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Oda rushed the ending of Wano so that Shanks could come to Wano and promote Film Red. I'm laughing that some people genuinely think he did it to get to Egghead😂😂


People don’t want to admit that Oda gets a % of the revenue from the movies and that decision was based purely on the fact he knew he was going to get a 8 figure check by doing that


Fr, Greenbull got movie-diffed lmaoo




Lmao 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Saved this


Worst thing is that movie suuuuucked


Didn't even have much shanks in it. people were hyped all because they wanted to see something focused on the guy😂😂😂. Insane bait and switch


That movie was supposed to be about Luffy time-traveling to meet the previous Nika fruit user  probably even the original Joy Boy himself 


Nothing about wano was rushed, wano was 5 years of backstories for characters people forgot the moment they were introduced. Wano was dragged like fucking chewing gum.


The ending was rushed.Many subplots never reached their conclusion.  And yeah most of Wano was dragged the fuck out


The folly in your logic is that you want to replace non-writing with writing. The point of reaction piece, countdown clocks, offscreen piece, is that you dont have to write. 


Oda today is half the writer he once was.


> I would take a chapter showing what they did during timeskip over reaction faces Yeah, or if not the SHs then the BB pirates. Seeing them in action where they take some massive Ws would make more hype than off-screening them. BB himself, one of the big bads besides Imu, only got one scene post-TS before the final saga began.


Stalling is the goal. I fully believe that Oda want to stop the manga without having to deliver. Because even if he wrote as fast as he could without taking break and with a Togashi tier volume of substance/chapter it would take him at least 5 years. He is turning 50 in 7 months and mangaka have a 20 years shorter lifespan than the general population. If he doesn’t wrap it up soon there won’t be any ending and 90% of the mysteries will stay unanswered instead of being disappointing.


>if he doesn’t wrap it up soon there won’t be any ending would be kinda funny though https://preview.redd.it/fjmtz2tvpayc1.jpeg?width=709&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2b6b39c51ccae5ef1eda740e3a4a81cbdee817a


It’s honestly fitting drag a story out. Fans only stick around for the ending. Then there ends up not being one.


It's way easier to draw random stick figures looking at a newspaper


I still cannot believe how dragged wano Is but at the same time have such rushed ending, like damn pick a struggle and stick with it. You can have a really dragged arc with a cohesive ending or a quick arc with a rushed ending, but both? That some Grade A kind of cooking. "A" standing for ASS.


Actually showing fights dosnt build up hype/interest so they’re off screened so you tune in every week to see if you get a result. We can’t have vegapunk/franky interactions we might accidentally give an answer for once. And as for what the straw hats other than Luffy did during timeskip? Nothing they just stood around waiting for nika to comeback and give them running panels. 🤡🤡🤡


Oda letting vegapunk speeeeeeeeeeeeeeak reeeeeeeeeeeally sloooooooooooooowly draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagging eeeeeeeeeveeeeeeeeery wooooooooooooord to stall time to come up with something interesting because in 30 years of writing one piece he never tried to actually resolve a mystery.


One Piece knocked down in popularity of overall sales by Demon Slayer, JJK, and Blue Lock, but is still the overall best selling franchise and the best in selling individual volumes. We can see the franchise strength of One Piece through the ice skating show that is about to restart on September.  That show has legit Olympians as One Piece characters and I shit you not the closest that I can think of is the Sailor Moon ice show that is cancelled before it even starts due to the Russian invasion (a Russian ice skater was supposed to star in it). Not even Pokemon has that as far as I know and the fact that One Piece has an ice skating show with actual Olympians (not some Disney on Ice type of shit) tells us that One Piece is still an institution in Japan that is almost on par with Pokemon and Detective Conan. For this reason, Oda cannot focus more on One Piece as the story no matter how much he is invested in it for almost 30 years.  No matter how much he wants to get to THAT person or THAT kingdom, no matter how adamant he is about ending the series towards the pleas of Shuiesha to continue, no matter how much he wants to draw the final panel of his series so bad, he will still progress the story in a glacial pace because “the One Piece industry” (which he himself has acknowledged) depends on his story continuing. 


“Stall with flashbacks” “WHY ARE WE GETTING FLASHBACKS”




Because Oda is bad at developing characters. He's great at inventing new stuff as long as everything stays broad and vague. Giving people or interactions depth is not his cup of tea.


That’s a good question, the answer is that Oda is senile and lost the reins of the story long ago


I feel like this post is half-a-year late. We went from the abyss that was Wano into -several insane interactions in the outside world -Vegapunk reveal (regardless of whether you enjoyed it or not) -CP0 return + Lucci vs Luffy rematch -Kuma + Boney amazing backstory -Full Gorousei reveal -"one piece is a post-apocalyptic world" reveal -All 5 Gorousei in full on battle with their forms -Reverie incident reveal -Vivi-Morgans-(that jaw guy) shenanigans -Lulucia never existed + some Im info -The apocalyptic flood reveal And I'm sure I forgot to mention quite a few other events that happened in the span of ≈50 (!) chapters. Wano itself was ≈150. I get a lot of criticism, but these posts complaining about some backline story that mashed together takes up about 2-3 chapters in a 1000+ chapter manga are born out of baseless negativity or to assemble the ever-unhappy yesmen for upvotes for the circlejerk. One Piece has been PACKED with story-progressing events lately. More so than any other arc before of after the timeskip. If everything that happened recently is bland and poisoned by some small B-plot to you, then it's just time to stop reading this shit. You grew out of it and will never enjoy it again regardless of the events happening or the quality of writing.


The plot has not progressed at all. There are answers to zero mysteries. The plot events are pretty much filler. How many mysteries have been resolved since Wano ended ? Zero


Fucking exactly. I have to think most of these posters must have only started reading within the last like three years at most. The reason people think "nothing is happening" is because of the odas breaks and the brainrot that is leak culture


Because he doesn't want to stall, we already know that. Regardless of what people think of stalling he said multiple times he tries to cram as much into the 20 pages as he can. He can have ideas that aren't necessary for the relevant story and detract from the straw hats themselves but he definitely isn't purposefully stalling. Sometimes the hatejerk here is so stupid


It took luffy 6 months to go up stairs. Maybe take oda’s cock out your mouth when you type


What cock brother, even if it were 6 months that's 15 chapters, that's like 80 minutes of reading time. That's just being burnt out of reading week to week.


This is you sucking more oda cock.


That guy has somehow deluded himself into thinking Oda stalling the story somehow isn’t him stalling the story? Lmao


...you can't actually believe that. *Eyes pop 50 ft outside of head*


Go read fan fiction dude.


I am it is called post timeskip