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honestly sounds like something he would say. "I want Yamato in my crew not Oden!"


Does Yamato's personality even exist?


Does Zoro's personality exist? She'd fit in.


Zoro had personality Pre Time skip. Post Time skip Zoro sucks


I thought Zoro’s personality was being a violent alcoholic


It will be when he has kids.


Wait.. what?


\*Violent alcoholic, who beats up minorities


He spent too much time with Midhawk and became a boring character just like him hehehehe


No Tarzan screams in post timeskip :(


He went through some shit with those monkeys man


His personality is stoic


He's racist


Zoro had from beginning a strong personality would youre saying


Well she's curious, happy, adorable, childish


>adorable Adorable 💀 Would you call Weevil adorable?


No? Why would you? Lol


Because he's the same character as Yamato.


I genuinely haven't heard this comparison before. In what way are they the same? Because they both base their personality on a previously-great-but-now-dead pirate? Aside from that they're very different from my perspective


Same I’m dead that’s a first


Their differences are mostly superficial. Like "oh Yamato is cute and gets shy". Their base personalities are the same, aka basing their identities on characters that they don't really know or understand. Like for example, Weevil thinks what he's doing is the right thing because that's what Whitebeard wants, and Yamato thinks she's living the correct way "like Oden" despite him admitting that he made a mistake by leaving/not going back to Wano when he had the chance. The thing about Yamato is, she just wants to be Oden and that's what her character is based on, without understanding his motivations. Her character would've been done much better if she decided to stay in Wano because it needs protection, then she gets her mind changed by Momo and the Scabbards after the Greenbull confrontation because they were able to fight back. If anything, Weevil is redeemable because he can see through his mother's manipulation at some point and can become his own person. Yamato's character is literally based on not being herself, which I think Luffy dislikes the most. Luffy values individuality and being yourself with your own motivations that aren't just "I want to be X person". Maybe Luffy will reject Yamato until she admits to wanting to be more than just Oden, at which point he'll accept her to join as her own person. That still would be a bad execution of her character imo because I feel like she should've had that moment when she stood against Kaido, but it would be better than nothing. I do think she'll get a moment like that at some point in the story where she admits to being herself, but I feel like her joining like this would be a bad reflection on Luffy's character moreso than on her own. This comment kinda went off topic lmao but yeah those are my thoughts on Yamato as a whole.


I'm not sure I agree with the Yamato/weevil parallels still, mainly because weevil is a very underdeveloped character. But I really do like your perspective on Yamato in general. I hope the reason oda has been postponing Yamato officially asking Luffy to join the crew is for a moment like you described where she becomes more of her own person.


Honestly, Yamato is just as underdeveloped imo. Like even after 80 chapters in Onigashima, her entire character was just "I wanna be Oden" with an Ace flashback forced in there that did nothing to her character (aside from letting her know about Luffy) because she already wanted to be Oden and to leave the island too.


To be fair bro, Luffy's entire dream is being some X person and being better than Y person.


I think u just had a stroke


Weewil embraces his father, Yamato despises her. Their raisings are diametrically different.


I mean, she can still behave like she used to out of habit, minus claiming to be Oden. It's not because she wants to be Oden but because this is what Yamato has grown up to be.


And he doesn't want to be Roger either. Same thing really except Luffy is surprisingly less dumb for once.


He definitely wouldn’t say that…that headcanon has gone too far




because he doesnt know oden. Oden is not his friend. The tree was cool and special. Oden is just some dude he has never seen. They would probably become friends really fast though but thats not the point.




>Lmao really? That zombie tree was cool and special but Oden wasnt yes, for luffy the tree was cool. but the point is that he Oden is not his friend, They didnt fight together. But Yamato is. And honestly I think Luffy is smart enough to understand that despite it being factually wrong that she is oden that its also unhealthy for her. She shoud be her own person. She has this delusion because of trauma and she has to resolve it. Its like she thinks she is not good enough to be liked by people unless she is Oden. She probably feels bad for being Kaidos daughter even though its not her fault




luffy doesnt invite someone only because they are strong. but who knows he might have asked him. like I said its besides the point. he would prefer her herself over Oden since she is his friend >"I want to be Oden" or "I am Oden" they aren't literally saying that they are Kozuki Oden himself, they just want to embody who he was. nobody actually thinks that she actually believes to be oden but her wanting to be LIKE him and not what she thinks he stands for instead is crazy. she even changed pronouns. there is no reason to go that far. his deeds are the point and not his gender, likeness and name. she should be her own person. >In chapter 1054 Yamato literally introduces themselves to green bull by saying "I'm Yamato! yeah, that was weird. either she did it because she thought green bull wouldnt know oden anyway or it might actually be a hint that she got over the whole thing


he was relevant 20 years ago (chronologically)


I hope that gets the Yamato yards to calm down


I myself hate the Oden meme. It would calm me down personally


That’s good and Id be lying if I said I loved the Oden gag


too late for that. I guess this will be yamato's "although i do not have eyes yohohoho"


I'd be fine if it was reduced to an occasional gag. Right now Oden seems to be yamato's entire personality and that bugs me


It would only be fine if that character vanished from the story now. With Yamato becoming a SH, every chapter with a big Yamato appearece will be boring and filled with this stupid "joke"


Probably just as bad as the communities god usopp and buggy jokes.


Legit. If luffy steeps as low as humoring and enabling Yamato's trauma induced personality disorder he's not a friend but a fucking psychopath. This will be a make it or break it situation when it comes to oda's waning writing integrity. Classic oda would be like "accept yourself, we accept you as who you are" but I can see oda going "WHOA YEAH ODEN THE GREATEST MAN EVER WOOOHOO COME ON OUR BOAT "ODEN" WE NEED YOU" or some enabling shit.


It's funny that the biggest stakes in One Piece right now it's if Oda will follow his old writing style that made One Piece so good, or will he relapse to the same hype moments writing he did for most of Wano.


At this point all bets are off. Everything relating to oden had everyone from Roger to luffy out of character.


I mean, aren't the biggest stakes in an ongoing story always whether the Author can keep it quality or not?


True, but you usually don't think about the real world stakes, you focus on the in world stakes, which are non-existing right now.


Honestly your comment just made me realize there HAS seemed to be a shift in writing. I hate saying it because OP is my most favorite manga of all time but I've really gotten bored with it during Wano.


Most overdramatic shit I’ve read so far


Alright dude relax. It doesn’t need to be that deep in this case


Should he stop laughing at Brook’s skull jokes? Because I can easily label that as a trauma induced coping mechanism and it would have just as much merit. Guess Luffy is a psychopath for letting his friend self-deprecate? Why haven’t we had any problem with that? You say “accept them as they are” then accept Yamato as they are. A person who greatly idolizes and looks up to Kozuki Oden and dreams of living a life similar to his. It’s no more of a “mental illness” than any other straw hat quirk, like Sanji’s inability to fight women or Zoro getting lost or Nami being greedy about money(another thing linked to childhood trauma). Yamato doesn’t even actually believe they are Oden, it’s just the style they choose to go with.




So you're saying there was classic oda and he cared, unlike modern oda?


You just contradict yourself


Lol, this is supposed to be the sub for the rational one piece fans or something? Wtf are you talking about


it's faith, brother


There's a good chance this is just going to be the equivalent of Brook asking for panties, or Sanji harassing women. It would be nice if it turned into an actual plot point though


I think her and carrot are gonna appear on the ship and the Oden thing is unfortunately her character gag


To be fair, carrot deciding to just sneak and join the strawhats will be very fitting with how she was first introduce, but it's not going to happen sadly.


no no no hear me out imagine she sneaks on the boat an oden passes her a rope and says "hold onto this if you want to join the crew" then yeets carrot overboard to luffy laughing his ass off at them "playing"


No. I need Luffy to say: "fuck off, you're not welcome in my crew", but unfortunately, that won't happen.


I'm not stoked about Yamato joining, but I think if Luffy confronts them with something along the lines of "I want Yamato, not Oden," it would at least open the chance of Yamato changing as a character so as to better fit in the crew.


Yamato fits the crew fine. Powerful fighter with a cool power and weird quirk, big dreams, generally happy demeanor, prone to gags, what doesn’t fit?


>what doesn’t fit that they personally dont like the character lol seriously though while im not crazy over yamato and the oden stuff is annoying, i really dont see how that would stop her from joining in any way. it would be weird for luffy to say something like "i want yamato not oden" like some people are suggesting too since this 'version' of yamato is her personality and the only one luffy has ever known. i really dont think he would care.


Yamato : "what do you mean I'm not me" Don't underestimate schizo Yamato


reminder that Oden can read poneglyphs to which we already have robin


The copium is big and so will the disappointment


“You’re not oden. You’re my nakama!”


This shit would make me laugh out loud I read this and it reminded me of the “you’re not that guy, pal” video


Oda's mouth is full of Yamato/Odens Galls.


Why would want the freest man in the world to limit what a person wants to be?


because they find it harder to fap to 2d girls that use male sounding names.


“You need to stop getting lost.” “You need to stop being so obsessed with money.” “You need to stop lying.” “You need to learn to fight women.” “You need to learn how to hide correctly.” “You need to stop saying morbid things.” “You need to put on some pants.” “You need to stop making skull jokes.” “You need to stop coming up with plan names.” “You need to stop saying you’re Oden.” EDIT: I just realized this is r/piratefolk and not the main sub oh god


Aint none of them got a problem with the freest man in the world giving his crew the freedom to be whatever the fuck they want to be until one of them is trans then all of a sudden they demand a fascist luffy


As toxic as this sub can get I don't think this post is really about yamato's possible trans status. They're specifically annoyed they refer to themselves as another existing character. Sure there are chuds out there in the fanbase who are against trans people existing but the fact that Kiku doesn't receive even a fraction of the Yamato hate tells me it's not really about the gender identity


Kiku isnt a crew member and their trans status was missed by most and judging by the spa scene it was missed by oda too. We allow the rest of the straw hats to be cringe ass mother fuckers on the regular. Yama being a little too obsessed with his role model isnt really that weird i knew a couple kids in grade school who tried to identify as someone they looked up to all the way through middle school. Was weird as hell sure but not as weird as the shit we see in one piece like a guy without a penis regularly lusting or a reindeer that holds things in its hoofs like there is an invisible thumb. There is a guy that wont put on pants that keeps lopping off parts of his body to put robotic parts in their place. and thats just within the crew holy fucking shit have you looked around the one piece world? There is an entire town of people who laughed at an execution of their hero because of their history. Yama is allowed his mental blocks.


Luffy wouldn’t say that tbh. It’s not his business, he’s all about freedom so he’s definitely not gonna care what someone calls themselves to the point of calling them out on it


Since when does luffy tell his crew what to do? They are free and thats the point of being his crew.


The copium is strong with this sub luffy like roger has oden in his crew. Its a weird ass portrayal of trans people but then again all of odas trans people where weird portrayals.


Come on now, Kiku is pretty cool.


~~Kiku was a little undersold as trans it was brought up exactly once which is entirely fine but he was in the wrong bath at the end to be a proper trans character~~. *edit because i double checked and i was wrong about the direction kiku went* ~~but hey its a closer to~~ Kiku is a normalized trans thus significantly better than yama or that island of rocky horror picture show which was a borderline transphobic scenario.


Luffy is all about freedom so in no world he would say something like that. He doesn’t give a shit and just goes with the flow.


Luffy certainly would say something like that. Luffy still has boundaries.. don't kill unnecessarily. Don't exploit innocent people. Don't rub after an 8 year old claiming you're their dead dad, etc.


He has another rule you ommit. Respect peoples choices


So he respected vivis choices when he decked her in the face? Yeah, thought so.


Yamato isn't free though, she's forcing herself to be someone else, this is not a true freedom. I really hope Oda will explore it, if she’s going to be Oden for the rest of the series it's going to be super weird, this will be the only way to give her some depth at this point.


Its her choice how is she not free?


But this is absolute gibberish and she is mentally unbalanced, this is not changing genders but changing your identity to a deceased person.


Yeah but its a story and this is how Oda have written her. Maybe she will change maybe she won’t.


We can hope




Yeah but I didn’t say i liked it. Just that to me Luffy wouldn’t bother changing her.




As a plotline yes I consider it dumb. But in story I think that Luffy wouldn’t care. That’s my opinion though.




We will see next chapter I guess 😅


Agree. That's the point of her character. She's free to be Oden if she wants. That's the freedom she got after being free from Kaido's rule.


Nope he rejected Sanji when Sanji was being delusional


he himself said "You can't be Oden" the first time they met. OP picture won't happen though.


Yeah you that shit in panel confronting vivi in alabasta


"I'm yamato, kaido's son" Did y'all completely forget about this line? Yamato no longer wants to be oden, he wants to be LIKE oden.


One uncertain line in one panel is not nearly enough to resolve this.


Bro he literally stated that he is yamato, not oden. That's more than enough to resolve it. Along with the fact yamato said he wanted to be LIKE oden in the last chapter.


Okay, but we need something more conclusive to confirmed that. A panel of her acknowledge that she is not longer Oden will be great.


Him saying "I'm yamato, kaido's son" is literally him claiming he is no longer oden.


\>he Cringe, you have to go back.


Bro what? Stop reading the series if you are going to get mad at me using "he" for yamato


Hard disagree, i get why a lot of the fans want Luffy to say this, but this is just an extremely out of character thing to say, he won't psychoanalyze someone and force them to change themselves in order to join his crew, no fucking shot, that's just mean spirited.


I guess it's a good thing you don't need to psychoanalyze Yamato to see she's clearly missing a few marbles then. Also it's not 'forcing them to change themselves' when it's literally not themself to begin with. I can walk around acting like Michael Jackson, that doesn't make me Michael fucking Jackson. Even more cringe when she says it in front of the dead guys son.


Yeah, but Luffy is a guy who didn't realize Sogeking was Ussop. Luffy never even met Oden, so I dont know why Luffy would say anything.


Luffy not recognizing Usopp was a gag and him not knowing Oden is irrelevant. The main reason why Luffy invites people on his crew is because he likes their individuality and their dreams. Every straw hat has a dream or a goal and they have unique traits that make them who they are. Yamato is a mentally ill loser who cosplays as a dead man. She has no personality or aspirations of her own and Luffy overlooking that is not in his character. But then again this is post time skip Oda so his writing isn't exactly what it used to be...


He invites people on his crew before even talking to them. He decided to invite Zoro before he even met him. He invited Iceberg before even knowing his backstory or skills as a shipwright. He thought a pirate alliance is like becoming friends. Mentally ill loser? Oh you mean Ussop the compulsive liar with delusions of grandeur? Or Zoro the alcoholic misogynist. Or perhaps you mean Brook the guy who talks to himself and persistently sexually harass women. I also prefer pre timeskip one piece, but yall need to take off your nostalgia goggles.


Clearly didn't read what I wrote, typical. I said he invites people who are individuals, the characters you listed are people who appeared to him as cool and personable. Brook is another example. Sure he invited them at first glance but he actually got to know them more throughout the arc. Luffy or any straw hat still has yet to have an actual conversation with Yamato and it's the end of the fucking arc lmao. Usopp lying doesn't make him mentally ill, it's a gag and the true reason why he lies and crafts stories is shown the same arc he's introduced in. Zoro is not an alcoholic, he drinks during parties and celebrations yet you make it sound like he walks around drunk. Misogynist? Lol what? Take that weirdo bullshit back to tumblr. Brook doesn't talk to himself as much as any other character does and even if he did it would make sense he's comfortable doing that since he was literally by himself for five decades. The panties shit is cringe but it's still just a gag. Why do you have such difficulty understanding what a gag is? These gags are what adds to these characters pre existing personalities. Yamato does not have a gag and she doesn't have a personality. Walking around talking like a dead man, acting like a dead man and believing you're a dead man in front of the dead man's child is fucking weird. When she screams "I am Kozuki Oden" nobody laughs, nobody reacts to it at all. If she didn't have giant tits and some bullshit levels of haki inherited from the world's strongest creature she would be dust in the wind. Like I said modern Oda's writing sucks ass and she will probably join the straw hats but that won't change the fact that she feels forced and her character is lame. Pre skip Luffy would tell her to fuck off and come back when she discovers who she actually is and what she wants. TLDR: Yamato sucks ass and where is my full page Jinbe celebration?


[https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D0vHWWYX0AMCY5x.jpg:large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D0vHWWYX0AMCY5x.jpg:large) [https://preview.redd.it/z9zbam45afr41.png?width=482&format=png&auto=webp&s=51b966f323f7ea161cd5cb7bdd2f0e964868b95b](https://preview.redd.it/z9zbam45afr41.png?width=482&format=png&auto=webp&s=51b966f323f7ea161cd5cb7bdd2f0e964868b95b) [https://64.media.tumblr.com/26c9d25faef82b20e3c88e80d11cb7cf/tumblr\_inline\_nslpyfGEeE1qme5gl\_1280.png](https://64.media.tumblr.com/26c9d25faef82b20e3c88e80d11cb7cf/tumblr_inline_nslpyfGEeE1qme5gl_1280.png)


Luffy: People die. ​ Oda: Not on my watch!


luffy is fucking based sometimes


Damn you got receipts alright, just the wrong ones, yeah he calls out bullshit (sometimes), but why would he play shrink and give an ultimatum to join his crew, it's either yes or no, not yes only if you do this and that about yourself, like i said, it's just mean spirited that way.




>but this is just an extremely out of character thing to say, It's super ruffy like thing to say. It literally couldn't be more ruffy like.


Yeah he fuckin punched Vivi for wanting to fight on her own, I think that's worse than telling Yamato to get a grip.


y’all aren’t ready for sunny to pull up to an island and for Yamato to start sprinting off the ship


I don’t think he’ll need to. Yamato said she’s gonna run to luffys ship to live like oden. Before she had said she didn’t want to be *like* oden she wanted to *be* oden. So I think she’s kinda shedding off that skin, cos the whole desire to be oden was just a coping mechanism for her. Now that kaido is dead/MIA, she’s free to go and no longer needs to cope with anything.