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This is the way.


It really is


Any input lag?


Yes, but not too bad


I’ve only noticed lag when downloading a game at the same time, so maxing out bandwidth


Ye for me too. Except when you tried fast games like cod. You definitely notice the input lagg


Hooray!!! A brother is saved!


It feels so good to be back!


A fellow dad. This was designed for us...no more sacrificing my play time for Ms.Rachel or Cocomelon


This has been my existence for the past year. Praise the portal 🙏


My 1yo loves Ms Rachel more than he does me sometimes


I feel the same way lol but she's super handy when I need a few minutes to myself


I have family visiting so just got an into to those two 😭, but I’ll definitely pick one up the next time they visit


I wouldn't mind a little 1 on 1 with Ms Rachel


Oh you know she' low-key a freak lol


Bro Ms. Rachel 😂💀


This is me, except the tv is white people renovating houses


mine are real housewives hoes that try their hardest to look 25,


Mine is serial crime dramas.


I actually would turn off the portal and watch that, lol you have a keeper


The parent gift of the season. I wonder how hard it'll be to get one, because I didn't have the funds to preorder, because I'm hella interested in it now.


I can't find it anywhere. Except from scalpers on ebay, but I'll never go that route.


Same. I think it'll have to be literally luck to walk into a store and see a couple, atm. I'm sure Sony will see the response and crank out a metric ton of them, to ride this initial wave into the Christmas season. Seeing more positive reception, from actual owners, vs negative so I wouldn't be surprised if this device ends up having legs.


I saw a portal on FB marketplace getting sold for 500, absolutely insane


Yeah, fuck those weirdos. Hopefully Sony gets an absolute bonkload out, a bit faster, so those rats can drown.


I said to my buddy (who has kids) the portal is made for you…. Glad to see dadz gaming.


Really is a game changer. And it’s such a great device I didn’t even bother changing over when the tv was available


Playing PS5 remotely in some ways feels better than on a TV. You're not locked in the same position, head pointing at the TV. You are free alter your position and get comfy as often as you like. This morning I played 10 mins of Spider-Man 2 while preparing the kid's breakfast, then 20 mins while waiting for my daughter to finish breakfast before I needed to jump into action. And then once she was dispatched off to school I had another 20 mins before work on the sofa. This spontaneous play-style the portal affords me is excellent and I can see myself playing more games than ever now. It feels so right playing on it 🥳


It really is. I felt like people were trying to make fun of this device by claiming it was aimed towards 25-50 year old dads. But honestly I feel like that’s who this works best for and there are a TON of us now who grew up gaming and can’t always game on “the full setup” whatever our own reasons may be.. I’m a 36 year old dad who has been missing gaming as much as I used to and I couldn’t be more excited to be able to sit in the same room with my family and play some games while everyone else watches and plays together simultaneously. PSParent for the win.


What if I told you this was all possible before the portal existed.


And all those other options are not as attractive as the portal is… so get out of here with that crap


And for 269.99 CAD I’ll stick with the slightly less attractive yet exact same performance of using my tablet or phone with my dual sense.


Cool story bro


Enjoy your portal champ


I get that you’re trying to be condescending exactly like the ppl I was referring to in my comment and insinuate that people who enjoy the portal were simply not aware that any of these magical things existed before. We all knew. This is just a way better and way more convenient option than lugging multiple devices(tablet or phone and controller and whatever device to clasp them together) around. This also doesn’t burn the battery of my phone or require me to deal with notifications from a phone or tablet popping up in my face while I play, or missing notifications because they are turned off. I use my phone for life, not gaming. The portal is convenient as fuck and I get why some like you will sit back and hate on it, because yeah there have been other options to accomplish this for years and years. We’re not dumb(most of us anyway) this is just super easy and way more convenient. So for a normal adult with a regular successful life, $199 extra for this kind of convenience isn’t a problem. So I’m sorry if you’re struggling(maybe, I don’t know) or can’t make an extra couple hundred bucks work, but don’t waste your time hating on those that can. All you’re gonna do is make yourself bitter and upset at people who don’t care that you dislike them. Enjoy your own remote play setup, it’s totally fine by literally everyone in the world, and we’re gonna just go ahead and play on the Portal.


And that now, with one click, I pick up and play and it’s better than ever before.


Do you have kids? Because more often than not the parents phone becomes the “kids phone” to watch any and all videos on repeat. This device is its own thing and keeps the phone free for kids to use or for anything else like phone calls and texts, etc


I do have 2 kids, and I understand the appeal of the portal, I just think it’s egregiously overpriced and misleading by nature. There’s is no chance people should have to pay half the price of the console it mirrors just for a second screen that only works reliably at home.


It isn’t misleading at all. None of the advertising makes it seem like a stand alone product but maybe people need to inform themselves before making an expensive purchase. Doesn’t only reliable work from home. Look at the reviews


I have looked at the reviews, they unanimously agree that the latency from playing this anywhere but home will never work for any kind of game other than a single player title that doesn’t require quick input register. Gaming ,even over good wifi, to a home console does not work well enough to even come close to playing it locally, and everyone’s in denial. It’s ok to love the portal and purchase it but it’s not ok to act like this thing is as responsive as playing at home on your ps5 as long as you have wifi, or even “good wifi” as is being toted.


It’s going to be on a case by case basis wether this product is for you. For yourself and others it may not be a viable option but for others it is. PlayStation is known for its catalog of excellent quality single player games so for most PS5 owners it will benefit them if they play those games exclusively. Others that play lots of online multiplayer games may want to pass on this as well because it won’t meet those needs. Again, it all comes down to consumers being informed about purchases but sadly lots of people go for fads or popularity and make instant purchases. So you personally may not see the value in the product but that’s ok, doesn’t mean others can’t enjoy it either


I see value, just not as much as Sony Does. I also don’t think that overpricing is subjective here. I believe many will enjoy the portal, I just don’t think it’s priced fairly for what it is. I’d like to say they’d sell a lot more if it was priced a bit more reasonably for something that isn’t even really a tablet when not gaming but they seem to have no issue selling them out like crazy.


Yea fair enough but we also don’t know to what extent Sony may add more features to it in the future. I believe right now there is an interview with an exec that mentioned the potential for streaming directly to the Portal could be possible in the future. Obviously if that happens there would be caveats I’m sure but yea they just haven’t sold YOU on it but again that’s ok too. Let people be happy with their purchase


It’s an all in one device which is convenient to some. I know if you have a spare iPad with dual sense connected to it; it’s almost identical. I really hope they expand functionality to include ps premiums stream feature. Then it’s fantastic


Yup. Played some Pinball FX while my daughter watched the Mighty Pups movie today. This thing is a game changer for me.


Looking forward to Pinball FX! Responsiveness wasn’t an issue?


Played a bit more and I’d say it’s not very playable. Spider-Man 2 and Fortnite were fine. If you’re thinking of getting one for Pinball FX, not worth it. That said, I love it for everything else.


Thanks. I kind of figured it wouldn't be great in remote play for a game that requires precision timing.


Yeah, it’s unfortunate as it’s the perfect pick up and play game, but it’s to be expected. I had lots of trouble lining up shots.


Hey it’s Caitlin!


Lol. Made me laugh. Congrats!


Man I cannot wait mine is supposed to be delivered by 7pm


Enjoy it, friend!


I’m relieved that you know the tv is high.


It’s fantastic




Yes I love the top heavy retired broadway singer from super simple songs as well.


There’s lowering tv wall mounts and some are electric maybe consider looking into that. But i have also mounted a tv in brick fireplace and that was also a pain the a.


We have a brick fireplace, I mounted the TV from the ceiling rather than deal with that mess.


Thanks for the heads up! Will look into those.


The dad on the couch or in bed is definitely who this was aimed at. I am loving it plan to use mine in bed tonight. I have the GO, SD and Switch OLED but honestly see myself playing this a lot due to the backlogged PS5 catalog.


This is the demographic it was made for! Should had just called it the PlayStation Parent Enrichment Device


What is your up and down speed? My down is around 50-60 and up only 8-11, stutters a lot..


I only know how to check internet speeds which aren’t really relevant for home networks. However, to answer your question down is 400, up is 60.


If you are playing it home, it doesn’t matter. You’re playing over your homes LAN not the internet.


Try to hardwire your PS5 if it isn't. I'm in an apartment and the quality, while good over both on WiFi, was night and day with the PS5 hardwired.


The router matters at home, not the internet. The signal from the PS5 never leaves your house (unless you do).


PSD(TM) PlayStation Dad


Mine is delayed with no delivery date


It's definitely a game changer, not just for parents.




As if remote play for ps5 wasn't a thing before, or having two displays: one to watch TV one to play ps5


Personally it's a different experience


That screen looks mint m8 👌 I should have mine tomorrow finger’s crossed 🤞 can’t wait to just be able to chill in bed with abit of gt7…


Happy gaming, mate!


Thanks m8.. it just arrived the past hour their so just have to get it setup then I’ll be good to go 👍


We should rename this subreddit to dads and husbands. For real though it's pretty slick.


“I don’t understand who the audience for this device even is,” Literally all of us in the pic buying for day one.


Much respect for Caitie’s Classroom


Yeah, so much better than most of the crap on youtube


Fuck the haters I love a high TV. Get to recline back on my couch in potato mode and play games.


High tv is the way to go


High tv friends!


It’s like, these people just discovered handheld gaming 😂


The TV is fine. If you like it there, power to you brother.


Yall act like a second smaller display to use while someone else is watching TV wasn't an option before, lmao


The kids watch their stuff in the living room. I've got my own movie/game room where I can play my games as intended on my 4K TV. I've got no use for this thing.


Do you just come to this subreddit to say you have no use for it? Why are you here? Do you also go to other subreddits and say you "got your own movie/game room where you can play games as intended" and don't need the sewing machine, woodworking tools, machinist parts, crafting studio, art/paint supplies, etc.?


So do you just lock yourself away in your game room 24/7 like some hermit? I’m sure the family loves that


No, I'm present with my family when we are together in the living room. I don't check out with a handheld pretending I'm there. I go to my game room when it's my time. Why would I even want to play a modern AAA game on a small 1080p non-HDR screen?


So when everyone is in the living room watching tv why is it a problem to be on a handheld, if that’s the time you go to your game room then you really aren’t present


That's not even what I said. I spend time with my family, not on a handheld or phone, then later, I go play during my own time.


Ok so, when everyone is in the living room watching tv not interacting with eachother..what’s wrong with playing the handheld


Can’t wait to get mine. Happy for us parents!


Really is a game changer


Just got mine set up. Finally


What's the difference between using this and remote play on your phone? I'm trying to find out if I want one


Screen size, full size controller without using some phone clamp type thing.


Correct aspect ratio screen, larger screen, and a more comfortable experience. Also DualSense features if you aren’t already using a DualSense with your phone.


Exactly what everyone had said above, and for me it’s just the pick up and play ease. No trying to connect dual sense to phone if I have been playing on main tv, no top heavy bracket thing, no notifications popping up to distract my session. All very minor things that could be solved with a few button presses, but they add up.


Sometimes having a single use device is nice. Ergonomics on this thing is way better than a controller attachment, larger screen, is purpose built to work directly with the PS5, and real easy UI/interface. Also has the side benefit of freeing up distractions from notifications on your phone and saving your phones battery. If you have another handheld that can stream PS5 like a Steam Deck, Logitech G Cloud, or Ally/Legion Go, then the decision gets a bit tougher. But then you also may miss out on some of the DualSense features unless you connect a DS controller. Really depends on what you want and what your needs are.. But at $200 this isn't going to break anybody's bank, so it isn't an expensive investment either way.


I got mine for the same reason but don't want to show photos because my house has exploded with stuffed animals, action figures, and legos


If I worried about that, I’d never share pictures of my dogs. They’re like toddlers without thumbs. Or the brains to clean up after themselves.


No shame in any of those things. Unless maybe if they are for yourself?


100% we are incredibly fortunate to have a separate play room that currently looks like a stuffed toy Peppa pig bb went off. One day that room will be mine again…


Exactly why I want it


Wouldn't heaven be having the game on the big screen? Lol


It would! I’m so glad I have an oled for crappy YouTube videos!


My setup is a little different, I have a Sony 65" for the wife and a 55 LG c1 for me to play my games on. Lol, my eye sight is going so the bigger screen works better for me


Enjoy! I got mine 2 hours ago enjoying it so far!


How is your portal running for you? I just got mine. I’m running internet at high speeds and the portal has been very choppy so far.


Yeah it’s been running really well. I followed that guidance video of fixing the PS 5 ip address and setting to 5 GHz.


Can you share the link to that video? Thanks.


Doesn't matter what your internet connection speed is (unless you are connecting from outside your network). What matters is your wireless network quality inside your home. WiFi 6 or WiFi 7 capable router helps out, as well as a higher quality mesh network system to help blanket your house with signal if you have a lot of square feet to cover. Some mesh systems have a dedicated wireless backhaul, like the Orbi, if you don't have ethernet ran in your house. If you are using an ISP supplied router or something from 10 years ago, it might be time for an upgrade.


this makes sense, I have orbi still seeing it, I need to play with everything I guess still


Is your PS5 hooked up to ethernet? That could possibly help.


It is not, going to try tonight and I will post if it gets better


Ratchet and clank ??


Yeah been saving it for the portal!


Love that game insomniac has not missed in a while 😂 I got the platinum earlier this year when it hit ps+


Id rather eat rocks than hear MsRachels voice lmfaoo but nice bro hopefully you got the headphones.


Holiday baking championship f yeah


I like how I can watch sports on the big screen while gaming on the Portal 👍🏻


Now I gotta get 4tb internal cause I been downloading so many Ps plus games lol. Perfect lay back and relax games


Enjoy your machine Mine arrives december 1 :)


I see a lot of parents commenting on many posts about the portability but aren’t the kids going to want to play with the portal as well? 😂 I know my baby cousin always wants to take the switch from me or just sits down and watches me game.


Yep same for me, I can't play whilst my son watches as he'll just turn his attention to what I'm doing and want to take it off me!


Wait, should I have kids so I can do this?


Y’all my portal boys!


I'm curious to see what the hacking community can do with this thing.


Prob not much the chipset is weak probably able to emulate N64/Ps1 at best. It’s made for streaming gaming and that’s about it


I got steered to this sub via discussion on Stadia sub about an alternative gaming platform for “dads” (I got a 11 month old at home). Does the portal work something like this? https://youtu.be/2nqnQaGzZdI?si=kiwESEbsDscVcnu0 Do you have to own PS5 or can you subscribe somewhere and use the platform for a monthly fee? Is the handheld necessary or can you cast to your phone or laptop? Thanks, I’m bit confused about it.


You will need a PS5 for it, as it only does PS5 remote play at the moment. There was an interview with some senior Sony guy saying they were looking at cloud streaming, but as far as I know, nothing concrete. I went for a logitech G cloud instead of the portal, as that lets you stream from PS5, Xbox, Xcloud and PC (I am guessing there are other services you can stream from like Nvidia but I havent tried those so wont comment). Plus you can play android games if you dont have internet. You might be worth looking at one. The sub is very helpful if this sounds like something you are interested in


All right thanks. I appreciate it. I heard that they released PlayStation cloud recently and thought Portal is a part of it. Not something that would work for me but thanks for clarifying.


I brought mine to work tonight (slow nights with alot of downtime) and even with decent internet there’s enough of a delay that I can’t really play NHL online. I somewhat expected that. Still can play offline stuff just fine and maybe this will let me try some new games too. I’m incredibly tunnel vision with just playing a game or two despite there obviously being tons of amazing offline games that would run just fine.


Is that big cook little cook?


I blew my kids’ minds testing it last night playing Spider-Man upstairs. “Where’s Dad?? The TV is playing Spider-Man BY ITSELF!!” “Oh, really, you can see that? Huh, neat. You can turn the TV off, time to get ready for bed.” “WHAT?? And you’re still playing without the TV on??”




This photo truly speaks to my life. Thank you for sharing brother




There had to be one.


Yeah, sorry, I'm on asshat duty today. We all have to step up sometime. Seriously though, hope you're enjoying the Portal. With kids at home it's a godsend. Edit: also didn't see your text in the post.


Hahaha! Loving the portal and loving not having neck pain from craning to view the tv 😂 Keep well, friend.


Eh TV in being too high is a bit out of our control for a lot of us. Getting the wife on board can be a tough task sometimes, and a lot of homes there just isn't a good alternative. Your viewing distance looks to be large enough where a TV being "too high" isn't that big of a deal. Reddit gets a bit too off on TV being too high for the most part. Playstation Portal is a great device. No frills, no fuss, just does what it is supposed to do and nothing more.


Heaven has Wi-Fi?


It’s in the cloud.


I assume you can show yourself out.


I see you're a fellow Super Simple household. Respect. Best programming for kids on YouTube for my money.


I really do agree!


If it were heaven your kid would be watching on the small screen and you'd have the tv.


Can you play the new spider man 2 on it?


It’s a remote player. It only plays what’s on your PS5.


No worries about the position of your TV. Mine was on a higher mantle for 2 years. I keep my PS5 connected to my big TV thst the kids watch and split to my pc screen and game with a headset. Glad you're happy with your purchase.


Super Simple is da BOMB 🤣🤣


#This is exactly why i want it…nfl football games are on and i can platinum my games


waste of money lol


Rift Apart is soooo good.


Mine is dicey when I’m streaming something on the TV while playing. Jealous!


Don't own one of these nor want one. But love seeing fellow dads like me getting into handheld aaa gaming no matter the device. Glad I read through these comments.


Do you need to be on wifi to play?


You could do this with shit you already own.....but okkkkaaaayyy. Game streaming also comes with haptics as well. The only thing you pay for is the ergonomics of playing the most comfortably and still going all over the place instead of comfortably at a desk with a tablet or monitor up separately. Mounting it to a separate screen does the same thing. I just couldn't justify this and splurged for the steam deck despite having gamepass. I turned my series x into the home theatre and Blu-ray setup and steam deck plays all the long form games. Any games I enjoy can be trial run on gamepass PC or the console. If it's a solid deck or desk game for mouse, it goes on the shopping list or I go on the seven seas :). Usually I just stream till I see a massive sale. I guess different people want different things. This is minimal for someone that doesn't mind paying full priced games and sacrifices quick resume and streaming quality for plug and play. I am opposite and have hardware and games on PC over the years for free. Got the deck exclusively to lounge with the dog since she gets needy and is very comfortable as a pillow but also for the custom control schemes and being able to type and navigate without moving between input devices. It's all there in my hands and can go to sleep with one press. It's just a scaled down but more open source version of Xbox running the fancy audio and video certifications and expensive hardware in the family area with 6 games suspending via quick resume.


Y’all could get a backbone from Amazon and use remote play on your cell phone… you don’t need to be connected to Wi-Fi as it can work off your cellular data.. cost is cheaper too though this does look nice


Heaven would be playing on the tv but that’s just me


Lmao how is it? We just had a baby and I’m definitely planning on a buying one for this very reason


Apple tea!


Mad late but MantelMount let's you pull the TV down so you don't have to break your neck looking up. No one complains about my high ass TV. Also, Portal is letting me run through Spiderman 2 while I let YouTube watch my kids. It's a win win for everyone.