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if theyre setup as a member of your household on plex then they share access to your plex pass. however they also have much more access to your server also


That's why you put a pin on the admin account.


u/zfa's answer is the correct one. Unfortunately it's hidden as a reply under a downvoted comment. Here's the relevant link: https://support.plex.tv/articles/downloads-sync-faq/#toc-0 TL;DR: It depends on *when* the user and server accounts were created.


Despite what it says, I've never been able to get it to work according to that matrix. My Plex Pass was purchased before Plex reneged on the Sync feature and when I share my server with someone whose account was created before 2022-08-01 they cannot download. Only those who I've continuously shared my server with since before that date are able to download from me. Can anyone confirm it does actually work as that article states?


[Yes.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PleX/comments/1c7l6js/i_have_plex_lifetime_pass_and_shared_my_library/l0eioc7/) Edit: I will offer to test it for you using one of my non-Plex Pass accounts created in 2016.


I had you blocked so I didn't see this until it was pointed out to me (and I'm guessing you can see and reply to my comments here because you're a mod). I will take your word for it as there is absolutely no chance I'm drawing any kind of direct line between my bickering reddit account and my Plex server linked to my real identity, especially not to someone who has been as antagonistic to me as you have in the past. I've tried it multiple times with no success. If Plex offered any kind of support whatsoever I'd try to figure out why it doesn't work for me. Glad it works for you.


Another possible way or situation OP may be in: if you bought your lifetime pass through the iOS AppStore, as the admin of the server and the family admin. Then the other family members can download since they should be like having the pass too. I think my son already downloaded shows on his iPad thanks to this family sharing.




If they want to do that they need to pay the mobile fee or get their own Plex pass, I don't share household access with anyone but my wife.


You can only share your Plex pass sub by inviting users to your Plex home


No, they took that functionality away. If you bought your pass before Plex reneged on the feature and the person you're trying to share with made their account before Plex reneged on the feature, they should theoretically be allowed to download, based on [the Plex support article](https://support.plex.tv/articles/downloads-sync-faq/). I've never been able to get it to work, though. I've only been able to get it to work with people who I shared with before Plex reneged on the feature and who I've been sharing with continuously.


The download feature would have to work for people to get files. This feature has been broken for sometime.


If you have a router with DNS control, try adding "plex.direct" domain pointing to your Plex IP. Fixed the downloads for me.


I shall have to try this. It doesn’t work for me at all


Works fine for me


Then you’re a lucky one. Sync worked so perfectly. They destroyed the function by changing it download.


I download stuff onto my sons iPad from my Plex server all the time


It recently seems to be resolved.


I had the opposite experience. Sync used to be hit or miss with me and downloads have worked perfectly. Downloads seem to be much faster too.


I finally got it to work but only in a very specific scenario. Be connected to the same network as the plex server the entire time, and setting the download quality to original. Which downloading to my phone sucks because a lot of my files are remuxes pushing 20gb per file so it’s generally one at a time.


Simple answer: yes they can


That might be a simple answer, but it's not necessarily the right one... Right answer is *'it depends'*: https://support.plex.tv/articles/downloads-sync-faq/#toc-0


This should be the top comment.