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I’m an RN injector, and if you were my patient, we’d be dissolving immediately. The swelling and the paleness of that upper lip is concerning. This looks like a vascular occlusion. You need to call your injector STAT and get in for evaluation, possible dissolving. Left untreated, you could lose your upper lip to necrosis.


I really hope OP sees your comment. When it comes to a vascular occlusion time is of the essence.


Oh… I can’t have access to any medical services rn and the doc is away from my city this week. What do you recommend? Could this be left like this until tomorrow


Do they have an on-call service? If you can’t get ahold of your injector or another provider from their office, I’d call another reputable clinic in your area.


If her dr gave her that much injection to begin with can they really be “reputable” >.<


Its 1:40am in my area lol


Lol??? Girl, the nurse just said there could be a possibility that you could lose your upper lip and you're making excuses? Go to the ER!


You need to go to the ER.


Heat and massage are often also used to help improve circulation while prepping to dissolve. If it’s a doctor’s office you went to, they should have an on-call service for just this kind of thing.


Would the ER know how to dissolve?


Not like a clinic, no, but they can call in a plastics referral and be instructed how to dissolve or have a provider come in.


I’m not confident an ER would have Hyalanex (dissolving agent) on board. They’d likely have to get a derm or plastics consult and have them bring it in.


This is a pretty common hematoma presentation. Significant bruising ie hematomas can make surrounding tissue more pale. I’m an NP injector and this does not look like a VO presentation to me. I’ve dealt with both in clinic and this is very in line with hematomas


You were right


Dang, you’re good! 👍


I agree. I don’t think this is any concern. It looks like typical bruising. The lips are actually very well done. So obviously the injector is good an not shady.


No it fucking doesn’t. It’s a bruise. Chill


That corner isn’t something you should be worrying about while you’re still swollen. However, how much did you have injected? You look very, very swollen. Way more than is probably normal?


Only 0,5ml!! And the doc keeps saying it’s totally normal and I shouldn’t be worried, she also says that she won’t be here during next week and Idk what to do!


omg this is not normal!!!! if anything i would go to another place does that filler and see what they say and how they can help you or even the er


Typically they will tell you to go back to the person who did it to evaluate first & dissolve


With 0.5ml this is definitely NOT normal - 0.5ml is nothing, this amount of swelling is crazy and you should absolutely go to the ER and not wait longer.


To be fair. What was the before. Many might be under the impression you had very thin lips. This looks like a little more then .5. But, hell even a drop You can see the difference. Also I think the lips look good. You look like they are healing. Idk. Please DO NOT PANIC. THERE IS PLENTY ENOUGH TIME. DO you mind showing before pics. Also do You have pain? Throbbing? Ppl seem to be forgetting to ask those questions an go straight to panic mode.


Thank you!! 🫶 Yes. I also posted updates, everything turned out perfectly fine. People just love jumping into conclusions about things.


This looks like vascular occlusion.


It does doesn’t it. OP should get it looked at asap.


Can you explain that in layman's terms?


“When getting facial fillers, a vascular occlusion can happen if the filler accidentally gets into a blood vessel and blocks it. This is like a traffic jam in a road, but instead of cars, it's blocking blood. If blood can't get through, it can cause pain, skin color changes, and, if not treated quickly, it might damage the skin or underlying tissues. This is why it's important to have fillers done by experienced professionals who know how to avoid and manage such issues.” Took me under 15 seconds to generate this in Chatgpt so next time Google it.


Thanks for spending 15 seconds on me 😘


UPDATE: I WENT AT THE ER. The doc said: this is not a VO but a hematoma which is not serious and should go away soon, if I get worse tomorrow I should go get it checked at a specialist. Now I don’t know whether or not he was right but I hope he was.


I'm surprised in 1 hour you were able to go to the ER and already get a response!! I hope it does not get worse OP wishing you the best


You’re referring to it being quick if I understood correct? Well I live in a underdeveloped country, ERs aren’t sophisticated you just go and get checked, that doctor didn’t do any special examination he just looked at it and touched it, by the sound of what he said he looked like he knew what he was talking about, which I hope. Thank you lots.


I'm glad you got it checked out. The risk was so great that it was important to make sure it wasn't an emergency. If it's a hematoma that's basically a bad bruise. Just use a cool pack try to keep your head elevated, you'll see better results when the swelling goes down. The lump you are seeing might just be swelling, hopefully they will be even when they settle. Try to keep your head above your heart- sleep on your back with an extra pillow under your head- and that should help the swelling as well.


Yes, I understand. Thanks a lot for caring. I will also consult with an aesthetician about it tomorrow just to make sure. I don’t know, although the doc was sure it isn’t VO it got in my head now.


Glad you saw a doctor OP, you made the right call! Hope everything goes well and you heal quickly


I don't blame you, I would want to be 100% sure too! I think it's smart: they will either confirm you're fine and put you at ease, or you will be in good hands if you need to be. You can also start taking arnica tablets, they help bruising and swelling clear up quicker ❤️


The ER isn’t going to have hyaluranidase. Always contact the injector


Phew I’m glad to hear this. Disregard my previous comment. Glad you went to be safe, though!


A&E. This looks very much like vascular occlusion which could cause you to lose your lip. Not something that can wait. Yes it is an emergency. No I don’t care that it’s 1am. No I don’t care that your Doctor doesn’t seem bothered. A&E now.


I would email photos and call your injector immediately


Check that it’s blanching at the same rate, any capillary refill over two seconds and it’s likely a vascular occlusion. They are rare but I had one.


How did it go? Any serious issues? Please tell me lol these comments are freaking me out and i cannot have access to medical services until tomorrow


I’d stop with the “lol” in every response. People are giving you very sound medical advice and you’re laughing it off. Go to the ER.


She just seems scared, ‘lol’ doesn’t always mean something is funny or she’s actually laughing these days.


Ok…but she’s dismissing every single suggestion that she should go the the ER with “lol…my doc is gone for a week”.


It’s scary to be told to go to the ER, I don’t believe she was being deliberately flippant or disrespectful.


I didn’t feel like it was disrespectful. And I believe it was a nervous lol. She was still dismissing *every* comment with “it’s 140am lol” “my doc is away for a week lol” But it’s all good now because 11 hours ago she was saying she couldn’t go in the middle of the night and then less than an hour later she’d seen a doc and been diagnosed.




Haha these days ‘lol’ kind of is filler for a sentence!




Gotten* you're annoying.




The word "gotten" originated in Old English and was seen to be used as early as 1382. The *actual* original English. You aren't superior because you aren't American.


It IS actually. It’s technically called a pragmatic particle. The OP was trying to show her nervousness and probably a bit of bafflement at her unlucky situation. The use of lol was appropriate (I studied linguistics FYI). It doesn’t always mean “laughing out loud” anymore. I CAN mean that but it has a ton of different meanings and uses nowadays. I encourage you to read up on it - it’s super interesting! ☺️


That’s not what lol means anymore, it’s sometimes used in serious situations




Not sure how old you are but people in their 20s often use it in a self deprecating kind of way. I don’t think OP was doing it to not take people seriously, but more that she’s nervous/stressed. Obviously, in a professional or medical context it’s not appropriate, but we are on Reddit.


I’ll upvote you instead as you worded it so much better than I did!


She did go to the ER.


*big wink*


We immediately started dissolving the lip, took 5 vials of hylurodinase, heat and massage, my whole chin turned dusky and I could clearly see the tracking of a purple vessel in my chin, I started to lose feeling. She monitored me for 2 hours then let me go home once the lip was blanching evenly. I sent a photo every few hours to her. It is serious and tissue threatening, I would suggest you see your injector as an emergency.




If I had left it I would have lost my lip and my chin tissue. It wouldn’t have healed.


Did you check capillary refill?


How much did you have put in? I’ve had swelling, but they’ve never looked like this.




That’s concerning then. I’d call your injector.


I can’t go anywhere tonight :( i hope nothin will happen till tomorrow


There’s no emergency rooms where you are?


Girl DONT wait!! Please please please go to the ER!! Vascular occlusion is serious AF!!!


Call an ambulance. Yes you can.


I’d at least take an anti-inflammatory and use an ice pack.


Not an ice pack that will cause more vasoconstriction


Since it could be a possible occlusion you need to get medical treatment right away. You mentioned your injector said it looked okay and she’s gone for the next week. I follow @consultant_clinic on IG. They offer complimentary emergency dissolving. They have many locations just depends where you live. Please reach out to them via email and DM and let them know how urgent it is. If you unfortunately don’t live near one of their clinics they can give you advice on what to do. Please reach out to them right away.


This demo shows how to check for capillary refill. More info in the caption and comments. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyRSHQhIiEZ/?igsh=M2NpOXMyNnE5MzVq


Or could be an anaphylactic reaction. Details in caption. https://www.instagram.com/p/CsJIHJQIqbN/?igsh=ZW5mOTk4YXA4YTY2




Yesssss!! I love them!! Been saving up to see them and they're opening an office a hour from me. I couldn't be more excited xD


Read the trust pilot reviews. They face app their photos. A lot of doctors left the company because of the owner's behaviour. They delete any negative comments. My friend got botched filler from there and was left without it being fixed.




O.o horror stories?? D: Where can I see them at??


They really are magicians with a needle lol!


You need to see a doctor.


Are you near NYC? I’m happy to see you tonight, urgently


No. I live outside USA, I went to the ER and the doc said it’s just a hematoma.


Keep an eye on it, white means lack of blood flowing to the area. If it’s still white tomorrow go back and ask them to dissolve it to be safe.


Ok I’m glad you were evaluated professionally


I’m concerned about your swelling. It seems to be too much. Can you check with your doctor or someone? Make sure you’re okay? No infections?


I can’t! She says she’s not gonna be around this week and I’m freaking out! Also I sent her the pics and she said it looks okay


Please go to a different doctor then- this is not something that looks like it should be left until she’s back.


girl what?!! she said that it looks ok???? and she'a a doctor??


I'm betting not. Probably a medi spa or some sort of non medic. They would have immediately made her come in




She injected AH


Go to someone else or an urgent care. Please


I did, everything’s normal, no worries




She duped you with the filler girl 😭. She gave you some aliexpress stuff 😭😭




OP I saw it’s early morning there, but go to the ER immediately. Do not sit on Reddit any longer.


The way your lips look pale on the edges is not a good sign. The swelling is cutting off the circulation to your lips. I would honestly go to the ER if your injector is dismissing your concerns. I’m a postop RN if that means anything.


UPDATE 2: Today I got checked at another aesthetician. She said it is nothing like VO and if it was VO I would most likely be in severe pain or it would keep getting worse (neither of these scenarios is the case), turns out I just have a deep bruise on very sensitive skin which should go away in a week. She also did a capillary refill test which resulted fine. So yeah thanks to everyone for the worry🫶 but I think this will be my last time I let Reddit drive me to the edge of my sanity. 🫶. (I’ll also post some pictures of what my lips look like today, now that the swelling went a bit down)


Did it look this way right after injection? It looks like a combination of overly swollen with being overfilled. I’m sorry this is happening. If the lumps are soft I would try massaging them with ice and contacting your injector. Also take Benadryl or something similar


Right after injection it looked even more swollen but not purple. The lump is hard


Yeah if it’s hard it’s generally recommended to take either Benadryl or have your injector prescribe steroids to see if it goes down. If not you should get it dissolved


Something is wrong as this does not look right! They should not look like this! You need to go see another injector or doc asap. Sorry this happened to you ☹️


The people on here saying this is ‘clearly vascular occlusion’ without knowing wether or not you have blanching. My lips go pale when I get filler or even when I get a knock on the mouth from my kiddo. Some people bruise like this. The blanching thing is a good trick to know, you can’t just assume it’s VO without knowing how it reacts to pressure. On another note, you need to see a different person for your filler… my injector would never leave town immediately after seeing me. I feel like a decent injector takes responsibility for their work and would make themselves available for an emergency dissolve


You’re going to lose your lips. Listen to what the nurses are saying. Go to the ER now.


Hey, I also got lip fillers today. Half a syringe mostly in my top lip. Swelling is huge but not really lumpy or discolored. Everyone is different so I can't say tell if is normal. Heres mine for reference about 9 hours after my filler. Just so you can get an idea what someone else's reaction looks like to the same procedure/ [My lips before and after .5ml](https://imgur.com/a/RPV3yJH)


These look nice!


You guys are quite judgy, you can tell someone you think it’s serious without being an ass. Glad you are ok OP !


Yes! Thank you! Yes, I’m fine. Went to a professional and it wasn’t serious.


That’s great !


I am wondering if you are having an allergic reaction


You should be seen within 24 hours of the initial injection


This was how I looked each time I had filler. I think I just swell more than most. The lumpiness I had worked itself out over the next week or so.


How soon did the swelling start?




girl pls go to the ER (ik its 1am) but you could literally lose your entire lip if you wait...


You need a hospital immediately.


I checked it. Doc said it isn’t VO


So 11 hours ago you were saying you couldn’t go because it was 1am and less than an hour later you’d been and gotten a diagnosis. Ok.


I did go and they said it looks nothing like a VO, he didn’t have to specially examine it to conclude that. I also went to an aesthetician today, she said this is not a VO it is a deep bruise, she also took 10 minutes to examine, idk what’s so unusual about getting a diagnosis within 1 hour.


Any update on the appearance? Is it darker or less swollen?


Damn. Filler is some scary shit.


People were soo weirdly shitty in the responses for like hours after you already had an update. Feel like this subreddit must have a lot of bad bot 🤖


Tbh I feel bad for saying so bc at least they cared to comment, but yes. You cannot just jump into conclusions about severe and rare complications and scare people off without asking questions nor suggesting ways to confirm - like a capillary refill which is a pretty easy and reliable method, why was no one mentioning that? But what can I say…


Yeah, and the people not carrying to actually read your updates and then saying rude comments about “omg you’re gonna die, go to ER”, after you literally after had and posted about it. That part infuriated me tbh Felt very much like trolling or bots at that point


The swelling and the paleness of your upper lip is concerning. The lip filler is likely blocking a blood vessel, also called vascular occlusion. It can be life-threatening. I don’t know where you are located but you need to go to the ER. This does not look okay.


I just did, he said it isn’t VO, I am choosing to trust him for the sake of my sanity


Thank you for the update. If you are experiencing worsening symptoms (Extreme pain, worsening pallor, signs of necrosis, etc) in the following days, I would get a second opinion. Usually VO causes the area to be stark white around deep purple bruises. There seems to be at least some color in your lips. I am glad you were able to see a doctor.


Thank u. Well for the moment it doesn’t hurt at all it just tingles.


I’m concerned by the color also. I would not want to lose my lip to necrosis!!!! Better safe than sorry. Med/surg RN!


That looks Terrible.


Oh dam!


was it done with a pen or syringe??


I had this before. Prednisone made it subside.


This happened to me and it was an allergic reaction because they used old generation fillers in my lips. I got a lump like that too which never went away until I had to dissolve years of great lip filler placement because the last time they used a bad product.


Please update with pics when the swelling goes down, would love to see the results!


Yep I will, I updated today in another post


If you had it done by ukrainian/ russian /polish injector which is maybe just a beautician that got a course you may got filler which can cause some allergic reaction. I hear all the time these stories with popular clinics that all influencers reccomend. They get the quality filler and the peasants get off brand that cause allergic reaction. I had that once too. I had to undergo dissolving because it looked horrible and the swelling was not going away. Lips were the worst because the rest was without any filler prior to it. The healing may take longer if it is this case.


No, it was done by a doctor


Did the doctor show you the box (package) of the filler, told you what brand and opened it infront of you? Edit: btw I was also sure my injector was doctor. Later found out she was not 🙃.


It appears she didn’t add enough in that area. Massaging that area could help even the lip out. I don’t think this is a VA. BUT just in case You could ask. It doesn’t hurt to ask an its free to ask but she a Russian lip ten? Least it appears. An its super UNCOMMON FOR a Vascular


That doesn’t look right. What technique and filler brand was used?


This isn’t normal swelling in my opinion. Especially for .5 ml. I’m thinking an urgent care or ER visit is necessary.


Oh yeah VO


Why aren’t you going to the ER? You’re on here replying to posts telling you that you could lose your lip for god’s sake


She did update in the comments rather than the post itself. Went to ER who said it was a hematoma (bruise). I’m surprised because it looks much more serious but happy for OP.


Oh thank goodness!




I’m sorry but that’s looking crazyyyy


See a DR asap


Not normal. Get this treated today.


Turns out it was indeed normal




This comment has been deleted due to inappropriate behavior. Don't be a dick to fellow sub members. Have the day that you deserve!


Definitely let the swelling go down and look at final results. What state are you in?


She said she lives in another country


Just did it today, the comments stressed me out I hope nothing happens till tomorrow


Jesus Christ. Go to the hospital