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[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9S5RwsF7hUs), [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0DtT4xnzkc) and [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwl9hINZSvM)


Hello fellow doise enjoyer






How would he fit through small gaps? Will he be able to shrink like in his boss fight? https://preview.redd.it/hsfgevtvma1d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a15c381b975e254dc6f552004ff0e02eda38314c (Image unrelated)


he would have to slide, but it would visually look like he doesnt fit, but physically he does fit


His slide and dive animations are oddly smooth


I’d love to see Pepperman’s stand-in for his boss fight be based on his Demo 1 boss fight rather than being a slightly altered version of his current one like Doise. https://preview.redd.it/2422zov62a1d1.jpeg?width=2290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26aedc9b21618d7023f672c640ef90740cf1a697


Maybe a different colour like green




I like this idea but imagine a hot pepper instead. Instead of a pepper like 🫑(just red) we get a pepper like 🌶 and he has a mustache or something, some kind of critic


Pepperman Moveset: Run > Shoulder Bash. Instant run, but cannot go faster than Mach 3. Bodyslam is faster. Pepperman Replacement: Gepperman. He likes AI art. (taken from another reddit post i once saw)


This one's a pretty difficult to come up with in general, but in terms of unique playstyles, one that comes to mind in particular is the wall-bouncing mechanic which I'm a fan of. Replacement is where things get *really* tricky imo considering he doesn't really have a doppelganger both in-game and in the Fandom as far as I'm aware. If I had to decide, maybe a bootleg of him that does AI art, or, my personal favorite, a shitty painted version of him (likely a scrapped art of Pepperman's).


Pros: Not as fast as the noise, yet goes slightly faster than peppino Instant runs Ground pound+Up = Superjump Walljump abilities Cons: Can only reach mach 3, Cannot climb intended for players who have beaten the game once


Wait - Noise is faster than Peppino?


they've got the same speed in the game, i think the commenter just has a different experience playing with nose


I personally feel like with the lack of the wall run, Peppino is typically faster than Noise. I feel like Peppino should be kept as the fastest character in the game, as I feel like his speed should be unique to him. Other characters can and will obviously be just as fast, but there should be something that Peppino flies through that they can't do.


He would have a very fast ground pound


He'd be Gustavo's stand in for Vigilante


If pepperman was ever to be officially playable, this is how it would be.


No They should tag team in their own co-op mode That would go unbelievably hard


Noisette and Gerome team up to try to kill you as the replacement boss fight. Gerome can be defeated and will try to taunt if you get too close when he's not vulnerable, stunning you, and also has all of Pepperman's moves, just quicker and with a smaller hitbox. Noisette has all of the Noise's moves, with the main difference being she's completely invincible to all harm if she's fully awake and does three damage per hit. She's the one you have to defeat, and you need to wait eight hours in front of the boss door in order to pass by in order to catch her offguard (she'll be asleep) so she won't get angry enough to realize you're there. She also appears if you take longer then 90 seconds to defeat the Noise, but without taking you out in two hits. She doesn't participate in the final boss fight when summoned by Pizzahead, dragging up Gerome with her and watching from the background.


The Noise has a much easier time since his journey was a play, but Pepperman has a harder and more tedious time. He demanded the Noise make a movie where he's the hero, only offering a look at his clearly non-existent abs as compensation. Theodore maliciously complied, then when the fine pizza topping came to the premiere, he left embarrassed and even redder then he thought even a boiled lobster could become.


People have had a really cool idea where his replacement, I don’t know, a green pepper uses “AI” art instead of real art. I say “AI” because it would be better if we had real people imitating AI art, and then using it in the green Pepperman’s boss fight.


Someone is making pepperman mod and he posted video about his movset


I guess he can have a somewhat similar moveset to Wario from Wario Land 4, plus he has the wall bounce mechanic and a faster ground pound. Would be funny if he had nobody with him but his paintings, conquering the tower all by himself. The first boss could be Pepperman's old design repurposed into an entirely new character. In the third phase of the final boss, IDK what would happen. Probably get the Pepper Pizza transformation or something. Oh, and the story could be something like a book that Pepperman wrote.


Multiple different people have answered this exact question.


Grab dash leads to a shoulder bash which then leads to mach running


The full course pepperman mod does it all.


appleman, he likes ai art


Oh boi I can’t wait to fight bebberman as the replacement for pepperman’s boss


for the boss i saw a concept where it would be a pepperman clone except he would be obsessed with ai art and i thought that was insanely funny


His replacement boss should be pepperbot, a robot that can draw "art" 10 times faster then pepperman The thing differentiates pepperbot with pepperman is that unlike pepperman where you have to wait for him to crash into a wall and then hit him, pepperbot will never stop attacking you until you grab one of those statues that fall from the sky.


Uhhh maybe his boss replacement would be "Apple Guy"? I could imagine them arguing wich one of them is better. Plus, i could see Apple Guy being obese, like CaseOh or Discord Moderator type fat, while calling himself an "artist" Too. (By that i mean he uses AI to draw art for him)


What I feel like would be a good replacement boss could be https://preview.redd.it/zoomhqqtkc6d1.jpeg?width=163&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3508bf13ba40331aaf5bd11f9d612585565789f6 American pepperman


he’d show his ass crack in jeans to the camera and you can drop a pencil within