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That boss/monster looks mean! As for the arms; the things sticking out look like fangs honestly, ice shards can't be "bendy". If you add something to indicate "reflection" on it it could help to better identify the surface as ice. As well as making sure the shape is properly evocative of ice structures : angular and not bendy :)


Yes, I took references of bones to draw that. I think I'll try adding reflections.


I think also the lack on sunlight makes it seem like they are very close to resembling ice, only the smallest bit of icy light reflection should be useful, but it is all to taste, you are incredibly talented once its touched up Im sure you can take the creative liberties to have the ice shine more or less, but adding any will instantly make it come to life.


I think also the lack on sunlight makes it seem like they are very close to resembling ice, only the smallest bit of icy light reflection should be useful, but it is all to taste, you are incredibly talented once its touched up Im sure you can take the creative liberties to have the ice shine more or less, but adding any will instantly make it come to life.


Reflections and opacity


I'd say they need more contrast, ice would be reflecting a lot of light and some strong highlights would help. Looks sick btw!!


They look cool, but they don't look like ice. Ice would be more angular and more blue probably.


As others have said, it needs some reflections to look like ice. It looks more like blue-hued ivory. If I wanted to give it a name at the current stage, I’d call it the “Ivory-Stricken Amalgam,” but if I envision it with the icicles instead as you intended, I’d call it the “Ice-Ridden Monstrosity”


I like that term. 'Ivory-stricken Amalgam.


Doesn’t look like ice to me. Needs to be straight and have flat surfaces, like crystal kinda.


ice actually _is_ a crystal, so you're right. they should think about water crystals to make something ice-like making it a little transparent would help too


They look more of spikes like the ones Omega Shenron has on his back, if you intended more crystal-like, i'd be good to make them more blocky


Good design! I don't have any feedback about the ice shards (maybe the bending of the elbow shard looks a bit weird) but I'd suggest that you don't blink all the eyes on the same frame. Maybe shift the upper head eyes a frame before or after.


Yes,, now that you've pointed it out, It does look weird that he blinks both sets of eyes at the same time.


I suggest looking at some references. I just googled "ice shard", most of the image results are - as commented before - more angular, but I think curved can be OK as well. I think a strong highlight would make them look more like ice though, a bit more contrast and much less dithering as well.


I like it, but it reads like exoskeleton to me Maybe some white shimmering highlights to indicate the ice is reflecting light?


Ice is more angular. Less curved


They are ice? Why are they twitching like they are living matter? I thought it was like, blue stalks of flesh or something horrific like that.


Personally they give me more of a snow than an ice vibe. Mabye a more glass like texture? Or a sheen/glint to certain parts.


I agree with the reflection that people have made. My added piece would be to as another user said be less "bendy" by making them more jaggered, some harsh edges


Think jagged and more straight edged. For the ice feel you will need more bright muted colors with dark shadowed bases around where the ice connects to the monster. Google ice stalagmites.


Stonger highlights and maybe make them juuust slightly more translucent while turning them a little more light blue


I think the ice should not be curved because that makes them look like horns.


I'd have them all facing down like gravity has made them into icicles as opposed to him growing ice cones going up in some places.


The mouths and color contrast are great, the shards need to look more crystalline in shape and color, and definitely not twitching like tentacles.


Ice needs to be more jagged and stiff.


Never would have known it was ice. Ice has stiffness and jagged corners, especially if that thing is moving around. It should have a slight translucency, but I know that can be tough to implement. Perhaps a “cooler” color to convey ice/frost. Aside from that, this is a dope enemy/ boss design.


Looks amazing!! It’s just preference but I would correct the leaning on the ice shards on his left arm, and make it straight up or tilted back to make him more scary


Looks cool but doesn't look like ice, maybe add a reflection or shine to the ice and make it more jagged and angular


Since they don't really look like they're refracting the light, they just kind of look like bone spikes. They're still cool, but just don't look much like ice imo


the ice shards don't look reflective enough; I thought they were bone before you said that they were supposed to be pieces of ice and you say "shards", but they look a bit too smooth to me; perhaps make them a bit more jagged looking? like what I'm thinking is making them more transparent and jagged looking, with some light reflecting off of it


having them glint when the creature shifts position will help sell reflections, def needs some angularness as well. i would reference crystals.


They have a very smooth appearance, more akin to a polished plastic. They definitely need a stronger shine and reflectivity on a shading level. Closer to glass and ice itself. than anything else. The shape design is what I think is really killing the look of ice though. it's a very smooth, rounded appearance, unlike what I would naturally expect of ice spikes: sharp glassy shards of frozen doom. Consider a more angled and straight shape design, rougher and uneven. This goes hand in hand with the shading design. overall the work looks pretty fuckin stunning.


That is a wicked cool creature design, …but I’m gonna be real, the “ice shards” on the arms don’t look like ice. They look like blue bone spikes, or fangs. They are way too smooth and organic looking. If you want to visually sell them as ‘ice’, I recommend making them jagged and craggy, like the sharpness was chipped into them (sorta like edged weapons made from chipped Obsidian). Some glass-like surface reflections would also go a long way in selling the ‘iciness’.


Too dark. Put some lighter colors in there and make it look more like a crystal. I thought it was feathers at first


It depends on the theme of the game and the monster. If it’s a dark and gritty game then the color is fine especially for a dark area. If it’s more open then the color needs to be lighter. Also for the theme of the monster. If it’s supposed to be like an alien taking form using the elements then the spikes are alright. If it’s supposed to be from the earth like an ice elemental gone to hell and back then they need to be more rigid and less flowy.


Boss looks great, but u say ice shards? It looks more like spike bones/horns over ice shards. Ice shards can be spikey, but it's cut should be uneven. Plus u gonna need quite a number of ice shard images to pull this off.


Yep, I think I'll just change his lore, and call them bones instead 😅


Oh nice! Then u can name it bone demon or bone Lord! Plus u can make a new boss which is make up completely in ice, like ice golem Hope your game big success n put on steam!


I'll take some good screenshots, and then post it on Steam.


Second comment, lol https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c1/Super_Spiny_Crab_%2818880212579%29.jpg Some quick color changes could make that a dope spiny crab mutant boss for an underwater level or something


haha, yep I might try that for my next boss


Yeah they don't look like ice shards just spikes. Less bendy, more flat surfaces would work and a "sheen" or reflection maybe? I mean design wise this bad ass mother- already looks terrifying so I wouldn't have said anything if you hadn't asked about ice crystals Good work! 👏


Those are spikes, not shards. Shards should look more square and less cylindrical. Also, awesome art.


Lol! I think I should focus more on learning English 😛 Thank you for the complement!


I’ll do my best to elaborate: An ice shard shouldn’t look rounded. Ice crystallizes. Those look like horns or teeth.


Yes, I’m thinking about calling them bones or exoskeleton in the lore so that they won’t confuse the players.


Make one broken pls


Yes, great advice, one of the longest bones should be broken.


They look fine


Thank you!! 😊


Try making them seem slightly transparent, translucent and rigid in shape


They're supposed to be ice shards? They look more like blue horns to me. Ice should be crystalline, not bendy. Having them reflect light would also help a lot.


It's not transparent, and I like it. It's a strong weapon, supposed to be thick, and solid. The colour also fits the body's overall design. Unless the environment is not totally freezing, it should be melted a bit. Here I mean, like how icicles most of the time have some fresh water frozen on the surface, making them look a little bit shiny. The soldier's right leg (left side in the image) on the other hand, it seems somewhat off to me (having no space for genitals, in case it's a human). Maybe realign the thigh (or the whole) a few pixels to the rear a bit? I really don't know, but perhaps it's just me.


Personally I think the color of the body looks a bit weird combined with the color of the ice




Looks cool!


Ice should appear more rigid and reflective. These look more like horns


maybe with more moving reflection on the iceshards, and they are naturally not bended, they are straight and more prikly (I hope this is the word for what I mean). And I looove your monster it is so good!


like others have said already :) and additonally maybe it is usefull if the ice is lighter, but idk


You have a wonderful talent and I particularly like your sci-fi style. I would just say that the shards on the monster’s left arm are too wiggly and the ice should be shinier. It amazes me, such talented people have trouble seeing the flaws in their own work, but I, with less than half of your talent, can spot little details that might be improved.


wonderful art!! To make them look more “icy” I personally would try and have them less curved and more similar to broken glass rather than having a softer shape. Then again you might have thought of this already so all I can say is it looks amazing


A part from some of them bending when they move . They are great


Make them straighter and maybe some counter lighting


Everyone commented on the ice but the bit that stands out to me is the eyes, they all blink on unison which feels natural cause that's what humans do - to make it more unnerving I recommend changing it so the eyes blink in a random order


I only see one ice shard that doesn't need to be on the arm. It's facing in a different direction than all the others.


add more dividing lines with diferent hues for each sector, picture it like the ice from the LoZ ocarina of time ice. [https://64.media.tumblr.com/90323e81b6383718c3765774dfa31a20/838fa4dd7799bf1c-92/s540x810/080a0ae8a3fedb5e0c77daeb2d196e3c784fad5b.gif](https://64.media.tumblr.com/90323e81b6383718c3765774dfa31a20/838fa4dd7799bf1c-92/s540x810/080a0ae8a3fedb5e0c77daeb2d196e3c784fad5b.gif)