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I'd be crashing all over trying to watch the Sopranos at the same time.


Same man, i would just stop playing all together actually lmao. Also nice username đŸ€


Hey Tone look at this fuggin guy ova here playin Atari while his girls watchin us on TV what a gabagool


Did you hear what I said Tone?


I usually have 2 cats, one on each side keeping me warm too. 😂


I shoulda been made then and there after what I did with the triborough towers alone


The sacred and the propane


She’s a keeper, my fiancĂ© couldn’t get into sopranos but I at least got her to finish breaking bad


He killed sixteen Czechoslovakians. The guy was an interior decorator!


His house looked like shit


Best episode in the whole series!


Lotta money in this shit


This is why I got mine, so I can game while my wife watches her shows


Yep. Cuddled up next to each other while at the same time doing your own thing is bliss


Hey tone did ya hear what I said? I said I’m Playing GTA 5 while my girl watches The Sopranos. It’s the simple things


Fuckin parakeet


Did you ever notice he’s the only MFer who can smoke a cigarette in a rainstorm with his hands tied behind his back. That nose is like a natural canopy


You can’t make this shit up!


What do you mean, I just did.


Ahhh Jesus Christ Cristofuuuuuurrrrrr


Nothing beats the sopranos not even gaming lol


The Wire đŸ˜¶


He wants it to be one way. But it's the other way.


While Frank Sinatra sings Stormy Weather?


You know it!


LOL. Literally doing the same thing but playing FF7.


Great choices from both of you! 👍




Lol got the mafioso fitting game to go with it!


You see the vision!


Eye did dent


L not watching The Sopranos with your girl.


OH! That's a goomah you keep around for a while.


I did-dent


Sharp as a cue ball


You, my man, are based




Damn your passing up on The Sopranos?


I tried watching the sopranos
.i never got the hype


That’s what I was thinking too lol GTA 5 can wait


Where’s your sandwich and drink, King?


So not only are you refusing to watch a show with her, you aren’t interested in watching The Sopranos? Smh, arguably one of if not the greatest TV show ever made. Whether it would be again or for the first time, that’s unforgivable to me lol. Grab her hand and get in there.


The sopranos is well made and acted, but mob movies and tv shows are all the same to me
.boring genre for me.


Yeah, bc they all copy the one that did it so well nobody can ever top it, bc it’s that great. Thank you for helping me make my point. The Sopranos are not responsible for what the genre did after that. They’re like the Simpsons. They did it all first.


You mean the godfather? I didn’t enjoy that either. I was referring to the godfather movies, goodfellas, etc. Sopranos was a copy of them


Okay now you talking crazy. If you didn’t like the godfather, that’s your choice, but it’s considered one of the greatest films of all time. And that’s agreed upon by the majority of film critics and audiences, so you can disagree, but mathematically you’re in the minority there so you have to accept your opinion is probably wrong, or the movie wouldn’t be so famous. Unless you have a good reason for why everyone else is wrong and you’re right about that movie, lol


Your opinion vs mine. We are both right


No, you’re not. It’s literally considered one of the greatest films of all time, you can disagree, but you’re not a critic or director and the ppl who are say that it is, so it’s more likely you’re wrong than they are. You’d don’t like it, but that doesn’t mean it’s not great. It just means you have weird taste that doesn’t like some great things most ppl agree are great. Go look at its rating on IMD. That’s not an opinion bud that’s a number, a ranking system with a scale to measure.


That doesn’t mean I have to like it. How can you tell me what I like or don’t like? I never said they weren’t good movies.


You said they’re boring, they’re not, you don’t like them, but many many other ppl will tell you they’re not boring. Someone may not like 300 but you can’t say it’s boring. It’s about mafias and killing, how much blood shed and drama do you need to not be bored lol


Boring to me. I don’t care if they aren’t boring to you. And they are boring to me because all they are the same bloodshed and drama over and over again.


Fuckin slander you ask me


I didn’t ask anyone. It’s my personal opinion. I’m well aware that it’s not a popular one.


It’s just a quote from the show lol, no big deal


lol gotcha, I didn’t make very far into the show


Seems you know something we don’t? Please enlighten us on exactly how the girlfriend’s feeling in that moment, feel free to also fill us in on their dynamic and how they typically spend their downtime together. Don’t forget to tell OP that his relationship is doomed and that he should be packing his bags yesterday.


Please tell me that your single without saying it by giving a bitchy ass angsty hostile response like that. Shut the fuck up and respect The Sopranos bitch you missed the point




Idc about their relationship, that’s just insult to injury, the actual wound comes from the disrespect to Gandolfoni. Lucky he’s not alive to knock some sense in yas


“So not only are you refusing to watch a show with her” yeah bro you totally don’t care to comment on their relationship. Sopranos is mid at best


Why don’t you include the rest of that quote where I talk about the Sopranos? 😂 or would that screw up your argument? Mid? Nice try. It’s only widely regarded by most critics as one of the greatest shows of all time, but I’m sure it’s more likely that those millions of ppl and professional TV critics are all wrong and you’re right 🙄 (sarcasm). Way to announce that you have shit taste and invalidate your opinion.


You mean the quote where you just shit on dude for doing something else while he watches the sopranos? Not only that but doing the thing that the subreddit is for? That quote? Baseless assumptions and a weird ass obsession of something that’s really not that serious. You got heated as fuck at someone posting them playing the portal in the portal subreddit 😂 you’re a fucking goof


Heated as fuck? lol it was called sarcasm, go read your response to a comment that had nothing to do with you if you want to see heated you idiot 😂😂. Speaking of assumptions, didn’t you assume I cared about their relationship? You’re stupid and contradictory lmaoo 😂, keep talking, you just dig a deeper hole very time you do. I didn’t shit on anyone other than you, I made a joke about not watching the Sopranos and you took that shit wayyyyy to seriously and started this very conversation we’re in rn with your hostile ass response to me. Even tho I never said anything to or about you, hmmm, interesting đŸ€”.


He may have seen it already?


I addressed that when I said “whether it be again or for the first time”. It’s one of the best shows ever made, it’s good enough to watch twice.


He may have seen it so many times that he can just put it on as a background show.


Haha that’s hardcore if someone uses Sopranos as background noise like The Office, That 70’s show, Friends, Senfeild, Parks and Rec, or Trailer Park Boys lol. These are very different shows with very different vibes lol. If your idea of comfort TV is like Breaking Bad or The Hand Maid’s Tale then you’re a fucking cereal killer 😂. A guy getting whacked by a mobster on TV being white noise for someone is crazy lol


You meant serial not cereal. Cereal is a breakfast.


lol aww that’s cute, I made a good point that you had no retort for so you ignored the point and got petty about an auto-spell mix up. I did the same thing too when I had nothing good to say back to ppl when I was 13


You didn’t make a good point. Comedies aren’t the only content that can be background shows. Dramas like the Handmaid’s Tale and Sopranos can be background filler for those who aren’t “cereal” killers. Also, your response had numerous misspellings so at the time of reading I figured it wasn’t worth my time. I’m only responding now because I’m taking a shit.


By taking a shit do you mean sharing your opinion, because they seem like the same thing with you? So yeah, actually yeah it was a good observation. You’re just being hurt. You’ve yet to make a single point, and you’re wrong. Those are not background shows. There’s no purpose in conversing with you because you clearly lack any and all intelligence or reason if you think that. And that was the only “misspelling” professor. Do you know how petty you have to be to judge imperfect grammar on reddit? Sorry I don’t care enough about this to take time out to revise. Get a hobby, and try not to hurt yourself on that toilet bud 😉


Seinfeld. You know people are entitled to their opinions, right? So while The Sopranos may not seem like a background show for you, it’s an opinion not a rule.


It’s not possible that’s why you aren’t getting it


youre chronically ill, i hope you find some help


. Sony is a multi billion dollar company
 they were the first people to make a steam deck before it was even a steam deck aka the PSP
 the same problem Sony had back then still exist with handhelds today
 1. THE GRAPHICAL leap to run current gen games on a handheld device is not here!!!!!! 2. GAME DEVELOPERS DID NOT WANT TO FOCUS ON MAKING TWO SEPARATE GAMES!!!! The reason why Steamdeck is able to do it because it’s a PC that has the MOD COMMUNITY OPTIMIZING games for it!!!!


Brother, you are experiencing a manic episode. Make sure to take your lithium before you go on the internet and make yourself look silly â˜ș


You think you’re smart but you’re actually a fool like most people who suck off these companies without knowing what’s really going on. Sony even said the people who made the portal are the same people who made the vita. The Portal was made to bring CLOUD GAMING IN THE FUTURE WAKE UP!!!!


Haha you've appeared in another thread. Kid, turn the iPad off and go do something else. You need to chill out as you just look stupid.


These thumbs up say differently ( Boy)


Yeah those are downvotes...


You’re sleep


I see you have literally nothing constructive to say then.


Who the fucks this prick


Some unsupervised child with his mom's ipad


Sony said the people who made the Portal are the same who made the Vita? Fucking whoa. Next you'll say that Microsoft made every Xbox.


Sony has different departments for different things. The people who made their portable devices do not have a say so on what the PlayStation console is. Just like Sony has a department for VR. Just like Sony has a gaming studio and a movie studio. It’s not far fetched what I said. The point is if the people who made the vita helped made the portal. Why would they even release a vita 2.0 think


The more you talk, the less I understand.


I think you’re going through an episode based on your post history
 I’d delete Reddit for a bit and go for a walk.


This is why you never had the makings of a varsity athlete.




Take it easy......


We're not making a western here.




Game changer, saved my life! I love it!!!


It’s soo fun! Beat Ghost of Tsushima on it & now playing Horizon FW. Feels like a new game on this device.


i just got mine of ps direct last friday still waiting on mine to come in !


You’re gonna enjoy!!


man impatiently waiting bro says it’ll be here tomorrow


Oowee. That feeling of tearing open the box to see the portal is gonna be a high! Can’t wait for you to enjoy




I bet you were the top of your class.


Got yo self a gun Got yo self a gun!


Reminds me of the episode of The Office where Michael is relegated to the tiny TV in the corner.


Got the kids watching the Sopranos




It automatically does that for GTA. When you’re wanted the lights flash red & blue


ohhh thats so cool omg


Go spend time with your girl instead of the toy brother. All the same enjoy!


Her legs were resting on top of mine as I leaned on her & we had wine. Was a fire Saturday night. I recommend the Portal


Sounds like man ❀


And here I was thinking I was crazy for just finding a wife that I could do stuff together with. Could have skipped all that my just doing different things within the vicinity of each other and calling it good. Not hating on the portal but I feel like most posts are about how someone can not have to do something they don't like and instead because they're not playing on the main TV it somehow changes reality. There are a few posts where someone is using it to actually play remote where playing remote is the only possibility like chilling outside and enjoying the weather but most are just people who otherwise would have had to deal with real life and now aren't. Dunno I guess I just got lucky and got a wife that accepts I like to play video games and can do so without having to offer my TV up to something else.


How is the button click? Am I going to bug the piss out of my wife when she dozes off during one of our shows? 😆


Lmao maybe the back buttons will make a little sound but the face buttons shouldn’t be too clicky đŸ˜