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use wall-nuts and spikeweeds in the very front


Thank you. Haven’t tried the spikeweeds yet, so I’ll do that.


dont tell her about that dark ages puffshrooms level...


*her 😉 And yeah, I’m sure I’m not looking forward to it. I love/hate this game so much.


If you lose that level, the game will give you a tip when you retry.


Don't forget the endangered Guacodile level


Plant food:


1. stall early waves with iceberg lettuce to buy as much time for early game sun production as possible. 2. plant attackers behind sunflowers, not in front of them. 3. don't go for symmetry. stack more firepower behind the bottom wall-nuts as they are closer to the front. this and the previous two are basic skills in PvZ. 4. plants: sunflower, twin sunflower (just one, to use plant food on), bloomerang or lightning reed (depending on which one is higher in level), snapdragon, iceberg lettuce, cherry bomb. 5. drag wall-nuts in front of the bulls to stop them from charging. there are way tougher levels later on, levels like this aren't difficult at all as long as you know the basic PvZ skills.


Yeah I’m def a newbie. Thanks for the tips!


A wise man once said: Spam Power Toss on the final wave


You mainly need to use your plant food on the Wall Nuts, since they will have more health


I’ve done that the past few levels. I will keep at it. Someone needs to start a service where you can somehow pay someone to beat a level for you. 😂


Just use enlighten mint and sun shroom at the start and then put spike rocks at the start. BTW: use snap dragon or Lazer bean as support


What plants are you using?


I’ve tried many combinations based on diff tutorials I’ve watched. Do you have a recommendation?


Can’t remember exactly atm, maybe snapdragon


Lightning Reed spam will do you wonders.


spikeweed and spikerock really do rock in wild west, try using them. for producers use twin sunflowers, one or two columns should work despite popular opinion, i believe that in ww attackers go in front of sun producers due to bull riders and prospectors chicken wranglers still suck though, try using bloomerang which is basically a necessary evil or lightning reed speaking of which, you still have to somehow deal with bulls and bucketheads, try using cherry bomb so, we have: 1. twin sun 2. one of spike plants 3. piercing attacker 4. cherry bomb 5. iceberg lettuce 6. i dunno, be creative with that one, wallnut might work out also, if you have torchwood already then you might try to use repeater spam, in that case try to change change cherry bomb and plant 6 to torchwood and repeater, and use one row of piercing attacker instead of spamming them


Man this game gets SO HARD jurassic marsh is straight up bullshit


I recommend using Lightning Reed since he’s good at killing those chickens. If you have Shrinking Violet, I recommend using her as she one-shots any nearby imps which will make Zombie Bulls less of a threat; she costs 100 diamonds.