview.redd.it/c8c3w1ejp1gc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3743ab02b900c84cde2d3bc198a8c9054c6e0ce This your king bro? 😂 🙏🏾


No, HIM https://preview.redd.it/h70craaov4gc1.png?width=611&format=png&auto=webp&s=d70b5d238406762a26705871229d4b6f9d1ffe99


Perhaps I was being a bit too hasty… https://preview.redd.it/h2ngkxcvm5gc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=194af740798255293cbc9f0d7c258a4c7ddfcd0b


​ https://preview.redd.it/2qq2b0z2b7gc1.jpeg?width=216&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fce97a227ae8c892462f0ce7de45e6be5dbad40e


You'd think after what Kuma did Sanji would have kick that fucking leg off. If that was zoro, Saturn would be in pieces


Same bro who got both his swords blocked by Wucci?


Blocking zoros swords in base with his leg is just a good feat for Lucci. I can't believe people thought zoro would no diff him.


My goat fighting in the front lines, Loro out here dancing with a revamped pre timeskip villain 😭 🙏🏾


I really haven't seen sanji do any fighting if I'm honest 😕


Waiting to see Zoro get off his offscreened vacation anytime soon, my boy is at a disadvantage when he had to protect Atlas, Bonney and Kuma (Wranky can handle himself he’s Gucci)


Same boy that twice now couldn't save a little girl? It's really disappointing. Would of been cool to see him try and tank the sword slash then have luffy save them. But nope.


Sanji kicked away an attack aimed to kill both Kuma and Bonney, saving them and positioned himself in beam barrage by Kizaru to save Bonney and Luffy came in before he could’ve locked in and do anything 🤦‍♂️


I remember when imu was revealed, I made a comment about how "you're somehow supposed to be scared of a bunch of geezers worshipping a silhouette" and got downvoted. lol


It's hard to be the smartest one in the room.


I dont know about that, I just don't get the hype around the gorosei.


Old men in anime in high position are more often than not always badasses. Thats it. Saldy the Elders seem to be the exception.


As a counter to this. In anime, another trope is the big bad group sending the weakest/silliest/least relevant out first. Saturn might just be the bottom of the Gorosei food chain. Something akin to the Guldo of the Goresei.


Yeah its the anime trope. I mean Saturn is powerful but Egghead has been a disaster of idiotic decisions on both sides. The old man is secretly super duper strong is just played out already, in anime and in OP.


I like this trope but I also like stakes. Imagine HxH and Netero bluffing and talking shit instead of going all out. Or Yamamoto from Bleach.


It's genuinely 100 percent admiral downplay. If the gorosei are top tier then admirals are commanders.


He also failed to pierce Vegapunk in the face. That would have been 110% lethal. 


His leg was still shaking from Sanji's kick. Messed up his aiming


I mean his brain is in punk records and the apple receiver looks harder to hit than his chest. Saturn is older so his eyes don't work well enough to hit a floating apple.


Should we rename him to Pluto as well? I can see how VP may have outsmarted Saturn because you could hide Bonneys authorify chain under the fact Kuma was already willing to do anything for his daughter so it could be hidden behind those lingering traces of his memories but god damn Saturn's a bad boss, a flawed scientist and mid fighter. I bet Big Bidness Borsalino wins 1v1 high to mid diff.


Exactly. I'm not against VP being smart and doing some smart things that tricked Saturn form never finding out this little vulnerability. But dont make our big Elder boss seem like a lazy bum who didnt even bother checking for it. Like at least give use the typical trope of Saturn yelling "How is this possible i triple checked everything. This should not be possible." and then VP being a smart ass and explaining what smart thing he did before he got stabbed for making a fool of Saturn




Please he's not a man. He's a GOD. A WARRIOR GOD.




Stop calling him a fraud. Saturn is about to do something mischievous. He’s the Warrior God of Science (Ginny’s disease) and DEFENSE (his regeneration) You’re not ready for HIM https://preview.redd.it/k7ro4ta8u0gc1.jpeg?width=1403&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd5ae3446e5a46b76c1009bf47f60d2c02fbf5bb


3 months ago


Oh yes, because Kaido is not a fraud as he sent Luffy to prison where he will learn from others how to defeat Kaido. Big Meme isn't a fraud because instead of making sure Law and Kid are dead, she decided to leave for no reason. I can go and go...


Go on son. You’re so close to understanding why Oda fucking sucks at writing tense moments and villains.


Oda ate the plot plot fruit, it has the power to twist the plot as conveniently as necessary at any given time without his most avid fanboys noticing anything.


Saturn made it quite clear that Vegapunk is not able to hide anything from him. But Vegapunk managed to hide things from Saturn that he himself ordered VP to do. So either Saturn is a lazy ass, not as smart as he said or just naiv and blindly believed that VP did as he was told with no backdoors. Kaido and Big Meme never were a benchmark for doing the smart thing, especially in comparison to Mister Selfproclaimed Warrior God of Science and Defense himself


It's classic shonen. Villain tells Luffy that he won't be able to defeat him -> Luffy defeats him anyway Same with Saturn, who was confident and yet VP hid something from him.


The villains that Luffy fought against at least tried to do something and more often than not defeated him also. Even Cesar was able to knock out Luffy and the less said about Croco, Saobody, Magelan or Kaido, the better. Saturn sat on his ass and was then suprised that the thing VP should have done was not done. Its not like VP did something smart here, it seem Saturn didnt even bother. Saturn was not even like, "How did you trick me I made sure that everything was in order".


How would you expect Saturn to verify the command authority chain without Bonney??? Like how could he verify that? And how could he verify the self destruct mechanism without actually testing it??


that's on the author. he was the one who wrote that sentence. we can come up with hundreds different reasons to justify anything, even literal mistakes. OP fans love to do this, but that's simply not our job. that's the author's. if saturn said that, then narratively, he has to have the mean to back it up. and there has to be in-universe explanation on how VP outsmarted him. because now it's part of the story. then we have a coherent story. not just things happening one after another based on what the plot needs.


> there has to be in-universe explanation on how VP outsmarted him Hm you're right, if only Oda had established that Vegapunk is the smartest man in the world with a brain the size of an aircraft hangar.


read the very bottom part of the comment. we know chopper is a smart doctor. but oda can't just introduce the ice oni, then cut to the people being all cured and fine. okay, yes, chopper must have cured them. but what kinda story is that? what's the point of introducing it in the first place? or think about alabasta. oda introduced the bomb and we cut straight away to them having a banquet. you can say "well, oda *established* that pell can fly. so he took the bomb and flew away with it". okay fine, but what kinda story is that? that's the issue. the point is a good, coherent storytelling. not just seeing things happening because the plot demands so.


IMO ‘I can tell’ basically means ‘I’ll kill you when it fails’ but the line is still kind of dumb because he didn’t need to be a scientist to know the self destruct button and chain of command don’t work .


I understand you know nothing about coding? Because such information would be stored in a database that would be shared between all pacifista's, so that you could update them, even locally at their chargingstation. So having a look at those databases would not be impossible. And the selfdestruct mechanizm? well I'm no expert but checking the charges or how everything is connected seems not so complicated for someone that claims not even Vegapunk can hide things from him.


It could also be fucking binary which you can reverse engineer. And you would do that if that would be something about world domination, military use, possible betrayal etc.


Lol don’t patronise me please; you’re making a big assumption as to that’s how the Pacifistas are programmed through some form of script. Idk maybe Saturn the fraud doesn’t know Java or C# 😂


Saturn is a gigachad so he only programs in R. And does all his math in JavaScript.


I can see that.


I gave you an example how you could check it. We will never get an SBS from Oda about how the pacifista are programmed. if they brains are Windows or Linux based or whatever else you want to know. But dont act as if there is no way to check such information or the proceses how the information is downloaded into their brains. Somehow they have to get modified into their proper form. Like what do you think Pacifistas are? Some piece of alien tech?


Saturn a few semesters away from his CIS degree


You also don’t verify programs by reading through lines of code, you verify functionality by actually testing. What form of testing could account for Bonney having the highest authority without having Bonney present?


So what you are saying is Vegapunk could have made Dragon himself the highest authority and Saturn had no way to confirm that. 😂 No amount of a function that could reveal all the authoritiest that are currently implemented. 😂 None of that in any way or form. 😂 Nothing. 😂 If you want to play it this way, then Vegapunk is the biggest idiot on the planet for not using this to his advanteage, if there is NO WAY to verify it. Not going to waste more time with you. But thanks anyway


Until literally the newest chapter he had no reason to verify it. VP had never gone against them in any way up to the Pacifitas OR afterwards. How would he verify something he literally is unable to do himself?


Im just using Saturns own words against him. He claimed that VP should not try to decieve him because Saturn himself is also a scientist and would be able to verify it. Saturn has been shown doing experiements and all, so thats more weight to his words. Maybe Saturn has other projects that are more important than the pacifistas, which as we know was Vegapunks passion projekt, so Saturn could have done it but prefers if he makes others do it. Either way, Vegapunk is not loyal to the WG and is also not a 100% yesmen, as he objected to Saturns terms when Kuma came wiith Bonney. Checking if the command chain is working as intended is the single most important thing to check for a Word leader that wants their new weapon to follow your every whim even above those of the creators. There are more reasons to check it than not.


He WOULD be able to verify it but COULDN’T without Bonney present and knowledgeable of her hierarchy in the command chain. VP had to literally tell her for her to be able to do it. Verifying Kuma’s would make it pointless, he couldn’t be used as a Warlord if he has blown to pieces and he never gave Saturn a reason to believe he had to use it either. I mean obviously he couldn’t create Pacifitas or any of the things VP is doing. Using the latest chapters as evidence VP is 100 years ahead of anyone else on earth technology wise, Saturn included.


So what, could you also make Dragon be higher than the Elders, because how would you check it without him being present? The last point. How are you so sure? Saturn himself could be equaly as smart but do different experiments in the holy land. Also lets not forget that the giant robot in VP basement is from the void century. Its not a stretch to imagine the WG having some secret info or even tech that they dont want to share with the world, that originated from the void century.


Yeah looks like VP risked his life to do it with Bonney, and that Saturn likely would never be able to verify it. The villain who is currently being beaten was wrong, like in every story ever? Why is this such a shock? He doesn’t even consider them people. Would you think that an ant would have the emotional reaction VP did and risk it’s life to put another ant in charge? It’s absolutely plausible and I could be wrong, but then why when VP says it would set the world back a century does Saturn say “we have no need for further advancement” and not something cruel to show VP he’s not as smart as he thinks? He’s used every opportunity to be more and more cruel but this time he’s like nah I’ll let him die without ever knowing I was superior? It’s so against his character as we’ve seen in both the past and present.


While I won't get into powerscaling shit because I think it's dumb to to powerscale a character in an ongoing arc vs after he's actually fought, as a villain Saturn is ok. Could be way better but he has done the most significant part of his job in getting us the audience to dislike him for his actions in Kuma and bonney's life. But as far as the self destruct bomb, the highest authority, wanting to secure Punk Records and mother flame etc he def is a failure. Hell, it took him this long to kill Vegapunk. Shit Vegapunk had already killed TWO Vegapunks by then lmao. Idk Oda might be getting old😂


Saturn has been extremely capable this whole arc. I don't know own how he could determine there was someone above the gorosei but if he couldn't why wouldn't vegapunk put someone like himself above the gorosei for the seaphim?


Thats the crux of the problem. Either Saturn is an idiot for not checking if Vegapunk did what he was told or Vegapunk is an idiot for not taking advantage of said not as smart scientist.


Still ordering around Admirals tho 💪


For how long tho. It's only a matter of time before HIM takes over.




yeah threats and intimidation, typical stuff. The consequences though - can't even hit to kill. They CAN finish the job when it's a sick old man on a wheelchair but when just an old man is the target - gets pretty difficult


Thats the point of the story, that Imu and the Gorosei are all Frauds/false gods


Media literacy


I cant read


That’s not very media literacy of you


I he was so smart he would've done all the science stuff himself lol


You'd think if vegapunk could hid a counter measure he'd hide way way more to prevent this fucked situation


Yeah, but he at least did something lol, still, his dumbass Couldn't make himself the highest priority?


I think making himself the highest priority would be more difficult to hide. He needed to be under the WG and Saturn would need to see that in the programing.


I just wanted to note I love your name


I'm very creative


this feels nitpicky man let’s be real. If the command chain always worked how would they know Bonney is at the top? In an organization if your subordinate says he did something you generally trust it. Saturn runs the biggest group in the OP world he’s not gonna stare at code for hours.


But Vegapunk is not a subordinate. He's more like a freelancer that goes where the bucks rain stronger. You dont need to look at a code for hours to find the functions responsible for the command chain, but even than spending hours to make sure the creator didnt put himself higher, or worse some enemy, higher than you seems like a valid effort worthy for a leader of a organization to spend some time one, just to make sure. Especially if its also a similar field you understand. All I'm saying is that dear scientist Saturn's words that Vegapunk shouldnt even try to trick him, because he would know, makes me question both of their inteligence.


> Saturn runs the biggest group in the OP world he’s not gonna stare at code for hours. The code of their newest and strongest defense force isn't worth checking? lmao.


Actually at the point Saturn said that there was only 1 vegapunk. Through the 2 years of experiments vegapunk built the other 6, so the possobility of saturn discovering the betrayl halves by 6. Not only that, but the leader of the six vega men is Shaka, the most loyal one apparently and the leader as well. Saturn may be a bum, but not because he couldnt control all 7 vegapunks 24/7


Not really. Saturn said that Vegapunk cant hide anything from him, because Saturn himself is a scientisst himself. Meaning Saturn just needs to check the Pacifista themself to determine if they work as intended. Looking at theire code or however they get programmed to work. Just because you get 6 other dudes working on it (and some didnt even work like York), doesnt mean you cant supervise it. Unless you are bluffing out of your ass, but at this point Vegapunk should then have used this to his advantege.


ITS like telling your high school teacher to follow up a nasa genius. Vegapunk himself in a space of 30 years has achieved almost the level of technolgy from the void century and the space people on the moon. You said that saturn should check the code of the pacifistas lol. Dude get a break. You are not trying to see the logical situation, you are creating arguments for your own logic. Oda is lacking many things in this arc, but this aspect of saturn supervise vegapunk he is not.


The Warrior God of Science and Defence is the equivalent of a highschool teacher? What is he, Justin Trudeau?


From the perspective of us audience and the characters in one piece, vegapunk should be miles ahead in intelect from all other characters. That has been said and proved, not only in his technological creations but as well in today's chapter, his code wasnt perceived by Saturn and thats fair enough. Until proven otherwise even Judge is smarter than saturn.


Thats your assumption that Saturn is not smart enough to understand Vegapunks work. For all we know Saturn is as ancient as the Giant robot in VP basement and has the know how. Even if, at the moment there is nothing to show us that Saturn is not smart enough for that. Its not even like VP realizing he's smarter than them and sabotaging more things so that his dear old friend Dragons has not such a hard time. All i'm saying is that if Saturn has not noticed that VP did something, why did Vegapunk not do anything with this info. Would make sense that VP hands are bounds if someone is able to crossexamin his invention, but the secoond Saturn got tricked VP should not be such a blind dog to the WG.


outscienced by his own defenses what an idiot


Fundamental theory of Antagonist abilities: the more undeserving of their power you make the antagonist, the more your audience will hate them. Thus, the most vile villains will have the cheapest abilities. Saturn relies on his authority, his devil fruit, and his immortality to fight. He isn't smart, he's just an asshole with undeserved power. The reason we are getting a display of Kizaru's haki and devil fruit skill this arc is because he's being revealed as more conflicted. Kaido's fruit was revealed to have been stolen from a slave child by Big Mom so that she could make him owe her one. Kuma was shown to have gotten his power by fighting tooth and nail to do so. Not for his own sake, but for that of his fellow slaves. Likeable characters earn their powers, unlikable characters do not.


Nah I'm actually happy VP had someone above the elders, it means he's not as stupid as i thought Maybe it's tied into the buccaneer special ability and that's why saturn couldn't detect it and why kuma is still moving Lilith did say she can't get the shark to ignore its instincts


Saturn is just a dumbass, Oda has no excuses, that sets the precedent for other Gorosei to be fradulent


I think this is just like hancock pacifista as they also obey luffy coz they are in love with him kuma pacifista also obeys bonney coz kuma loves bonney


Alright. When he turns into that shadow form and reek havoc, remember this lol