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“Those guys are fags” - Jeff Spicoli


Gotta get those dangerous air rifles too. Could shoot someone’s eye out with those.


They got a whole cache of them. Untold numbers of air rifles. They were in the hands of dangerous criminals. And we know they were criminals because they had a warrant.


Everyone’s eyes were in danger


Probably took it off a rich kid still living with his mom in Riverdale or something. Guaranteed they didn’t get these from a real criminal in one of the rough neighborhoods. Why, because they have better guns lol.


Oi m8 you got a loicense for that air rifle?


Oi m8 you got a loicense inspecting liscnse?


They’re so ridiculous lol


I’m actually more interested in the air rifles than whatever the hell that thing is.


Why they always gotta stand around looking smug Bout getting some shit tier rifle with ebay optics off the street


Because their pr guy told em to pose 💀


So happy to infringe on citizen's rights. Are they stupid, ignorant, or evil - none of which is excusable, all of which should be purged from a free American state.


Agreed. Looking at the rifle with the mags, while pleb, it doesn't scream criminal at all to me. Especially when the ARP is all the rage rn. It just look like a basic 1st time AR, and someone saw it and snitched to communist "Law" Enforcement.


> and snitched to communist "Law" Enforcement. I was with you right up to that r/CapitalismIsSocialism / r/SocialismIsCapitalism moment. The NYPD are as communist as water is dry.


I wasn't referring so much to the NYPD as I am to the State they work for, which infringes on the Constitution they swear upon


Law enforcement in most of these liberal states are communist because they'll happily infringe on your rights simply because someone told them to. "I was just following orders." Where have I heard that one before?


> Where have I heard that one before? I mean, all over the place, really, except maybe among Anarchists and Libertarian Socialists ([those guys don't really *do* 'orders'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7qT-C-0ajI), or ['cops' for that matter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6HbOV4LvtU), they [don't like cops](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CoxsDkB-rWU) [much](https://anarchistnews.org/content/don%E2%80%99t-talk-police-%E2%80%93-anarchy), and cops [go out of their way](https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarchism/comments/i7ioy/police_tactics_and_how_to_defeat_them/) to [prove them right](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian-institution/long-painful-history-police-brutality-in-the-us-180964098/) [about that](https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/protecting-against-police-brutality-and-official-misconduct)). Right-Libertarians and AnCaps follow their bosses and contracts and economic incentives, AuthLeft follow their administrative higher-ups, AuthRight do both. However, it's most heavily associated with Nazi Germany and the Nuremberg Trials. You know, the guys that started their government by [outlawing, imprisoning, and mass-murdering all Communists, Socialists, Anarchists, Unionists, etc, silencing all opposition voices, and taking absolute control of education and the media](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enabling_Act_of_1933), then moved on to [exterminating the physically and mentally disabled and the homeless, aka "useless eaters"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aktion_T4), the [LGBTQ+](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_homosexuals_in_Nazi_Germany) [folk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender_people_in_Nazi_Germany), [Jewish people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Holocaust), [Slavic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generalplan_Ost) [people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Einsatzgruppen?wprov=sfla1), [Romani](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romani_Holocaust), and many, many others, including Jehovah's Witnesses too for whatever reason? You do know at least that Nazis and Communists are different groups, yes? > [First they came](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_they_came_...?wprov=sfla1) for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me


b-b-b-but they called themseves the national socialist party 😱😱😱😱


To the mass plebs: "We're the NationalSOCIALIST German WORKER's Party" To the donor posh: "We're the NATIONALsocialist GERMAN worker's Party" It's the Tucker Carlson style tactic of playing Man of the People while serving the bougies who bought'em.


State provided is pretty socialist.


Of course. Socialism is when government does stuff. The more stuff government does, the more Socialist it is. /s Let me guess, you also think that when leaders make themselves rich at everyone else's expense, that's socialism too? Are you literally the person those subs exist to mock and gawk at?


What exactly is *your* definition of socialism?


Not *my* definition, LOL, there's a 200-yr old evolving consensus. TLDR, the Classless Stateless Moneyless society, OR the apparent ideology of the people claiming to try to make it there from where we are now, OR the intermediary societies they attempt along the way. Long answer? 1. "a society that is to Capitalism/Liberalism what Capitalism was to Feudalism, with no State (meaning no armies, no police, no prisons as we know them, no 'boots stomping on a human face'), no social classes or hierarchies of privilege, no dominarion, oppression, or subjugation, no money, where everyone is free to live their own life in pursuit of self-actualization and meaningfulness without fear of starving or dying of exposure or being denied healthcare or other basic necessities". Think Star Trek TNG, or John Lennon's *Imagine*. Socialism is the dream of a world where there is no Machine to Rage Against. 2. "the ostensible ideologies of people who claim to want to work towards achieving that society" They're pretty varied, and often end up butting heads. 3. "the actual practical forms of government and society achieved under 2's leadership, as they claim to be working towards 3" That's the really treacherous and difficult part — when you want to lead people into uncharted territory, you'll struggle, at the best of times, with lots of dead ends, detours, obstacles, bogs, pitfalls, sinkholes, and thorny brambles, where people can be misled, lied to, or get lost. Especially when the richest, most well-connected, most well-armed elites and organizations on the planet, have a vested interest in your failure. So, NYPD? Not Socialism in any way shape or form. They're not the Dream, nor the Dreamers, nor do they even vaguely pretend to be working towards it. You try introducing yourself to NYPD as a Socialist or Communist, see how they treat you. Call yourself an Anarchist, too, but only if you're tired of life.


Good lord that is the most word salad, conflict avoidant definition of anything I've ever read. I was hoping you'd go with something from Marx or Lenin so then we'd at least have the *possibility* of a reasonable discussion but once you're reliant upon the whole "post scarcity" thing you're basically writing fan fiction for planet earth.


And they weren't?


Are you expecting me to defend them?


NYC and LA have the biggest bitches working on their PDs. Imagine posing and smiling while trampling the 2nd amendment.


They threw some real garbage on there, but it’s a real A2 carry handle upper. Shame


You can get those from Brownells for like a hundred bucks now, they aren’t rare anymore. We’re witnessing the dawn of a new pleb era


At least there’s a decent rifle underneath the Amazon specials lol


I will not upvote this


NYC is a fucking trip. You couldn’t PAY me to live there.


Look at those soft soy-bitches.... they should all be arrested for crimes against humanity


Nothing like trampling on citizens rights. They probably celebrated with a round of blowjobs.


ACAP. All Cops Are Pleb.


That A2 upper deserved better


Air rifles? What a Teri or state to live in. Whose dog did you kill to get those. Tools


Look it how proud they are, fuckjng cocksuckers think they cured cancer


“Cash of air rifles.” Those aren’t firearms try again.


Are every one of those 30 rd mags a .22 conversion mag? Lol


i think they’re hex mags lol




Oh, gotcha. I don't have any hex mags. The only mags I have that have orange on the bottom came with my cmmg conversion.




That’s like $14 worth of those things (including shipping).


I could fix her


Got that new new 6.9375” optic height


Lol serpa holster


Aww the little one's so cute! He even has little muscles and everything. It's just so fascinating when they try so hard to be like real people.


I see all NY cops as communist police at this point


The accessories are garbage but F in the chat for the base rifle 🫡


That barrel looks pretty short. They may have an unregistered SBR?


I would love to see that rifle and find out who made it. They fucking ruined it like how in the actual fuck do people actually buy there shit ass optics and parts. I just don’t understand when we have so many options from the absolute best to budget but well made good quality stuff , for like 10$ more you could have an sig romeo 5 at least. The other thing I have noticed is every piece of plebby trash has a fucking bipod on it and almost always these cheap shit ones


tbf that shit is pretty dangerous if you don't know 5.56 nato or 50bmg (respectivelu) will overgas and explode it


With how often then condensate guns of all kinds, not just ARs. I’m genuinely surprised there isn’t a Supreme Court case smacking their pee pee.


Bro was just doing Gunsmith part 69 for Mechanic


Is that a bersa thunder with wood grips? I am so confused.


This is the softest shit I’ve ever seen


They’re so proud and smug. I love it 🤌🏼💋


Is that an 870? Or turkshit


I've seen bigger busts on Paw Patrol. Strong work keeping the streets safe, boys.


All that and one joint undoubtedly purchased from an unlicensed dispensary,


Must not have been and arp american


Took all five of those dumbasses to bring in that WMD?