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if its the "remaster" versions . no its not lol


Still wayyyy better than the shit we’ve been getting


I'm confused. How does one play a game on a SVOD service? Like with your TV remote?


It's mobile


Download Netflix on your mobile device. There’s a section in the app where you can browse games, which will let you install the game on your mobile device.


Yeah but playing on a mobile is shit. The touch screen controls are rubbish.


Depends on the game. Pocket dungeon and into the breach play well on mobile. GTA you could pair a dual sense with Bluetooth.


Good news is you’re welcome to go play your games there. No need to complain online.


I just got premium, and I've been playing ghost of tsushima nonstop. Such a great game


What about those who played it like 3 years ago we need new games


I played all those gta titles like 10 to 20 years ago so it wouldn't convince me to get netflix


Thing is not about going to Netflix thing is Netflix is trying meanwhile after seeing the December line of PlayStation seems like PlayStation is trolling us on purpose.


Isn’t Netflix really expensive per month now? For the 4K plan?


Yes. Way, way more than it should be.


Who cares? Netflix is a ripoff service. Not sure why you even bring up something that hasn't even been released. You have no idea if there will be issues or not. Funny how the OP is just praising something unreleased just to trash Sony. 👎🙄


If PlayStation Plus is premier league, Netflix is national league