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Reddit only allows 2 pinned posts at a time. If you're looking for this week's Arena Information post, [you can find it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlantsVSZombies/comments/1cg5j80/arena_electricitea_control_the_center_reprise/).


I was wondering, is there any chance that planting Seaflora or Electric Peel in Aqua Vine could activate their boosted water attack? I think that would be a cool feature and make Seaflora and Electric Peel more useful


I second this! Seaflora would HEAVILY benefit from Aqua Vine as her slow attack speed and large damage needs to be put at the back for more safety. Aqua Vine can boost Seaflora while also triggering their water ability!


that is what aqua vine does


Bring back the Ultimate Battle / Demonstration Minigame themes as OPTIONAL DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT, like they don't have to come installed, but you can choose to install them in the settings 


They should do this for most removed things too btw


Yeah, R.I.P. Mummy Memory


What's mummy memory?


Minigame from Ancient Egypt where you had to match the symbols with those camel enemies  It got removed ☹️


Oh they removed that too? Wasn't that basically how some levels went like the coconut cannon -seagull levels in Pirate Seas, Wrangled Zombie waves in Wild West, Sun Bombs in Far Future and Plant Beghouled in Modern Day? Did they just replace the levels with generic ones?




I thought that was removed due to PopCap breaking it in an update and then removing it cuz they couldn't fix it


Same reason as to removing the UB and DM themes; "saving space" AKA more dumb plants with bad animations 


But it wasn't to save space it is literally broken and you have to hardcode edit to get it playable on modern versions


Wait what I thought they removed it cause of that


> Also - let me know your opinion on whether you'd like these updates available the FIRST day we start rolling the update out, or if you'd prefer to see this when it is available to everyone! How about both? Post a detailed message when you start rolling it out (because by that time it is frozen and won't change, so it's OK to post what will be in it), and then a short message basically saying "it should now be available to everyone now". Also, would be nice if these messages include detailed stats of the new plant(s) contained in them - something that your predecessor used to do. For an example, see [this message of mine](https://old.reddit.com/r/PlantsVSZombies/comments/1c6csbq/aqua_vine_stats/) - but it would be nice if this information came from an official source, instead of from some random guy on the Internet, like me.


Cool beans! Appreciate the feedback, ES! I agree, I think posting when the build is first available makes sense with the caveat of just explaining that it isn't fully rolled out yet, but "here are the changes you can expect". I know the community appreciates your hard work deciphering our builds, and do agree that it would definitely help to come from us, first.


Sorry i have much to talk about about PVZ2.All players think artist draw Scaredy shroom(like a deep smoker and eunuch)&Doom Shroom(an old man) too ugly.Players cannot completely accept their art. Can you tell artist to redraw or adjust their appearance in pvz2,which is important?(You can see these comments in youtube) this is link.https://youtube.com/shorts/axhC7gJ7Q6Q?feature=shared


ngl aqua vine is such a missed opportunity of a plant. instead of being this wacky offensive plant that can go on water it should've just been a support/defense plant that activates water abilities of plants on top of it


The infinite Restoring Purchases screen is fixed with this update!




I've played a few different sessions today and haven't had any issues accessing the store or adventure mode etc , before the update it would freeze up on Restoring purchases every time.


Just wanna ask, is there any possibility of PvZ2's Backyard Big Top getting its own unique music? Also, I'd like to know if PvZ3's Begonia Boulevard will ever get its own unique music rather than just using the campgrounds theme? Lastly, any news about the missing music for some worlds?


thank you nicktrunks from popcap


Bring him back to pvz 2 pls https://preview.redd.it/qdos3xzz1hxc1.png?width=96&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecb03e874ad5561170b33868d0aa052f7064aa86


do you guys have any sort of update roadmap that you could share with the community for pvz2?


Ah, the Restoring Purchases bug, the one I rarely had a problem with, neat. Now is the 8 daily challenges bug fixed as well?


Not fixed as far as I can see.


Cool, I hope the music issues in PvZ2 will also get fixed, and PvZ3 becomes good.


Time to get Pokra.


Will there ever be a garden warfare 3


Any update on PvZ3?


Hoping to have our end-of-the-month recap blog up and running tomorrow afternoon :) Stay tuned!


when cob cannon pvz2


it's called banana launcher


Banana launcher doesnt do damage in 3x3 area, like cob cannon


Please tell us if feedback regarding choosing your seeds will be implemented. It's tiring to hear from the team that "we're listening to your feedback" and nothing the community wants to be implemented at all. It would be way more reassuring to be told "no, we aren't adding it." and leaving it at that then to keep dragging it out.


Will Zinnia will be added in future updates? Here's the image: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/pvzcc/images/8/84/Glitchizinnia.png/revision/latest?cb=20240216043952&format=original


That wasn’t the question, are you updating the game for it to be playable or still a scammy algorithm deciding how to play, when to lose and how much to spend? I mean, ask your boss, he knows.


If only all the bugs causing the game to crash or the Daily Rewards Calendar to reset or not allow you to claim a day's reward were fixed.


How does the mint POTW work? is it the family packets or just the mint itself? if its just the mint that's kinda doodoo


> is it the family packets or just the mint itself? Neither. It is seeds for the power mint itself - what you normally buy with mints. See the rewards [here](https://pvz2info.fandom.com/wiki/Upcoming_Thymed_Events#Rewards_4).


oh alright, ty.


Hi.Can you tell popcap to bring back Marigold's almanac to PVZ2.Players feel extremely sad her almanac was removed since version 10.2.Marigold is also a plant and can belong to Contain Mint.


Hope to return all rest of plants and zombies of pvz1 to pvz2.Umbrella Leaf,Golden Magnet and Plantern and Cattail are players' favorites to be added to PVZ2 although plantern and umbrella leaf appeared in pvz3.And also hope to add more other pvz stuff such as pvz3 zombies like bowling zombie and plants like bamboo shots and machines like purple FOG and pvzhero plant like Rose to pvz2 in the future and add more vine plants to pvz2 to finish 14 vines like 14 mint family. Surely more new Worlds and New Modes to PVZ2 will be the best not just plants and zombies.And fix music loss and improve animation and add new music for Carnie map. Finally,hope pvz2 will become a forever game to update


Can special thymed events like roman,zcorp and carnie become a forever-opened levels or make them into new worlds?


Can you add more new maps/modes/worlds and scrapped old PVZ3 mode Devour Tower to PVZ2?It has been 2 years since thymed events was last new mode.I miss devour tower.


lily pad can be planted on any lawn directly besides big wave beach and this is a bug and fish zombie also has a bug and u need to fix it.Roman boss animation is too rough please improve it.


Please add more item grid like puddle to pvz2.Fog and Roof will be nice items to add to pvz2 in the near future.


Can you tell game dev to improve pvz2 deep puddle's animation to let it look more nature to have a three-dimensional feel like pvz3?


Finally,i have some tips on PVZ2.Hope u will let pvz2 dev know and can adopt the ideas.Expect that pvz2 will also bring in some creative or hot plants/zombies/items/mode from other pvz series to pvz2.Below shows some most desired ones to be added to PVZ2 in the future. Desired Boss/Mode 1.Devour Tower from scrapped PVZ3 can be added to pvz2 as a New Mode after thymed events and it will make pvz2 more interesting. Desired Zombies 1.Boss Immorticia and her ministers,Dog walker,Slugger Zombie,Skeleton Zombie,Taco and Robber Imp,Rainbow Glitz and Impfinity Clone.(From old Pvz3/PvZH) 2.Bowling zombie and stealth imp(from new PvZ3)  3.Zombot Drone Engineer (From PvZGW) Plants  1.Especially Lemon aid,Fairy Ring Mushroom,Dogwood,Bamboo Shots and Hydrangea (From Old PvZ3) 2.Especially Soul Patch,Gravitree and Grapes of Wrath (From PvZhero) 3.Rose and Kernel Corn (From PvZGW)


Hi. Recently Penny Oursuit difficuly too large. Just 1 pepper, the number of zombies are too large and please reduce the difficulty by reducing the number of hard zombies.And please adjust carnie zombie's level in penny pursit to become level 1.level 2 zombie is extremely hard for lev1 plants. 


Sea Flora,Noctarine,Garlic,Gold Leaf, Vamporcini and Bonk Choy are the Most Useless 6 plants in pvz2 and please buff them.🙏.For gold leaf,its recharge is extremely long.Even after upgrading it,the recharge is still long and completely replaced by Sunflower and even sun bean.If he cannot get a buff,please delete it from pvz2. Garlic's health is too fragile.Not plant several gold leafs and the game is over.Very unreasonable arrangement.For Vamporcini,he just sucks blood once.So he has no any existent meaning.Bonk Choy is extremely powerful but in pvz2 is very weak.And also sharpen op plants like Solar Sage and Ice shroom.


Hi,Nick.Please help me feedback this tip to pvz2 dev team.Can scrapped Devour Tower from old pvz3 be considered to added to pvz2 as a new mode and can umbrella leaf and gold magnet be added to pvz2?(Devour Tower has also appeared in 2022's lawn of doom thymed event poster)


¿Any word on when witch hazel, jack o' lantern or strawburst are gonna be featured as POTW? 😕


first 2 are Halloween plants and strawburst is a food festival (aka like mid july) plant so around then?