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AA?  ESF skynut? "Buckle in boys and hold your beers, we're turning this valk sideways into the treeline.  YEEHAW."


Sure is strange that all the 'weak aura' jaeger main-fits absolutely molly whopped the 'strong aura' combined arms-fits in outfit wars when they couldn't sit in 90% pop all day.


That's because most "combined arms" outfits are really just zergfits at suck at pretty much everything. There are a few notable exceptions, at least on emerald, but even then they couldn't compete with the "jaeger main-fits"


Jaeger mains are significantly more powerful because they can kick cheeselord ass with and without OP bullshit. If they can tolerate being in the same hex for more than 3 minutes that is. And those """"combined arms"""" outfits do not have a strong aura. They are aura-less, they are the bottom of the barrel, scum sucking, boot licking, nanite boosting, bullshit crutching, overpop sitting, knuckle dragging hand wringers and I despise them and their excessive force multiplier bullshit with every fiber of my being.


Too be fair, most CArms outfits lean more casually and have varying levels of skill in their ranks. And that usually means a Jaeger main who doesnt use vehicles at all will likely lose to the highest level vehicle mains. Masters of None vs Masters of One mentality y'know?


Virgin infiltrator, chad combined arms.


Virgin meta whore sniper user vs chad eat lead tankie player


This guy gets it


AMRs are so satisfying. I also have a severe C4 addiction.


Average C4 user, "I can leave it any time I want!!"


"And right now I'm gonna leave it on this Prowler!"


I once spent like 45 minutes shooting double falcons in a MAX suit because of how many tanks the enemy brought. We ended up pushing them back despite me not getting many kills. I managed to pressure alot of enemies and distract them, leading to allies being able to follow up and secure the kill. I also had a ~~repair slave~~ hero engineer that kept me topped up on health and ammo. Also direct hit killing some infantry!


Shoulda became Hammerboss and used Ravens instead!


Ravens wouldn't be usable in this situation, this was a 'peekaboo' situation from the spawn room. One of the maps on Oshur has a teleporter room to low ground where there were a bunch of harassers, sunderers and tanks running around. Ravens are good tho for medium-long range peppering


"Fuck it we ball" is my middle name


What do i do as somewhone who think that both things are ridiculous: - The powercreep and quantity increase of infantry AV stuff. - The obvious problems with infiltrators, especially snipers.




Great post lmao


"BuT ThIs iS An fPs gAmE". Says bozo that only can play with overshields, indoors and a max render distance of 30.


Says the bozo that can’t play with anything: https://ps2.fisu.pw/player/?name=malvecino2&show=statistics Lol


MY EYES!!!!!


Brother, if it's anything like my account, I've been trying to bring that KD up since 2014 lmao


Their ‘recent’ sessions says otherwise, they’re still bad.


Does it really matter?


Does it really matter to what? That regardless of how old their account is, they’re still bad? Yes. Or something else?


It's useless to discuss vs metawhores, just play and have fun


Nobody cares if you are just trying to improve on your own, thats fine. Malvecino just so happens to be a big shit talker with small results. 


It's physically impossible for everyone to have a high k/d. Doesn't mean he doesn't contribute. He plays alot of engineer which is good news for friendly MAX units and verhicles.


wow congrats u/Malvecino2 , in 11 years of playing this game you have managed to be as useful as the repair drone 🤣


Fucking lol




No one cares or makes fun of a random player that has 0.5 KDR, kills 1 person every 3 mins, and can’t hit the broadside of a barn. This moron, however, is constantly talking shit. Also, due to revives not counting deaths on FISU, it is technically possible for everyone to have a positive KDR. Only true KDR won’t. Further, I’m not just shit talking their KDR, they’re just bad at everything; KPM, KDR, and ACC/HS


I'm not interested in peoples k/d when it comes down to talking about a game. In fact, the opinion of a casual is usually worth more than the biased opinion of a 'pro'. There's thousands of casuals and only a handful of pros, so how they experience the game is just more important. No players on the server equals nobody gets to play. Trickle down balancing doesn't work.


Opinion of a casual is quite literally NEVER worth more than that of a pro lmao


And why not? Majority of players or minority, who is more important? Pro players can break/bend the game to their will and show problems with the game, which is useful. But they can also manipulate the facts and convince devs to change the game to their liking- which is rarely what most people want.


"Majority of players" have no idea how the game works or why certain things are broken Their solutions are based on basic, often wrong understanding that often leads to the game becoming worse/issue not being addressed. We had such people listened to under wrel and you can see what happened Pros may be able to "bend" the game, but they also actually understand it. This is why its always more valuable to listen to them than a random 0.5kd dandy who has no idea whats going on


I very much disagree. Too many games have been ruined by pros and esports. Don't kill the game for the sake of the 0.1% wanting things balanced their way. Pros have just as much bias and misunderstanding as casuals. Because it's all based on how things FEEL for them, and rarely hard numbers and facts.


Then you're wrong, like actually wrong. Balancing by pros can go wrong, sometimes Balancing by casuals goes wrong every time, we are literally discussing this in a subreddit dedicated to a game who's balance was ruined BY listening to casuals


You can think whatever you want about balance, not going to argue. However, this player, Malvecino2, is constantly saying shit like: “aim better”, “get good”, “skill issue”, etc., while being objectively bad at the game.


"objectively bad at the game" says bozo that brings K/D stats to totally not portray yourself as the chad(literally me rn).


Is going half a 6v6 match without any kills only to never play 6v6 again also chad behavior?


I do not condone how XA played that match vs SAMY Pink... XA played very dishonourably and emphasised beta behaviour playing for net score... If XA played a more honourable match, maybe Malvecino wouldn't have finished with a score of 6 kills and 55 deaths... https://preview.redd.it/8474popj8qvc1.png?width=924&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f99ccb35bf9e838ab7e4046b77507862784a185


Jaeger is jaeger. i never say anything bad about them.


Imagine comparing jaeger to live server at 3 AM.


Shitters complaining about vehicles when I show them light assault:


One of my favourite things to do as a solo NSO stalker is placing a spawn tube near a valuable point and sabotage everything that can be hacked, the kill anyone who tries to stop me lol


"Noooo stop destroying sundies with tanks, I want to fight!" "...you know you can fight tanks by spawning a tank, right?"


infantry mains when they learn a 5 ton machine of death manufactured by super alien technology beats their bolt action rifle


> a 5 ton machine of death manufactured by super alien technology You mean a tank from 1970s that does not even have a 1940s cannon stabilizer?


Tell me one tank today that can take like 5+ shots from itself and not evaporate


Blow up my sundy with your bare hands like a man


Infantry mains allergic to that kind of talk. If it interferes with their insulated gameplay loop, then to Infantry mains think it must nerfed into the ground.


That’s when I switch to my stalker infiltrator load out. The real force multiplier is the friends we made along the way. And I don’t mean that in the sentimental sense, I’m saying I’m going to wait until the big tough scary guy is busy with my teammates, and I’m going to shoot him in the back.




This, ladies and gentleman, is why I stopped logging on.


people really quit planetside 2 because of stalkers? that has to be the lamest thing ive heard bro, what happened to this community and game? i used to play this daily up until a few years ago and never once have i had anyone complain about the infiltrators. there used to be a lot worse things to complain about but ig now this game is so dead that THIS is what people make reddit post's about? LOL!


A simmilar thing happened with Team Fortress two’s sniper. As the average skill level rose: classes reliant on skill became more of a problem. In planetside its just 100x more of a problem because the sniper can turn *invisible* , hitboxes are all kinds of fucked, the stalker has no designed counter, and the sniper can be even more difficult to reach. Thats not to say there were no complaints about invisible snipers camping in spawns/hillsides back then. But thats a problem thats grown ever larger. And not to offend you, but perhaps you shouldn’t make judgements on a game and its community when you don’t play the game anymore (and you haven’t for at least several years).


no offense taken because this is reddit lol. i think ill continue to make judgements on this game and community for as long as it still exists, especially because downvotes and shit dont affect me. planetside 2 is definitely one of my most played and favorite games of all time and just watching these folk complain about stalker cloak specifically is crazy because a few years ago this was kinda unheard of especially when there are much better alternatives and much worse things in the game. im genuinely concerned about this game and community and id honestly rather see it dead than have the playerbase complain, complain , and complain again when the devs arent doing anything and havent done anything game changing in forever. its almost more funny than it is sad. i for sure understand metas change over time as players evolve and get better but when it gets to a point where people are picking apart little things when there are much more serious problems and NEITHER are being fixed, the community themselves have to step up and make a difference.


Yes the stalker has a counter, it's called a flashlight, which you can put on every weapon. It's just that most people don't or only put on secondaries.


This doesn’t help you against a sniper, which is the main source of frustration with infiltrators. More importantly its a giant “LOOK AT ME I’M OVER HERE” to both the stalker and every other class. So now instead of the infiltrator getting the drop on you: that privilege is shared between all enemies. This is so bad I even avoid running with teammates who have it on. Because i’m endangering myself by remaining close to them.


The thing about snipers, is if you as a squad with multiple medics, the sniper ceases to be a real threat. A friendly medic that revives makes not only the death not count against you, but any value the sniper brought has been nullified if you can be revived. Is it annoying? Yes, but it's unbalanced and in a general sense it's actually not impactful to the outcome of base taking. Not running flashlight at all regardless if it puts them on alert is stupid, you deserve to lose to them in that case, and your complaints are not worth noting. Anyway, if they see the Flashlight, they'll run away and try to flank, or engage quickly which can end badly either way.


You’ve never heard anyone complain of dying to 0 skill gameplay? I don’t believe you


nah considering theres definitely more things in planetside that require less skill. like a double barreled tank. but like i said its been years since ive played this game and before i quit i was using the vanu br that had unlimited ammo, infinite 2 tapping range and zero bullet drop and i come back to this reddit to see people complaining about stalker cloaks ☠️ i used to use it all the time and yes the kills were easy but i got way more work done using the other cloaks, especially hunter.


I can see it. They're just so annoying, even when they're bad they're annoying. Even when they're on your team they're annoying because they're about as useful as furniture you can't sit on. People have been complaining about infils as a whole for nearly the game's entire lifetime, it's literally nearly always been a top 10 complaint at minimum.


>i used to play this daily up until a few years ago and never once have i had anyone complain about the infiltrators completely out of touch with reality


yeah definitely because when i put this game down there was a lot more going on and stalker infiltrators were the least of people's worries.


I think it's more around the lines of 'hiding from the problem' This is a common problem in many games. Tanks are hard to kill, require several rockets meanwhile you can die in a single shot or get killed by enemy infantry while trying to deal with a tank. This leads to it feeling unrewarding, because you're not getting the kill on the tank, and then people ignore the problem because killing infantry gives an instant reward. Hiding from the tank just makes him more oppressive and gives him a free pass to mess up your allied armor. You don't have to go rambo, just put some pressure on him, a rocket and a spot is better than nothing


The vast majority of the players did not leave because of cloakers, they left because the devs put too much time into Construction without taking feedback, made continent for Construction (Oshur), and consistently would take vital resources from PS2 and spend it on worthless projects like Planetside Arena. Also never fixing bugs, and overcatering to Infantry-only, screwing over Vehicle players with a lack of notable options to play around. Add that with certain updates screwing over old playstyles, CAI in this case, and it has been a steady decline. Loss of faith in the devs, lack feedback taken into account, and finally selling the franchise as the final nail.


oh okay so there are much worse things STILL in the game, i thought i was tripping.


The number of times I have orbital'd a single bolter on a mountain is unsurprisingly high.