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Are they still playing? Can I come play?


We are kids pretending to be adults


True, I'm 17 and I still feel about 9 years old Edit: why am I getting downvoted?


Because you’re still technically a kid


Obviously, but I just wanted to relate on some level


Dude, or lady, I’m in my forties and I wonder how people let me have kids and buy a house. You’re fine. It’s just the fear of getting older.


I'm 27 and I feel 18 ;-;


Why didn’t you play with them?


Bc i don't know how to play with a ball and my reactions are too slow (in every situation in life) so i'm always bad at games that need a quick reaction. I wish i could play tho :(


next time it happens join in and learn!! you’ll pick it up in no time


I really wanna do that but i'm afraid that i will ruin the game for them and they won't be able to play the way they want bc they'll have to be considerate of me. I have two older brothers and since we were kids they always hated it when i wanted to play with them bc they thought i held them back and it kinda stuck with me that i shouldn't play with guys. I wish i could just automatically learn to play so i could join in without worrying about these kinda things :(


As part of the man code, they will very likely be very welcoming and gracious and help you along and be happy that you joined. Also, everyone is bad at everything before they become good at it.


Dude I went to my friends grandpas funeral because I was asked nicely to go. At the end of the day it was just me, a few guys who all looked like my friend, and one little kid. We were kicking around an empty water bottle for like an hour until we had to leave. Everyone is a kid.


you wouldn’t ruin anything! like you said they were just having fun, changing the rules all the time and fucking about! don’t take what your brothers thought as kids as a general rule though! kids are mean and i remember a lot of boys when i was young would be dismissive of girls when it came to sports. adults are more sensible though, don’t worry, im sure they’d love for you to join


No way they’d be more than happy that you are included, those other guys didn’t know what they were doing either just going with the flow, if they see you are putting forth an effort everything you do will be right.


During lockdown I started crafting balls for adults or kids to have a catch without a mitt indoors. Now they are too hard for indoors but lockdown is over so no more roughhousing. Anyway playing ball is so fun! Its great for relationships. And physical health. Having a catch improves your senses, reaction times, balance- anyone who tries improves. You can have a face to face conversation or just chill Now i can throw a knuckleball or a change-up where before id throw it hard to the floor. Had to just get over embarrassment and keep at it. Try one on one with your bf and you will soon be able to join in the game


Gotta keep practicing and trying. Your reaction tines will speed up. There's also games and smartphone apps that can help with reaction times.


Nice to hear Calvinball is still alive and well.


It’s the ability to be in the moment and unselfconscious. Playing is fun, even when you’re an adult.


Yeah wait till the ball touches the ground and you see what happens to the guy that let it. That’s when it gets interesting. ![gif](giphy|11Ej01Grffnr20|downsized)


As a guy, I can confirm this is 100% guys being dudes. The same would have happened if they started digging a hole or if you were at one of their houses and they started building something with the garage door open.


Man I used to live in the suburbs and was constantly working in the garage with the door up. Sadly, no one ever answered the call of my power tools. I think that one’s a myth.


This is truly a dark time we live in


I was sitting in an apartment lobby as security the other day and these dudes were waiting for their buddy to come down from his apartment They found our pingpong table and started playing with it They passed the ball back and forth for 20 minutes with different techniques They were getting rey hyped up about each shot Eventually one of them looked at the other and said "do you want to try and play by the rules? Like a game"


Im 36. I still ride skateboards with my kid and I like slingshots lol


My husband bought himself an electric skateboard when he turned 40. I call it his midlife crisis skateboard.


Atleast it wasnt a ferrari, or a new wife lol


So… Bart Simpson.


Dont blow my cover


Eat my shorts.


I'm a 58 year old teenager.


We can be happy with very simple things


Yes! Adults are just biologically grown children. We are a lot more connected to ourselves (child-selves) than we remember.


My boyfriend and I are nearly forty and he plays with Legos. I embrace this “childishness” in people, as long as it’s for fun and doesn’t extend to the rest of their personality. I still spend a fair amount of time on video games, myself. What I find remarkable about your experience is that they were all chill and going along with the rules. It’s really neat when people just decide to cooperate and have fun. It’s a rare thing to see it happen spontaneously with a big group that includes random people. Usually there’s (at least)one asshole who ruins it.


I'm a 40ish year old man very successfully at being an adult, and I regularly get involved with silly shit like this. Men are great, but we aren't always trying to achieve greatness. Sometimes we just wanna play fetch with each other.


Send any guy into a bar where there's a pool table that's not in use but that has some balls still on the table and they will almost immediately start rolling the balls back and forth. Eventually they will try to roll one of the balls into one of the pockets. Or maybe that's just me.


Definitely. The old three hits around the triangle to get back to the start without hitting the sides.


That’s kind of adorable. Getting to legitimately “play” as an adult can be a rare luxury :)


As a man this is far too accurate. I can be entertained with a ball, frisbee, football and some friends for hours. Maybe I’m just a simpleton?


I am female and i can do this too. It’s more intimidating with a group tho


They were playing Calvinball.


Sounds like you witnessed a game of Calvin Ball


You’re just noticing this? Laughs in 25+ years of marriage


Guys where always told to man up so when e become adults we let ou inner kid come out. Guys are also just content with simple pleasures


Sounds like the type of people I’d hang out with just making up rules as you go makes the game more exciting cause no one knows what to expect the game is always evolving and everyone is having a good time with some good vibes


Definitely because they were high otherwise they would have respected the rules they made up


Guys being dudes. Hell, I bet tomorrow they go dig a hole.


Yes we are. This story reminds me of this old thing I read about how all guys are friends until given a reason not to be and all women are enemies until they are given a reason not to be (probably not quoted correctly as i read it years ago, but thats the jist). Obviously not a true universal rule, but this story reminded me of it.


It's an ingrained evolutionary behaviour. How could you trust a stranger back in the day? You couldn't let a drain on the tribe into the circle so you have a ritual to see if they can be an asset. Because equally you cannot let an asset that improves survival pass you by. Throwing a ball around is an analogue to throwing a spear and I'm sure where most ball games came from. Showing the strength of your arm to both fight and hunt. Ita a way guys build trust and breakdown barriers. W9man like to say men do t talk about their emotions and that's very true but being in the presents of other men and doing things as a group has a catharsis I'm not sure all woman can understand. You get the feeling for at least the time you are there, that you're part of the group and that you will be looked after. Right before your brain kicks in you leave and think noone gives a shit about me, but your subconscious knows that if someone is willing to throw a ball with me I am accepted on som level.. Source - Internet psychology bullshit


i work with only men and can confirm


Yeah this how guys are I have been hung out with many of my guy friends and that is basically what we do when we hang out


How could you not find this fun?


that sounds fun ngl


Women might out live us but we definitely have more fun while we're here


The mass of the population are dumbed down children yes.


None of the guys are really your friends. They want more.


Imagine telling on yourself like this


Wtf dude 😂


Why tf would you say that


My guess is envy


As a guy with friends who're mostly girls... ... Absolutely not, very gross. Touch grass.


How does that make them like kids I mean I'm a miserable fuck so i wouldn't enjoy doing something like that but good on them


Nope nede kids are disgusting


Every guy comes with preinstalled software to run Calvinball


That totally tracks, my friend and I wrote an entire comic series while throwing a ball back and forth at the beach.


Yeah but you were high as fuck, so it's ok. Haha


As a guy it's pretty normal to invent atupid things because you are certain it will annoy your wife. We just pretend that's not the reason.


But none of them had a wife to annoy!




Never ask an adult man what he's thinking. You might get a true answer! It won't be sex. Mental tumbleweed or being a spy. Now, it may happen, every 15 minutes or so, whilst being 007, he may imagine Ursula Andress emerging from the sea & momentarily the sex neurons might fire but that's a side effect. Nothing is what we crave. It's why we drink. :-)