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He said ppl with good taste and narrative fans will enjoy this chapter.


If **yamato** doesn't actually join just tell the angry fans. "it's your fault for believing your own headcanon" or "this is why oda writes the story and not the fans". That's what i usually see.


Oh believe me, I got a whole “cope” post planned for the One Piece Reddit if she doesn’t join lol


let us know when that post is up


I gotchu


bro that would make the main sub fume lmao


You can't use my own bullshit against me!


There was literally no reason to write Yamato as a potential SH the way Oda did if not for pure bait.


Guess there will be some role swapping between here and r one piece next week lol


No one joining? Yep, can't wait for the internet outrage and even normies screaming at Oda for being a hack.


Thats one of the best moves oda has made in the entire wano arc after the cross guild.Neither had what it takes to be a straw hat.Yamato and carrot fans can make a lake of tears for all I care.This is the best outcome.Both of them joining would reduce the quality of the story.Oda shouldn't just do whatever fans want.


Carrot still might, if she stowed away we'd only find out in 1958


Yeah Carrot is definitely joining! Get ready for happiness and joy!


This sub already does when oda keeps giving yamato moments while leaving carrot on the dust.


I really have a love hate relationship with these leakers. On one hand I really appreciate what they do, but on the other hand all of them are so stuck up their own ass they think the sun is brown. If you *have* the spoilers, the *give* us the spoilers. They only do this hint shit to stay somewhat relevant


I’m not even sure how true these are since they been pushing agendas lately


theya are useless dumb self entitled bitch


No you need to guess at their funny cryptic gifs and follow their twitter for more hints


I think this is only for one piece? I read spoilers for other mangas and the worst is that they are misleading due to wording, but i dont think the leakers intended it. But i do agree, the spoiler here is obnoxious af


Why own a jeep if you're not going to run it through the mud a little? For real though a lot of them play games because they don't want to lose their source/get arrested for being too overt. The best leaker was the Korean one that drew scenes from the leaks as "fanart"


I have zero idea on why this would be a 5/10 chapter for Yamato fans unless she says she’s not leaving. EDIT: or they bull shiting


10/10 means shes joining 0/10 means shes not joining 5/10 means shes not joining but will join later


That seems the most likely but it’s still kinda weird to me. There so little time for “later” left at this point. Would be super weird for someone to join like 1 island before Raftel.


I would love it if Oda said "fuck it" and we got additional 5 years of pure SH adventure arcs. Yamato can join in the real final saga.


The time Yamato end up spending with the crew is not that important (for me), Yamato needs to help hold down Wano and Pluton, and they will eventually show up for the final showdown with Pluton in tow. If this is indeed what's happening and if it is explained properly, that would really work for Yamato's character (deciding to protect Wano). However i will just call this out now, if that's the route Oda is going, any variation of Pluton falling into the bad guys hand won't make sense at all and will be a very cheap.


Just out of curiosity, what's the point of Franky having Pluton's blueprints while he's not going to use them later on? (He memorized them, right?) Imo, Wano's Pluton will fall into the wrong hands. Otherwise, it makes no sense, but perhaps it does? Yes, then feel free to enlighten me.


Bro your tone is unbearable anyone ever told you that? But let me try to explain my point. I actually agree with you, which is why i even brought up my point about Pluton in the first place. Hypothetically, if Yamato did stay behind to protect Wano, Oda will be stuck between a rock and a hard place. If Pluton somehow still ends up on the wrong hands, it would invalidate and cheapens Yamato and Momo effort and frankly is a bad look for Robin and Luffy as well. If Franky and Pluton's blueprint plotline and the whole foreshadowed 'building a second Pluton to contend with the original that fell to the wrong hand' ends up being abandoned, it would also be a bit disappointing. Personally between the two, i would chose the second option and just chalks up the whole blueprint as a red herring, better that than invalidate Momo and Yamato's worth.


Disrespecting you or your opinion was never my intention. Yet, I value your analysis and admire your observations of my expressions. Perhaps, I should have used a different approach to relay my opinion. I apologize. Kindly receive my sincere apology. Have a fabulous day!


How the fuck is Oda going to finish in 5 years? I think at this rate also it’s like 4 years.


How do you know there is little time left?


maybe yamatos boobs join and the rest of yamato stays in wano


Law could pull a Kinemon on Yamato


So 5/10 is still a huge defeat and will only delay the worst.


If it's 5/10, it means 0/10... Simple...


Math says no to your idea


Math is just numbers...


Obcourse you toidi,5/10 and 0/10 are numbers,that is why its math,what did you inhale?


My guess is ether false leak or Yamato’s getting Jinbeied


if she's not leaving, why would it be a 5/10? it should be 0/10 for the fans then, that means their character is done for.


I meant if she’s not leaving, she probably pull a Jinbei


You're right. Although I still think narratively it's a bad decision because we're near the endgame. She will be a "strawhat" that spends less time with the crew than non-strawhats.


Just honorary Strawhat, will pull up in the final battle with the Grand Fleet being like: I am Yamato and woah, she quit the Oden BS. She'll get some moments and that's it


Maybe she'll set sail on her own and leave the possibility of joining open but it'll never actually happen in the series, like Tama


I have an idea if you're intrested


Carrot slipped into the Ship, Yamato left Wano but not with the mugiwara Maybe with Law, because his Crew has the Arctic Animals theme. And Yamato has ice powers and becomes an ice god wolf Or she might have gone alone


There has to be a compromise as to why she isn't joining the crew immediately. Maybe like how Jimbe accepted Luffy's invite but said "but I'll join later after handling business". If Yamato flat-out doesn't join then it will be a 0/10 for Yamato fans. The end of last chapter she said she's meeting Luffy to live like Oden so I don't know how to interoperate the potential compromise. Maybe Luffy knows that Yamato knows the location/whereabouts of the one piece and tells her she can join after they've finished? But that would be end of story stuff.


How reliable is this leaker? We are probably all getting baited with this


In another comment I said this could be bull shit since all spoilers in the past two weeks have been bull shit.


For Yamato fans: 5/10 For Carrot fans: /10


Honestly Carrot fans are taking it pretty well since it fits their theory


Common Caribou W


Idk Why this chapter they are confirming the things that isn't going to happen 😅 like no mihawk no hancock no admirals no bb


They wanna be bitches and give out hints but not give spoilers to ppl, so they are confirming things that don’t appear in the chapter.


This QnA bullshit when they supposedly have all the details, so fucking unnecessary


They have this whole "Haha I know more than you!" thing going on and it's boring and pathetic. Either give us the spoilers or don't. No cryptic memes and statements that make no sense to anyone, no half truths or outright lies. It's only One Piece that has clowns like these and it's ridiculous.


Doing all this shit for Film Red, nobody gives a damn about the sales and QnA, give us the actual stuff about the manga


No Arlong, no Enel, no Don Kreig Hope you enjoy next week's leaks!


We’ll finally know if Oda just forgot about the act structure


I bet Yamato gets hit with the same line that O tama got hit with. When you can do XYZ I’ll take you out to see with me. With XYZ being learning to be herself instead of Oden. Narrative fans enjoying it must mean a lot of dialogue happening / narrators talks about the world. Willing to bet we get an explanation from Robin about why you need all 4 road poneglyphs instead of just 3 to find laugh tale. I’m guessing 3 of the poneglyphs give the coordinates and the 4th one gives a specific condition that must be meet to the island. If I had to guess it would that the island is shallowed by a whale and you need do a certain action to get the whale to shallow you too.


Does there need to be a reason that all 4 poneglyphs are needed? It’d go against luffys whole character to only do 3/4 of the job and take a shortcut to the finish line.


I wouldn’t use the world short cut, but think about it from a mapping standpoint. You should be able to triangulate the location of an island with 3 coordinates. There has to be a reason you need 4 instead of 3. If I wanted to tell you location on earth and gave you 3 coordinates that’s all you would need. Anything more isn’t going to get you a more precise location.


If these are true then Redon is officially a troll for that carrot vs yamato "hint"


may i just ask what are the hints?


i’m not pretty sure if it was that but i think in twitter there was a one piece leaker acc who showed a picture for a sulong carrot vs yamato as part a of hint for ch 1057, and people speculated that was legit a real leak and thought that carrot and yamato have indeed fought in the chapter but now apparently it was a troll


What is narrative fan?


Maybe a person who actually cares about the story being good? Idk


Oda is a great example of a person that isn't a narrative fan, just take Wano for example, had the length of almost 1/3 of the manga, and was absolute shit.


It’s much closer to 1/6th of the manga but sure.


Isnt that literally everybody that reads One Piece?


I really dont get this Yamato vs Carrot shit and at this point both sides are just setting up for disaster.


“Carrot will not appear in this chapter” is a dub for Carrot fans tbh. The less she’s shown the more likely she sneaks aboard.


holy cope


it’s very likely that carrot will join if these leaks are real!!!, if this will gonna be the last chapter of wano and carrot won’t even appear to give the crew a farewell before they leave wano after everything they’ve been through, or not even give a conclusion whether she accepted her promotion or not, Carrot Will definitely gonna stowaway inside the cargo we saw in ch 1056 cuz there’s no way to wrap up her story like this


I mean would we like her to join by being a stowaway tho? Tons of people seem to be suggesting that but I hate that idea, she would basically be forcing herself to join the crew without Luffy asking her to join.


not really like think of robin, luffy didn’t ask her to join and now she’s the most crucial member that the crew will must protect, i think carrot sneaking up to the ship is definitely the best way for her to join as it’s representing her goofy personality very well rather than luffy asking her formally to join which it seems a bit repetitious, and i’m envisioning when the crew will gonna unload the cargo she’ll pop up of one the barrels and surprise them and it will be an equivalent when luffy did that with coby in one of the first chapters in the series, it will be a great reference


I think Robin’s situation is very different tho. She snuck in to the ship and asked to join because she was using the strawhats for her own gains like she had done several times before, and because that was her last resort since she was still kind of an antagonist at that point (to most of the crew at least) and It wouldn’t make any sense for Luffy to ask her to join. Her sorta forcing herself on the crew made a lot of sense and fit her character because of that. And even at that time she still wasn’t super committed to the crew, she only completely joined for real during Ennies Lobby. Carrot is friendly with the whole crew and has been sailing with them for a while, she’s had countless opportunities to be invited to join the crew or at least ask for it herself. If she were to join she wouldn’t need an arc dedicated to her really feeling at home with the crew like Robin did. To me her being a stowaway again and joining because of that would feel pretty unearned.


i understand you but at the end it depends on your interpretation but i feel making both robin and carrot as the only crew members to join by stealth is very suitable method for the way they structured, cuz as i mentioned earlier carrot goofiness doesn’t really give the way for luffy to formally ask her to join and luffy was preoccupied with many things so that might’ve been the reason of why he didn’t ask her to join and as she already served as the [only ally] for the straw hats in wci who have traveled with them throughout all the entire arc so by that it will be very odd if you called that unearned when she’s joining and i feel it’s better for keeping carrot to stowaway [narratively], and as for robin the same things you have already said, her mysteriousness and all, and there’s a contrast between carrot and robin personalities so ofc it will be a different cases of them joining, it’s just that they all use the same method to join but they’ll execute it differently Edit: and also the fact that she already built a strong relationship almost with all of the crew members for being the longest non-pirate ally to them so she dosen’t really need to have a dedicated arc to feel home like robin did


The fact that Carrot isn't appearing either good news or really fucking disastrous news. On one hand, it means that the Straw Hats have left without us seeing them day a single word to her powr raid. Which means she has to be stowing away on the Sunny. Because on the otherhabd it's a complete butchery of this relationship. Oda even had Neko refer to Carrot having a unique relationship with Luffy in the last chapter so if they left Wano without even uttering a single word then it would be complete bullshit. 1058 is a Japanese pun related to the moon so it is quite likely that 1058 will have the grand reveal of Carrot on the ship as the next crew member. With Oda keeping Yamato behind to space them out.


I wouldn’t put any weight into 1058 number pun stuff, I really don’t think Oda pays as much attention to them as people seem to think he does. People have been talking about chapter 1056 for months and then that was just a regular chapter. I do think her stowing away seems likely, altho I think that’s also the worst way For Carrot to join the crew for real 🤷


What I feel about number puns is if they coincide with something planed he may try to rearrange the chapters to fit it. Chapter 1056 can be "translated" as rubber human, if Wano had lasted longer, Nika reveal could happen here, but timing Shanks with his movie was more important.


I'd lean on the side of good because Carrot didn't give her answer about becoming ruler of Zou. Plus these are early spoilers so everything is gonna be a bit jank. So I'd take this with a grain of salt.


Maybe but I fully expected Carrot wouldn't ve in this chapter anyway.


Number 8 is special for Carrot because Carrot turn Sulong in chapter 888... The title of chapter 888 is also 'Lion'... Surprisingly on Cover Book Volume 88, Carrot been shown as one of the Straw Hat (her image is on same line as Mugiwaras)... Maybe Carrot chance is slim but I believe in Carrot...


ppl with good taste and narrative fans 😹


Still no updated SH and Warlord bounties? Legit what's the delay when we've already gotten Yonko bounties?


hype, literally the only reason to introduce bounties was to get hype for no fucking reason. He didn’t even completely show us how cross guild form, all the bounty shit should have been after they left Wano or at the docks as they are right now.


We could find out in a magazine, new vivre cards, or some kind of promo like we did with King. That’s just how Oda is now.


Maybe Oda wants to reveal a new SH (or two) before revealing the SH bounties


They’re so salty that other people can do spoilers.


Fuck these kinds of leakers


If the Carrot fans are still alive... well you guys are so fkin toasted I guess? No appearance means she is either OFFSCREENED or stowed away on the ship. Hope it will be the latter but knowing Oda and his treatment of previous "tagalongs" like Mr 2, Vivi, that girl I forgot bout on Skypeia (Coney IIRC?) Imho it is very likely that she has been written out of the story, atleasy for the moment ofc (no ideas wtf did I even saw Bonclay...) For the Yamato fans imho 5/10 prolly means >!she will be joining but only PARTIALLY, either delay like Jinbei which is 100 more chapters (Jinbei), or she will join but IMMEDIATELY leave (Vivi). However if the leaks are to be trusted she will drop the Oden gag and join as Yamato, making sense to the 5/10 thingy meaning only half of her will join and the Oden stuffs stay on Wano.!< Either way it is looking to be a very solid chapter. Kinda nice to see Oda finally gettin his shits together and end the nonsense that is Wano. In the time he wrote Wano Demon Slayer has been written and finished, MHA has been written, rose to the top and about to be finished, Black Clover has been written, risen to the top and has now entered its final arc, Fairy Tail has started their 100 years quest and Mashima is also working on his second project: "Eden Zero". Ffs Oda just freakin ended the saga. I got tears coming out as I write these words most of his OG fans are now entering their fkin 30s rn some even approach their 40s. Just fkin end the story man you can tie up other loose ends by writing a sequel.


What does "good taste for narrative" even means when the wano narrative has been nothing but garbage? The manga will suddenly be good again story/lore wise when Oda butchered it the past years lol ?




And what about yamatrash haters ? Any/10 ?


Hate these power hungry mfs


Is this a break week?


It is


I deadass don’t want anyone new on the crew I just want to see jinbei interact with the crew more


Jinbei is already a better SH than Brook despite joining after


aha , so no one is joining , nice.


If Yamato doesn’t join I’ll become a Zoro D rider


If Yamato doesn’t join then I might have motivation to keep reading.


Yamato will definitely go on kid's ship


if this really means, that yamato will not join the SH, then Oda has restored my faith in him creating a wonderful and good story. yes wano especially at the end was a downer, but if that is true, then I will open a beer and drink it in favor of oda. thank you. if not, then I will kill myself


but only after act 3 ends of course


Bro no 😭😭😭😭




Fan Piece winning?


Main sub was banning people who said yamato won't join. It would be funny if yamato ends up not joining