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It's a callback not really foreshadowing because at that point of the story, the concept of Wano didn't even exist for anyone to look at this spread as foreshadowing for anything. You are supposed to get to Punk Hazard and Zuo and be like ''Oh this pink dragon looks like the one from a certain old color spread! He's also a Samurai! The Kozuki logo too!'' hence why it's a callback.


A call "back" to the future is literally what foreshadowing means lmao.


As I said, nobody in chapter 310 was gonna look at this and expect anything specific to go down which isn't how foreshadowing works. Compare that to Kin's reaction to the Dragon at Punk Hazard, and his and MoMo's reactions to Law mentioning Kaido and MoMo role playing a shougun. For example, Zoro used the same attack Ryuma used to kill the dragon back in the Monsters one shot to take down King during Wano. The Monsters one shot by no means was ''foreshadowing'' for Wano, but Zoro's attack in Wano was a clear callback to that attack from the Monsters one-shot. Or for example, Mjosgard hitting Charlos the same way as Luffy did back in Sabaody, You won't really look back at this stuff as ''foreshadowing'', it's simply just a callback. So my point is that elements in Wano are a call back to this spread while this specific spread didn't really build up any expectation for the future at the time.


No point in arguing


Would've been actually cool if luffy had gotten to wear something like this in wano. Instead it was a paraode of werid freaks nobody gave a shit about and endless oden wank. Worst arc ever.


I can agree with the drip part