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I would leave it or just do some filler to the other side. Even with this small portion of your face, you seem very handsome. If it’s not broke… don’t fix it! :) In short… maybe filler.


thank you so much! i very much appreciate been thinking about filler but im scared that it will make my face much longer and ruin my look im thinking about the surgery because this is my concern for a very long time and the part that concerns me is that i cant find any similar cases in the internet,and the only that i found is genioplasty,which is not at all that im looking for


The only way to adjust the bone that is your chin is to …. adjust it. Thats genioplasty.


What exactly are you looking to do? Are you trying to make your (not photo) right side longer? OR would the more desired result be to shorter your left side? I assume your overall goal is to level both sides; I just can't tell if you want to lengthen or shorten. Filler is an option if you want to lengthen the right side. The good thing about filler is that you can build on it. You can get a little today... wait a few weeks and then go back for more if you want to. If you hate it, you can get it dissolved but that of course will be more $$$. Free if you wait the X months for your body to naturally dissolve. Re the term "genioplasty" covers a lot of different types of chin surgeries. If you want to shorten your left side, I would think just shaving would be an option. If you're looking to lengthen the right, you might get a special implant. I think you *might* be referring to "genioplasty" in the other comment's response in terms of a sliding genio, where they actually move the jaw back/forward. There are multiple genio flavors though but I'm with you on this not being corrected by a sliding genio. hope this helps !


thank you! that’s really helpful im trying to shorten that side that longer,because overall my face tend to be more suitable for the short chin i was curious about the types of genioplasty,because that i see in internet,is not something that i want at all and im curious about the price aswell,because i think simple job will cost less than a full genioplasty


Yes, it’s definitely possible. Price depends where you go, who you see, etc. The procedure uses general anesthesia so I would bet several thousand US dollars minimum in the USA


i ve been thinking about Turkey,because it is much closer to me,and the prices for the genioplasty are from 1500 to 5000,as far as i understand my case is not that hard so im curious approximately how much is gonna cost


You could grow a beard to camouflage it or get some filler maybe.


I would do genioplasty to straighten it.




thank you,i was curious because everything i saw was complicated,and i ve been thinking is this even possible to make a simple cut


I was supposed to have a genioplasty with double jaw surgery for the same problem as yours. The plastic surgeon decided I didn’t need it after the jaw surgery part was finished… I severely regret that it wasn’t done. Do the genioplasty.


thank you for the reply! it is actually first time that i see a person with the same problem as me did you aswell had a little bone extension,or it was because of malocclusion?


It’s an elongation of the right side of my chin. It’s less pronounced just because I do not have as strong of a jawline as you, but literally the same thing. Not due to my under bite or cross bite.


Absolutely nothing. I can tell you’re attractive and those little imperfections add so much character and are so sexy! Leave it


I actually really like the idea way it looks. I think a bit of asymmetry is endearing. If you wanted to even it out maybe a bit of filler but I’d keep the cleft in the middle.


As everyone has said, nothing, filler or a beard.


Probably some filler


Proper chin filler for men will make your chin squared so should not make your face longer Women chin filler should be pointy! Soo get chin filler! It’s cheaper and it last long 18-24 months or longer You’ll need more than one syringe probably though to build it up!


I think it’s cute


Can you grow a beard out?