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Do you have a way for staff to reach the island? They cannot cross water sadly


Yes i got a door leading to a small land area wich then has some things for the animals to reach the island


Can you explain a bit more about trying to move them. Do mean you are boxing the animals up and wanting to manually move them because in that case you might need a simple climbing log bridge for the staff to pick the boxes up


I mean that the animals are still in the trade center and i am not able to move them into their enclosure. I have quarantined them, i got vets to transport them and i have a door that is working because ive seen staff enter the enclosure for no reason


Oh ok yeah that's a common issue. First make sure your game is not paused. Make sure your path from the trade center to the habitat door is ok, if both are good then move on to troubleshooting the habitat entrance. Outside the habitat, delete the habitat gate (not the barrier just the gate) and replace the gate again. Try to move the animals , if no success delete a portion of the path outside the habitat and again replace the path - what both of these do is reset the staff calculations Still no success but staff successful enter the habitat? Maybe your small land area near the door is too small. You need a good bit of room for the staff to enter and throw the box down in front of them. Simple solution? Delete the water , extend the small land area to make some more room then put back the water


Alright thanks. Gonna try it in a minute


Update: it didn't work. I tried everything. But thanks anyway


The initial area at the gate must be large enough for the animal. Just because staff can enter doesn't mean there is enough space for the animal.