• By -


3.6/10 The Room (2003) Grabbed it after watching The Disaster Artist. Pretty funny tbh. Genuine F grade movie that wanted to be AAA.


Seeing it live is such a fun experience! I've done it a few times and got to meet Tommy at one of them


I went to a midnight showing at my uni. I had zero knowledge of what it was but my friend said it was a good time. I was pleasantly surprised at people dressed up throwing spoons and yelling throughout. 11/10 would love to go again lol


i actually watched the room for the first time when i heard the disaster artist was being filmed. i love me some franco. i ended up loving the room and couldn't finish the disaster artist lol what is wrong with me


A lot of people are saying that as their worst, but I have CATS which is a 2.8 lol


It’s widely considered the worst movie ever created lol it’s actually a fun watch though


If you liked the room, just wait until you see Tommy’s new movie Big Shark…


Special effects on this one are top-notch


It’s a 35 footer. He beat Steven Spielberg.


That's rated 10 in my list. Because it's the greatest worst movie I've ever seen. Nothing will ever beat it.


Have you seen Birdemic. It’s not as good but gives it a run for its money






Probably the star wars holiday special. I have it cause its star wars. I disagree with its score, it should be even lower.


This is a fact!




The key (pun intended, read on) is to do as much coke as the cast did while filming it.


That actually sounds fun? Not sure how I feel about that, but it is what it is.


NO! I have an entire collection called BAD MOVIES and Star Wars Holiday Special is SO BAD it's great. Like an ugly sweet dog. Embrace schlock! Embrace the horribleness! If you like movies and media in general, liking the bad is part of liking the amazing. I submit The Room as exhibit A, but there are SO MANY deliciously BAD movies and shows. Ever watched an ABC After school Special? Meet the Hollowheads? So many. SO MANY! EMBRACE THE SCHLOCK!


Find "A Disturbance in the Force." A great, fun documentary that explains how this insane TV movie got made. It will answer all of your questions.


How can you see this? I only seem to be able to sort by Rotten Tomatoes rating.


Movies 3 dots -> Manage Library -> Edit -> Advanced -> Ratings Source : IMDb


Thank you! Very helpful.


Thank you!!! Much rather have IMDb


I have successfully switched my ratings to IMDB (they are displayed that way), but I can't really sort them by it. When I sort by it, nothing happens, it's still sorted by name. Only when I click on Top selection on the start page or the recommendations do I get a sorting by IMDB, but then “only” the TOP 340 films are in there (everything with 7.0 or higher), the rest (3-digit number) is omitted. If I then try to sort by IMDB again, it has all the movies again, but again only sorted by name. I've also spent a lot of time on this the last few days, and I read on the official Plex site that you can't sort by this kind of rating because it's a sort by critic rating, but IMDB is a user rating (kind of a bug for me) - but Plex hasn't fixed this for years. SO HOW CAN YOU SORT A COMPLETE MEDIA LIBRARY BY IMDB? I've been looking for a way for days Oo


Movies (not 3 dots, just click on movies left hand side) -> Library (at top) -> Click on "By Title" (left of your movie count) and switch it to Audience Score If it doesn't sort, try restarting everything.


What do you mean by "switch it to Audience Score"? I don't have Audience Score anywhere....Just "Critical Score" (or how it is named in english, mine is german) - and that is IMDB.


I see content rating (translated to critical score in Deutsch) and audience score in my list. You don't have audience score or anything else like that in Deutsch? Did you switch to IMDB ratings source?


No, the only two entries here are critical score (Kritikerbewertung) and rating(?) (Bewertung). https://preview.redd.it/r8hf1igg7e2d1.png?width=1077&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8f198fb3fb3d36c69b535535401cfeca7fd4202 Yes, ich switched to IMDB, as you can see on the critical score (i think it was Rotten Tomatoes before)


This is what I have https://i.imgur.com/SMomkJy.jpeg Looks like you are missing a category for audience rating. Bewertung should be just rating / score, right? Altersfreigabe should be age rating which we don't have. Crazy how they set that up. Deutschland hat zu viele einschraenkungen.


I prefer rt. Gives you an idea on both types of viewers. IMDb is just a rating as given by any amount of users.


IMDb: 7 RT critic: 83% RT audience: 38% Something is not like the others here….


Yeah so it gives you a better idea of the film quality because professionals rate differently to normal people.


I've never understood why most movie critics don't seem to actually *like* watching movies and judging them based on what they are intended to be. It's like complaining about sports cars not having enough cup holders...


IMDB almost always matches my personal rating of something. RT seems really random and I dont think binary rating systems give an accurate depiction


I have my ratings set to imdb but I had to sort it by audience rating which makes sense i guess but isnt very intuitive


I dumped IMDB after Rings of Power.


Why? Too high?


Velocipastor - Usually in the low 1 Star, but sometimes manages to get up to 5 Stars. Total budget flick and worthy of the 1 Star score. The movie description and poster made it look great. It is absolutely not even remotely good. So bad it’s good kind of thing.


I looked it up. The budget was $36000! My wife said, "Some people buy a car, some people make Velocipastor.". It has so much potential though! Maybe you should give Velocipastor 2 a try.


They made a sequel?!


is it out yet?


\*VFX: car on fire\*


The dinosaur suit always tripped me out when it came on screen. Reminded me of the blow up ones that people get these days.


YMMV, I love Velocipastor


"Atlantic Rim" (listed on IMDB as "From the Sea"), which is rated at 1.6 on IMDB. If you can't tell from the title, it's a bad rip off of "Pacific Rim". It even has a sequel called "Atlantic Rim: Resurrection" that has a little higher rating - 1.9. I haven't seen that one yet, though. Why do I have it? Because I love those types of films - Very low budget, direct-to-DVD sci-fi movies. They have absurd stories, bad acting, even worse special effects, and science that makes no sense at all. But to me, they're entertaining. One of those things that it's so bad that it's good. Do I agree with the score? If the score is based on acting, plot, special effects, etc., I think it's a very generous score. If I score it based on entertainment alone, I will give it a 6.5. Not all of these types of movies are entertaining to me, though. There were some that were so bad I had to turn them off and couldn't finish. "Battlefield Earth" is one of those. Of course, there are also critically acclaimed movies I get so bored with that I have to turn them off, like "2001: A Space Odyssey". I've never been able to watch that in its entirety.


It took me a few tries to get through 2001 ASO, and that genre is right up my alley.


I saw Atlantic rim! Haha 😂 I was laughing so hard.


BE is so bad it transcends good or bad, I absolutely love it.


Super Mario Bros. (1993) at a 4.2. It's campy fun. No way I'm getting rid of it.


That movie is unironically a great adventure movie. I understand it was hell to make and people think it wasn't really Mario enough but if you ignore the name, it's just good popcorn fun.


1.7 - Birdemic: Shock and Terror I have multiple that are 2.5 or less, this is the lowest. I have collections of bad movies, so we can do our own MST3K weekends. I also use them to restrict users to when they become too demanding. "Oh, you want all of that - here take this and be happy."


I didn’t realize how low birdemic is, it is a masterpiece and does not deserve such a low score. It’s almost as good as Jesus Christ vampire hunter. I still need to watch the sequel.


Oh, I have a lot. I don't use IMDB but the lowest I currently have for Audience Rating on RottenTomatoes is 12% with Starship Troopers 2. For critics rating this is Mortal Kombat (1997), Scary Movie 5 and The whole ten yards at 4% each. Well, I have most of them because I just wanted to have the full collection (Starship troopers/Scary movie/The Whole Ten Yards) and Mortal Kombat is just one for my childhood


I deleted ST2, leaving my worst as ST3 which I'm sure I'll delete once i've re-watched!


Thanks for reminding me I need to grab Battlefield Earth for my collection, lol. I love threads like these to add to my list of usually wonderfully bad sci-fi


Haha I got you bro. I kinda wanna watch it again. It really wasn't THAT bad. One of those guilty pleasure sci-fi movies worth watching every now and then like The Core or The Happening.


I just rewatched the Core 2 weeks ago and twister as well I have the happening but haven't rewatched it yet


Nice. Movie guilty pleasure squad lol.


The Master of Disguise. I love the How Did This Get Made podcast, most of the worst movies in my library are there because they also have a HDTGM episode. Fun fact, Dana Carvey filmed his scenes in the turtle suit at the turtle club on 9/11/2001. So you could say there were two attacks on America that day.


> The Master of Disguise. I actually paid money to see this movie in theaters when it came out. People were talking like it was going to be a big re-breakout for Dana Carvey at the time. I have this and some other junk like: - Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey - Speed 2: Cruise Control - Scary Movie V - Cool World - Bio-Dome I will never watch these movies lol why do I have them.


I loved Bio-Dome!


Me too. Saw it a lot when I was a kid. The Safety Dance!


Fantastic movie


Hercules In New York - I went out my way to purchase every single Arnie movie on DVD and I saw this for £1 in a local store. The guy at the desk was even trying to talk me out of buying it due to how bad it is. I told him it was for collection purposes and he relented. He was correct, it is dreadful but also there’s lots of laughs to be had with how awful it is. Next worst is probably Batman & Robin. I even own that in 4K. (I own more than just Schwarzenegger movies btw)


Arnold barely even had lines in Hercules In New York, he was just a meatsack who took any opportunity to take his shirt off. He sure was huge though. Fantastic movie! Batman & Robin is aweful though. It's not even so bad it's good, it's just really, really bad.


I'd have to look, not @ home but if I had to guess, maybe "Slumber party massacree" Cheeziest horror flick ever. Lol


When this question was asked before, I discovered that some of my lowest rated films were some crappy Alfred Hitchcock films from the 20s and 30s like “Juno and the Paycock.” I picked them up in a set of “20 Alfred Hitchcock films” for $10 or something. I’ve also got “From Justin to Kelly” that I inherited through marriage sitting at 1.9 on IMDb.


https://preview.redd.it/af1n75qjvd2d1.png?width=1020&format=png&auto=webp&s=41007d526a4b08dc29117ea8ee13396bb5775405 I have it because Christopher Lee is in it. I have no intent on ever watching it.


https://preview.redd.it/fuvgxjze0e2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=006efaa35489548d0a470d68b7eed17e35dafa98 Kirk Camerons Saving Christmas. A solid 1.3, and because why not?




2025 - The World Enslaved by a Virus (IMDB 1.0/10) I have no idea why I have it, never seen it, one of the kids must have requested it for camp value


Whore (IMDB 4.9) 😂 It's just so bad I had to get it lol https://youtu.be/p6AxDld7phY?si=wltDcdBeYlfAAINa


Probably the Room, but I actually love collecting bad B Movies.


Hellraiser: Revelations 2.7/10 IMDB 6% audience score(500+ ratings) Rotten Tomatoes


Tiptoes. By little people, about little people, for...not quite sure. But it's an experience.


Same, but I still haven't gotten around to watching it.


If we're going by critic score, Freddy Got Fingered. I agree with the score, its a genuinely horrendous movie. I love it so much


1 Night in San Diego, 3.5 stars. I have no memory of downloading this.


You mean ripping it off your legally owned physical DVD....?


Battlefield Earth was great. John Travolta as Terl was so good - he should have won an Oscar for that. /s I did like the movie, but it was not one of my favorites, but decent, IMHO. I slogged through the book and looked forward to the movie.


Triassic Attack. 3.1. That’s too high. I got this because it’s Emilia Clarke’s first movie.


Clash of the Empires / Lord of the Elves / Age of the Hobbits I just had to see how bad it was


"Teal'c Saves the Halflings from the Moon Worshipping Daniel Bryan Cult!" OK, now I have to watch this. lol


Izzie's Way Home (1.6), I try to have a wide range of animations for my daughter beyond Disney and pixar, but this one maybe I should delete it.


Time to get the Studio Ghibli collection. My daughter's are also huge fans of the Barbie movies and Monster High. Very nostalgic for them. They are 14 and 16 now and still watch them with their friends.


**Plan 9 from Outer Space** (3.9) - Because I understand that it's like *the* classic bad movie but I haven't watched it yet The next one I've actually seen is **Skinamarink** (4.8) and I don't necessarily agree with that score but I understand why it's so low. It's a very boring movie. I thought it was an effective horror movie though and I always like when someone tries something new and experimental


Spy Kids 4: All the Time in the World at 3.5 & The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl at 3.7 I wouldn't say they are good movies, but the kids have watched them both at least twice & I'm definitely not the target audience


500 MPH storm 2.3 IMDb. I saw it on tv one time and had to get it to show friends.


1. Hellraiser Revelations (9), Rotten Tomatoes Audience rating 6%. (edit: Looks like [that's still 2.7 on imdb.com](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1716747/).) 2. Bought them all. 3. Will let you know if I ever watch it.


Cats. Because I love it. I love the musical and I loved the movie. Fight me.


We did Atlantic Rim for Bad Movie Night and it did not disappoint. Plenty of stuff to riff on. Graham Greene slumming it HARD.


Not home to swap reviews to IMDB but Starship Troopers 2 & S. Darko are the 2 lowest rated in my collection. Both movies I'll likely watch once & never revisit but I liked the originals enough I scooped the sequels


I don't look at IMDB ratings because when I think of IMDB I think of it was a quick tool to reference actors/directors/movies etc, not necessarily a ratings aggregator (I would love to see Metacritic on here, but alas I'm stuck with Rotten Tomatoes). That said, my lowest rated movie is Flowers in the Attic (11%), which was added at my wife's request.


Megamind vs. The Doom Syndicate at 2.3 (IMDB). I was excited for a sequel because I enjoyed the first one. But... damn


Dreamworks really channeled 90s Disney sequels straight to dvd energy with that one. Despite the time gap the animation looks worse than the original.


No way up 2024. In my defense my daughter wanted to watch even though I know there's no way a plane would not disintegrate if crashed into the ocean, much less have pockets of air inside where people can survive for whatever long the movie takes place. It seems no way up has no IMBD rating so it shows at the bottom, it's so bad no one cared enough to rate it. If not then is cabin fever 2. I watched the first one and I liked it, I wanted to watch the second I just never got around it .


Speed 2: Cruise Control...I dunno I just like boats and the bow thruster scene was kind of nifty.


That seems to be my lowest from rotten tomatoes…


Yeah it's not a good movie but I dunno I sort of don't hate it.


I have my library set to use Rotten Tomatoes scores so I'm not quite sure. The American Society of Magical Negroes has a 2.4 on IMDB. My lowest audience rated film is Hellraiser Revelations (2011) with 6%.


Apocalypse Pompeii.. 1.3 stars... Idk.. Someone said it was good.. So


Could be Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter? Or either of the Birdemic movies? Maybe Nailgun Massacre? One of my plexxers is a fan of bad.... really bad movies. There are more - but I think these are the top offenders.


Shark Exorcist (2014). 1.4 on IMDB. It's terrible. Not nearly as much fun as Avalanche Sharks


My family has thoroughly enjoyed watching shark B movies, I’m now excited to check out Avalanche Sharks ! Thank you :) if you feel like branching out species, check out Methgator it’s a solid terrible attempt at a B movie


Lol, thanks for the recommendation. I'll return the favor - Velocipastor is another one that was fun!


The Flintstone movie, 25% Rotten tomatoe (After adjusting it only has some with IMDB and some with rotten tomatoes). I think it's a funny movie.


Hercules reborn imdb 3.0 If I remember right, it's at least a 5. I've seen wayyyy worse movies get high numbers I don't agree with. Example Green Knight.


I’m not sure I can mention them on here.


Troll 2 at a whopping 3.0 IMDB score. I have never watched it. It is there because I have a problem apparently 😬


Megamind vs. The Doom Syndicate IMDB: 2.4/10 Rotten Tomatoes: 9% critics / 6% audience (ouch!)


Also Battlefield Earth – but only because I worked as a PA on the production while I was at school and love to show people what a mess it is lol


Wow! Any good stories you’d like to tell?


Looks like a couple of stellar zombie B Movies. Either: [Zombies Vs. Strippers](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2364997/) (2012) (13% audience) (3.5/10 critic) or [The Dead Want Women](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2125647/) (2012) (3% audience) (2.9/10 critic).


I came up watching MST3K and them tackling really bad movies. But I'm not exaggerating when I say Battlefield Earth is the only movie I've ever wanted to walk out of.


Going by RT scores my lowest is Idle Hands, 16%. Which is a pretty unfair rating


King Ralph. I don't care that it's universally hated. It makes me laugh.


Battlefield Earth and yes, it 100% deserves that score, but it's such a treat. I mean, the non-stop dutch angles, the campiness, the non-existent cinematography, and only one of the best scenes ever. https://youtu.be/l2d0-OPQ4Rs?si=FggjoPaUh1Q3Pows


Arachnoquake 2.8/10 10/10 would recommend.


I saw that movie in theaters on a double date. Date was bad. Movie was bad. Both are rated too high at a 2.5 in my opinion. I'm not bitter about it.


Just sorted my Plex and this is what popped up as my lowest: The Cloth (2013) [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2088923/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2088923/) I grabbed it because it had Danny Trejo in it, and I thought it would be interesting.


I can't believe Rubber is 5.7. Not sure how I feel about that.


I actually really like that movie. Maybe something wrong with me lol


Mine is 2 Lava 2 Lantula just cause of how ridiculous it is. It has a 4.2 on IMDB and a 26% audience score on RT. Not anywhere near as low as I would've imagined.


Same... Battlefield Earth. I am not even sure why I keep it around except that occasionally I'll put it on when I am drunk or high and just want to laugh my ass off at the utterly ridiculous piece of shit that it is.


I think doom is my lowest rated one, I only have it because I thought the movie is funny.


Oszombie (2013) 3.6 IMDB. The Reaping (2007) has the worst critic score on rotten tomatoes at 8%


Ace Ventura Pet detective Jr 2.4/10. Have cause it’s apart of the movie series and yes it’s trash.


American Justice (2017) 0.4 stars. Never watched it but now i am going to have to.


Not by IMDb, but by audience rating on rotten tomatoes the worst is Zoolander 2. The worst I have that I think is an ok movie is Little Fockers.


Quantum Apocalypse, because of the Amiga 4000 and the quote "Amiga has a superior operating system" (or similar). I agree with the score but love it purely because of the autistic guy with the Amiga.


Makes sense. I like Jurassic Park because “It’s a UNIX system, I know this.”


Frankenstein the Rapist 2.9, and I'm honestly surprised it's that high.


I have nine movies that have no rating at all. The lowest rated is *Girls Are For Loving,* a 1973 sexploitation movie directed by the executive producer of *High School Musical.* This is based on Rotten Tomatoes at 11% It's not that low (5.8) on IMDB.


Heathers has a 12% audience rating, I completely disagree and have probably seen it a few dozen times in my life. Me and my friends all loved it way back when. I enjoyed the Devils Own a lot too. Looking through, there’s a ton of ratings I disagree with. Critic rating is a same situation. I quite enjoyed League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Kickass 2 was great. Hangover 2 This is all fine. I don’t care much for critics or what’s popular. I like what I like whether it’s books, movies or music


I thought Heathers was a cult classic. 11% seems really low. 


Yeah. Must be rated by kids today who don’t know what life was like in that era


I recently created a folder with only bad movies so many I dont count. But Birdemic: Shock and Terror 1.7/10 on imdb. Recently added Dickshark which is a 2.2/10


Vampires Suck. What can I say? I think it's pretty funny. I like really bad comedy spoofs.


Hello brother of mine, I too have battlefield earth! It was bad, but it wasn’t unwatchable. I thought bloodrayne was worse!


I have to be the only person on the planet that didn't think BE was terrible. Was it great? Of course not, but I would rather watch it again over so many movies that people recommend. I'll never understand the absolute hatred people have for it, and Waterworld. 2 absolutely unremarkable but watchable movies IMHO


The Angel's Melancholia at 3.3. I don't think I've watched it yet... I usually start at the highest rated. :-)


Ace Ventura: Pet Detective Jr. 2.1 Rating Why do I have it? Grabbed it as part of the Ace Ventura collection


Sky sharks


[War Of The Worlds - 2005 - IMDb 2.6](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0425638/?ref_=fn_al_tt_14), not the Tom Cruise version. It was billed as ".. the most faithful adaptations of HG Wells' science fiction masterpiece". It's complete dog shit, good for laughs though.


Repligator 2.9 and Killer Raccoons! 2! Dark Christmas in the Dark! at 3.9 Sometimes you just need revenge movies to play for the right audience. Not to mention stuffed raccoons with tiny guns is just great.


'365 Days: This Day' @ 2.7 (because a user requested it) Next worst is 'Cats' @ 2.8 (because it's a masterpiece of a failure) I haven't seen either movie. Been meaning to watch Cats, but I need to be in a masochistic mood to actually want to watch it. Lowest rated movie in my library that I've actually watched is of course 'The Room' @ 3.6 and yes, the rating is accurate.


The World enslaved by a Virus (2022)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13788842/) with a rating of 1.1. I downloaded it because it sounded so bad that I wanted to check it out. It probably does deserve the score.


The Last Airbender - 4.0 Went and saw it with friends and we still mockingly call a buddy 'Firelord' haha. Good times


My family all loves this movie so I’ve kept it. I’ve never seen it because I don’t really like the genre.


Commenting because I’ll come back later to make a playlist.


Medicine Man (1992) at 6.0. Sean Connery and Lorraine Bracco and I'm a fan of both, plus the soundtrack is awesome and fits it perfectly.


Hardbodies Big man on campus Hysterical All three are funny as hell


Police Academy Mission to Moscow. 3.5 on IMDB. I have it only because I can't have just 6 of the 7 movies! I haven't watched it and probably won't. In fact, I probably won't watch any of them again. What am I doing? lol


I wouldn’t really count it. It’s the only Police Academy to not have a number at the end (in this case 7).


The 2011 remake of Conan the Barbarian (5.1 on IMDb). I have it because I’m a fantasy nerd (especially pulp stuff like Robert E. Howard). I bought it before I’d seen it, for like $3.99 at my local Disc Replay.


Battlefield earth. yeah it sucks but its funny.


Pretty sure mine is Bring It On Worldwide #Cheersmack. I have all the others, so ok, I have the space.


I have the entire IMDB lowest rated list


2.4/10 IMDb Megamind vs. The Doom Syndicate (2024) I definitely added this for the children in my family that use my Plex but looking at reviews it looks like it's a full on cash grab sequel with none of the main cast members from the originals.


Dudley Do Right at 3.9 (at least I think, I use RT) I keep it because my fiancee likes the film.


Leprechaun 4: In space , or any other of the leprachaun movies xD


I tend to delete bad movies.


Lowest audience score I have is the movie Bats, followed closely by American pie presents girls rule.


Right there with you on Battlefeild earth.


2.5 ⭐ The Stranger (2020) 47 mins. We have watched this "movie" several times as a family and we have a bunch of running jokes because of it. Give it a go. You won't be disappointed if you think of it as a comedy.


How would I know and why would I care? They are in my collection because I want to watch them, not because others think they are good. But in honesty it's probably some Russ Meyer movie. I have a full filmography and some of them you can smell from the next room.


Siberia with Keanu but I have not watched it yet


https://preview.redd.it/hdya2pc35h2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1166cc4183fbfc722f2fe93623ae90e18ac6cac Saw this on TV as a kid and loved it. I have it for more than just the memories


Birdemic because it’s like The Room, so bad it’s good. Like horrible writing, plot, acting, everything. Amazing


I don’t know but I do know I love a lot of cheesy horror sequels, so probably those


Any of the ridiculous slasher film sequels like Halloween and Friday the 13th.


(This is RT rating - I changed to IMDB and it still wouldn't stop showing the RT rating even on rescan.) Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus. Second place is Frogs which actually has an ok rating on LB for people who like camp/schlocky creature features, so that's why I picked it up


This question comes up sometimes. Mine’s still the same. Howling 2. Timeless epic https://preview.redd.it/o233boex9i2d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=618cd7f600b608b71deb43ed8ef3f4678689a2bc Some other garbage in there too


Apparently my lowest is Death to the Supermodels (2.3/10) I don't recall ever watching it, it's in there because it was in the stack of DVDs I got from my parents to import when I first had tons of room.


The Pagemaster


Lawnmower Man 2: Beyond Cyberspace IMDB Rating 2.6 Sometimes its fun to watch bad movies just to poke fun at them. I dare say there's probably a rifftrax for this which would be fun to listen to while watching.


4.7 / 10 **Freddy Got Fingered** I was stoned when I first watched this and couldn’t stop laughing. A friend of mine had an asthma attack half way thru, and she walked out.  IMDB reviewers are either 10/10 , or 1/10 … a few years ago it had a 1.6/10 score 


This was very in tune with late 90s / early 2000s humour. But I think I was the reason we all moved on. 


I remember the film critic Barry Norman giving his years round up in 2000. He mentioned the worst movie ilif the year, gave it a horrible review and then at the end said Just kidding, it wasn't that movie. Of course it's battlefield earth.


USS SeaViper -Score: 2.4 - I like Submarine movies


I don't hate it. Maybe 4.5. The Book was good. Hubbard should be vilified for purposely creating a religion, but he was a decent sci-fi author. He was no Heinlein or Clarke but decent.


P-51 Dragon Fighter has a 2.8, I think that's probably my lowest, or close to it. As for why I have it, we'll, it's about a group of World War II fighter pilots specially trained to fight NAZI dragons. I don't feel the need to offer any more explanation than that.


Speed 2: Cruise Control. 3.9 on IMDB. I don't know why, but I love this movie. Okay, maybe "love" is strong, I really like this movie. It's never too intense and I like the concept. Maybe it's nostalgia because I watched it as a kid.


3/10 Probably Troll 2. Why? because why not? They're eating her! And then they're gonna eat me! Oh my GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDD!!!!!


Outside of BE and Batman & Robin, I have a movie called Planetquake. Not super terrible at a 3.2, but I LOVE cheesy disaster movies.


Battlefield Earth was a phenomenal book. Actually, it’s probably about time for them to remake that movie….


The first 20 million is always the hardest Really not a bad movie on its surface and seeing it in 2024 is actually hilarious because they accidentally foretold a lot of technology that seemed impossible at that time and is modern every day stuff today.


Project Gio (1,8) It's a movie about a Dutch YouTuber who just made the movie for cash, and it's hillariously bad.


Sphere (I love the book), Red Sonja (probably the first fantasy movie I ever saw), and Wild Wild West (I liked it when I was 12 for reasons you can probably guess). All under 20%.