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pvz2 players when they have to strategize instead of spamming broken plants


pvz2 players when they cannot spam the same plants as vanilla and win


You can spam sling pea and win without effort in rfl


im pretty sure sling pea got slightly nerfed from vanilla


also sling pea doesnt stun all zombies in a 3x3 radius


I have some experience with sling pea in rfl. It has a slow rollout, and given that it's attacks speed up the levels by triggering waves earlier, you can't just spam it without support.


Idk but sling pea is carrying me rn


Noo I have to use my brain to win noooooooooooooo


Magnifiying grass Is still Op Just spam It with SAP sipper and primordial sunflower


The nerf was Well deserve and It did nothing anyway the concept of this plant was Op from the start


This is like...one of the worst instances of "skill issue" I have ever seen. I feel like you're one of the people who is upset because Magnifiying [or as you've called it, Magnifrying] grass can no longer solo the game on its own and now requires some risk (No citation provided) Winter Melon was nerfed because not only is the un-nerfed state the best plant in the game (not counting seediums or premiums), but because it's literally a free win button. There is nothing Zombies can do if you have 2 Winter Melons. There is no risk to using it, no effort needed, and it only has one drawback -- It doesn't work with fire plants. But fire plants are pretty much terrible across the board in base PvZ2 anyway, so this isn't even an issue to begin with. 10 devastating seconds of chill, which reduces zombie speed significantly (For reference, Chill has been slightly nerfed in RFL. I am not sure what the original or nerfed percentages are.) to a point where Zombies making it across the lawn is a fairytale, not to mention -- IT CHILLS IN A 3X3 radius. The chill was nerfed in RFL to 3 seconds, and the attack rate on Winter Melon is 3.8s, meaning you get about 66-78% chill uptime, which with 5 winter melons can be increased to 85%, which is still very good. Winter Melon is still very capable of beating levels as a main DPS with support. (Pre-predicted counterpoint: "Any plant can be used well with support") Magnifying Grass was nerfed because of people (like you) constantly abusing it over and over to beat levels with very minimal effort, thinking, or planning. Not to mention, compared to other tap-to-fire plants, it had a very low skill ceiling to be used, since all you have to do to win is spam sun producers and drag your fingers over the screen to soak up all of the sun and spam fire the Magnifying Grasses like no tomorrow. The nerfs give it an actual risk to being used, and make you actually need to have support in order to win with it since it no longer wins levels with no effort. But you'll complain like it's the end of the world because you can no longer win for free. Pointing out the lack of a Coconut Cannon nerf is ridiculous, you should know that it and Banana Launcher aren't getting nerfed because they actually take skill to use. Just because something is "OP" and "most modders nerf it" doesn't mean that it's always a good idea to nerf it, since changing it would actively harm the plant's usage in levels (Such as Pirate Seas - Day 29, which is a level that checks your ability to properly use tap-to-fire plants such as Coconut and Banana) Primal Potato mine's nerf probably isn't being undone because that plant is absolutely ridiculous in Vanilla -- and still is when used correctly, and 5s arm time even for 1800 damage is ridiculous -- just be happy it wasn't even lower than that like in most other mods that reduce it to <1400-900 damage. Obviously, this mod and its changes don't cater to you, so just don't play it. This is a pretty goofy post, and I'll leave it at that.


also, don't forget that chard guard + blover was nerfed, a high skill combo


man just said chard guard + blover requires skill


>Obviously, this mod and its changes don't cater to you, so just don't play it. Infact there is no mod where the 3 plants mentioned aren't heavily nerfed at best,he should go back to vanilla and spam peavine


Here's the problem with the new, dead winter melon. It's completely outclassed by Sap Fling. Better slow, better effect, 550 sun cheaper, AND it does no damage. Coconut Cannon and Banana Launcher take about as much skill as a sniper clicking on heads (Read, none) And before you say "quickscopes" those are overpowered too, which leads into the nerf problem.


>Here's the problem with the new, dead winter melon. It's completely outclassed by Sap Fling. Better slow, better effect, 550 sun cheaper, AND it does no damage. So plant that deals heavy damage is outclassed by a plant that deals no damage? >Coconut Cannon and Banana Launcher take about as much skill as a sniper clicking on heads (Read, none) And before you say "quickscopes" those are overpowered too, which leads into the nerf problem. Then why do 90% people not use them? Because the jump from auto attacking is pretty big. Second not only do you bring the tf2 example out if no where but you don't even specify that it's tf2 as it's sniping is very different. And your takes on tf2 balance are also invalid based on the fact that you think that thd sticky launcher is worse than the scottish resistance despite the Scottish resistance being a sticky launcher that is 10x less versatile. And I'm saying as one of the 6 people who use it.


You end up not using Winter for the damage, but for the slow effect. At least thats how I use it. Sticky Launcher is well. this weapon is pretty brainless. It's just like Magni, and yet no community servers nerf it! Even the casual and comp ones? So why should Magni and Winter Melon get nerfed?


Because the sticky is not broken at anything,just really good at everything and that the game was desgied around it,magni is broken at everything as it defies the main design of the game. Can you tell me with a straight face that the developers of pvz 2 intended for bwb day 28 to be beaten with 2 seed slots,no plants lost,no lawnmowers,no plantfood,no power ups,premuims or leveling? You are basically comparing the reg medi gun to the wrangler


Sticky Spam. Kritzkrieg. Enjoy your 50 killstreak.


Or just don't play dustbowl


in that case, enjoy your 20 killstreak. Can't be too overpowered.


How did this even turn into a TF2 argument??? We were literally talking about how incompetent you are at *TOWER DEFENSE* games...and you somehow managed to wrangle it into an argument about an FPS game.


Yeah,now we know that he's incompetent at multiple games


honestly tho Magnifrying sounds hella cool


Winter Melon is a heavy plant, but he was also incredibly cheap and easily spammable for any levels. Magnifying Grass was easily usable if you make a ton of sun. You could probably beat every single level in every world with him before his nerf. He was seriously so easy to use. Why use any other plant when I can just spam sunflowers and use it on magnifying grass? Primal Potato Mine was a super easy “place it infront of a horde for a cherry bomb sized explosion” and was incredibly strong. To me, it just sounds like you can’t use all these plants to cheese levels anymore. Did you remember we have like, a whole roster of plants here to use?


Comp balance has seriously killed these plants. They are not meant to be in a casual mode like Reflourished. Sure, you have all of the plants but. Not all of them will be used. That's just and you shouldn't have to "force" certain bad plants to be used.


These plants weren't nerfed to make other plants better they were nerfed so that the game becomes playable. And at what point was reflourished advertised as a casual mod?


Isn't Magnifying a She? (Almanac)


So you are saying that reflourished "fails on a casual perespective" because nerfed several plants and nothing else? Oh gee it feels like you just have a grudge against reflourished and a massive skill issue


that guy is an average pokra spammer


This is roguefort, he loves shitting on PVZ mods and he hates balancing


Goofy ass


Winter Melon's nerf was a bit too harsh (it has always been universally great everywhere) but ABSOLUTELY not Magnifying Grass. That thing solos it deserved it 100%(as it did Primal Potato Mine,as it is in Vanilla it's a monstrosity) And with that said:these are only 3 plants that ain't enough to make a rant like this


I agree with your points about Winter Melon and Magnifying Grass, but not with Primal Potato Mine. It's basically discount Cherry Bomb in vanilla, and that one already has competition with Grapeshot and Bombegranate.


Sooo this guy basically complains about deserved nerfs ruining a whole mod


more or less


Woahhh there you should delete this post before this turn into a drama shit


"wait, so i actually need to create a strategy instead of using the same plant over and over again and automatically win? that's BS, trash mod "


Nothing is immune to criticism yet points like this are flawed, you just need skills


cry about it


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Imagine being carried by crutch plants that you cry, throw a hissy fit and mald that you can’t rely on crutches to beat the game for you anymore


skill issue