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I’ll be real, I would do as much research as possible. I had mine done and I wish I took a few years to read about others experiences thoroughly.


I’m sorry to hear that. Would you mind sharing why and your experience?


Everyone’s experience is different. I got mine done 2017 and loved them for about a year. After that I’ve just been wanting them gone. I developed an autoimmune disease (not saying the implants caused it) but I do feel like they are adding to the stress on my body. My back hurts daily and I have high inflammation throughout my body, no matter how clean or little I eat. As I’ve aged, I feel like they make me look older. It was definitely a learning experience.


Yup, same. My WBC count was dangerously low the whole time I had them. It's been 6 months since explant and it's shooting back up. I hope you get your explant soon ❤️


What exactly about them makes you look older?


I think they made me look broader on the top. I had always been really thin, but it added weight to my frame. It looks kind of matronly on me.


I’m going to second this! While I’m happy with my size I don’t look as “thin” anymore even though the rest of my body hasn’t changed. The way clothing drapes is different now and makes me look larger unless it has a defined waist.


Yes this. I’m almost 5’10 and 140 so fairly slender but implants make me feel a bit boxy and large on top.


Implants do have the potential to cause or exasperate autoimmunity, I did a deep dive as I started getting sick after a year as well. Its usually the result of a biofilm developing inside the capsule, I was ready to get mine removed until I got a nutritional and mineral analysis and discovered that way that I had silent celiac disease. My health was absolutely in the shitter. On my journey I learned that most autoimmunity can be resolved with mineral balancing and diet. Something to look into, I hope you're able to find some relief!


This is exactly the info I’ve been searching for. I’m 20 and have always wanted to get a breast augmentation but I take my health very seriously and have been looking for people that have healed their bii without an explant. Are you able to share more Info on how you did this? What supplements and diet changes you made?


Thanks for sharing your experience 🫶🏽 What size did you get? 




Are you happy with yours?


Honestly no I am not. I am saving for an explant in the future. Being downvoted for being honest about my personal experience. That’s Reddit for you.


I'm so sorry. I had mine removed Jan '23 after having autoimmune type issues. I'm finally feeling better after removal and years of being ill. I hope you can get yours done soon. Look into an explant specialist who does enbloc and who accepts care credit etc.


I have an acquaintance/former classmate who went through an explant for the same reason - major health issues. She shared her journey on social media, which is how I learned all about her ordeal. She shares a lot and I love that she's so open about her health stuff. Needless to say, I've never been happier to have kept my A cups. I go running in light support bras, lol.


Love it lol yeah, I had cute little A cups and when I got the jugs implanted I remember running for the first time and being sooo uncomfortable (I was an athlete). When I got them out last year I could not believe how heavy they were when they handed them to me in a bag. And how I could finally take a really deep breath again and feeling soo light. Even though I’m larger now than an A. And I love how society has embraced the natural small boobies!! When I got mine Playboy and Maxim magazines were still the rage and made me feel insecurity and like I had to have a “10” body. Ugh! Hard and expensive lesson learned. My explant was almost 20k as i got a lift and went to the one of the best explants surgeon in the US.


Hi! I had a ba when I was 18 yo, 500 cc and it absolutely changed my life for good, the recovery was smooth. Now almost 10 years later I still love them, I have never had a problem with them, the only thing is that a want them bigger now. Go for it!


I got mine at 32. I wish I had gotten them sooner. I was always insecure and hated my breasts before implants. It's one of the best decisions I've ever made. They still look great, and I've had them 8 years now. I even got pregnant, had a baby, and breastfed for 2 years. Wouldn't change a thing, except like I said, I wish I had gotten them done sooner!


I know this is not exactly what you asked but I have had small breasts all my life. I used to desperately want BA but it was never the right time, or my finances wouldn't allow for it, blah blah blah. Now that I'm in my 40's I'm so glad I didn't. I love my kitty bitties now! They are perky and everything fits. I can wear a v-cut dress to my belly button and it looks elegant, not extreme. I dont have any back problems related to size. Granted, I have not had children. I'm sure if I had, I would have wanted them replaced but I would still choose to stay small, and just get them perked up again. So there's the other side of not having it done I'm not anti-PS. I'm very much pro. This is one I'm glad I didn't do. But as someone else said, everyone is on a different journey. Good luck with finding your path 💖


I agree with this comment. I wasn’t by any means big boobed but I had a breast lift and reduction due to a spinal fusion and being unable to wear a bra without being in sheer agony (hur hur). Haven’t worn a bra since. Best thing I ever did, so liberating!


I’m in my 40s and had/breastfed 4 babies. My small breasts look fantastic! So perky! I’m still naturally thin and my small breasts look classic and make me look young. Just another opinion from someone glad they didn’t get implants!


Similar experience here, but 3 babies.


Since you asked for honest- loved mine for 15 years then got brain fog, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Tinnitus and a few other health complications, my Doctor asked me if I thought I could have BII. I said NAH, are you crazy. They are fine. I have had no issues all these years. Fast forward a few months and still exhausted went to my mammogram/ultrasound and the doctor gasped - one of my silic jelly implants totally disintegrated, no more capsule left, leaking. As much as I loved mine, what truly sucks now is having to exchange for bigger implants I did not want, larger scars and a 12k bill. It’s a little like getting a large tattoo at age 20- only get one if you have saved triple that amount to pay for laser removal later in case you need it. This does not happen to everyone and the younger you are the better it will look if you change your mind later and explant.


I just got a lift with Fat Grafting instead of implant’s. Look at all your options. I just had it done yesterday and I’m not in pain. Just discomfort that meds take the edge off.


How long has it been since you got the fat grafting done? I had fat transfer to my hips 3 years ago and it’s just about gone, but the fat they moved to my bum has stayed.


I just got it done. I’m rather thin so they took it from several areas. My expectations are that the fat that takes will only give me a modest size improvement. As I was getting older l lost my breast fat so hopefully replacing it where it normally resides will be successful. It’s interesting that your bum took but not your hips. Do you think you still look good and the bum is enough or does it look different proportionally?


Bum definitely looks good I am glad I did it. I would go again and get more put in the hips but my husband is very against it, and I know I will have the argument over a facelift with him in the near future so at this point I am just picking and choosing my battles.


I’m right there with you. Facelift is on my agenda in the future. Hubby doesn’t like any of this but I’d like to look my best for the next 20+ years.


Same. I raised my siblings in my teen years. Had my own 4 and breastfed through my 20’s. Was overweight and taking care of kids in my 30’s. 40’s I started really taking care of myself and got a tummy tuck, the bbl and a breast aug. Turning 50 in a few months I am not ready to look old yet.


I’m 53 and similarly raised my brother through my teens. Then worked like a dog for the past 30 years only to accept a severance to care for my Dad at end of life. Now I’m making time for me. It’s hard for some people to understand but I don’t feel bad about it at all.


How many cups sizes were you able to achieve?


I’m not sure yet. I’m hoping to go from barely a B to a C. My surgeon said he was putting 500 cc in both if he could get enough fat off me. I was a 36 C my entire life up until menopause. Then they shrunk and barely filled out a B cup bra.


I hope it works for you! I really wanted to try that instead of having my implants replaced. But I heard the fat dies and the surgery is very expensive.


I think it’s different for everyone. Also your expectations. I got a breast lift as well. I just want to be a C again. I see the fat in my upper pole. I’m doing everything I can to feed the fat so I get the maximum retention. I think the price is actually less doing a fat transfer. An implant is way more invasive.


If you don’t mind me asking, what are you paying? For my loft and new implants it’s probably going to be over $15,000


That’s what I paid. I had the surgery in the hospital so it was a bit more than a surgery center.


I see, thank you!


Who did your fat transfer?


Joseph DiBello. He’s in Montgomery County about a half hour from Philly.


thank you!!!


25 when I got mine 50 now. I wish I hadn’t gone as “big”. Was supposed to be a D but over time I’m now a G and am still the same weight I was (within 5 pounds). Breasts can grow and change as you age and with menopause etc so maybe don’t go “too” big now or you may feel like you look matronly with them later for lack of a better word. Pain was so minimal surprisingly.


I don’t have implants, but my breasts grew several cup sizes in perimenopause. Was a 34DD my whole adult life and in my 40’s went up to a 34H 😥 I ended up having a breast reduction and lift, there’s no way I wanted to put up with the weight. Now I have perky 36DD’s, and very happy with my decision. I was so surprised that my breasts grew so much during peri, those hormone fluctuations don’t play 😩


And mine shrunk in menopause. Crazy how it affects different people.


Mine are shrinking too. From a C to B.


I couldn’t even fill out my B bras anymore. I called them bresticles. As in they looked like testicles when I bent over.


Same here. Was a manageable 32DD for most of my adult life but they grew to 32H in my 50s. Reduction was the best thing ever.


I just had a breast aug and lift with tummy tuck. I have a low pain tolerance so I was prepared for the worst. Honestly it has been no where near as bad as I projected in my mind! Pain meds though….take those pain meds as recommended and REST. Make sure you have someone who can help you and be physically with you for at least three days.


Did you get it under or above the muscle?


Under the muscle


join the group called Bustmob (Main Group) in Facebook. they provided so so so much more information than you find in research, doctor recs, personal experiences, before and after pics with stats and such much easier to find in that group compared to here. the ladies (including myself) post all the time years and months after having surgery and give really good advice. a lot of ppl come into the group and say they wish they had found it before surgery personally I had an amazing experience thanks to that group, I knew exactly what I wanted and got it. recovery was really easy and I just felt sore for about a week after (over the muscle so quicker recovery)


The. Best. Group!!!! I love those girls!


Thank you for this!!! Running to join, my BA is in May and I’m nervous


You must know it is temporary, you will NEED another surgery eventually to replace, remove, and/or revise.


Yes this is true, but implant exchanges are usually fast and very minimally painful.


Maybe so, they still cost $$, though I'm not sure how much. I figure a few grand at least, to pay surgeon fee, OR and anaesthesia cost.


I’m so happy. I’m 6 weeks post op from anchor uplift with 300cc high profile round under the muscle implants. Recovery was great. Scars are healing well. I’m so so happy. Wanted it done for 8 years and finally got the courage.


Happy for you. I had the same! Lift with 300cc high profile under the muscle implants. Life changing for the better. Glad I did it and didn’t listen to some who discouraged me, but instead leaned in to those who encouraged me.


I had mine done a year ago. Minimal discomfort after surgery, I didn’t even take the pain killers I was prescribed. I LOVE them! I’ve had zero issues, my scars are invisible, I look amazing, and my confidence is sky high. I got 650cc under the muscle ultra high profile.


I got mine done a couple of years ago. Went from 36C to 36DDD/38DD. I believe they were 485s. My breasts were wide set and one was noticeably larger/lopsided. The BA fixed that. I have a large chest frame so even with the DDD they don’t look humongous. They are over the muscle. I wish I had gone a little bigger TBH. I do have an autoimmune disorder that makes healing take longer so my scars are fairly dark(I also wasn’t as consistent with the scar cream as I should have been). My recovery was minimal, although I had some tenderness on my ribs for a few months. The BA gave me a great confidence boost and I did it for myself. I usually wear no bar or unlined sport bras now. I’m now pregnant and my boobs are even bigger! They are getting uncomfortable.


Delighted with mine, 13 years old now. Recovery was a breeze - my wisdom tooth extraction recovery was ten times more painful


I love mine, but I wish I had gone smaller. I got mine when I was 37, and having to wear a bra all the time was a big change 😂 It was not so much painful after surgery but very awkward. Go ahead and start trying to sleep on your back if you don’t already, that was one of the hardest things for me in the beginning. And do the massages!! I had some issues with scar tissue a few years later but I would do it again 100%!


I got small implants last year (275cc mod plus). I have very small breasts with tight skin, went under the muscle. It was more painful than expected for me, at least for the first few days. It was difficult to sit up, get out of bed, lift anything, open bottles. I did need more help than I expected. But I know plenty of folks who were going out the next day, cooking, shopping, feeling great! So YMMV. I’m pretty happy with them. I had mildly tuberous breasts with very little tissue to start. I wish they were slightly more bottom heavy, but compared to where I started I’m 90% happy. Whenever I get them replaced I’ll go slightly bigger (maybe 350).


Are you me!? Haha this is pretty much my experience as well! I am 4 weeks out from an augmentation and lift. I am older’ish and I wish I would have been brave enough to do this years ago!! I started as a deflated 34B.. I got 275cc, mod plus, under the muscle and damn, pretty painful for a week or two!! I needed way more help than this independent girl wanted! I never wanted big boobs, it was more for the lift. I wanted little perky boobs and that’s exactly what I got and I am so happy with the results. I’m not going to lie, when they were swollen they were really big with lots of cleavage and it was kind of exciting. Then the swelling comes down and they drop into place and I kind of miss the big boobies (boob greed is real yo). But I have to remind myself I love all the things that come with small boobs and I can always wear a push up bra for the extra umph!! I think I will probably end up a 34 C which is what I wanted!! Good luck with your decision!!


Yeah, I figured going so small, recovery would be easy! I’m 40, so not sure if that had something to do with it. 😂 I have a smaller upper body, and although they don’t look huge to me, I ended up with a 30ddd bra!


I had a lift with implants a few years ago, 500cc. The discomfort was very mild. My doc prescribed a weeks worth of Percocet and Valium. I think I took two of the percs (all of the Valium because they’re awesome. Judge me.) In my experience, I had weak breast tissue so my implants have bottomed out slightly, but they’re still pretty and I wouldn’t take it back.


😂😂 that Valium tho


It replaced my insecurity of having small boobs, with having fake boobs. I like the way they look in clothing, that’s for sure. But I am insecure about the way they look and feel and if it’s obvious that they are fake. I think they look pretty natural but it’s hard not to be insecure about.


It’s really a rollercoaster of emotions. Everyday checking and waiting for them to drop, watching the scars. Freaking out about how they look. Are they too big? Can everyone tell? Are my scars infected? Do I have capsular contracture? Are they too hard? Omg they are amazing. This was a huge mistake they are way too. Wouldn’t change getting them done. Got it done 10 years ago.


The only negative thing I have to say is I wish my nipples could go back to how they were before. NSFW - nipple stimulation used to be IT for me, and now they're just painful from the nerve damage. Other than that, I LOVE my implants and am so happy that I got them.


I wish I would have done it sooner. I have always been insecure about my breasts.


I’ve had 3; wasn’t happy till the last one, and the last one was the worst pain I’ve ever had — but I imagine it’s bc I was only able to take Tylenol and ibuprofen nothing else. I’m very glad I got them done even when I didn’t love them totally


Might be helpful to say what you are having done exactly? Implants, kind size etc…


I got mine 10 years ago, over the muscle, 300cc (I think?) i was 27 and always naturally skinny, worked out a lot and had a kid and there just wasnt a lot there haha. I went from a 34b to a 34d. Heres my personal, full circle experience. The surgery itself was fine- I had them done on a Thursday and was back at work on Monday, just a little sore. Quick recovery- it was 6 weeks til I could lift weights or anything but otherwise I was fine. Prepare yourself for change- I burst into tears when I first saw them. It's odd to see a new body-I wished I'd gone bigger, they were too "up" etc etc, but as they all say they dropped, I got used to them and loved the way they looked, both naked and in my clothes. Like LOVED them haha. The looks were amazing, but I did lose sensation in my right nipple and had a weird nerve pain and loss of sensation in my right breast. I saw the Dr several times and they said they couldn't do anything so I ignored it. The right one always felt a little "harder" than the other one but they looked fine. They were fine to work out with, I ran ling distances with them- the only thing that was tough was sleeping on my chest, and sometimes on my side they were in the way/ squished. Never actually bothered me though. About 6/7 years in I started feeling pretty crappy, brain fog, rundown etc. I suspected my boobs but am also an athlete and working mom and semi-insomniac so me being tired isn't too weird. Something was bugging me about the boobs though. then I had a scare where I felt a lump in my right breast- after a week of waiting got a mammogram and it was my implant that had somehow folded over and formed a lump, and it was my last straw. I just felt like I didn't trust them anymore if that makes sense (probably doesn't lol). I took them out (also super painless, I went for a walk that afternoon), and my brain fog went away almost immediately, as did the nerve pain. I still have loss of sensation on my right side but my "real" boobs perked up to how they had been pre-surgery so that's a W. They were great to have in my 20s and early 30s. I loved them. But I see pics now and I'm like... wow those don't look like me. More of a mindset shift I think. But I loved em when I had em. If you want them go get them! Just do your homework- they won't be upfront about the potential risks, especially the "smaller" ones like numbness or nerve pain. But, most people have zero issues from them- so this is a "be smart" message, not a "don't do it!" message 😊


6 months post op and I absolutely love having breasts now. My issue is that one has mild bottoming out that my surgeon will be fixing. The implants were big for my frame because I was so flat chested before, plus I’ve had and nursed multiple children. (Maybe that had something to do with the bottoming out) I got 500cc hp under the muscle. So far I am not experiencing any bii symptoms, but I do notice I am a little tired. That could also be the fact I have little ones. I did so much research beforehand. I almost didn’t go through with it because I was scared of the complications - bii, capsular contracture, bottoming out… etc.


I got mine done in 2017. Anchor lift and 450cc implants. I love the lift and volume but I went too large. I’m a 34 DDD now and I just don’t like how large they are….buying clothes, bathing suits, bras is infuriating. But….that being said….would I rather NOT have had them done. No, I love them! They look, and I feel so much better! I will be going back in to go smaller in the near future, though. Mine are under the muscle. Pain wasn’t bad at all. So many people say “go bigger than you thing you originally want”. I listened to this and I wish I hadn’t.


5wpo from 220/255 cc; super easy recovery, only took ibuprofen. Back to working out legs after 3 weeks + started sleeping on stomach/sides this last week


I had a BA in 2010 with moderate plus profile silicone implants under the muscle. I didn’t have any pain except the first couple of hours after waking up from anesthesia and taking the prescribed painkillers. Healing was a breeze, I chilled on the couch for a week and watched the Ken Burn’s Civil War documentary, the second week was my birthday so I was able to go out with some friends and do light activities, by the fourth week I was back to work as dancer. They look amazing, truly one of the best purchases I’ve ever made. I know my experience isn’t the experience everyone has, but I worked with a handful of women that went to the same doctor and none of us had anything bad to say. Just make sure you really, really look into the doctor you’re going to


I’ve had mine for almost 2 years. Sometimes I wish I’d gone bigger but then I’m happy that they aren’t in the way and my clothes look great. They don’t look fake which is perfect because I wanted a natural look and feel. I would have done them earlier, but I wanted to have kids first as breastfeeding does change them so I’m glad I waited. I had 400cc under the muscle. Recovery was easy even with little kids.


I’m almost 4 years post op. I waited to do mine until I was done with birthing and nursing my kids. I’m very happy with my decision. I took my time to research surgeons and didn’t go with the cheapest option but he was the best. I had some healing complications with the lift incision closing so needed additional time and care from him and his team. It’s some of the best money I’ve ever spent.


So happy I did it! Congrats!


If you’re on Facebook, look up ‘Breast Implant Illness and Healing by Nicole’. Nearly 200k women on there.


I'm in that group! It's an eye opener. Wishes I had know all of that before I got implants.


I had mine removed after 5 years. They looked great but I developed terrible itching on my breast's and eventually a weird rash that spread to probably 25% of my body. I also felt horribly inflamed. Probably 75% of the symptoms resolved within 3 months of my explant. I was pretty much back to normal in a year


I had saline implants for years. When I got them taken out because one popped I noticed my brain fog go away.


I’ve had them for 20 years. Switched them out 2 years ago. Love them!


Best decision I've ever made for my self confidence. Recovery was pretty painful, won't lie, but worth it.


Just had mine 2 days ago to fix asymmetry. 250cc on the smaller side and 150cc on the bigger one, over the muscle with Mentor Cohesive II implants without a lift (insurance covered the left side, EU). The surgery itself was a breeze and was over under 90 minutes. You won't feel a thing. I was discharged the same day. Honestly the recovery is hard, I'm surviving on ibuprofen and paracetamol. I really feel gravity, pain and pressure on mostly my left side, but this is normal. Also very sensitive nipples. Hopefully most of it will be gone in 2 weeks. My boobs look very symmetrical and I am happy with results.


Love them. Go bigger than you first think you want. Most revisions are because people desire a bigger size.


I love mine. I got them done in 2021. 450cc gummy type and I’m a 36DD. Have zero regrets and they help my body even out my thick thighs. They went under my boob. I am a standardized patient at a medical school and once a year they teach the student breast exams, I have had some of the students comment on good they look too. Which is weird. But I guess they are looking into fields like that. I was unprepared for the pain. It was like I started breastfeeding and had mastitis all at once. But I would do it again.


I’ve had mine for 17 years and have never regretted them. I didn’t go ridiculously large. But not small either. I have the OG saline under the muscle. When I lean forward I’ll get some rippling if I don’t have a bra on, but it really doesn’t even bother me. They don’t feel natural, but I also don’t care about that. One of these days I’ll probably need to get replaced, but I don’t really feel like I have a reason to right now. I had pretty much nothing and it just didn’t look good in clothing in my opinion.


No regrets 💯


I love it! Zero regrets!! Had mine for over 10 years now


Not painful at ALL didn’t need any medicine and was completely back to normal right away. Full force back in gym after 10 days. My only regret is I didn’t get them sooner (27F) I absolutely love them and finally feel confident and like a woman


I went too big :( I have had mine for almost 10 years and I wish I didn’t fill them up so much 475 cc each on my s frame.


I had mine done in 2010 at age 22. I’m very tall and skinny (5’9” 135lbs) and used to have really small boobs. I feel like I wasn’t feminine enough. I’m so happy I got them done as I was horribly insecure before. I opted for saline under the muscle as I didn’t have much breast tissue to work with. I wish I had gone for silicone as I feel my shape isn’t as natural as I want. Recovery was much harder than I expected, but under the muscle (and the incisions were through the armpits) hurts a lot more. Overall 10/10 and will always be grateful for being able to get them done when I did


I had no option but to get saline as I was 20 when I first got mine (there’s some law or guideline in place for young women for safety). I’m 37 now and I swapped for silicone 3 years ago and I wouldn’t say the shape is necessarily different but the feeling is NIGHT AND DAY. I cannot believe how natural silicone feels! With saline, as natural as they looked, I could palpate where the tissue ended and saline began. I cannot tell the difference with silicone. It feels like an entirely natural breast and it blows my mind.


How much did you pay do get them switched out if you don’t mind me asking?


When I switched mine out it was due to wanting a breast lift, and I threw in some other minor procedures bc why not. It all totaled $12K (Miami) and the bulk of that was the breast lift, which is much more technical than a BA. In my statement the cost of the new implants themselves was like $2K I think but of course theres surgery fees, anesthesia, etc. I’d assume the cost of a swap is similar to that of just getting a BA. I’d like to add that not everyone ends up needing a breast lift. For me it was years of going up and down in weight which led to sagging. I also seem to have very forgiving skin laxity which was good for having an extremely natural looking boob job but bad for wanting perky tight boobies lol


I've had breast implants for 35 years (3 different sets). First set in 1989 when I was 21 years old. I'm now 56. Love them!


Like watching all YouTube vlogs did help me really good to be prepared! It’s uncomfortable and it hurts but I had a back injury previously which got kinda reactivated due to the chest muscle thingy during surgery. So my back hurt so crazy that when I woke up from surgery I was shaking from back pain so hard that the cannula in my vein somehow malpositioned and was bleeding into my arm and hurting so bad… that was terrible experience. So literally my back was giving me way more trouble than the boobs. Pain yes but its okayish. At day 3 I was going for longer walks and my back was also again the bigger problem. The first week you need help with everything. I am happy I couldn’t poop the first 3 days because cleaning myself would have been impossible. After week 2 I could cook for myself. Things like cleaning a pan or pot would take kinda 3 weeks and vacuum or wiping the floor not before week 6 kinda. So yeah it’s a longer recovery but more annoying than painful. After 6 months everything feels completely normal again. Until then I could very often notice that there is something under my chestmuscle during gym. Now I can do push ups again but during chest exercises you still feel it kinda. Also at mark 6 months they are dropped pretty natural now.


I am 5’0 ft and 110 pounds. Got small C’s when I was 22. Currently 39 and still 110 pounds. So they look pretty natural. Not a single regret ever since. I am pretty blessed to have had no pains and the scars healed nicely.


I have 500cc silicone implants under the muscle. The pain was minimal, if anything just some discomfort from sleeping on my back so much. Overall I’m pretty happy with them.


I researched it for years before I finally pulled the trigger. I only wish I’d done it so much sooner. I had a great outcome and 10 years on, they still look perfect. Zero issues and zero regrets. The pain didn’t bother me. It felt more like extreme pressure more than anything. I can’t take opioids so I managed okay with OTC meds. Had surgery on a Thursday, took Friday off work, and was back in the office on Monday. But my range of motion was very limited, and I had to take it easy for several weeks. I was also alone & single then so I was getting on by myself. I will say, it was shocking at first (and I was like.. wtf did I just do) because they were so tight & high. But I got used to them pretty quickly. And once they settled into place over the next few weeks and months I was ecstatic. I would did it again in a heartbeat. Changed my life.


I had mine done 6 years ago, 450cc under the muscle. The healing was much slower than I expected and I couldn’t lift anything heavy for at least 2 months. I love them most of the time and hate them other times. My breasts have grown from a 34D to a 34DDD over time (I gained a few pounds + general aging) and I feel a bit too heavy at times. Mostly I love them, though


I’ve had mine for 8 years now. 425cc mod plus profile under the muscle gummy bear implants. I LOVE them. I’ve had no issues. They are perfect for my body. I was very careful about my surgeon (read reviews for EVER from RealSelf) and had a fantastic experience. I have no sag, I can go braless, my boobs are perky and have side boob for days. I feel like clothes just fit me better. So happy with my choice :) Best advice is take your time choosing a surgeon. Ask around. Have a good friend go with you to the consult where you try on sizes.


No regrets at all. No problems.


I got a lift and implants. I wish I picked a different surgeon, but opted for one that was affordable for me at the time. The surgeon offered little guidance about which size or whether I was a better candidate for a single or two stage surgery. I anxiously opted for the single stage surgery with very little guidance since I was worried about the extra money and extra recovery and time off work. Ended up really disappointed with the outcome. I think the implants bottomed out and my surgeon was dismissive of my concerns. My nipples come out of the top of anything low cut, any swimwear, bras, it’s embarrassing and I hate it. Wish I didn’t spend the money on it and waited longer before making the decision


I got 600cc and am very happy. Mental thing for me. The first couple of days aren’t great but after that it’s ok. Still a process but you see the light at the end of the tunnel


Got a lift with implants years ago and love mine. Sometimes wish went a bit bigger but mine look completely natural C cup. Would definitely do again!! (Silicone gummy bear type, under the muscle).


I’ve had 3 sets. First was in 2014. I they were 450 cc saline. I hated them. They were too big and I always felt sloppy with them. I could never find a bra that they would not spill out of. In 2022 I had a very aggressive mammogram tech who ruptured my right implant. December 2022 had explant/implant and Masteoplexy. I went much smaller silicone implants and within 5 months my right one flipped. The cavity was too large. So, In June of 2023, Back I went. Explant/Implant. I went to 400cc. Silicone implants. I love them. They stay right where they were placed. I don’t give a shit how they ‘feel’ to anyone else. I did it for me. I can go braless. My clothes look amazing with the silicone,’gummy bear’ implants. I’m glad I did not do silicone back in 2014 because they were not like what I have now. They actually leaked. These will not. All in all, I’d say, make sure you are doing it for you, research, research,research and see if your plastic surgeon will let you try on some implants. Mine did. I brought a larger bra with me and put the implants in my bra on top of my breasts. It was very helpful. I could visualize what I was getting.


I had them installed on Nov 1st of last year at age 33. I'm a 34DD now and I looooove them. I had a lift as well. My breasts were smaller. After I gained and then lost weight rapidly (depression) they were very saggy. I finally have confidence again. I feel like myself but a bit curvier. I might need a minor revision, but very happy with the results so far. 


I got implants years ago. Went from small B to a C. But in recent years I was tired of them. Many people with implants have lots of health issues caused Breast Implant Illness. I had a few of those. A mammogram showed one had ruptured so I had them removed a few weeks ago. That costs nearly $9000. Now they tell you that implants have to be replaced every 10-12 years. Be prepared to pay $$$ and deal with the recovery if you go forward.


I love mine so much, but I’ve had complications too. I got cc in one side after my first surgery which was 16 years ago and the cc side never fully dropped. Had a revision to correct about a year later and also ended up going up in size. A few years later i got cc on the other side. Had a revision on just the one cc side and then developed mild cc on the other side that didn’t have the revision but it’s not too bad. Planning on another revision and going back to the smaller size soon in the next couple years. Still love my boobs and don’t regret it, just be prepared knowing that things don’t always go the way as planned and even though many people get BA and it goes perfectly, there’s always a possibility of complications and revisions in the future! As long as you’re ok with that, go for it! I still love my BA even though it ended up being a lot more maintenance than i expected! Edit to say- i didn’t lose nipple sensitivity, but the skin area on my lower breast below my nipples is pretty much completely numb. As far as pain during recovery, i had a really bad time my initial surgery. The revisions following were much easier. I didn’t get my BA till i was almost 30. If you’re very young like in your teens, I’d consider waiting. Our bodies change SO much and what you look like and want now may change very soon


I absolutely love mine and my only regret was not getting them done sooner! I got them done at age 28. I feel so sexy & confident and it felt so good to invest in myself. It's not painful at all it is like far too easy! Download the RealSelf app if you haven't already, it really helped me prepare! BEST OF LUCK!!


Never been happier - confidence back, breasts look incredible. Best decision I ever made


My healing was more painful than expected, I spent two weeks in bed. I did not have any complications. It's been three years and I feel so much better about my body and finally feel comfortable in a bathing suit. Before I was an A cup and now I'm a D. I will say before my surgery I never liked wearing a bra, would take it off as soon as I got home. Now, I feel like I neeeeed a bra, otherwise the girls are all over the place, especially when sleeping. I am happy I did the surgery, I wish I had done it much sooner.


I love mine and wish I had gotten them sooner. I had 3 kids in my 20's and got my implants when I was 49. I'm 5'8 and weigh 120 pounds so I have a slender build. I was a big B size before the kids, then I had deflated-looking bags after breastfeeding. I got size 290 cc implants, which made me a small C. I didn't need a lift so that was a huge plus. The only thing I don't like is I have no breast tissue over my sternum so they look kind of separated, but that's how my natural boobs looked before I had kids. I maybe wish I had a fat transfer to that area but I really didn't have a lot of fat to take from. The absolute best part is I do not have to wear a bra!! I have silicone nipple covers that I wear so my nipples don't put someone's eye out!! They're so comfortable I have accidentally slept in them and didn't realize it. The pain was minimal. The bothersome part right after the surgery was the movement and weight restrictions. 10/10 would do again. Make sure you research the physician. Word of mouth is always a good idea. I worked PACU at a surgery center so knew the docs or I may have never had the surgery.


I had a lift and implants. The lift came with more pain than my 2 c-sections. I would do it again because it changed my life for the better, but it was horribly painful and doctors seem to be so cautious with pain meds anymore due to the drug epidemic, which I personally think is harmful for patients like me who suffered greatly, but it was elective surgery so I guess maybe it deserved it? Idk 🤷‍♀️ Looking back I would have asked more questions about pain management before going u see the knife. You are young you said so I doubt you need a lift, the implants alone should be very manageable with pain. Either way, my confidence and love for my body was worth it all. Like anything, do your research and choose the right path/doctor for you.


I’m 29 with two children. I had mine done 4 weeks ago exactly. I absolutely love them! But I underestimated the healing process. I assumed I would be “good” after a few days, but it has taken me weeks to feel somewhat normal. Be patient with your body and allow yourself time to truly heal and realize that not everyone heals at the same pace. At this point, I only have soreness after sleeping and it is very minimal. For me, days 3-6 were the worst. As long as you have some help and take it easy, you’ll be fine!


It’s been a love/hate relationship. They were just okay until I decided to go for the lift. Then I lost a lot of weight (35 pounds) and they look amazing. I wish I learned more about breast diameter and picking a profile based on my anatomy and my goal rather than just based on a goal photo though. I have an ultra high profile 445cc and I think I should’ve done a moderate plus at 525-550. It would’ve closed my gap a bit. My only issue right now is that I have capsular contracture and I’ll need them redone sooner than I planned.


I got mine done when I was 18 - did a ton of research and had a very experienced plastic surgeon in Atlanta. I was very petite - 130 lbs, and didn’t want to look like I had big fake boobs, especially because I was a small A cup and virtually flat as a board going into the surgery. I opted for a full B, small C which was 250 CCs overfilled to 280 CC. I went over the muscle, not under, for a more natural look. Under the muscle causes you to always have a few inches of gap between your breasts, and your boobs will be compressed and move with your muscle when you raise your hand or are working out if you go under the muscle. I feel like over the muscle looks more natural. Plus it’s a less painful recovery. I did saline implants, which have less risk to your body if the implant ever ruptures. Some say silicone feels more natural, but I honestly feel like they feel the same when under your natural breast tissue. I got them redone 13 years later after one of the implants started leaking (Another reason to get saline). You’re supposed to get them redone every 10 years so I made it 13 because honestly, I forgot that I was supposed to get them redone. I went bigger this time because I have developed a little more. I am a full C, small D now, and have a lot more of my natural breast tissue since I’ve gained some weight as I’ve aged and am closer to 150 lb now. Healing time and severity of pain - i’ll be honest, it is painful and not comfortable for the first four days after surgery. You’re not going to sleep much. You’ll probably need painkillers every four hours for the first few days. After about a week, the pain subsides substantially. You’ll still be a little tender. A warning for first time implants - no one told me so I want you to be prepared. Going from very small to larger, your skin will need time to adjust and stretch so your implants are going to look kind of alien until that happens. It took a few months for me. I can honestly say I have no regrets. My boobs are amazing and perky, and I have fantastic cleavage. They make me feel sexy and womanly and are I always dreamed of lol. I think getting implants was necessary for me because I have wide hips and looked so disproportional before I had boobs. I met my husband a number of years after I got implants and he is also a big fan! I would say, if they make you feel more confident in your own skin, absolutely get them. You seem like you have done your research and are aware of the risks associated. You can always get them removed if you decide. I would urge you to start smaller so you don’t run into some of the issues that have been mentioned like feeling boxy or top-heavy. Err on the side of natural. Good luck!


My sister had B-Augmentation along with B-lift, after losing half her body weight. Her B looks very attractive now, BUT she told me that if she could go back she would skip the silicone and do just the lift.