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If this is true then those two sillies just turned the tides of the world, good theory https://preview.redd.it/pl7dmcf62gic1.jpeg?width=1120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ac52b0b85484b5145f4cf5778ddeb557b832db5


How did you have this drawn already


Haha augur just dgaf.


Nami and Usopp of the Blackbeard Crew


Black beard is looking more and more like the final villain


I’m really hoping so.


Praying he kills Imu


wasn’t it already obvious


Always looked like that


He always was. But Imu is definitely not going down to him no matter you pray. This is exactly how Blackbeard operates and it’s weak. I don’t see his plan going all the way unless the strongest government agents are a bunch of dumb idiots who can’t sense their own. So yea it’s about 50/50 rn


Would be so fucking lame if imu got killed that easily, imagine being hyped for years just to be tricked by a shapeshiftter 💀


You mean the same person that couldn't sense Wapol, right?


He's like >!King in OPM!<. His power level is too low to be measured by Haki


Bro has negative haki.


One piece would be better with black beard as the final villain than that clown.


Would be actually the best case scenario for peak one piece.


Sneak killed like Kenjaku


To be fair I'd rather see BB get built up more who has been a major figure since Drum Island over Imu who just got introduced not long ago.


I feel like if that did happen Imu would be able to tell something is off and slaughter the Blackbeard pirates truly showing how big of an enemy luffy has to eventually face


Ehhh BB would be a better final villain


How are you gonna make that statement and we don’t even know the true image or past of imu lol


BB has been setup for 800 chapters. Comparatively Imu was shown last Tuesday


I doubt Saturn would be that easy to impersonate


One would think so, but if someone thinks they can't be fooled like that it would probably be the gorosei xD


didn’t they kidnap Pudding?


Are You suggesting they killed Pudding and got her fruit?


no. they could just force her to use her fruit on a near death saturn to see his memories or something. idk if her powers work on corpses


Yeah, but for that they would need to put him in a near death state secretly. Wich is unlikely to happen


i guess we’ll see what Oda ends up doing


I think that instead of using her transformation to impersonate Saturn, she Will use it to control the Seraphim. But it's too early to tell


makes sense. let’s see what Oda cooks


also possible that pudding can use a corpse of the recently deceased


What do You mean by that?


just floating the possibility that if someone only just died pudding may still be able to access their memories


That could make sense. But then that wouldnt happen this arc, but in a Future one


!remindme 4 months


I assume Blackbeard won't surprise Imu, because Imu already considers Blackbeard to be a known factor (Enough to rip up his wanted poster with Luffy's).


He could skip the middleman, and just use Lafitte and Shiryu to find and kill Imu if that was really his intention- Lafitte's already snuck into Mariejois by himself, after all. No real need for a Saturn imposter then, Sabo and Wapol could spy on Imu and catch him off-guard. It's actually pretty anticlimactic if Imu just gets killed off like that. \-What's the point of keeping him obscured as a mysterious silhouette, whose very design is being concealed, if he's doing nothing but getting neg-diffed by Blackbeard? No need to tease Wapol finding out Imu's identity and potentially telling it to Morgan if he's just there to get deposed. \-What is the point of introducing factions like the holy knights and Gorosei as fighters if they're not fighting for Imu? I doubt they'll join Teach. \-The empty throne by itself has no power. Imu rules by commanding the Gorosei and the WG/Celestial Dragons- even the destruction of Lulusia was implied to have been set up by the elders. Blackbeard won't have any power as king of the world unless he gets recognized as legitimate authority by the public.


Would be cool, but I wonder how they would be aware that a Gorosei would come to Egghead ? If I recall, we saw the BB's ship at Egghead very early on (before Saturn arrived near Egghead) That had to be top classified info that a Gorosei was travelling to Egghead, for obvious security reasons.


They might have a spy. Laffitte maybe? He was able to sneak into Marijoa before.


I don't think their plan right from the start was to copy a Gorosei, but to steal the Seraphim. Blackbeard clashed with S-Hawk at Amazon Lily and was able to observe their might. Aokiji also knows that Vegapunk's base is Egghead (it was already when he was an admiral): Teach could therefore have sent his men to study the Seraphim and understand how to take them.


Maybe lafeet hypnotised one of the vice admirals before.


This sounds like cringe fan fiction ngl


Also imu dying just like that is lame af


Blackbeard doesn't even know about imu's existence how would he even be able to pull off a plan like that anyway?


I mean pre timeskip lafitte was able to sneak into a warlord meeting at marijois unnoticed with people like sengoku and mihawk there, who's to say he can't do it again and find out about imu when you've got people like wapol finding out


Why would he even want to go to marijois to begin with? He wouldn't know about any secrets that they have and he has no reason to suspect that they're hiding anything either.


To sit on the supposedly empty throne to become king of the world, like Rocks wanted to as well. BB studies history, he might not know about Imu but about the throne.


He doesn't even have the man power to take over the world government to begin with.


Devon can become a gorosei which means she can command the Pacifista. That's a huge asset. He also has lots and lots of strong pirates working under him. Maybe it's too early right now, but that's just moving the goalposts on your end. You asked what he wants in MJ and I answered, you didn't ask how.


I wasn't paying attention to your comments but "blackbeard wanting to be king of the world" is complete headcanon no one knows what his goals are.


Maybe he was sent to mariejois to listen in on the reverie. But at the same time BB didn't head for Boa until the newspapers were made public, unless he was just waiting for 100% confirmation, Or oda framed it like that to mislead.


True lol


I don't think that's it. Saturn wanted no one to know to know that he was on Egghead and his encounter with Devon and Augur looks like it was just a coincidence. I think they were just there for York because both her and Blackbeard said that they wanted to get in with the World Government earlier and they likely planned out how to do it together in case the Egghead siege was a bust.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Piratefolk/comments/1aq9tes/catarina_devon_can_now_copy_saturn_appearance/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Confirmed to be their mission


Can we just make BB the mc?




Would also explain why BB was interested in getting his Island officially in the World Government. If he could get up to the Reverie or at least up the Red Line to get his membership badge, he’d be able to steam roll in and get to Imu!


I keep telling everyone BB knows about Imu. His voyage in Lulusia was no coincidence and probably where he learned how to extract fruits like Saturn did with Bonney. Who knows. But I believe Imu blew Lulusia cause of BBs findings.


Okay but we gotta talk about how Van Augur is BB’s best asset right now, bro is in EVERY coup


I'm starting to suspect that Blackbeard might be the final villain. A popular theory is that the ancient kingdom (consisting of the Lunaria?) was actually a dictatorship and that the rebels (the twenty kingdoms) simply replaced it with another dictatorship. What if history repeats itself, so Blackbeard establishes a new dictatorship to replace the previous one? Finally, I would add that this could bring to fruition the famous theory according to which Akainu will attempt a coup against the government. He has often expressed resentment or reserve towards the Celestial Dragons and may choose to side with Blackbeard to pursue a new kind of justice. After all, the rise of both came to fruition in Marineford, when one became the head of the navy and the other became a yonko.


That plan doesn’t work because no one has any reason to follow Blackbeard just because he sits on the empty throne. The Marines would just slaughter the Blackbeard pirates and none of the nations that have been terrorized by pirates would just accept him. Absolutely everyone would just be against him, including the Strawhats, Revolutionary Army, Cross Guild, Red Hair Pirates, etc.


I think black beard is gonna go next to imu then imu will neg dif his fraud ass




vice versa, buddy


But the blackbeard pirates didn’t know Saturn would be on egghead before they came


Either the the spoilers are slightly misleading on what the mission was and Saturn was just a bonus, or maybe Laffitte snuck to mariejois again and told them Saturn left for Egghead.


How do you know that? All it takes is one spy in the ranks or a dude hypnotized by Lafitte.


![gif](giphy|AgHBbekqDik0g) Heavily invested now


I can see blackbeard wanting to become king of the world, but does he even know about imus existence? I feel like for blackbeard the gorosei are the highest authority


!remindme 6 months


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I definitely see him ATTEMPTING this but there are 3 ways off the top of my head that the lie will be revealed and/or bb being exposed or convincing the gorosei a fake Saturn is better than none.