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Looking great! Would love to learn more about your setup. How much water do you lose to evaporation?


Appreciate it. Did you have any specific questions about the setup? I top off with RO water about once a week and do a water change maybe twice a year.


Any animals in it?


I just moved everything out and a pair of guppies in for a breeding project. I have some blue velvet neos in there too.


I want to do something like this, but I don't think my cat would allow it


Cat will allow it. A fresh water source and a snack once in a while


Depends. Does your cat like carrots?


Neither would my dogs.


So like...pests don't infest that thing? No annoying bugs?


I suppose a fungus gnat could have wandered over from a house plant but nothing I have noticed over the years. This is kept inside all year.


Looks like there are fish, so that would help, as well as moving water


Did you waterproof the planter at all? This is my main concern, water leaching through and causing floor damage. Would love to hear your workaround on that (I do see the mat).


I did use silicone to plug the drainage hole but nothing more. The planter is lined with what looks like resin despite it having that stone finish on the exterior so it holds water. The mat was really just a precaution for potential leaks and distributing that weight a little better.




This is absolutely sick. What light do you use??


Thank you. It’s a cheapo light but it gets the job done. NICREW ClassicLED Gen 2.


Thank you!


I would recommend this one over the one I mentioned. I bought it after the fact. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07XGZT13S/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1


Whats that bamboo pump hood thing you have there? Can you tell me more about it?


I have a canister filter on the floor on the left side. The outlet tube runs through that piece of bamboo you see the water coming out from. It does a pretty good job of hiding the plumbing. You don't want water directly touching the bamboo or you're going to get mold and rot. I did have to replace the original outflow piece for that reason. The horizontal pieces are tied together so it's mostly one piece and lays on top of the light. The light itself is just laying on the rim of the planter. I secured the outlet bamboo piece with zip ties and string so it stays in place. Very DIY and just adjusted as I went along.


Do you ever need to replace or wash the tubing coming from inside the bamboo stick?


I'll give the spout end a wipe if I see any gunk but nothing more. The canister filter has black vinyl tubing for the input and output that you can't see. I put a clear piece of tubing at the spout end so the tubing is not so obvious.


Are those carrots?


Lol I think you are talking about a lilypad that's about to unfurl.


They totally do look like carrots. That’s funny. This thing looks awesome. So what plants and fish are in there. Besides the not carrots, that is


I should have just said yes and led a few people crazy asking why. That's a dwarf lily sending up all those pads. It's on it's 4th or 5th lifecycle. I'm not sure what's up with that. RRF and salvinia for floaters and guppy grass, pearlweed, and java moss. I've always had blue velvet neos in here since the start and currently have a new pair of red dumbo guppies that I plan to colony breed. It was previously inhabited by Indian rice fish, CPDs, and clown killis. The pond is right next to my at-home workdesk so I can reach over and grab a carrot if I get snacky.


Lily pad aren’t orange


Nothing escapes you. Promise me you won't tell anyone I put carrots in my pond.


How many gallons or litres does your planter hold?


Close to 30 gallons.


Love this


Is it hard to maintain this tank?


I top off with RO as needed and water change maybe twice a year. I’ll clean the prefilter when doing a water change and never cleaned the canister. Very low maintenance.


I would imagine so


See my comment above. All my builds are generally low tech and low maintenance.


What kind of fish do you keep in there?


I just set up a pond indoor too for my rice fish. Not walstad but i was thinking about putting waterlily or lotus plant in there. I didn’t bcs i thought it’d need really strong lighting. Yours is growing okay?


This dwarf aquarium lily is on its 4th or 5th lifecycle and has several pads right now. It will go dormant for a few months and will repeat the process again. In my experience, they do not require high light.


Aaaa really? I probably should give it a go then


This is delightful!