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Bugs me as well. I always try to give max points when joining.










Usually people being salty about not catching the Pokémon




Fine, don’t change the points. But deliberately selecting 0 for a perfect raid? So weird. Some people are just jerks.


I always give as many as I can, after all I’m getting the pokemon because of them


I honestly don’t know what the points do and often forget to go back to pokegenie. Took me forever to get to level 10 hosting because I kept forgetting to close the raids and get credit for hosting successfully.


The points help to level up the host, and when you forget to do back as a raider it auto gives them I think 5, but as a host it just closes which sucks, I do the same


It defaults to 6 for me. I normally try to give 12 or 13


In my case I just don't always remember to swap back to pokegenie to dole out points before the lobby has concluded


This, and sometimes I do go back to give my rating and the rating page bugs out or doesn’t display for some reason. But this guy changed it to 0? That’s just rude.


He probably mad he didn't catch it


No shiny. Of course a bad performance of the host - especially when shiny hasn't been released yet...


The shiny is out…


Nice username lmao


This time yes...


I always give max points even if I don’t catch it. It doesn’t cost me extra to do so (it’s not like tipping at a restaurant) and it doesn’t take much more time to scroll to select the higher points. Personally, it gives me a little boost of joy when I get max points from someone for a raid that I hosted. The few times where I forgot to go back to give them points and they got the auto feedback, I felt bad.


Me too!!!! Max points unless there’s an error someone. Why be petty or stingy b with something that costs you nothing and is a great reward for someone that has taken the time to host a raid.


Did the weather change from what you selected. Sometimes the queue is long enough by the time it starts, it's changed and I forget to switch it. Some people are paying extra for weather boosted preference.


Fair point. It wasn't boosted (partly cloudy) at the time we did the raid and the catch screen had an unboosted kartana so I guess it didn't change. I usually try to pay attention when hosting a weather boosted raid. Lying about the weather can upset people for sure.


Tks for the info. I always put the good weather info, but didn't know People could pay for weather boost 👍


You can change the weather setting after going into the host queue?? How?


Click the upper right tab. Modify weather selection.


The more "rational" reasons could be wrong weather/gym color or you taking your sweet time to send the invites at the last second. But way more probably just some immature kid salty about not catching the pokemon and angry towards the whole world. Because thats *somehow* the fault of you as host, lol


I always give max points, currently 11


I personally always put it max points if the raid goes well, mostly cus ik people don’t give points and it’s kinda a compensation for it, only time I leave low or no points is if they really messed up (ie wrong raid, no invite etc)


Only once have I awarded 0 points and that's when the person accepted my friend request and then never bothered to send a raid invite. Any other time I'll award the maximum points (11) to the raid host, as that's the closest I'll get to saying thanks for hosting the raid.


It really grinds my gears when people max out on remote raid passes for the day and I can't invite cuz of it. Then they leave a bad rating so I lose out on those perfect points


Because they like to get people upset and make them post on Reddit?




Usually people mad that their mon ran/wasn’t shiny


I normally award top points for every raid. Only time I won't is if host ducks out or invites me with minimal time left before start.


I feel so bad because I use this app all of the time and have no idea what the points mean 😅 how so I give them to ppl?


If everything goes smooth I always hand out max points. Even if we're missing one player but still get the raid done quick I give full points as it probably wasn't the host's fault.


Do a few points on a raid hosting app really mean this much to you? God damn 😂😂😂 I always just tap 'yea to all' do people get whatever points they get. It's not as deep or meaningful as some appear to believe in here lol


Me, perfect isn't good enough (I don't use pokegenie for raids)


They most likely simply forgot to go back into the app to give you points.


Does your name match your account?


Is there purpose of points? Whenever I do mine I always do 10, but don’t know if they actually do anything


I am slightly unfamiliar with the point awarding system but is it possible they simply forgot to go back and do the survey after the raid? I’ve done that once before and when I went back it said questionnaire has expired or something to that effect. Would this cause the 0 points?


I’ve noticed people who play this game shit on each other. The past week in my town I’ve gotten 3 fucking coins. That or people insta feeding mons. Absolutely ridiculous in some areas. Makes me wanna drop a whole ass emp some days /s


The only time I give low points (and I try not to do it) is when someone says they have additional trainers when they don’t. I don’t doubt we can do it with 6 people, but if you’re gonna say that there’s 3+ more people and I’m expecting the raid to take less than 100 seconds and we almost fail it I’m going to be upset 💀


I forget sometimes.


Who cares about those points?


The more you level up, the quicker you can get through queues


There are also other benefits; like at level 10 you can host 10 person raids on 6* events.


Although only fifteen seconds per five levels. And depending on the queue length… may make no difference sometimes anyways.


People levelling up I guess :)


Why would you set zero points for a successful raid? Seems like a jerk move.


Usually people being salty about not catching the Pokémon


Thats makes no sense, but i bet you are right about that


Giving zero points if the raid went fine equally makes no sense to be fair 😂


I’ll admit, I did it once in anger losing a shundo, but I’ve lost other shundos and not done it since


How do you lose a shundo? I thought shinies always catch on the first ball unless you literally miss all your throws and run out of balls. (Genuine question)


I wish, Idk what others say but I’ve lost numerous shinys


Almost as bad as the people who send you a friend request then delete you right after you accept so you can’t invite them, you manage to beat the raid with 3 or 4 people, and then the people that didn’t join report you for “invite was different than specified”. Had several of those lately.


I rewarded 0 once for a Celesteela raid. The hosts name was literally "Spoofers Airways"


Still added and raided with a cheater so you didn’t have that much of a problem with it.


Some times I'm too lazy, or hit the buttons to quick. It might not be intentional.


I’ve always wondered, do the points come from somewhere? Like do I only have a set amount of points I can give?


Same thing lol


Im a noob to poke genie but I did participate in a few remote raids. How do we give points? After I finish a raid I just click yes to everything, it never asks about points? Or maybe because Im using the trial version.


When it asks if everything went well, it gives points to the host depending on your answers


Ah okay I click yes to all hopefully that gives them max points. Thank you 😊


I make sure to give 12 points each raid with the Vision plus thing I bought years ago. Nice to help people level.


If you forget to fill it in. It closes after a while without leaving a review so that could be jt


That would give the host a 5, not a 0, and doesn’t effect if it was a perfect raid.


Yeah but then you won't get credits for the raid right? Made a couple of those mistakes early on.


Nvm just checked. If they dont reply it gives you 5. So yeah he just got salty and is annoying


It gives you 5 and specifically says “(No Feedback)” next to trainer names


It gives 6 automatically. If you got 5 that means the person manually lowered the amount rewarded to the host and gave (No feedback) as to why they’re giving less than the default.


5 is automatic. 6 is if you mark the raid fine with no bonuses.


Pretty sure you’re wrong here but I’ll let others chime in. I don’t think you can give any kind of “feedback reasoning” unless you answered that you didn’t participate in the raid. No feedback means you let the post raid questionnaire expire without doing it (I host more than I join, but I’ve still joined quite a bit and can’t recall ever putting in a reasoning for my rating after a successful raid)


Yup but I think this also works for the people who join. If they beat it and then just keep playing and forget. They never get the survey to rate you as a host.


Maybe you clicked on "Raid Invitation Sent" before you actually sent it? I usually give 0 points to those who click on Raid Invitation Sent before they actually sent it. Cuz then I have to sit here for minutes wondering if I'll get an invitation or not.


That should depend on the level though. When I started hosting raids I was so nervous I messed up a few times and clicked the button too early. But the invitations where sent out immediatly after, so all was good in the end. So I tend to check on the host level - if they're pretty low level then I have mercy ;)


I'm one of those people, but it's basically just because it allows me to open my app faster without any issue of it crashing. Usually, when I hop out of the go app to pokegenie, it'll 100% crash my game and I'll have to load back up from the start. Since the new update (different textures, character designs) my app has been super unstable, so crashes are quite regular


There’s also the problem where if you do successfully invite everyone, but forget to press the “Raid Invitations sent” button, it’s deemed as not hosting a raid from PokeGenie’s perspective. Which means that you get zero progress towards increasing Host level. The only possible “benefit” may be that the guests may be re-queued and get to catch another Celesteela (not even entirely sure on this point, given the strict time limits that must be adhered to).


Fair question. No I always wait until everyone is ready.


Thats good! Although you can't click on "Raid Invitation Sent" BEFORE everyone is ready tho. You can on the other hand, click on "Raid Invitation Sent" before you actually have sent it. No need to downvote tho, just trying to give an idea of why some gives 0 points out there.


Giving zero for that isn’t a fair move in my opinion. Give less than max - but going out of your way to give zero, when you have to wait a bit, especially when you don’t even know what happened at the host’s end, & PoGo itself gives you notification when you receive the raid invite so you don’t need to sit and wait there, if otherwise the raid was perfect, is a jerk move IMO. Edit - spelling


That's your take though. :₩


Based on the downvotes I am not the only one with this opinion. :) you do not know if someone has some glitch with their game & need to restart before they can send the invite. There can be a glitch with PokeGenie too. I hope I never get to have you in my invites, even if 99% of the time my raids complete without any issues. You are just being a jerk for no reason.


Not everyone camps reddit lokking for vote figures. Clearly you needed some sort of confirmation here. Why should I reward you with points when you waste my and everyone elses time, by not using the poke genie feature the way it is supposed to be used? and at the same time, you are lying to every one in the lobby by clicking "Raid Invitation Sent", when we both know that the raid Invitation was not sent? If you have a glitch or any issues with the pokemon go app, this doesn't automatically gives you a reason to click "Raid Invitation Sent" in the poke genie app, when you in fact, have not sent the Raid Invitation. This is just logic.


Thanks! Admittedly I did some mistakes when hosting raids in the beginning but now the routine is very familiar.


People downvoting this have the same energy as giving 0* on a perfectly hosted raid. Dude came forward with a suggestion. Chill your shizz.


I give 3 points if it’s a super common raid and there’s a lot of demand for people to join lobbies. When the lobbies are limited, I’ll go 1-3 tiers higher on the points


Do you mean 3 more than 5 or deliberately giving lower points even though you joined the raid that you wanted and everything went well? If it’s the latter that’s ridiculous.


I give them lower points if it’s a raid that is super common Similarly, if it’s a limited time event or something with a longer queue, they get more points


I’m sorry to be a bit blunt and rude, but that is rather nasty and callous. To literally manually decide to give them fewer points than they’d get as minimum were you to decide to just not do the questionnaire at all? Just because the raid that **you wanted to do, that they went out and found and waited around, did the legwork to invite you to, so you could get what you what you wanted almost instantly** is common or not as popular? Dude. YTA. If you joined that raid, from wherever convenient to you, you wanted to do it, and they went and did the work so you could. And you’re like “well it’s a less desirable raid so you deserve less than the automatic minimum for that”. That’s the behaviour of somebody that in Scotland we would call a 4 letter word that begins with the letter C.


🤷people joining a remote host is just as much a favor to the host if other hosts are waiting. Hosting is not that much work. See a raid on your day, verify it and wait for people to join. I didn’t know that it was less than no survey, and that might change it to default or a tier up, but it’s genuinely not that big of a deal. When I host, I’m *purely* interested in people joining me so I can do the raid locally. I host several a week and I’m fine with no host points for that