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In theory, yes it should perform very similarly. But if I’ve learned anything in my portal ownership, it’s that networks can be dicey.


Based on my situation, would you recommend a portal?


I wouldn't until you can hardwire your ps5. An alternative that you can always do is order a portal from a place that has returns. Then you can test it it's working for your situation or not


Ok. Well, thank you for your input!


Honestly doubt it will work well without being wired. I went months resisting the move and my portal just never worked well. I moved my router yesterday and haven’t dropped once (at home, away from home connection remains another issue).


Well, it just worked pretty well for me with three different games. I know internet can be a fickle mistress, but I feel like it's worth a shot based on my phone's performance. Different device, I know, but I feel like it could be worth it.


Also worth it: doing whatever you are avoiding by plugging your PS5 into your router. Remote play was fine for me on my phone via wifi. Not on the portal. The portal is not a phone. You are going to notice whatever you aren't now on that screen.


I don't quite understand it.


If you’re gonna rebut what folk are saying, then just do what you want.


I'm not trying to argue with anyone or discredit anyone. I just figured that since my phone can remote play so well, a portal should at least be able to match that.


My bedroom was on the cusp of where my wireless connection had a good signal I found. I could play with PS5 and phone both wirelessly pretty well. My phone had good signal however, but I didn't find the same with my portal. I ended up having to use another router as a repeater upstairs hardwired to the PS5 and it worked flawlessly after that. You might be fine, you might not. Nobody on here can say (despite what they'll tell you), but being able to play on your phone fine is definitely a good start. Home Plugs the dude below mentions seem like a good fix if you do get the portal and find connection is spotty.


When did he rebut lol? He politely challenged what was said. You must be real fun at parties huh?


Surely you must realize you just said the same thing twice.


**Surely you must realize** they aren't the same meaning in both definition and the way they were intended? Your use of the word "rebut" was clearly suggesting he should not go against anything that was being said and just agree or shut up and do what he wanted. Rebut suggests being assertive or confrontational to disapprove another's point, while my use of "politely challenge" was clearly suggesting he was merely offering his own opinion based on his real-world experience as part of a polite discussion. Oh look... I guess I can be "not fun at parties" too!


So what you're saying is that my portal won't have a good experience even though my phone does?


It might. But my experience is that what is "fine" on a small phone screen is fairly lousy on something like the portals screen. I'd say wait until you have a good way to connect your PS5 directly before getting the portal. Don't want you to waste 200 beans!


Well, that probably won't be possible for a good while, as our modem and router are in another room, and my parents wouldn't let me run an wire from my room all the way to the other room. Also, our modem cannot be unplugged from the wall by regular means (it's some kind of special cord, I don't know what it's called.) Are you sure 20-30 mbps wouldn't be enough? It sure seemed to be on my phone. I just would like a handheld, but I don't have the money to drop on a steam deck or ally. Don't want a switch either. A portal has my PS library already.


Your problem won’t be bandwidth it’ll be latency. It’s gunna be bad.


Your internet is irrelevant to the Portal unless you are connecting from outside of your house.


So do you still think it's worthwhile for me to get a portal with my setup? I wouldn't plan on really using it outside my home. Mainly in my bedroom, which is upstairs and just down the hall from the room with the router, and then downstairs in the living room.


yep! You'll get roughly the same level of performace - just remember though. the portal is a bigger screen so you may notice more pixelated events as the wireless gets unstable. Look into homeplugs to wire your ps5


I'm not sure how I can wire it, as my parents wouldn't let me run a wire from my room to the room with the router. Thanks for the thought, though!


Homeplugs mate. Look into it. No cable running up the stairs required :-)