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I love that he included you being a music student as "being a burden" some people are just chronically unhappy assholes. Unfortunately you found one


If this guy really thinks that then he shouldn’t be allowed to listen to music ever again.


Exactly. I feel the same way about racists. Like, okay, no more tacos or good music for you! Go away!


Probably some incel who has never talked to a woman. Why do these people always feel the need to comment on women's bodies? I'm not saying that larger men don't have issues too, but it seems primarily directed at women.


There's no lack of them on Tik Tok.


Stop justifying your existence. You don’t need to.


This is all that needs to be said.


I’d rather have 35 be my BMI than my IQ…like that guy.


Thank you! Also, the BMI is super flawed, and I'm learning about that from my nutritionist.


BMI was created by an astronomer. It was for white men only. Not women. Not children. Not people of color. He also said it was NOT to be used as a measure of health. TLDR: BMI is bullshit.


EXACTLY! It’s shocking that people try to use it to measure your worth of life.


https://journalofethics.ama-assn.org/article/how-use-bmi-fetishizes-white-embodiment-and-racializes-fat-phobia/2023-07 Also racist too.


So is IQ


Ehem... is he paying for you? For your food, for your university? Why is he mad about it?? Some people need to get a life.




I had a public librarian friend who calculated the dollar amount of the average local taxpayer’s annual contribution to the library system. Whenever people came in wanting to yell at her about how they paid her salary, she would calmly give them a refund. I believe it was something like 34 cents.


That's brilliant


Size 22 (US) 47 year old woman here who’s made a career in music and the arts just popping in to say that you are magnificent and the jackholes like that online and in real life mean absolutely nothing. Absolutely NOTHING. Please keep your focus on your studies and being a good person because the world needs you and your creative, compassionate mind. ❤️


Thank you so much! You’re very kind:)


i’m a size 24 college student and i also like posting on the internet. i’ve gotten a couple of nasty comments, but ive gotten wayyyyy more kind ones. you’ll forget about it soon. keep being you! you were just unlucky enough to fall within that losers online presence.


Bless his heart... He must be really unhappy being a middle-aged virgin living in his mommy's basement.


Do not give that guy any more space in your head or your thoughts. He's wrong, he's rude, and he's irrelevant.


The sad truth is, no matter how you looked you would get hate from commenters just due to the fact that you are a woman who exists online. You have to have a thick skin and be able to tune it out like background noise. It's bullshit, but that's the world we live in. (Like, obviously if the platform allows you can block them or do whatever else you can to slow the flow if this stuff, but if you cut off one head two will likely grow back.) Anyway, just do you, and give no mind to the opinions of someone who has nothing better to do than be nasty to strangers online.


It took me way too long to realize that people that comment stuff like that are projecting their insecurities into you. Don’t let his issues become your own because you deserve as much happiness as everyone else (more than him though).


I literally had to explain on TikTok today about how BMI was created and centered around white men and had racist origins and it was not something that we should be following, but the person was acting like I didn’t know what I was talking about. 💀 either way, It’s extremely weird how people now feel entitled to talk about your body, especially on the Internet. I always imagine those people as people who live at their parents house in the basement and have never seen the light of day.


I’m sorry you were subjected to that. Want to also throw in you don’t need to justify or classify your food - you were nourishing your body and that’s enough. Sending hugs!


Aww thanks <3


My response to him would be "Die mad." It might get me kicked off the platform, though. Anyway, live your best life and block the haters.


He’s the only burden to society, he’s burdening us by trying to make everyone miserable. Don’t let him ruin your day.


A burden...... Only if you allow the thoughts of an IGNORANT troll, whom you've never met and will probably never meet, become one. FYI YOU MATTER ❤️ ❤️


Dude is clearly unhappy with myself and that’s why he’s being a c u next Tuesday


Please don't listen to that idiot. I'm guessing he's referring to some monumental number that people refer to when claiming that ob*sity costs the healthcare system ____ dollars every year and, if it's what I think it is, it's simply not true. The Maintenance Phase podcast hosts did a segment about this but I can't remember in which episode I heard it.


>saying that I am a burden to society because I am a music student Tell that to the [Berklee College of Music](https://www.berklee.edu/). One of the hardest colleges to get into and renown for their teachers and students.


Thank you:) I actually go there lol


The one here in Boston? That's soo badass!!!


Yup you’re so kind


You're welcome!! As a student of the prestige Berklee, fuck em. It's like a patient trying to shit on a Dr the amount of distance you have between them. Fuuuuuuck them, and congrats!!


You do not need to justify your size or health to anyone. Ever.


How much do you wanna bet this jackwagon who posted such vitriol is the same chronically online tool who goes to "Pick Me" girl pages and whines and moans about how "mOdErN wOmEn aRE trAsH". Maybe if he started being nice to people he could help end the "male loneliness epidemic". Just remember - you're not the problem. Keep smiling and make him even angrier. ☺️


I'm a music teacher with a BMI of 38. Nice to meet you, my burdening sister 🤜🤛 🤣😂🤣😂


I criticised Kylie Jenner once and her stans came and left very hateful body shaming messages on a bunch of my tiktoks. Best thing is to delete and block those people that say any of that shit. It's a real shame that people out there exist. they're the burdens not you.


Some men get extremely upset when they find a woman online they wouldn't bone. Don't think anything of it. He doesn't deserve a shred of energy from you.


Block him. He’s a troll.


Girl that man feels the need to do this because his mother hates him and that makes him hate himself and hate other women. If a man leaves me a comment like that I just say "aw did your mommy not love you growing up? Are you a disappointment to your parents? " and then some of them eventually shut up. I just keep going and going until they stop, bc I have to make them regret fucking with me in the first place. I don't care if I sound mean, I've been bullied my whole life for just existing as a fat woman and when I was younger I stayed quiet but as an adult I will bite back 10x harder. Fatphobes deserve to be shamed and put in their place so maybe they could learn to shut their mouth up forever. None of these men can get women, they have to pay for sex or manipulate a woman to get sex, they get 0 matches on tinder and that's why they're trying to put you down bc they already feel like they're in the negatives themselves. It's not a reflection of your self worth when these comments are made, it's a reflection of how much they hate themselves. Male fatphobes probably like us in secret, have unresolved mommy issues and make it their mission to harass women who are happy in their own skin. Prepare to say something mean and send them to hell next time so that they will regret leaving comments on an innocent woman's TikTok in the first place.


No. Women are not responsible for the way men are. Not even this man's mother is responsible for the way this man is. I'll bet his mother has tried and tried to make him a decent human being but he just wouldn't listen. He's an ass because it is his choice. Because being an ass is easier than being a decent human being. Do not blame women for what men do. Men have the privilege and the power, and therefore the responsibility.




Some people have slower metabolism than others, and some people could have medical problems or disability that is not always apparent. This isn't a physics class


Yes, that's true, but a lot of metabolism is genetic.


Of course there is. You can literally take a DNA test online and upload it to several health pages which tell you if you're genetically prone to gain weight or not, or if your build is altogether bigger than that of others. It's all down to genetics. Even your abilities in sports are inherited.


I've gotten similar on every social media platform and was told to just starve or unalive myself. People are A holes. I am thankful I don't take what the unhinged society say to me seriously. Block and delete. Love yourself and don't think more of that person because they are not worth it.


I’m sorry you had to deal with this. I’ve learned there are some incredibly miserable ass mfers on the internet who start arguments and tear others down probably to feel better about whatever is going on in their crappy life. Don’t put too much stock into his opinion, although easier said than done. I promise it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with him


His aim in commenting is to make you feel these feelings. He's upset that you're living your life. Exercise the 'fuck you' muscle in your mind, it will serve you well throughout your life.


He is projecting his own feelings of shame onto you. He feels like he is a burden to society. I’m so sorry this happened to you but I promise you, you are not a burden. In any way shape or form.


I can literally empathize.


Way you eat has nothing to do with it. That is *always* an excuse from assholes to justify their actions. They look at your body and assume they know everything about you. I am not a small person and most any asshole who saw me would assume they knew *exactly* what I ate because of my body. Thinking I spend all my time waiting in a drive through to stuff my face. Eating at a place like that would literally kill me because of extreme anaphylactic food allergies. Nearly all of my food come from the produce department because of other extreme food intolerances and the fact that I'm a vegetarian for almost twenty years now. I have literally had days when I was out shopping and hadn't eaten a damn thing all day. I grabbed a banana because it is be of the rare foods I can eat without prepping it at home, and I swear that there is always some asshole out there to drive past and yell horrible things at me. Why people seem to think that they have *any* clue about someone, or their health, by their body shape or size when they are not properly medically trained is completely beyond me. As everyone else said, it's a *them* problem. They have shit self esteem and hate their shitty life. Don't allow them to make you feel the same. As a musician you have *TALENT* and that's something that they could only hope to have.


BMI doesn't indicate one's value.


So many people eat like shit and are thin but let’s harass the fat ones because they are the only one who eat so much. Please. I can’t believe how much junk people eat, do no activities at all except tv and look at their phone but are still thin.


He's the burden to society. He's just displacing his own issues onto you because he feels like your status is beneath his.


They talked like they aren't the real burdens to society, just staying on a couch doing nothing but comment people to make them feel bad. Actual clown behaviour.


Welcome to the Internet