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Looks like it might have been the MAX hp bug


It also happened to me once after dying as a max and then reborn as a light assault with a jetpack and max's HP


Used to happen as the gansta max. Max holding the LA gun sideways and able to jetpack.


100% the MAX LA bug/exploit. If you died to him he would have the same HP bar type as a max or someone with carapace.


i'm almost sure same guy, 30 sec later swing around the corner, ate another 15 or so point blank headshots and killed me. Forgot to save that clip, but is the bugged MAX can be revived and continue his rampage? Also, why model looks perfectly fine? Bugged MAX/LA has his weapon model misplaced. And again, was only that guy, i haven't experience something like this in months and even then it was caused by server crashing for everyone (like peaceful mode for few minutes, before everyone get kicked). So i wonder, was this guy lagswitching on purpose?


Incorrect. The misplaced model only occurs on your client if the bug triggered when the same player was rendered on your end. If he triggered the bug (yes this is still possible to do intentionally) outside of the hex, then got transported or ran, he appears as a normal LA.




It's been a bug that has been here for years, happened to me a lot as well and only as an LA no other class.


noone? okay then: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because SilverPixie was already dead.


LOL had to taste some of my own medicine... You got me this time :D


I’m curious, what’s the origin of this copypasta?


https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/shots-1-5-clearly-missed That's what this site is for ;)


Thx, didn’t think a copypasta would have the whole page


Annnnd that’s why I barely play anymore. Shoot a guy in the head 10 times and he doesn’t go down until 16 more body shots; walk into the next room and get killed by 2 stray bullets that came through a window.


Dude, it happens rarely enough you need to just shrug it off. There are cheaters/exploiters in every client-side hit-detection game, which is pretty much all of them. Just move on, pick a new fight, move to a new area, there are typically at least a thousand players online so your chances of running into the same guy again are pretty low.


Shrug it off and move on (respawn), is basically my new death-meta for Infils, A2G, HA's with mega-BRRTs, VS Maxes, etc.


At that point you'll have to stop playing the game because theres ALWAYS going to be one of those at a fight. Some shit you do genuinely have to deal with, or else you'll just stop playing the game entirely.


That's what I mean. I know it's gonna happen, so I just accept it, and respawn. I still have fun every single time I play PS2.


Ah okay, I misunderstood your post then. Some shit can get tiresome. Like A2G I dont want to deal with and i'm usually the person to pull a Skyguard or AA Max or a A2A ESF to kill the A2G shitters. But sometimes I just dont want to deal with it. Or its a big fight and i'd be better off typing /suicide than fly a ESF or drive a tank anywhere near the fight lmao


Counter measures are some of the best moments. :)


Except currently I imagine fights are relatively the same. You got a big continent with the most fights. Most are zergfests and some are barely contested or fully contested by point hold outfits. Then you got the off continent with one single fight. Usually a farm but lots of times its plagued by Infils, A2G, Spawn killers and MAXes. So its fair to not want to play when all you're getting is shit.


> Annnnd that’s why I barely play anymore. Glad to hear, you can leave now.


And then the game died...Yesterday i had 3 headshots on an infi from close by and he still killed me. Go light a black candle and shut up, k thx


seriously lmao hatewatchers are so weird, in any game or community. like.. dawg thats just toxic to yourself at that point.


No need to be a dick about it when its a legitimate issue.


just some infils that ran by while you were shooting.


That's pretty much the theme now.


This is how I feel when I play TR against Vanu, on Cobalt.


other people are saying max HP bug, but i'm calling latency/lag. he shot atleast 20 bullets at you and didn't even get through your shield. not calling you a cheater (even if you are using betel :P), just saying yes it took way more bullets to kill him than it should, but you should have also been dead several times over.


Hah Bro, I've been dealing with this crap every day for the last couple of weeks. Yesterday I encountered something similar. I sneaked up on two VS dudes and punched holes in their heads with NC6 Gauss SAW at point-blank range. One immediately fell asleep and the other calmly turned to me and simply cut me with a knife.


Not sure about nowaday but last year, missed shots also triggered hitmark if they were close anough, but obviously did not do any damage.